I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1101: If you want to become stronger, you have to be struck by lightning

Thunder Palace.

In the main hall.

Lei Yi looked at the magical methods recorded in writing in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

"This supernatural power named "Xunlei Shenjian", how can you look so familiar, isn't it the extremely secretive killing **** and magic gun of "Heaven Fighting Fist"? "

The Thunder God Spear, injects the power of thunder into the fingertips, and turns into a sharp spear that penetrates the enemy.

This introduction is almost the same as the Killing Demon Gun.

However, in order to practice this trick, the caster needs to master the law of thunder and accumulate enough thunder power in the body, which is a prerequisite.

Lei Yi guessed that the power of this trick should be more powerful than the Demon Spear.

Because the latter does not require the operator to master the power of the law, only the power of thunder and lightning is accumulated in the body, which can be used to perform.

But precisely because of these prerequisites, Lei Yi was temporarily unable to meet the training requirements.

He has enough power of thunder in his body. Dark thunder is also thunder and lightning, and it is the talent of the shadow demon clan. He does not lack these.

"Lee of Thunder, it's not easy to master this stuff!" Lei Yi scratched his head and fell into consideration.

The secret hidden weapon technique of the Rainstorm Hall, the rainstorm gale, only needs to master the law of power to be able to use it. As a result, when you arrive at the Thunder Palace, you also need to master another law. The cost of learning this can be a bit big.

Just as he was thinking, Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong at the side of the palace finally finished their exchanges at this moment.

Lei Wanhong walked out carrying the puppet core floating in the rain.

"How is your boy looking?" As soon as he came out, he asked Lei Yi directly.

"Senior, I wonder if you have heard of Fierce King Fist?" Lei Yi asked subconsciously, but soon felt that this question seemed a bit stupid.

"Ferocious King Boxing, what kind of boxing is that? I have a lot of inner boxing skills in Xuanzong, and I can't remember every boxing method!" Lei Wanhong didn't even think about it, shook his head and vetoed it.

Sure enough, Lei Yi knew that the other party had never heard of it.

The Fierce King Fist was created by Yin Podi of the Heartless Divine Sect, and it was also a fist created by the opponent after he had flown into the Demon Realm.

Now the other party is still the young master of the Wuxin Divine Sect, and the Demon Realm has no shadow.

So, Yin Podi should have known the supernatural powers of Potian Xuanzong, and based on this, he created the Fierce King Fist?

Lei Yi thought, pointing to the text on the wall of the temple, and shook his head: "Senior, this secret method should have a strong attack power, but I don't have the law of thunder in my body, so I can't practice!"

"Huh, I thought you were worried about something, it turned out to be this!" Lei Wanhong smiled when he heard this answer.

"If you want to practice the Thunder God Spear, you really need to master the law of thunder, but do you think it takes a lot of effort to master a law?"

"Senior, what does this mean, do you have any tricks and quick ways to master the law?"

"Of course, otherwise you think my Thunder Palace, why should I build on the Peak of Yin Lei?"

Lei Wanhong said, staring at Lei Yi with a smile.

This scene made someone feel hairy and swallowed subconsciously.

"Senior, you mean, is there a way for me to quickly master the law of thunder?"

"Not bad!" Lei Wanhong nodded, but then he showed a taste of play: "This method will bring you a little pain..."

Outside the Thunder Palace, on a square.

In the middle of the square, there is a huge golden altar slightly above the ground.

The surface of the altar is engraved with dense runes. If someone looks carefully, they will find that these runes look like a series of thunder and lightning.

At this moment, these runes began to glow vividly, and countless dense electric arcs were also beating on the altar.

It's a pity that this scene made the heart of someone sitting in the middle of the altar straighten out.

After swallowing subconsciously, Lei Yi asked Lei Wanhong on the side of the altar: "Senior, are you sure this can help me quickly master the law of thunder?"

"Of course, all my disciples of Xuantian Xuanzong came here, so don't worry, you kid. I will control the power of the thunder formation and will not electrocute you all at once!" Lei Wanhong signaled Lei Yi to feel relieved.

But how could the latter feel at ease after hearing what he said.

"Boy, you endure hardships, you are a master, if you can't bear this thunderstorm, then I advise you to reincarnate early, and pray for a good family in your next life!" The core in Lei Wanhong's hands Beating, Yu Fusheng also spoke.

"Then... Okay, just come, isn't it just a few thunder and lightning, I will bear it!" Lei Yi finally made a decision and solemnly nodded.

"Yes, this is my disciple of Xuanzong Breaking the Sky, and I need this kind of aura!"

Lei Wanhong laughed, and then began to operate the Thunder Array.

In an instant, the barriers around the Thunder Palace slowly disappeared. This is because Lei Wanhong closed the restriction.

Only in this way can the power of the thunder that attract Leifeng flood into this place.

Otherwise, there is no way to absorb the power of thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, the Thunder Palace was built on the peak of Yin Lei. The power of thunder and lightning here is very powerful. The monks nearby all know that this place is dangerous, but no one dared to approach it.

"Boy, it's starting!" Lei Wanhong reminded by the side of the altar.

"I'm ready, come on, but Jin greets me!" Lei Yi yelled, taking it as a courage to himself.


The next moment, above the Leifeng Peak in the distance, a huge thunder dragon rose into the sky. Its body was close to one hundred feet long and its head was more than ten feet wide. The lightning power it carried was even more amazing.

Thunder Dragon rushed into the sky, amidst the gray dark clouds, lightning and thunder suddenly thundered and surged.

From the thunder dragon protruding out of the cloud, countless golden runes can be seen flickering. These are pure laws of thunder.

"This is the first time?" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi almost cursed in his heart.

Isn't it a good idea to proceed step by step, why the power of the first hit is so terrifying.

"Well, the heat is almost over, so summon it. This is the first blow..." Seeing this, Lei Wanhong on the side began to pinch the spell.

In an instant, the altar under Lei Yi also burst out with a huge thunder and lightning power, and the runes on the altar were also bright and dazzling.

In the sky, the Thunder Dragon seemed to be attracted, the huge dragon mouth opened, and a roar of thunder was heard.

Then he shook his body, descended from the sky, and swooped down toward the altar.

The whole body of this thunder dragon, thunder and lightning rushed in, gathering on its body surface.

Lei Yi watched the Thunder Dragon slowly grow from the size of a hundred meters.

Two hundred feet, three hundred feet, five hundred feet...

Finally, when the Thunder Dragon rushed to the top of the Thunder Palace, it had reached the size of a thousand meters.

"Senior Lei, you're playing with me!" At the last moment, when Thunder Dragon descended with a booming momentum, Lei Yi let out a miserable howl.

But then, his words were drowned out by the power of rolling thunder.


The altar of the Thunder Palace was submerged by countless electric arcs, and the entire square turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

In the dense electric arc, Lei Wanhong's golden robe flickered, and a barrier blocked him, dispelling all the electric arcs.

"Sister Yuan made this lightning protection gown for you, right?" Yu Fusheng also sensed this scene, the core flickered, and muttered.

"Yes, this is the thunder-accumulating beast that the three of us went out to practice together in the Thunderland. Junior sister used the fur of this beast to weave this robe for me!" Lei Wanhong said, pinching He pinched the corner of his robe and smiled.

"Hmph, the three of us had the same siblings back then, but now, all three of us are dead, and we can only rely on puppets to survive!" Yu Fusheng spoke again, his tone of sorrow and unwillingness.

"Alright, soon, just like you said, if you can save the Sect Master and fulfill my wish. Then even if the three of me sit down here, there will be no harm in returning their souls to the underworld!"

"The key depends on this kid. He is still too weak. Even if you use the thunder formation to help him, the improvement is limited. The key is to rely on the traction of the star picking hall. Only by pulling the strength of the gang can help this kid increase his strength quickly! "

"However, it would have to be the test of the junior sister that this kid passed. I can't help a wolf-hearted person!"

As the two said, Lei Wanhong's gaze turned to the field again.

At this moment, the first lightning strike was finally exhausted.

In the field, the raging electric arc had also disappeared, but the lightning runes on the surface of the altar were brighter than before.

On the surface of the rune, the arc was beating, as if the power of thunder and lightning had been absorbed by these runes.

In the middle of the altar, after the lightning disappeared, only a scorched figure remained, half kneeling on the ground.

"Ha...ha..." Lei Yi was panting at this moment, his skin was chapped, red blood overflowed, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

"Boy, let me teach you the magic trick quickly, and absorb the power of thunder and lightning around!" Seeing this scene, Lei Wanhong immediately reminded him.

"Know... Dao..." Lei Yi replied weakly after hearing it.

He immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, ignoring his injuries, and began to notice.

The power of thunder and lightning of the first strike was absorbed by the altar at this moment, and he needed to absorb all the power of thunder and lightning from the altar below him into his body.

After operating the Judgment, the altar also seemed to feel something. The energy above the runes, all along the texture of the altar, flowed to the center, where Lei Yi was.

Suddenly, he felt an extremely overbearing force pouring into his body.

This is the power of thunder and lightning, and it also contains the extremely powerful law of thunder.

In the same way, Lei Yi also felt that the divine orifice in his body was a little loose.

He is about to get rid of it!

"The power of thunder and lightning, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also a kind of power of heaven and earth, absorbing this law of thunder and lightning can help me open my mind!"

Perceiving this scene, he felt a little delighted, and even the speed of his detection increased by a few points.

As the power of thunder and lightning was absorbed by it, the injuries on his body surface were quickly healed.

Similarly, Lei Yi's body surface, gold runes, also flickered.

"Yes, the law of thunder has begun to take shape on his body..." Lei Wanhong glanced at him, and after thinking for a moment, concluded: "From my experience, the law of distance is stable, and it takes five to six times like just now. Attack is good!"

Fortunately, Lei Yi was working on the law of his whole body at this moment, otherwise he would have vomited blood when he heard this sentence.

One blow made him feel pained, and five or six attacks of the same intensity were required. Didn't this make him die?

But in this Thunder Palace, disciples, if you want to become stronger, you have to be struck by lightning!

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