I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1143: Seal 5 senses (Have a nice weekend!)

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"Thunder Gun!"

Lei Yi, who was engulfed in the black mist, was a killer move.

He took a step, and his figure instantly came to the top of the head of the spiritual illusion lord, the black mist around his body receded, but at the same time, there were countless dark arcs jumping out.

Lei Yi punched out at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

This blow, he has full self-confidence, the spiritual illusion sovereign will definitely not be able to take it.

The Thunder God Spear, with a reaction speed faster than that of the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master, hit the opponent's body with a blow in the opponent's slightly astonished face.

In the sky, an electric arc surged in an instant, and the white mist dissipated. Under this blow, the body of the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master was directly overwhelmed by countless bolts of lightning.

However, Lei Yi frowned again under a single blow, and flew back to the back.

Because he knew that the blow just missed it, the body of the spiritual illusion master is still fake, not the main body.

Sure enough, when the pitch-black thunder and lightning raged for more than ten breaths, when it finally stopped, the surrounding white mist covered it again, and the domain was still not broken.

Similarly, the spiritual illusion suzerain who was in the middle of the attack had long since disappeared.

"There was no real feeling just now, which means I didn't hit it again!" Lei Yi's face was extremely solemn, and he looked around, feeling even more helpless in his heart.

How outrageous the psychic sect master's ability was, it didn't even hit.

Or in other words, how many tactics the other party hid, even if the winning ticket is in hand, it didn't reveal the main body.

It's so insidious!

Just as Lei Yi retreated, the thick fog behind him surged and a figure appeared.

This figure is the Sovereign Spirit Illusion. After his figure was revealed, he said with contempt: "So this is your dying counterattack?"

"Don't be arrogant!" Lei Yina endured the ridicule, his body flashed like electricity, and he slammed in front of him again with a punch.

It is a pity that when the fist touched the opponent's body, the latter's body collapsed again, giving no one a chance at all.

"But with only this ability, I dare to betray the True Spirit Immortal Sect. It really makes me wait for the surprise!" The voice of the Spiritual Illusory Sect Master came from all directions, imaginary and real, making people confused.

And Lei Yi stood still and thought again.

I don't know if the power of this phantom sovereign is a simple illusion, another power must be hidden in it.

Otherwise it cannot be so hard to find.

Moreover, the dense fog around him shielded the divine consciousness, and coupled with the weird coverage, it was almost impossible for him to get rid of the realm.

Coupled with the previous failure to find the boundary of the domain, he knew that even if he used the Yuanlong Transformation, it would not be possible to break the domain, and this thought was extinguished.

The ability of the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master really restrained him, and he couldn't touch the opponent after playing for a long time!

"I can't hit it, and if I run, I'm going around in circles again. How can I make it all right?"

Lei Yi thought for a long time, focusing on the dense fog around him, and finally thought of a way.

He raised **** on his right hand, and then pierced his left hand under the gaze of the spiritual master.


Lei Yi's left hand palm was punctured, and a large amount of blood splashed out from it. The blood dissipated in the air and turned into a cloud of blood.

"Knowing that you can't beat me, you start to self-mutilate?" In the void, the voice of the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master came out again.

But Lei Yi didn't say much, but urged his supernatural powers to fill his body in the blood mist.

The blood mist instantly infiltrated the surrounding area, staining all the nearby white mist with a layer of blood, and the range of the blood mist was also rapidly expanding.

"Hmph, stupid behavior, I really don't know what your plans are for this seat?" But the next moment, the spiritual master sneered again, urging his magical powers in the thick fog.

The mist surged, and a hurricane struck, directly rolling up the blood mist around Lei Yi.

The hurricane formed a huge storm, indiscriminately engulfing thick fog and blood fog. In the end, the blood fog that Lei Yi wasted by so much blood was also eliminated.

The thick fog rushed in again, refilling the missing part, and soon Lei Yi's whole body was in a state of being out of sight.

"This kid's magical powers are weird, so it's better to clean it up sooner, but later it will change!" The spiritual illusionist who hid in the dark finally decided not to keep his hands.

She had been hiding for so long just now, and she also discovered one thing, that is, Lei Yi did not threaten her with the means, and she could use her magical powers at will.

As for the Yuanlong Transformation mentioned by Jin Lingsheng, it was just a little stronger, and she was least afraid of enemies with stronger strength.

Because the magic sky and maze in this field will make the enemy powerful and useless.

The spiritual illusionist raised his hand, and a azure blue flying sword appeared in his hand.

After sacrificing the flying sword, she quickly pinched the tactics with both hands while driving a certain magical power.

Flying sword slid around in the air, and then appeared hundreds of sword shadows, and then turned into a huge sword formation, blocking Lei Yi's all directions.

"Go!" In the end, the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master moved towards the target at the center, and hundreds of sword shadows moved at the same time.

But Lei Yi, who was in the center, didn't know this at all.

He only sensed that there were a series of sharp attacks all over his body, and then he saw hundreds of sword shadows, attacking him at the same time.

"My senses are limited!" Lei Yi was a little surprised when he saw the attack, but he immediately moved into action.

An electric arc appeared all over his body, and his body suddenly rushed out, avoiding the sword shadow in the first round.

But when he moved to the distance, he found that all the positions around his body were blocked by Feijian.

Seeing this, Lei Yi knew it was not good, but it was too late when he wanted to dodge.

"Fight!" In the end, the big decision was not to hide, but to accept the attack.

He poured the law of power into his body, and the silver runes flashed all over his body, and then his figure was drowned in dense sword shadows.

Under the attack of Feijian, Lei Yi felt tingling pains all over his body, and the sword shadow left bloodstains on his body.

But when he was under the attack, Lei Yi's eyes were staring at the wound on his body surface, and he discovered a strange thing.

After more than ten breaths, Jian Ying's attack stopped, and hundreds of sword marks were added to his body, and his body was dripping with blood, which was miserable.

However, at this moment, Lei Yi, even though he was seriously injured, did not show a trace of decay in his eyes, but a little more clear.

"That's it, that's it!" Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had discovered a secret.

"Hmph, death is imminent, is there a madman?" Seeing this, the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master sneered and wanted to make another move.

But Lei Yi is faster than her.

Lei Yi raised his hands and pointed his fingers towards his head.

Puff, puff, puff!

In other words, he pierced his head with his fingers, and also pierced ten slender blood holes.

Under this situation, Lei Yi's vision was blurred and turned into pitch black. At the same time, blood overflowed from his ears, and his hearing was also affected.

Lei Yi actually closed his five senses.

"Lord of the illusion, your ability is not an illusion, but to disturb the five senses of others!" At this moment, Lei Yi finally spoke after he harmed himself.

As soon as this remark came out, the phantom lord who was hiding in the dark changed his complexion slightly.

"The mist that you release can shield the divine consciousness, because you know that divine consciousness is not one of the five senses, but the manifestation of spiritual power. If you want to disturb it, you need to spend more energy. You have to maintain the domain, and you can’t do it. At this level, that's why I chose to use magical powers to directly shield it!" Lei Yi continued to speak.

At this moment, he, regardless of whether the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master will refute, his ears are injured anyway, even if the opponent speaks, he can't hear it.

"Your ability can disrupt the enemy’s five senses, so I flew for so long just now, but didn’t reach the boundary of the domain. Not because your domain is huge, but because I keep flying in the wrong direction. Actually, I didn’t go along. Fly away in a straight line, turning in circles on the spot."

"Similarly, this fog can block the divine consciousness, so when you see me dye the thick fog red with blood, the blood fog will be dissipated as soon as possible, in order to prevent me from being able to sense my own blood! "

Speaking of this, Lei Yi raised his hand and pointed, and this direction happened to be the location where the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master was hiding.

"You woman, your magical powers are really insidious, but it doesn't work for me anymore!"

After saying that, Lei Yi didn't waste time anymore, his figure turned into a flash of lightning under the dark thunder and lightning, and he rushed towards the edge of the field.

This time, his direction was not disturbed anymore, it was a straight line.

However, the spiritual illusion sovereign stayed in place and did not act.

Because Lei Yi's finger just pointed out her location, it was accidental, or the other party had noticed her position.

"No, it is impossible for this traitor to find my position. If he closes the five senses, he will not be able to find me. The fog can shield the divine consciousness. It is my creation realm supernatural power. How can he sense me by his means alone!"

In the end, the phantom master made a decision.

Lei Yi couldn't sense himself, and now the other party flew towards the edge of the field, just to run away.

Thinking of this, she raised her hand, and the blue flying sword fell into her hand.

Her eyes were staring at Lei Yi, and she chased away with her sword.

As for Lei Yi, he was still sprinting, UU read www.uukanshu.com but suddenly looked back.

It was this glance that made him understand the original guess.

When Lei Yi was sprinting, he gave a sharp shout, and his body suddenly changed.

At this moment, the distance between him and the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master began to quickly get closer.

"What!" This scene made the latter extremely shocked.

The Spiritual Illusion Sect Master never expected that Lei Yi's purpose was not to smash the domain, but to himself.

"Woman, you didn't expect it, I can really sense your position now!"

At this moment, Lei Yi, although blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears, did not prevent him from showing murderous intent on his face.

After being pressed and beaten by the opponent for so long, he was going to let out a bad breath.

At this moment, the spiritual illusion lord had no idea why he was found by Lei Yi.

But this time, it was not Lei Yi's fist that greeted her.

Lei Yi let out a loud shout, and after his body rolled around in the air, countless black mists gathered and spread all over his body.

In an instant, a black dragon claw protruded from the black mist, and then a black dragon appeared.

Facing the spiritual illusion sovereign, he displayed the Yuanlong Transformation and vowed to kill the opponent!

"Not good!" And the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master, his complexion changed drastically when he saw this scene.

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