I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1107: Field: Taiyin Fairy Palace (Happy weekend!)

"Zhen Mingyue, right? Since you are the first true biography, let me ask for some advice today to see if you are worthy of the name!"

In the sky, Lei Yi's figure suddenly appeared under the dark thunder and lightning.

In front of him, Zhen Mingyue, who ranked first among true biography disciples.

Facing the first true biography, Lei Yi was not timid, and was looking directly at the other party at the moment.

Seeing Lei Yi killing out and approaching herself, Zhen Mingyue was a little surprised.

Under the veil of this woman, the corners of her mouth were raised, her jade hand was a little bit, and the whole body was filled with cold air.

A blue python swiftly shuttled in the cold air, chasing after Lei Yi, it was about to bite down.

But Lei Yi's reaction speed was even faster. At the moment when the python bite, a dark arc appeared all over his body, and his figure disappeared again.

"What?" Seeing this scene, Zhen Mingyue's pupils shrank and she was shocked again.

Because this is the second time Lei Yi avoided her magical powers. The first time may be accidental, but the second time...

"Impossible. The area around my body is covered with cold air. Generally speaking, a monk who is one level lower than me, even the speed of his magical powers will be reduced several times under the influence of the cold air. His thunder escape technique is almost instantaneous. How can this be done? of?"

In thinking, countless dark arcs converged in the area behind Zhen Mingyue, and then a figure suddenly shot out.


A thunderous explosion also followed.

"Take me a punch!"

This time, Lei Yi was less than three feet away from the opponent, and it was still behind, which could be said to be a one-shot kill.

Lei Yi fist outright, carrying an astonishing thunder and lightning power on the fist wind, blasting out with one punch.

"Stupid!" But in the face of this menacing punch, Zhen Mingyue didn't even look back, but sneered.

Under the impact of the fist, the void trembled, but the woman just raised her eyelids, and then her whole body was rippling with cold.


The fist hit the woman's body, and then a wave of air exploded.

In the explosion, countless ice crystals were scattered, and the cold air also spread.

"This touch, didn't you hit it?" Outside of the cold air, Lei Yi quickly retreated, and at the same time recalled the sensation of the blow just now.

He knew that he didn't hit Zhen Mingyue's body, otherwise it would not be the situation.

Nowadays, the cold air is beginning to spread, the coverage area has reached a hundred meters, and the scope is gradually expanding.

Lei Yi could only retreat first, avoiding one or two.

Unfortunately, retreating like this is not a solution.

In the cold air, a figure appeared, it was Zhen Mingyue.

"As a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, do you only use fists and feet?" After she appeared, Chao Lei Yi sneered.

"Because you taught me nothing at the time when you were in the True Spirit Immortal Sect!" Lei Yi laughed and satirized the other party.

"Huh, the traitor still wants to learn how I teach magical powers, it's just a wishful thinking!" Zhen Mingyue sneered again, her whole body cold.

In the cold wind, a sword flew back to the woman's hand, and was later taken back by it.

She abandoned the magic weapon, but used Taoism, pinching the tactics continuously, and chanting words in her mouth.

Between heaven and earth, the temperature is getting colder.

Numerous rune cultures are ice crystals, floating in the void, looking like a rune of snow.

"Call the wind and call the rain!" Zhen Mingyue yelled, and said the name of the supernatural power.

"One of the thirty-six ways of Tiangang calls for wind and rain!" Hearing those four words, what came to Lei Yi's mind for the first time was the origin of Taoism.

In an instant, a cold wind hit, and an icy storm blew up between the sky and the earth.

Countless runes turned into ice crystals, looming in the storm.

Zhen Mingyue's magical powers are not powerful, but they belong to a wide range of attacks, covering a wide range of areas.

The entire Hall of Reaching the Stars is now within the attack range of the wind and rain.

In particular, Lei Yi was taken care of by Zhen Mingyue.

He felt that the void all over his body was frozen, and the dense runes flickered, making him tremble all over.

Fortunately, Lei Yi's body is strong, and although the cold is infiltrating, he can resist for a while.

However, such a hard resistance is not a solution, he must find an opportunity to defeat Zhen Mingyue.

Otherwise, it will continue, and he himself will be frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Although calling the wind and calling the rain is one of the thirty-six methods of Tiangang, apart from changing the celestial phenomenon and creating the benefits of the time, the attack power is not strong. You don't think that you can force Lei with a small amount of cold!" Lei Yi faces the cold. Shouted among them.

But the next moment, in the cold wind, several ice dragons rushed out of it.

Each of these ice dragons is larger than the previous giant pythons, and blue runes are scattered all over the body, and the scales on the body are shining with a piercing cold light.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi could only explode.

Then he was surrounded by ice dragons, and several ice dragons attacked in the first place.

Dragon teeth, dragon claws, including dragon tail, all threw at him.

Lei Yi couldn't help but, surrounded by the pitch black arc, barely avoided the blow.

"Wait, my speed has dropped!" However, he found that the speed at which he cast Thunder Escape had actually become several times slower than before.

"I found out now, it's too late!" In the cold wind, Zhen Mingyue's voice came.

The law of her cultivation, although it can control the cold, but the real killer against the enemy is not these ice dragons, but affects the opponent's spell casting speed.

As long as your speed slows down and you can't deploy magical powers in time, then this woman can take the lead and even kill the opponent in seconds.

"Can avoid the first blow, but can you avoid the second blow?" Zhen Mingyue sneered in the cold.

Lei Yi used Lei Dun and moved from one place to the second place, but he hadn't settled yet. The whole body was chilly, and several ice dragons came out again.

This time, the arc around him has not been extinguished yet, and he wants to use Thunder Escape, it must have a cooling time.

And Zhen Mingyue seized this opportunity.

But just when the woman thought she was bound to succeed, an accident happened.

Lei Yi was surrounded by a golden light curtain. When the surrounding ice dragons attacked, they were all covered by the light curtain, slowing down several times.

Relying on this trick, he bought himself enough time, and his figure once again disappeared in the thunder and lightning package.

The light curtain disappeared, and the speed of the ice dragon returned to its original state, but all the attacks were hit in the empty space.

"How come..." At this moment, Zhen Mingyue was also a little uncomfortable.

The blow that I thought I was going to win was hit again.

"What kind of magical power is that beam of light just now, it has weakened the attack speed of my magical power, is it the same type as me..."

"I've been chased by you for so long, this time I've changed!"

But while this woman was still thinking, an electric arc flickered behind her, and then Lei Yi killed her.

Taking the moment of Zhen Mingyue's distraction, Lei Yi seized the opportunity, slammed behind the woman, and shot again.

This time, at Lei Yi's fist hole, countless black thunder and lightning gathered together, and his body surface also had black thunder patterns flickering.

"Xunlei Spear!" Lei Yi displayed the new trick he learned in Xunlei Palace.

"Stand up without a shadow!" But in the face of this blow, Zhen Mingyue didn't even frown, but slowly said these four words.

The next moment, Lei Yi's fist went straight through the woman's body.

In other words, Zhen Mingyue's body turned into a phantom in an instant, and Lei Yi's fist opened up in the air without hitting anything.

"Grass, this woman has also learned this trick!"

After the attack failed, Lei Yi directly exploded.

Standing upright and shadowless, one of the thirty-six ways of Tiangang, the effect is: the caster enters a state of invisible, shadowless and invisible, and can invalidate all attacks!

The attacks here generally refer to physical, and sometimes refer to some conventional Taoism, but attacks on spirits cannot be avoided.

So this trick is basically ineffective against the ghost cultivators, but for a brash man like Lei Yi who uses his fists, it is naturally restrained.

After seeing this trick, Lei Yi's face became extremely ugly.

But this was not over yet. After Zhen Mingyue avoided the attack, she naturally wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

"Since ordinary attacks are ineffective against you, let you see why I can become the number one in the truth..."

The woman said, her hands formed the "sun and moon two light seals", and the power of the law in her body shook for a while, spreading to the surroundings.

"This is..." Seeing this scene, how could Lei Yi not know what would happen next.

"The domain is unfolding..." Zhen Mingyue completed the seal, and the whole body was blessed by the mighty force, and said softly: "Taiyin Palace!"

In an instant, a cold wind emerged, the air currents danced wildly, and the entire Hall of Star Harvesting was covered by a huge blizzard.

Lei Yi's figure was also under the blizzard, almost losing his balance and falling to the ground.

He barely supported him in the cold wind, maintaining the state of flying in the air, but the wind and waves were too big, making him a little unable to open his eyes.

After waiting for a few breaths, the storm gradually subsided, and then he resumed his sight.

But at this moment, the terrain has changed.

What appeared in front of Lei Yi was actually a beautiful palace in heaven.

The clouds and mist under his feet were surging, and the ground could not be seen, and a bright moon hung high in the sky, blooming with light.

A cool breeze blew, and the forcing chill made him shiver.

And above the palace in front of her, Zhen Mingyue's white skirt fluttered, like a fairy in charge of this place, her whole body exuding a holy and noble light.

Zhen Mingyue, standing above the palace, said in a condescending manner: "Traitor, you should be proud of it, because you let me display the field. You must know that even if it is the same level, few people can force me to use it. Make this trick!"

"Your domain, don't you just change a place to fight!" But Lei Yi, naturally, would not recognize that a backhand was a wave of ridicule.

"Huh, death is imminent, I still don't know it!" But Zhen Mingyue sneered and said: "Well, let you see, my field is great!"

When this woman held the void, a chill condensed and turned into a long sword, which was held in my hand.

Afterwards, countless divine orifices lit up on this female Zhou's body, and under the twinkling of light, it was as dazzling as a starry sky.

Lei Yi saw it very clearly, and after a rough count, he found that the woman's divine orifice had reached a total of 71.

Just when he was ready, Zhen Mingyue shot.

This woman is holding an ice sword, standing still on the palace gate, and slashing out with a sword.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed color, the clouds and mists surged in a large area, and the entire void was split by a huge sword light.

The attack point of Jianmang was exactly where Lei Yi was.

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