I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1183: Don't go too far, old man

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"The field is dazzled by hundreds of flowers!"

The old woman displayed the area and blocked Lei Yi and the Yaozu three people.

Bai Jiaojiao, Sun Lie and the Ninth Prince lost their traces in the sea of ​​flowers.

Lei Yi's sight was also blocked by the sea of ​​flowers, and he could only see the old woman standing in the sky.

"I said, old man, you are so old, why are you so angry?" Lei Yi stood in the sea of ​​flowers and shouted to the old woman.

But the three words "old man" seemed to hit the pain points of the old woman, making her look gloomy in an instant.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" She yelled in a sharp tone, and then stopped talking nonsense and made a bold move.

This time, the vitality fluctuations in the whole body of the old woman were a hundred times more intense than just now, and the power of her supernatural powers had also increased several times, obviously she was really angry.

Lei Yi saw the sea of ​​flowers tumbling, and under the flying petals, his whole body had been completely sealed off.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

With the sound of the breaking wind, these petals turned into hidden weapons at this moment, dense like raindrops, pouring down.

"Rapid wind and rain?" Lei Yi inexplicably thought of the stunt of the shower hall, but then shook his head.

The density of this trick is enough, but compared with Yu Fusheng's fame stunt, it is still worse than that.

On the ground under his feet, a huge black shadow wriggled up and turned into a pair of pitch-black hands, protecting it in the center.

The petals fell and pierced into the dark shadow, but they were all swallowed by it, unable to penetrate the dark shadow to threaten Lei Yi below.

"Sure enough, you have to use dark fluid to deal with this kind of move!" Lei Yi felt the flow of dark fluid and nodded in satisfaction.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" The old woman was equally surprised when she saw the dark fluid resist her supernatural power.

This method didn't seem to be something that a monk could use.

After a missed blow, the old woman flew up and escaped into the sky.

After flying to a high enough height, she looked down coldly and hummed: "Hmph, even if your supernatural powers are not weak, you don't want to beat me in my domain!"

Lei Yi raised his head to look at the old woman, and at the same time asked: "I can ask, why is your Excellency so angry, you even fight against me at the same level?"

"You die for the old man!" But his question touched the anger in the old woman's heart. After angrily cursed, she performed the pinch technique again.

The petals in the sky became denser, and gathered in the sky, forming a pink-white true dragon composed of countless petals.

The body of this dragon is a hundred feet long. Although it is far from the real dragon, it seems to be under the coercion of the dragon.

The old woman pinches the spell in the sky, and the power of heaven and earth in the body is also injected into the dragon's body, making the breath of this magic trick gradually increase.

"Go!" Finally, the old woman volleyed and pointed towards Lei Yi.

The petal dragon flared its teeth and danced its claws, swooping down like a real dragon, and aimed at Lei Yi.

Seeing this, the latter also knew that the old woman was really moving, so he raised the power of the law in the body.

The silver light on his body flickered, and the silver runes on his chest lit up, and then covered his shoulders, arms, and fists.

"It's actually the law of power!" Seeing the silver rune on Lei Yi's body, the old woman smiled instead.

"If you are cultivating other laws, the old man is still afraid of you three points, but it is actually the most useless law of strength, it is really beyond your own control!"

"Old man, don't you really think that the law of strength can't deal with you?" Lei Yi was naturally ironic when facing the opponent's provocation.

"I'm so angry!"

When the old woman heard the word "old man" again, her face was almost twisted, and her eyes were full of murderous intentions.

The dragon transformed by the petals accelerated again, like a meteorite from outside the sky, dragging a long tail flame and falling to the ground.

Facing the fierce attack, Lei Yi stood still, ready to go, and then punched out.


Under his punch, the void in front of him was distorted, and an invisible fist turned into a shock wave, directly colliding with the giant petal dragon.

The space is turbulent, and the dense cracks spread, spreading to a space of more than ten feet.

Fortunately, Lei Yi's power is far less exaggerated than Xuantian Mie, and he can directly shatter a large area of ​​void without a punch, and even blast a space turbulence between raising his hands.

But the power of his punch was not covered, he directly defeated the body of the true petal dragon, and the subsequent countless petals lost their traction, flying all over the sky, dazzling.

"No, it wasn't me that broke it, but the self-confidence of my supernatural powers collapsed!" But soon, Lei Yi reacted, his fist did not touch the real feeling at all.

This shows that this trick is not a powerful attack, but there are other follow-up tricks.

"Unfortunately, you realized it was too late!" At this moment, the old man's arrogant and sharp laughter came from above.

Lei Yi's whole body, the petals flew up again, forming a momentum of skyrocketing, flooding all the space around him.

His sight was completely blocked by the confused sea of ​​flowers, and there was nothing in sight except the petals.

"Oops!" Lei Yi also felt that his situation was very bad.

But just as he was about to use some means, a floral scent came from the tip of his nose.

His nostrils throbbed, and itching a little, and the fragrance of the flowers grew stronger.

Soon, Lei Yi felt dizzy, and even his body was almost unable to maintain balance.

"There's a problem with pollen!" Lei Yi finally understood what the old woman used.

The other party's magical powers are actually in the pollen, and the dragon that the petals turned into just now is just a bluff to cover up the other party's true means.

At this moment, the old woman took off her drape and sacrificed it.

This piece of silk was originally a magic weapon. After flying out, it turned into a white snake, and it was easy to strike at thunder.

Seeing this, the latter must use supernatural powers to resist.

But when he just used the vitality in his body, he found that he had lost part of his contact with his dantian, and the vitality that he could use was less than one-third of the previous vitality.

"It's useless, you have caught my flower poison, and now it is impossible to even use the vitality in your body!" Seeing that Lei Yi's movements were slow, the old woman knew that the other party had been attacked.

She pinched the formula again, the white snake divided into more than a dozen, and then turned into more than ten dense snake shadows, opened its fangs towards Lei Yi, and was about to bite it down.

But Lei Yi's eyes drenched, and his figure disappeared in the same place in an instant.

The white snake's attack also flew into the air, disappeared one after another, turned into a white drape, and then flew back to the old woman's hands.

"How is it possible, you are poisoned, how can you still act?"

"If my physical strength is not strong enough, I really can't get rid of the attack just now. But who made my physical strength far exceed the same level, the effect of flower poison on me is obviously not fatal!"

In the rear, Lei Yi's figure emerged.

"Old man, don't go too far. Although you don't know why you are so angry, you really think I'm a bully. Since you've made a heavy hand, don't blame me!"

Lei Yi is not muddled, the old woman's repeated killer has already made him really angry.

He ran the "Broken Heaven", the silver runes flashed on the surface of his body, and then he opened his mouth to exhale, and the flower poison in his body was spit out directly by him.

"You keep saying that I am looking for death, but in my opinion, it is you who are looking for death!" After Lei Yi dispelled the influence of the pollen, he screamed and his body rose into the sky.

"You gave up your magical powers yourself?" Seeing this scene surprised the old woman.

She thought that Lei Yi was good at using shadows, so she would not fly off the ground.

But if your feet are off the ground, it means that the dark fluid will no longer be usable.

Thinking of this, the old woman felt even more cold on her face. She pinched her hands to cast spells, and she would continue to make moves.

But at this moment, she was surprised. Lei Yi, who had originally flew up, suddenly disappeared from her sight.

"What's the matter?" She let out her consciousness, and finally found a trace above her head.

"One step to the sky!" Lei Yi used this supernatural power to occupy the commanding heights, and then a golden light appeared on his body.

He grabbed the void with his right hand, and a big golden hand formed on his side.

"Tianshi Mahamudra!" Looking at the old woman in front of her, she was not polite, and patted it with a palm.

Under this move, a palpable power spread and swept the Quartet.

Even the old woman was shocked for no reason, feeling that if she was recruited, something very bad would happen.

She cast the spell again, and the sea of ​​flowers all over her body was surging, and her figure disappeared into it.

Relying on the help of Huahai, she covered her tracks.

"Do you think you can escape?" But when Lei Yi saw this, he still did not change the direction of the attack, and launched an attack at the location where the old woman disappeared.

The big golden hand passed by, the ripples passed by layers, and under the influence of a strange force, the space was distorted.

However, this distortion is not caused by the force of space, but by the force of time.

At this moment, Lei Yi folded his hands together, and the golden runes reappeared on the surface of his body.

"Invert yin and yang!"

In that area, the defense of time went backwards, and under the rippling sea of ​​flowers, the figure of the old woman appeared in place again.

At this moment, the old woman's face was full of shock, and obviously she did not expect that she would return to the original point inexplicably.

"Not good!" But at this moment, the golden handprint had been killed, and she couldn't avoid it.


The big golden hand ran directly over her body, and then disappeared into the void behind.

But this trick left nothing except the mighty force that shook the world when it hit.

"Well, what's the matter?" Even the old woman was a little surprised.

This move didn't have any destructive power. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was so lucky that she thought it was the other party's ultimate move.

"What's the point of magical powers that can't cause harm to me?" She screamed, and was about to shoot again.

"That's not necessarily the case!" But Lei Yi smiled and rushed towards the other side as well.

The old woman's body surface flashed with runes, and a wave of heaven and earth blessed the whole body.

But at this moment, a burst of golden light emerged, covering the body of the old woman, and then all her body movements returned to the previous state.

"Huh?" The old woman seemed to be aware that something must have happened just now, but she couldn't guess Lei Yi's ability.

Then the runes flashed on his body surface, and Tiandi Weili was about to bless the whole body.

But at this moment, Lei Yi had already killed him.

"How come, your speed!"

"You didn't know it because you were recruited. Don't talk nonsense and take the punch!"

The old woman screamed, but she couldn't stop Lei Yi's fist from hitting her body.


Under the heavy fist of the old woman, her body was stained with blood, and the whole body flew out, bringing up a rainbow of blood, and finally smashed to the ground.

After Lei Yi hit the opponent and knocked the old woman out, there was a burst of comfort in his heart.

Make you arrogant

Make you cry

This is the end!

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