I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1159: I was hit by a treasure?

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Fight the gods underground, in the Prison Dragon Palace.

Lei Yi was in the underground space where the Prison Dragon Palace was located at this moment, and he also saw the goal of his trip, breaking the heavenly Xuanzong's most treasured dragon rope.

But the question now is how to take this thing away.

But he saw that a bone with the supernatural power of a real dragon was destroyed by the dragon cable and the soul with the bone.

He thought that his magical powers were better than that of the skeleton, but didn't he see that the opponent was killed by a spike.

In other words, the dragon rope can kill a true dragon bone in a second, and even the soul with the bone will raise it for you.

Is it not difficult for the other party to ask Yang to drop Leiyi's bones?

"This treasure was used by the Emperor Xuantian Destroyer of the Xuantian Sect, in other words, it was a treasure driven by a cultivator of the saint realm. I don't know if I, a cultivator of the realm of heaven and human, can I be an emissary?"

Lei Yi pondered, and finally suppressed the fear in his heart and flew towards the dragon rope in the sky.

At the moment, all the ghost clan ghosts in the Dragon Palace have been quiet.

Who dares to make trouble, the real dragon phantom that made trouble before will be the end, not to mention the frustration and the ashes, the soul will give you a fan.

The deterrent power of the dragon rope is full, and the style is domineering, and it will destroy you if you are not strict and discordant.

And Lei Yi, facing such a treasure at this moment, said that it is impossible not to be afraid.

"Forget it, just die!"

He flew near the dragon-binding rope, and the treasure seemed to have a sense, hovering in the chains in the sky, and poked out a head.

At this time, Lei Yi discovered that the dragon cable was really big, and the dragon head alone was nearly ten feet tall.

Not only that, but according to the statement that the treasure can become bigger and smaller as you like, this treasure might really be limited to Xuantian Annihilation.

"Ahem, hello!" As he had no experience in down payment magic weapons, Lei Yi could only say hello to Longsuo with a smile.


But the answer to him was a loud dragon chant.

Under this roar, Lei Yi's mind was shocked, and his body trembled involuntarily.

But then he found that the dragon rope did not attack, still entrenched in the body, staying in the air.

"Don't attack me?" Lei Yi was overjoyed when he saw this.

It seems that the goal of the dragon rope is to suppress the monster race here, even if the opponent's body falls, the remnant soul left behind is also the goal of this treasure.

But he is not a monster, so he is not within the scope of Bielongsuo's suppression.

"There's a show!" Thinking of this, he was more courageous, and flew directly to the vicinity of the dragon cable.

Then he raised his hand, trying to touch the opponent.

But just such a move caused Longsuo to react.

In front of Lei Yi's eyes, under the golden light, a dragon's tail fell directly on him.

"Fuck, you guy doesn't speak martial arts..." He cursed directly in his heart before he was shot and flew out again.

Then I saw a figure, like a meteor in the sky, falling straight to the ground.


There was a huge shock from the entire Prison Dragon Palace, and Lei Yi was shot into the ground by the dragon rope.

When the smoke rises, someone is not in a good mood at the moment.

"Ahem, this treasure will also sneak attack... I'm careless, there is no flash!"

Lei Yi scolded and got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and then looked into the air.

The dragon rope still stayed in the sky, coiling his body, without much movement.

The breath of this treasure is as usual, the dragon head is hanging down, as if sleeping.

There was nothing to teach Lei Yi's Viscount, as if it shot out just like a fly.

"This...I was ignored by a treasure!" Lei Yi looked at Bound Longsuo, feeling speechless.

But then, as if he did not believe in evil, he flew towards the dragon rope in the sky again.

When approaching this treasure, a dragon's tail flung out again.

This time, Lei Yi had expected it long ago, so the moment the Dragon Tail shot, his figure dodged.

"Haha, no fight!" Lei Yi smiled after avoiding the attack.

But as soon as the laughter uttered, a dragon claw appeared in front of him.

Lei Yi's smile froze in an instant, and immediately after a strong attack on his body, the surrounding scenery appeared in his line of sight as if it were upside down.


the second time…

Lei Yi was shot into the ground below by the dragon rope for the second time.


Lei Yi felt that he was too embarrassing, and was knocked down by a treasure twice in a row.

"I'm not convinced!" Angrily, Lei Yi got up again and stood up.

He speeded up into the air, the dragon rope in his sight grew bigger and closer, getting closer and closer.

This time, just as the dragon rope flicked his tail, Lei Yi raised his foot and took a step, and his body instantly disappeared in place.

He performed a step to the sky, and came to the top of the dragon cable with a flicker.

But as if this treasure could be sensed, the dragon's tail suddenly changed its direction and slapped upward.

However, Lei Yi was prepared long ago, and his body was entangled in pitch black and lightning, and his figure disappeared again.

The dragon's tail's attack was blasted for the second time, and a anthropomorphic suspicious color appeared on the dragon's head that bound the dragon cable. It seemed that Lei Yi, the little bug, suddenly "jumped".

Just in front of this treasure, a figure shot out in the void, and his body was bathed in thunder and lightning. It was Lei Yi.

"Come and not go indecently, take my punch!" Lei Yi rushed to the front of Longsuo. He was a little surprised to see the other party. He knew that there was a chance for revenge, so he exhausted all his strength and punched out.

At his fist gang, silver runes flickered, and a huge fist shadow blasted toward the head of the dragon rope.


The fist hit the target, and an invisible wave of air exploded, blowing Lei Yi's body into the air.

But in the midst of the air wave, two dragon claws protruded and flung them to the left and right.

With a sneer, the storm was directly torn apart under the power of the dragon's claws, and the movement subsided instantly.

Then the third dragon claw came out and appeared in front of Lei Yi.

It was beyond someone's expectation that Longsuo was able to counterattack so quickly after being hit by a punch.

Lei Yi looked at the approaching dragon claw, his pupils shrank slightly.

But soon, his heart became fierce, and his eyes became fierce.

"This is what you forced me...Time Tyrant!" He screamed, and the silver runes on his body dissipated, replaced by large pieces of golden runes lit up.

He was in the void, and the power of the law of time was rippling, and the flow of time also changed accordingly.

The attack of that dragon claw suddenly slowed down when it entered the time tyrant's range.

In the rear, Bound Dragonsuo poked his head out, and the anthropomorphic color of doubt appeared on the dragon's head again, which was even stronger than before.

Then, this treasure once again sacrificed the dragon's tail and threw it towards Lei Yi's position.

But like Dragon Claw, when the Dragon Tail touched the enchantment of the Time Tyrant, the speed was also slowed down several times, so it was naturally impossible to touch Lei Yi.

The two attacks were ineffective, and the dragon rope seemed to be aware of the thorny layer of golden energy, and instantly retracted the dragon claws and dragon tail.

Afterwards, this treasure's body suddenly unfolded, the golden chain turned into a slender body, and he leaped towards Lei Yi.

But as he approached Lei Yi's body, there were also golden runes flowing on the surface of this treasure, which was obviously also a force of law.

The dragon head is about ten meters in size, and the scope of the time tyrant is not large, so under this treasure opened his mouth, he was about to swallow Lei Yi and the enchantment of his body in one bite.

When the dragon head touched the Tyrant of Time, his speed slowed down a bit, but because of the blessing of the law, the impact was not significant.

Seeing this, Lei Yi would naturally not succeed to the other party. He was slowed down by the dragon rope, and his body retreated violently.

The dragon's head bite naturally.

But after Lei Yi retreated more than ten feet away, he found that his body had been blocked by chains.

It turns out that the dragon rope also has not weak intelligence, the attack of the dragon head is a feint, the real purpose is actually the follow-up chain offensive.

Lei Yi looked around, the chains blessed by the golden runes turned extremely ugly.

This dragon rope seemed to possess some kind of imprisoning magical powers, and he felt that the vitality movement in his body had become extremely unsmooth, and even the power of the law of time could not be used flexibly.

In less than half a breath, Lei Yi's time tyrant enchantment naturally disappeared because of this treasure's confinement ability.

"It can actually hinder the circulation of the power of the law in the body of the imprisoned person, the ability of this treasure is really tricky!" After seeing this scene, Lei Yi knew it.

However, what he has to face now is the follow-up attack from Dragonsuo.

As the power of the tyrant disappeared, countless chains were entangled, and the imprisoning force became stronger.

"Fuck, there is no way to cancel the law!" This time, Lei Yi finally realized the problem.

But just as he was thinking like this, his body was already entangled by a thick chain.

Then Lei Yi was sent out by a huge force under the body of Longsuo Shaking.


The third time...

For the third time, he was smashed into the ground by the dragon rope, and for a while he forgot to get up. UU reading www. uukanshu.com



The ghost beasts around him seemed to be stimulated by Lei Yi's stupidity and embarrassment, and they all roared, as if taunting him.

But just under the turmoil of the animal herd, the dragon rope couldn't help it, and directly transformed into a huge chain that was thousands of feet long, directly crushing all the animal herd below.


All the ghost beast phantoms who were born just now were stunned by the chains and curled to the ground.

However, the attack of the dragon rope still did not stop, the huge body fell directly, and the chain ran over the bones of the monsters and beasts, crushing them into powder.

In the same way, when the bones disappeared, the ghost beast shadows also turned into fly ash, and disappeared with the wind.

After a few breaths, the Prison Dragon Palace became quiet again, and this time the remaining monsters were only less than one-third of the previous ones.

After losing the goal of suppressing the dragon cable, he flew into the air again, his body curled up and turned into a golden sphere.

The dragon's head hung down, as if asleep, and gradually disappeared.

And Lei Yi, still lying on the ground, whispered a word in his mouth.

"I was beaten by a treasure. The point is that I can't beat the opponent. There is no way to see people..."

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