I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1191: Have to add money!

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Shi Xiao escaped, because of the sudden intervention of Venerable Mountain Seeker, Lei Yi could not pursue it.

And now, it was Lei Yi and Venerable Mountain Seeker one-on-one.

But since the opponent didn't do anything, Lei Yi naturally wouldn't take the initiative.

And looking at the look of Venerable Xunshan, it was obvious that he did not intend to confront Lei Yi head-on.

This is a bit strange, because after seeing the human monk, most Yaozu will take the initiative to kill.

But looking at the other person's appearance, as well as his previous speaking attitude, it seemed that there was no hostility at all.

It can be heard from the other party's tone that Venerable Mountain Seeker has done business with human monks, which has surpassed the instinct of the demon race.

The other party can even be described as being profitable, actually abandoning the race between races and dealing with human monks.

Venerable Xunshan is still smiling, his fingertips twisted with slender beards, and he looks kind and rich.

But Lei Yi is the most damned to this kind of people, because they can easily stab a knife in the back for profit.

"Since Fellow Daoist said so, I have to ask you a few questions. I wonder if I can answer one or two?"

"Hahaha, fellow daoists, please feel free to ask. As a business person, we pay attention to a friend who goes out to rely on a friend, and to make more fellow human beings, it is profitable to me without any harm!"

Venerable Mountain Seeker's eyes were almost narrowed into a slit, his face was full of smiles, and he signaled Lei Yi to ask casually.

"How did Shi Xiao find me? I hid my traces all the way, and most people can never track me!" Lei Yi naturally asked the first question, which is what he cares most about.

If the Beijiang Demon Race can really track him down, then his plan to escape to the northern border for refuge would be tantamount to a miscarriage.

Because when he entered Northern Xinjiang, what he wanted was the secrecy of this place. If anyone could find himself, it would be better not to escape.

"Oh, it turned out to be this!" Venerable Xunshan smiled slightly, then pointed to his feet, and motioned: "Please look at fellow Daoists!"

Lei Yi immediately looked down and saw that because of the fight between him and Shi Xiao just now, the ground had been pitted and cracked.

But in these cracks, there are many dark shadows drilling out, raising their heads to look at the two in the sky.

Lei Yi could see that these were all mice, with different body shapes and different hair colors. They were obviously different species of rodents.


"Yes, these are all rodent monster races in northern Xinjiang!" Venerable Mountain Xun laughed, and generously admitted: "It's true that it is called Venerable Mountain Xun, but in fact, it belongs to the mountain mouse clan. "

"Although the rat tribe is a small tribe in northern Xinjiang, it wins in a huge base, a large number of tribes, and footprints all over northern Xinjiang. Even in some dangerous places, there are compatriots of my rat tribe. Because of this, almost all of northern Xinjiang There is an intelligence network of my rat tribe, and I made my fortune on it, relying on the help of my compatriots, and started an intelligence business."

"Oh, no wonder..."

Lei Yi nodded, and now he understood everything.

He decided that the next time he ran away, he would not fly to the ground and walk through the clouds, so that the rodents would not be able to spot him.

Seeing Lei Yi's silence, Venerable Mountain Seeker suddenly smiled: "Well, since Fellow Daoist has asked me a question, I will also ask Fellow Daoist a question in exchange for it."

"Please!" Lei Yi didn't care either, and motioned to the other party to be free.

"Hehehe, fellow daoists know that this northern frontier has always been uneven. Especially your human monks, if they are found by the imperial court, it will be extremely difficult to get out, so I really want to know why you risk being caught The risk of my clan’s siege, entering the northern frontier?"

"It turned out to be this question, so I can answer you!" Lei Yi thought for a while and said, "Before I was a disciple of the True Spirit Immortal Cult, but then I rebelled against the sect and offended the Wuxin Shenzong in the Western Regions, and Some people in their clan even have great feuds, do you think I can still get along in the realm of cultivation?"

As soon as he said this, the smile on Venerable Mountain Seeker's face immediately disappeared, and it was replaced by shock.

Yes, yes, shocked.

Venerable Mountain Seeking said that he had never heard of someone as outrageous as Lei Yi.

The most powerful force in the cultivating world, Lei Yi offended two at once, the key is that the other party also betrayed the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

"So that's the case, then I understand!" Venerable Xunshan returned to smile again, but looked at Lei Yi's gaze with a faint sympathy.

After all rebelling against the True Spirit Immortal Sect, this Sect will not easily let go of the traitors, especially the deputy head teacher Yun Guanhai, who is vigorous and vigorous, can not tolerate a trace of stains, and will surely kill them quickly.

And Lei Yi, this is the stain.

He was wondering whether this True Spirit Immortal Sect had also sneaked into Northern Xinjiang and was about to chase and kill the person in front of him.

"By the way, since Fellow Daoist is in business, how about buying some intelligence from you?" Lei Yi asked.

"This is naturally okay. As long as the daoists can afford the price, then I know everything in the next. However, the human monk, if you want to know the information of my northern Xinjiang, the price will come and go, then it will be big... "

As he said, Venerable Mountain Seeker raised his right hand and made a finger rubbing motion.

Businessmen know what this action means.

"It's easy to say, easy to say..." Lei Yi naturally understood, and smiled as well, and asked: "I want to know where there is a safe place in Northern Xinjiang, the distribution of the power of the demon clan in Northern Xinjiang, and the intelligence of some masters!"

As soon as this remark came out, the expression of Venerable Xunshan changed drastically.

He looked at Lei Yi suspiciously, and almost asked if you were a spy or something.

But then, he quickly rejected this speculation, because Lei Yi had offended the True Spirit Immortal Sect and Wuxin Shenzong, so he might be a spy.

Although the other party may lie, he only needs to check one or two later to know if what the other party said is true or false.

"Why, don't fellow daoists want to tell me?" Lei Yi saw that the other party was silent for a long time, and continued to ask.

Venerable Mountain Seeker shook his head and said with a serious face: "Friends of Daoist are joking. As a human race, you need important information about the demon clan in Northern Xinjiang as soon as you speak. Those are all top secrets in Northern Xinjiang. Especially the top ten in Northern Xinjiang. The people of the Monster Race are all my beloved relatives and friends, brothers, brothers, you opened your mouth to ask for this information, you..."

"Cough cough, don't pretend that fellow Daoist, let's talk about the important point!" Seeing the other side's attitude, Lei Yi coldly broke the other side's thoughts.

When the latter heard the words, he smirked, and then changed his previous serious attitude, saying: "This information is my monster clan top secret... I have to add money!"

Lei Yi smiled, a little weird.

Sometimes when doing business, you have to cooperate with these shameless, although the other party basically has no morals.

But as long as you can afford the money, you can naturally get any kind of information.

Lei Yi took out a storage bag and then threw it in.

Venerable Xunshan took it and opened it, and the smile on his face was as brilliant as that of a chrysanthemum.

"Friends of Daoist wait a moment, now I will sort out the information and make sure that everything is fine..."

As the saying goes, rich is the Lord, and Venerable Mountain Seeker is this kind of businessman. Since Lei Yi can afford the money, he naturally has the energy right away.

Soon, a jade slip flew into Lei Yi's hands.

Lei Yi just glanced roughly, and after seeing some information about the Northern Frontier Demon Race, he immediately accepted it.

Seeing this, Venerable Xunshan smiled even more on his face, but then he frowned and asked, "As for the second question, I don’t know how to answer the next question, because although Beijiang is my home, but it’s not the way. For a human monk like this, there is no absolutely safe place!"

This is another request from Lei Yi to find a safe place for him to settle down.

"It's simple. The safe place I'm talking about doesn't mean really safe, but a place that is sufficiently dangerous. You have any dangerous secrets in the northern frontiers. Most people can't enter, even if they enter, they are easy to fall. Such a place is the most dangerous. Suitable for!"

"Ordinary people can't get in, even if they get in, they might fall..." Venerable Mountain Seeker understood what Lei Yi meant, and after thinking about it for a while, he muttered, "There should be only three dangerous places in this kind of place, right!"

"Oh, the three dangerous places, can you tell me in detail?" Lei Yi immediately became interested and asked quickly.

"This is natural, and it's not a secret in my northern Xinjiang anyway. If the daoists want to know, I will explain one or two..."

Venerable Mountain-seeking quickly told Lei Yi about the three so-called three dangerous places.

The so-called three dangerous places are the Secret Demon Cavern, Falling Star Peak and Demon Emperor's Mausoleum.

The Secret Demon Cave is located in the northwest of northern Xinjiang. It is a secret cave. It is said that there are many demons and beasts rampant. Even if the demons set foot here, they will be overwhelmed by the endless number of demons in the cave, leaving no bones in the end. .

Falling Star Peak is a strange place, said to be connected to the outer sky, so huge meteorites fall from the sky every moment, smashing down near the Falling Star Peak.

These meteorites are extremely heavy, and they are accompanied by imprisoning power when they fall. Even the demon king of the Celestial Realm has to be recruited. If they are not careful, they may be seriously injured by the meteorite, and even risk their death. UU Reading www.uukānshu.cOM

The last Demon Emperor Mausoleum was the place where the demon kings of the demon clan and their subordinates fell down, similar to the secret realm of ascending to the heavens of the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

As for what was in it, Lei Yi could also guess that it was nothing more than some demon emperors who did not want to die, using the eternal realm to extend their lifespan and linger in it.

By the way, the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum belongs to the heavy ground of the Demon Clan's imperial court in the northern borders.

Violators, make a decision!

Naturally, Lei Yi couldn't get close, and he wouldn't go to this place to look for trouble. This was not offending the contemporary Demon King.

Under this situation, Lei Yi had already begun to think about whether he was going to Falling Star Peak, or the Secret Demon Cavern.

"Fellow Daoist, this information is given to you. If you have any requirements, you might as well say them together!" Seeing Lei Yi was silent, Venerable Mountain Seeker asked.

For him, the business that can be done naturally has to be grasped.

It's rare to encounter a human race who is generous with money, and maybe in a few days he will go to collect the body of the other party, so naturally he has to grasp the moment.

"I don't have any problems for the time being. If I want to do business with you next time, do I need to contact you like this?"

"Hey, it's easy, fellow Taoists just need to be like this..."

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