I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1239: The non-monsters are here too

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Falling Star Peak, the central area.

Just below the meteorite ring, the four guards of wind, rain, thunder and lightning all arrived.

A group of monster races even surrounds the meteorite ring area, which is completely enclosed.

"You wait for the surroundings, the human monk, the four of us will deal with it!" Among the four guards, Lei Wei spoke first.

He had previously been defeated by Lei Yi in the Secret Demon Cavern, so he had to get back what he said today.

Although the surrounding monsters were a bit dissatisfied with the four guards' orders, and many of them were heirs to the imperial court, the power of the field in the meteorite ring was too strong, and they had no way to get in, and they could only agree on the surface.

The four guards have the means and strength, and it's okay for them to go in and run.

As for whether there is something outside of the sky inside, and what kind of treasure the outside thing is, they are not too interested.

Because in the Northern Xinjiang Falling Star Peak, there are actually things outside of the sky, and hundreds of meteorites fall every year, and they don't lack this one.

If it was not a meteorite that fell, but other treasures, the Four Guards of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning would also bring it out, and they would be able to know if the place was sealed off.

Someone went in to run errands, why would they make such a fuss?

"Well, since there are people from the ten major clans guarding the periphery, let's go in!" Lei Wei was already a little impatient. He looked even more excited when he thought of meeting Lei Yi immediately.

The other three people glanced at the surrounding people and nodded in relief.

Then the four of them urged their supernatural powers to protect their bodies, holding the strength of the field, and walking slowly into it.

Their forward speed is not fast, and under the power of the field, they can only maintain stability.

After more than ten breaths, their bodies gradually disappeared in the meteorite ring.

The major monster races in northern Xinjiang all let their hands spread out and patrolled the area around the meteorite ring.

During the period, many monsters found traces of human monks, and even broke out several battles.

In Falling Star Peak, due to the power of the field, some demon races with strong physical bodies have a great advantage.

Human monks need to use their supernatural powers to resist the attacks of the monsters, and they must urge means to resist the suppression of the power of the field, so they have been besieged and killed by the monsters several times.

Finally, the human monks in the nearby area are much less, and many people even use this place as a restricted area and dare not approach it.

However, many of them are spies of the large human race, and the purpose of exploring this place can be regarded as achieved.

Although I don't know what is in the center of Falling Star Peak.

But they knew that after this operation was over, that treasure would definitely fall into the hands of the Northern Frontier Demon Race.

And this time the demon race's elites were all out, and it also extinguished the possibility of the human race's intervention.

Maybe when the Monster Race brings the treasure out of Falling Star Peak, some Human Race monks will ambush, but this is the Monster Race territory after all, and the possibility of accomplishing this kind of thing is very small.

However, there are also extremely rare people in the human race. They have their own magical powers, but they plan to enter the central area of ​​Falling Star Peak and explore the meteorite ring.

Among them was a team, and it happened to be near the meteorite ring.

This is a three-person team, headed by a white-robed man, followed by a man and a woman.

If Lei Yi sees it, he will be surprised, because this white-robed man is actually a dream.

However, the people next to him at this moment are no longer the five exercisers, but the sun and the moon two.

"Master Headmaster, we are here, and the central area of ​​Falling Star Peak is in front of you!" Yuesheng Envoy You Ying pointed to the front and said.

There was the meteorite ring area that Lei Yi entered, and the power of the field was extremely powerful, so the three of them did not act rashly.

What is strange is that Meng Zhao at this moment is actually called the head teacher by You Ying. Obviously, the two of them also know Meng Zhao's true identity.

"This place is really extraordinary!" Meng Zhao looked forward and couldn't help nodding.

"Master Master, shall we go in?" Zhuzhao looked ahead and couldn't help asking.

"No hurry, let my younger brother go and test one or two first!" Meng Zhao shook his head.

"Teacher Yun?" You Ying and Zhuzhao looked at each other, both of them were a little worried.

"Master Sect Master, this time the Sect Cloud Sect sent an avatar, and since the last avatar was destroyed, the new avatar has not been practiced for a long time. I am afraid that the magical powers are also..."

"It's okay, let the avatar of Junior Brother go in advance to explore the way, anyway, the wear and tear of the avatar is not great, and he can replenish it after a month of cultivation!"

Meng Zhao said, raised his arm and took a look, then slowly said: "My "Infinite Incarnation" is different. If something really happens, it will be a big loss for me! "

"Since the head teacher has taken care of it, the two of me won't say much." You Ying and Zhuzhao looked at each other again, and then did not continue to speak.

"It's good to know, you two sort out the coordinates and situation of this place, and send it to my junior, he will send an incarnation to come next!"

Meng Zhao gave the order again, and the Sun and Moon Second Envoy naturally did not dare to delay, and began to prepare for the transmission.

After a few breaths, a transmission talisman ignited, and the news of this place was sent out.

After that, Meng Zhao left here with the two envoys of the sun and the moon.

Just after they left, two more figures appeared in this position.

This time, it happened to be the duo of Garuda and Cecil who followed Lei Yi all the way.

"My lord, those three people just now?"

"That's a person of the True Spirit Immortal Cult. The Sun and Moon Envoys are very strong, but the two of them are not a threat to me. On the contrary, it is the guy who is headed, and the aura is really a bit weird!"

Garuda recalled the scene just now, and the figure of Meng Zhao emerged in his mind.

Although the Sun and Moon Envoy was famous, in Garudia's eyes, they were just two demons who lived longer.

But Mengzhao, although his reputation is not obvious, it gives him a stronger sense of danger.

"My lord, they mentioned the name of the avatar and Yun Guanhai, could it be..."

"Yes, it's about nine out of ten. The incarnation of a human saint-level cultivator will arrive later. If this is the case, it will be beneficial to our actions."

Garuda looked at a certain position, vaguely feeling already.

"It seems that the saint-level cultivator is coming."

Thinking of this, he told the people around him: "Cecil, you will also take the opportunity to enter that area later. Once you find the target I am waiting for this trip, send me a signal and wait until then..."

Garuda's words paused slightly, and then he said with awe-inspiring killing intent: "When that happens, I will personally take action and erase everything in this place!"

"My lord, I understand!" Cecil bowed and took his orders, and disappeared into the same place under the deadly envelop.

Garuda looked into the meteorite ring and said with a gloomy face: "Quickly, quickly, when the task of that adult is completed, it is the moment of liquidation between me and your boy. I must take my My daughter snatched it back!"

In the sky behind.

A escape light galloped in, at a speed far exceeding the escape speed of ordinary cultivators in the Celestial and Human realm.

The direction of this escape light is the meteorite ring area, and it is moving straight forward, without any concealment plan at all.

"Who is coming!" Seeing this, the monster race guarding along the way all moved after hearing the wind and blocked them.

"You guys of the demon race, let me get away!" The people in the escape were extremely arrogant. Seeing that the demon race dared to block the way, they directly rebuked.

With this scolding, the monster race couldn't bear it, and they flew up and rushed towards the other side.

"Looking for death!" Seeing this, the figure in the escape was also angry, and directly displayed magical powers.

Immediately around the escape light, the five-color runes flickered, and the power of the five elements turned into the might of the world, accumulating rapidly.

In the sky, a huge fire dragon took the lead to shoot out, covering all the demon clan blocking in front within the attack range.

The body of the fire dragon rushed past, and the first wave of monster races were swallowed by flames, and many of them were instantly burned to ashes even in the flames.

And just after the fire dragon, another water dragon rushed out, submerging all the second wave of monster races.

The body of the water dragon rushed into the ground and turned into a huge rushing wave, involving all the monsters on the ground, rushing hundreds of miles away.

After that, another wooden dragon slammed out, and countless vines flew out of the dragon's body, wrapped around it, blocking the void.

Where the wooden dragon passed, all the monster races that planned to approach were all imprisoned.

The vines gradually exerted strength, and in the painful struggle of these monster races, their bodies were directly cut into several pieces.

Large tracts of flesh and blood smashed into pieces, and more than half of the Yaozu was killed and injured.

After the wooden dragon, an earth dragon took shape, and huge dust was blown up in the sky while swimming.

The earth dragon flew by, and the body of the demon race along the way was lifted up by the sand and carried into the air.

At this moment, there was no obstacle in front of Escape.

But this was not over yet, when approaching the meteorite ring area, the escape light gradually extinguished, and a golden dragon rushed out of the void.

The figure in the escape light landed on the top of the golden dragon's head, rushing towards it with unstoppable power.

All the demon races along the way were frightened by this person's supernatural powers, so they didn't dare to make a move and could only allow the opponent to rush through the line of defense.


After the golden dragon rushed into the meteorite ring, his huge body rammed into the meteorite, shattering countless meteorites and making a huge noise.

"Hmph, this place is really extraordinary, but it can't stop me!" The person standing on top of the golden dragon seemed to perceive something strange, but he just snorted coldly. uukanshu.com ignored the power of the domain.

However, the speed of the Golden Dragon's flight has also been slowed down several times, making it possible for the monster races behind to vaguely see who is standing above their heads.

"That's... the Five Elements Taoist Robe!"

"This person, could it be..."

"Impossible, cultivators of the Saint Realm cannot enter Northern Xinjiang!"

"No, that's not the body of the cultivator of the saint realm, otherwise, under the magical powers just now, we and the people of the tribe will undoubtedly die, that is...incarnation!"

Seeing this, the patriarchs of the major monster races finally knew the identity of the person who came.

"Yun Guanhai, the deputy head of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, actually sent an avatar into my northern frontier, and he simply didn't put my clan imperial court in the eyes!"

"Unfortunately, how can this be? The other party is not the real body. At best, the arrival of the incarnation can only be regarded as a provocation to the imperial court of Northern Xinjiang, without breaking the rules of the year!"

"Damn it, I can't stop it, is the strength of this saint-level cultivator really so terrifying?"

The patriarchs of the demon clan were all angry at this moment, but they were helpless.

But when they complained, they didn't notice an extra lifelessness on the ground.

Death breath quietly sneaked into the meteorite ring, and no one noticed it.

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