I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1165: The eighth person to deliver?

Outside the Temple of Fighting God, the battle continued.

However, the battle was nearing its end, because of the direct line of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, only Yuanzhong Saint was left.

The rest of the people either used some kind of life-saving secret technique to escape from birth, or died in the hands of Xuantianjie.

After the battle until now, the last remaining Yuan Zhongsheng also knew that he could not be the opponent of Xuantian Mie.

After displaying the tens of thousands of miles in the domain, he caused the spirit body in the domain to launch an attack on Xuan Tian Mie, and he was preparing to flee far away.

But he overlooked one point, he has realm supernatural powers, and Xuantianjie also has killer moves.

And at this moment, Xuantian Mie offered a killer move!

Heavenly Fury Slaughter God Slash, the ultimate secret recorded in Xuanzong’s Zhenzong stunt, "Slaying God Triple Heaven Realm".

"What kind of supernatural power is this!" Looking at the immense power behind him, if Yuan Zhongsheng had no idea in his heart, it would be impossible.

But he knew that even if he had an idea, he had to press it down, because that power obviously locked himself.

To escape, you must escape.

Otherwise, the three sect masters of the Three Sacred Gates, Nangong Lie and Mo Qianyuan, would be their own fate.

"Hold him for me!" He shouted sharply and ordered the city in the middle of the field.

In the city, countless sergeants wearing armor stomachs flew up and killed them towards Xuantian.

The army was mighty, but in front of Xuantian Mie, it was as if a group of ants were coming to kill themselves in a team.

The Xuantian Mie who sacrificed the Heavenly Fury and Slaughter God Slayer directly ignored these sergeants, because it was absolutely impossible for him to rely solely on the realm of the Spirit Realm.

Its whole body is empty, like stars in the sky, with countless stars converging in one place.

His right hand is radiant at this moment, even more dazzling than the scorching sun.

"Heaven's Fury..."

Xuantian Mie's killing intent locked the Yuan Zhongsheng who was fleeing in front of him.

With an astonishing momentum, trembling the void, the gray fog in the sky was also affected, automatically splitting left and right.

"God Tu..."

In the void of heaven and earth, only the figure of Xuantian Mie was left, already the condensed starlight in his hand.

Guanghua became brighter and brighter, and his right hand moved along with it. Heaven and Earth seemed to anticipate what would happen next, and began to scream.

"Zhan!" When Xuan Tianmie said the last word, his right hand already waved, and he cut out towards Yuan Zhongsheng's position.

In an instant, the world was silent, and time and space seemed to have stagnated.

Yuan Zhongsheng had just flew out for more than a hundred miles, and under Xuantian Mie's hand knife, his body trembled suddenly, and an indescribable sense of crisis struck, making him instinctively want to dodge.

How can I hide? He and the void of his entire body are under the lock of the other party, and when that move is sacrificed, all the possibilities of his escape have been obliterated.

If you can't escape, then you can only hard-wire it!

But he didn't even have time to turn his head. An extremely strong force had already fallen in the space above his head, not at a speed that was completely invisible to the naked eye, and it was coming towards him.

Since he could not judge the power of this trick at all, Yuan Zhongsheng knew that he would definitely die if he took it.

So he didn't even think about it, and yelled: "Teacher Dream, save me!"

Asking others for help, this is almost impossible for Yuan Zhongsheng.

But at the moment of life and death, if he can't let go, then he really can only wait to die.

A crack suddenly appeared in the void behind it, and something seemed to be breaking through the space from it.

But at this moment, he was still within the lock range of the Skywrath Slaughter God Slayer, and the void behind him was blocked by this move, and support could not come.

"Am I going to lose my life here!" Feeling the delay of rescue behind him, Yuan Zhongsheng's pupils gradually diminished, and there was no fighting spirit in his heart.

In the end, Skywrath Slaughter God finally arrived.


The world, under this slash, was instantly split into two halves.

The center of the slash is where the Yuanzhong Sanctuary is.

His body was first divided into left and right halves, and then the top of his head was empty, and the tens of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains under his feet also split.

The void was completely cut off, and the slash opened a huge vertical opening, perpendicular to the ground, extending towards the sky.

The intersection between the incision and the void is extremely smooth, and the scope is even greater, with almost no end in sight at a glance.

Under this slash, the domain finally collapsed, and all the cities and sergeants in the domain disappeared invisible.

Between the sky and the earth, there was only the endless slashing scar left, and the power within it was gradually strengthening.


The earth cracked, and the sky was also cut off by this move, and the gray mist spread to both sides, but could not gather to the center.

Even the slender crack opened by the void, there is no space turbulence at this moment, as if the power of space has been completely cut off by this trick.

After a few breaths, the void completely "reacted", and the energy in it finally burst out.


Amidst the huge slash marks, a violent energy turned into a turbulent flow and burst apart.

Bright burning light erupted from it, spreading to the surrounding void.

The rays of light spread across thousands of miles, and everything was swallowed by the subsequent power of this move, the extremely huge energy, as if to inhale everything along the way.

In the distance, above the mountain.

"Come!" With Yuan Ruomeng's soft drink, all of them took control of their defenses.

Even Lei Yi is under the protection of several magic circles, his whole body is covered by the law of force, and at the same time he is covered by the law of time.

Then, that violent energy finally struck.

The dazzling rays of light struck in an instant, covering the area where they were.

Lei Yi heard a series of loud noises from the sky and the earth, and then a blur, a devastating energy, began to impact his whole body.

"Is this the power of Skywrath Slaughter God Slash? Not to mention that one move splits the void, the subsequent aftermath has such power!" He resisted this energy while thinking in his heart.

The defensive ban on his whole body, under the attack of energy, peeled off layer by layer and quickly shattered.

After a few breaths, the energy was still impacting, but the means of defense had all collapsed.

In the end, he could only use his physical body to resist, with silver runes gleaming on his body, and golden runes condensed all over his body.

Under the blessing of the power of the two laws, his body resisted wave after wave of impact, and finally stood at the end.

This subsequent violent energy raged for more than ten breaths of time, and when Lei Yi felt unable to support it, it finally began to weaken.

Fortunately, after a few breaths, the energy collapsed, and the aura of destruction disappeared without a trace.

There was only a huge gap between the world and the earth, which was still being repaired at the moment, but the speed was very slow.

When Lei Yi saw this scene, his heart couldn't be more shocked.

Because cutting the void with a single blow is a very amazing thing, but the energy contained in the slash can even block the void from repairing, which is even more terrifying.

It is estimated that the gap between the heavens and the earth will not be digested for several years or even decades, and the power of the void cannot be completely recovered.

It is estimated that the crack will last for a long time.


Lei Yi swallowed a mouthful of water, then pointed to the gap in the void, and asked: "We, are you really going to fight against Sect Master Xuantian Mie? Are you sure that this is not seeking death?"

"Why, are you scared?" Lei Wanhong was the first to recover from the rear and questioned.


Of course I am afraid!

Seeing the power of the trick just now, you have to say you are not afraid that it is all a lie.

If Rage Slaughter God Slash was cut on himself this day, he would not dare to think about the consequences.

"By now, we have no choice!" Yuan Ruomeng murmured, walking to Lei Yi.

But just as they were waiting for it, Xuantianjie in the distance began to act again.

He stepped out and walked near the crack amid the tremors of the earth, as if searching for something.

It's a pity that nothing is left here, even if Yuan Zhongsheng's body is really left, it is probably completely destroyed by the subsequent energy.

Xuantian Mie's eyes scanned the surroundings, and finally locked in a place.

"Monsters and aliens, dare to be wild in my sect!" He burst out angrily, and then grabbed to that position with one blow.

I saw in this area, a group of lifeless spirits rose into the sky, fleeing quickly towards the distance.

In the dead, there was a figure wearing a black armor, it was Cecil.

He was originally in the Temple of Fighting God, although he left later, he did not go far.

At this moment, he who was hiding on the side was finally discovered by Xuantian Mie.

Cecil also saw the record of the opponent group Miezhen Lingxian gang, so he planned to flee without even thinking about it.

But he obviously didn't think about how big the difference in strength between the two sides was and how he could escape.

The moment Cecil flew out, a big hand swept across.

The void was imprisoned again, Cecil's pressure on his body increased greatly, and his flight speed also slowed down several times.

Then, under the sound of a "bang", he was also blasted out.

After Xuantian Mie hit Fei Cecil with one blow, he was about to pursue it.

But at this moment, his figure suddenly stopped, and then he looked at a certain distance in the distance.

"You Ying, Zhuzhao, not dead yet..." he murmured, actually abandoning Cecil, turning around and rushing in that direction.



The earth trembled continuously, and Xuantian Mie's huge figure suddenly disappeared into the gray mist.

In the distance, above the mountain.

Lei Yi looked at the front with a stunned look. Not far from him, there was a big pit.

This was caused by the crash of Cecil just now.

"Everyone, how are we going to deal with him?" Lei Yi touched his nose, pointed at the big hole in front of him, and asked in a low voice.

He also did not expect that Cecil would be bombarded by Xuantian Annihilation in front of himself and the others. Wouldn't it be sent to him?

"Wait!" But at this moment, the masked man in the team suddenly uttered a sound, and a flash came to the big pit.

"You guys, aren't you still short of one person, plus his words, don't you just make up the number of people?" He then asked.

"Ha, add him?" Lei Yi looked dumbfounded after hearing it.

He thought that the peak owner was joking, but listening to the other's tone, it seemed that he was not joking.

But at this moment, Yuan Ruomeng and others showed a pensive expression.

It seems that they are considering whether Zhuo Fangyan's proposal is feasible.

Lei Yi doubted that although Cecil was sent to the door, he would help him and his party.

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