I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1109: Isn't there one more here?

The mysterious runes that Lei Yi displayed were his major principles.

The power of the law of time!

As for Zhen Mingyue, it was obvious that she had never fought against a monk who mastered the law of time.

The weird energy displayed was revealed when it dispelled the Law of Destruction without any barriers.

This kind of ability left this true biography first clueless.

As for Lei Yi, naturally he would not take the initiative to tell the other party what his abilities were.

"Zhen Mingyue, pressed me for so long, now it's my turn to fight back!" He looked at each other and laughed.

"Oh, you are very confident?" But his words made the woman standing on the top of the palace doubt.

"Now, still in my domain, you think you can defeat me with your demonstrated ability. It's a dream!"

"Are you dreaming? See the real chapter under your hand!"

Lei Yi didn't intend to wrestle with Zhen Mingyue anymore, so he did it directly.

The golden light appeared all over his body, and two more runes appeared in his palm. At the same time, the golden eyeball mark on his chest also bloomed with astonishing light.

Behind him, a phantom of a towering tree emerged, and the luxuriant branches and leaves were covered with golden runes.

"Go!" Lei Yi exclaimed, taking a step forward with his right foot, and his figure disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had only advanced more than ten feet.

But just like this, Zhen Mingyue's eyes shrank slightly.

"How is it possible, without being affected by my domain, his escape technique is instant, without a trace of lag!"

The woman murmured in her heart, but her expression was well controlled by her.

And Lei Yi, who was in the golden light, moved forward more than ten feet at a time, and actually quickly shortened the distance from Zhen Mingyue.

"Even if your abilities are weird, I am invincible in the domain!" Seeing this, Zhen Mingyue grabbed the Void and the Ice Sword was held in her hand.

Afterwards, the female body was chilly, and a force of law exuding an astonishing chill swept across the void.

The cold air naturally covered the area where Lei Yi was.

But a strange scene happened.

This astonishing cold air, when approaching Lei Yi, was actually resisted by a layer of golden light, and it became impossible to advance.

"What!" Seeing this scene, Zhen Mingyue finally exclaimed.

Her chill was actually unable to get close to Lei Yi, and was blocked by that mysterious ability.

And because he couldn't get close to Lei Yi, he couldn't talk about influencing the opponent, and couldn't reduce the opponent's speed.

Lei Yi was in the golden light, and once again disappeared in place.

Zhen Mingyue furrowed her brows tightly, her spiritual consciousness spread out, covering her surroundings.

"Disappeared, where is this traitor?" Her eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to find Lei Yi's position.

Behind her, a golden light emerged.

"Behind me!"

At the next moment, Zhen Mingyue suddenly turned around and slashed a sword towards the rear.

Amidst the golden light, an arm stretched out, and at the same time a branch stretched out.

On the arm, the golden runes spread, and the branches and leaves drove the golden ripples, blocking the sword light's slashing trajectory.

An even more incredible scene appeared.

The sword light cut out by Zhen Mingyue carried the power of the law of destruction, but when it approached the golden ripples, the speed was suddenly reduced.

In the golden light, Lei Yi walked out slowly.

He looked at Jian Mang who was standing towards him, and moved a half step to the side without any haste, avoiding Jian Mang easily.

"What kind of ability is this, it slowed down my attack!" Seeing this scene, Zhen Mingyue raised countless questions in her heart, but no one answered her.

And when this woman was distracted, a figure carrying golden light in front of her suddenly slammed into her.

Zhen Mingyue only remembered now, but now she is fighting.

A cold light appeared in her eyes, and she also took a half step forward, holding the ice sword, and slashed forward.

When this woman acted, she was surrounded by a strong cold air, and even the golden light could not disperse it in time.

But by this time, Lei Yi's goal had been achieved.

"The Thunder God Spear!" The five fingers of his right hand were prickly, and the black thunder and lightning condensed on his fingertips, turning them into the tip of a long spear.

Lei Yi pierced out with one hand, carrying a sharp edge, and took the key to Zhen Mingyue.

Numerous cold air struck, but they were all blocked by the golden light on his body.

At this moment, both of them performed a killer move.

Zhen Mingyue slashed with an ice sword, while Lei Yi used the Thunderbolt, intending to kill the opponent in one blow.

"Traitor, die for me!" The former yelled softly, and Jian Mang was the first to cut it out, cutting away at the figure in front of him.

But facing the slash with the law of destruction, Lei Yi directly ignored it, and didn't even plan to avoid it.

Jian Mang came to the front soon, golden light appeared on his surface, and the branches and leaves of the towering tree behind him gently flicked forward.

Right in front of Zhen Mingyue's eyes, the sword light she had cut out actually collapsed directly, turning into countless red runes, and then dissipating invisible.

"Why... it's impossible!" This scene made this woman finally screaming out of her voice.

Her attack was resolved by Lei Yi with a single blow, but it was an attack that carried the Law of Destruction, so it was gone?

If Lei Yi is a cultivator in the late Heaven and Human Realm, then there is nothing to do at this step, and this woman would not be so surprised.

But the opponent was only in the early stage of the Celestial Realm. During the confrontation just now, she also saw the number of divine orifices in the opponent's body.

That's only 10 pieces, compared to 70 pieces of divine orifices in her body, this gap should be crushed.

But not only did she not crush the opponent, but now she was pushed into desperation by the opponent's weird ability.

Seeing Lei Yi killed, Zhen Mingyue was shocked, but her face returned to calm again.

"Stand upright without a shadow!" She also has this trick to save her life. As long as she has the blessing of this method, she can naturally be invincible.

The woman's figure turned into a virtual reality, showing a translucent posture, and then she looked at Lei Yi with a bit of sarcasm.

"I have the law to defend myself, and your methods are useless, no matter how weird they are, they can't cause harm to me!" After Zhen Mingyue became virtual, she did not forget to taunt Lei Yi.

After all, the means that could not attack her were a waste of energy.

"Really?" However, Lei Yi also smiled weirdly.

This time, his fingertips condensed a golden rune before his Thunder Gun was shot out.

Subsequently, Lei Yi shot out.

The dark thunder and lightning spear, carrying an astonishing power, blasted Zhen Mingyue with one blow.

"I said, your attack can't cause me..."

Zhen Mingyue wanted to ridicule again, but Lei Yi rushed in front of him. When the two looked at each other, they could only hear the latter's lips move and shout out four words.

"Invert yin and yang!"

"What!" These four words shocked Zhen Mingyue's heart.

Then she watched a golden rune and struck her body first.

The moment the golden runes poured into the body, Zhen Mingyue felt that the power of the laws in the body, including the consumption of vitality to maintain an upright and shadowless, all reversed.

Her figure was also turned into reality and revealed again.

This scene made the woman extremely shocked and almost lost her senses.

But she was too late to be stunned, because when her figure was revealed, her body was drowned in pitch-black thunder.

The vital part of Zhen Mingyue's chest was directly swallowed by the thunder light, and even the woman had no chance to react, so she was hit by the Thunder God Spear.

"Win!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Above the palace, because of Lei Yi's attack directly hit, a thunder light soaring into the sky was formed.

Amid the huge roar, the entire field began to collapse.

This also shows that the caster no longer has the power to fight, and even the domain can't maintain it.

The palace shook, the bright moon in the sky fell, and the surrounding chill was gradually dissipating, the scene began to recover, and the shadow of the Star Picking Hall could already be vaguely seen.

In mid-air, a figure fell, carrying a dark arc on his body, it was Zhen Mingyue.

When this woman fell to the ground, the domain just disappeared.

"Senior Sister!" At this moment, a figure flew out from behind, it was Lin Ziqing.

It was the first time that she saw this senior sister so embarrassed that she actually lost to a traitor.

When Lin Ziqing flew to Zhen Mingyue's side, she had to stretch out her hand to support her, but she was blocked by the arc on the latter's body. No matter what the woman used, the arc could not be dissipated.

"Ahem..." And Zhen Mingyue continued to cough up blood in her mouth, but she didn't lose consciousness under this blow.

"It's really fateful, it's not dead!" Lei Yi saw this scene, and then landed, with some surprises at the same time.

It stands to reason that he hit this woman's key with this blow, and the other party should just fall directly.

"I actually... lost to... a traitor..." Zhen Mingyue fell to the ground, but she stared at Lei Yi with unwilling eyes.

Immediately afterwards, she did not give Lei Yi a chance, and directly shouted to Lin Ziqing: "Junior Sister...Hurry up and use...the palm taught..."

Although this half of the sentence has not been finished, Lin Ziqing already knows what it means.

The latter took out a jade pendant and crushed it directly.

The next moment, a touch of radiance envelops the two of them, and at the same time a weird law fluctuates, forming abruptly in the void.

"This is..." Lei Yi saw this scene and wanted to take action, but unfortunately it was too late.

In the void, a big white hand came out, covering the two daughters Zhen Mingyue and Lin Ziqing below.

"The running dog of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, I still want to leave!" Yuan Ruomeng and the others finally took action after seeing this scene.

This woman is the commander of the Hall of Picking Stars. Seeing Zhen Mingyue and others are leaving at this moment, how can I let them go.

She pinched the tactics quickly, and countless arrays suddenly appeared all over the body of the two women.

But the big hand in the void ignored it and grabbed it.

Under the power of the big hand, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com all collapsed, and they couldn't even stop the opponent.

Then he grabbed the two daughters with big hands, and immediately immersed in the void in front of Lei Yi and the others, and disappeared.

"This is the method of the cultivator of the Saint Realm!" Yuan Ruomeng frowned when he saw this scene from behind.

Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong's faces were equally ugly.

Because they didn't actually leave anyone with the true spirit fairy sect.

"Wait, isn't there another one here?" Suddenly, Lei Yi was surprised.

Because in his induction, there seemed to be someone who had not had time to escape.

He looked towards that direction and saw a ray of light rising into the sky, rushing towards the outside of the Star Picking Hall.

This person is not someone else, but the Promise King surnamed Array Master who was left behind by Zhen Mingyue and others.

If it's someone else, Lei Yi really can't help it.

But for a mere magician, Lei Yi said that you have gone far this time!

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