I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1248: I have always convinced people with "reason"

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On the dark continent, somewhere on the battlefield.

Lei Yi finally decided to save even people from the Qingluan tribe.

After all, the last person he had to face was Garuda, who could gather even a bit of strength.

The big deal, he personally convinced the Qingluan tribe.

People who believe that the Qingluan tribe are not fools, knowing this, they should let go of their hatred and face everyone's common enemy together.

After thinking about it, Lei Yi instantly rushed into the battle group and directly suppressed the two Celestial-Human realm demon races who were fighting.

Afterwards, he pressed a palm on the head of one of the monster races, using the power of the dark law in his body to absorb the dark runes in the sea of ​​knowledge of the opponent.

As the rune was pulled out of the body, the killing intent on this monster race faded, and the figure crashed to the ground, losing the intent to fight.

Next, Lei Yi did the same, releasing most of the monster races in the field.

In the end, it was finally the turn of the Qingluan tribe.

This is Lei Yi deliberately, the last one to save them, so that it can save some trouble.

Otherwise, the first person to save the Qingluan tribe, they turned their faces and refused to recognize people after regaining consciousness, wouldn't it be troublesome for themselves?

Now that there are so many demons next to him on the platform, even if the Qingluan tribe wants to do something, these demons will probably have to say no for themselves.

Lei Yi quickly started and slapped a demon clan of the Qingluan clan with a slap, which was regarded as retrieving some interest in advance.

After the opponent temporarily lost the ability to move, he then used his ability to **** out the dark rune from the opponent's body.

Under this situation, this monster race also recovered its consciousness, and its body gradually shrank into a human form.

After Lei Yi rescued the next person, he rushed to the last place of the battle group, where the Qingluan clan was stronger, and the leader was the patriarch of the Qingluan clan who was close to the peak of the heavenly man.

This time, Lei Yi took a lot of effort to subdue the patriarch of the ten big clans when he was also injured.

After the dark rune in the opponent's body was absorbed, Lei Yi also panted tiredly in place.

"It's you, the murderer who killed my son!"

When Lei Yi recovered, the patriarch of the Qingluan clan seemed to recognize Lei Yi, and a huge cyan bird claw caught him with one blow.

"Sure enough, the demons can't distinguish the occasion!" Seeing this, Lei Yi shook his head secretly.

He blasted a punch, and the fist and the bird's claws fought together, and a violent wave of air erupted and shot towards the surroundings.

The patriarch of the Qingluan clan and Lei Yi retreated more than ten steps each, but the former raised his wings again and wanted to continue his shot.

"Hey, you guys, don't you help me say something?" Lei Yi immediately became unhappy when he saw this, and shouted to the rear.

The person he was calling this time was the other demons who had been rescued by him before, and among them were the patriarchs of several ten big clans.

Seeing this, the monsters knew that Lei Yi wanted them to pay back their favors, and they started to take action.

"Patriarch Qingluan, do it slowly!"

"Friend Qingluan, you can't make a move, this one is the one who saved us!"

"The nobles were all rescued by this human monk, you want to avenge your gratitude!"

A group of demon races immediately surrounded the patriarch Qingluan, and one after another opened their mouths to speak for Lei Yi.

Under such persuasion, the anger of the patriarch Qingluan was finally suppressed, and he also returned to his human form.

However, the patriarch's expression was still gloomy, and he looked at Lei Yi with a hint of coldness.

Obviously, he didn't really thank Lei Yi, but he kept restraint in front of a group of colleagues.

"Even if what you said is true, he is still the murderer of my son!" Chief Qingluan snorted coldly, cursing.

Hearing him say this, the other demon clan patriarchs were not happy anymore. Some people even opened the mouth and said:

"Patriarch Qingluan, what are you talking about? Let's not talk about the other monsters. There are quite a few children under the knees. As far as I know, you have more than ten sons. It doesn't hurt to die one or two?"

On the other side, someone else immediately echoed: "Yeah, yeah, the situation is urgent now. The death of one or two descendants is not a big deal!"

"Clan Chief Qingluan, I have an ineffective son who died in your clan's hands back then. Do you think I care about you?"

Seeing that these monster clan colleagues helped Lei Yi speak, the expression of Patriarch Qingluan was even harder to look.

He secretly said in his heart: "You guys, it's not your son who is emotionally dead, but that is one of his favorite sons. Can those descendants of waste blood compare?"

But seeing so many people talking for Lei Yi, he also knew that if he tried to do it again, there would be no way to kill Lei Yi.

"Huh!" He snorted coldly, and could only stop, but he didn't show Lei Yi's face in the slightest.

And as he stopped, all the monster races in the battle group here were all released from control.

In this case, it is safe here.

"You guys, can you tell me about it, you guys are all in a catastrophe now!" Lei Yi could finally speak to explain the situation.

Next, he explained all the things in Garuda and the realm of eternity.

After hearing the situation, the heads of the demons all changed their faces.

In the team, some young monster races were shivering all over, with a look of panic and fear.

After all, trapped by the eternal realm, for this group of monsters, it was the first encounter, and the unknown is often the most terrifying.

"So, there is only one way for you to survive now, and that is to work together and deal with..."

"You said so lightly, how can I know that these are not tricks that you tricked me into waiting!"

Just when Lei Yi wanted to tell his plan, the patriarch Qingluan suddenly interrupted him.

"Also, your Terran cultivator would be so kind, not only to save me, but also to unite us in action? Whether you really intend to cooperate or not is still unknown. And here only you can crack this ability, This makes me even more suspicious!"

Speaking of this, Clan Chief Qingluan took a deep breath and asked loudly: "You are the one who said that this place is dangerous. It is also your human race who trespassed into the northern border and Falling Star Peak. Who knows if you are secretly uniting with the caster here. , Intending to bring us together and catch it all in one go!"

As soon as this statement came out, the patriarchs of other monster races also became a little commotion.

Although they could all hear that the patriarch Qingluan was targeting Lei Yi, what the other party said was not unreasonable.

It was Lei Yi who said that this place was dangerous, and it was Lei Yi who united everyone, and it was Lei Yi who helped them too. Who knows if this is a play written and directed by someone.

"This is really a pig teammate!" Lei Yi looked at the patriarch Qingluan who looked bad at him, shaking his head and sighing in his heart.

Sometimes, it is not the enemy that is hateful, but these pig teammates who succeeded less than failed.

"Well, Lei Yi wants to come to like to convince people with reason. Since the patriarch Qingluan has said so, then I can only communicate with you!"

As he said, he didn't wait for the other party to react, and disappeared into place in a flash.

"What!" Just as Patriarch Qingluan wanted to say something, a figure shot out in front of him, and a big hand squeezed his neck tightly.

Afterwards, his figure was lifted by a huge momentum and flew out towards the rear.

Under the rapid sprint, the two flew dozens of miles away.

During this period, the patriarch Qingluan found that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the opponent's arm restraint.

In the end, he was thrown out with a strong force, and fell to the ground fiercely, bringing up a black smoke and dust.

"Patriarch Qingluan, don't you want revenge? Then do it, I won't be afraid of you!" Lei Yi stood in the sky, looking down, and said coldly.

"Okay, you asked for it!"

Patriarch Qingluan hadn't let go of his hatred yet. Hearing Lei Yi's words at this moment, he would naturally not let go of the opportunity.

In a high-pitched cry, his figure turned into his body again and rose into the sky.

But at the moment he acted, a figure had already rushed into the air one step ahead of time, and was standing above him.

"Let you taste the taste of this step to the sky and the foot of the sun!"

Lei Yi turned his direction, his left foot slammed into the void again, and with the help of the counter shock, he dived down.

When he sprinted, a huge wave of air was brought up all over his body, his legs were also covered by silver runes, and his whole person turned into a meteor from the sky.

Under the violent friction, his whole body burst into flames, bringing up a long tail flame.

"This..." Seeing this scene, especially feeling the power of the attack, Patriarch Qingluan showed an incredible look.

Lei Yi's attack hit him, and he slammed on the back of Patriarch Qingluan.


The huge impact force pushed the main body of Qingluan into the ground, the dark ground collapsed, cracks spread, and a huge sinkhole formed in the center.

Patriarch Qingluan's body was severely injured, and his back was battered with flesh and blood, and the feathers all over his body were scattered all over the place with blood stains. It was as miserable as it looked.

There was a large dent in the wound on his back, and there was a huge footprint there, which was left by Lei Yi.

As the instigator, Lei Yi had already landed on one side, and after moving his right foot slightly, he walked towards Lu Linglong and the others.

In the distance, a group of demon clan chiefs also came nearby, and they all saw the scene of chief Qingluan being seriously injured by Lei Yi. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Suddenly, they all had a deeper understanding of Lei Yi's strength.

"You guys have seen it too. I want to really take action against the Qingluan clan, the patriarch Qingluan can't stop me. So why should I spend so much time with so many fancy tricks?" Lei Yi sees that the audience has arrived. Later, he pointed to the patriarch Qingluan behind and said.

He used the other party as a negative teaching material to show his eyes to this group of monsters.

Although the faces of the monster races on Thursday were not pretty, they also felt that Lei Yi's words did indeed make sense.

"I once again affirm that the purpose of uniting you this time is to deal with our common enemy. Lei Yi, I, has absolutely no plans to deal with the demon clan in Northern Xinjiang. I hope that the patriarchs can understand!"

At this point, he smiled and said in a faint tone: "Actually, I have always convinced people with reason. You guys must not make it difficult for me, right?"

Although this is a questioning word, but in line with his tone at the moment, it is mostly threatening.

After hearing this, the patriarchs of the demon clan in northern Xinjiang all smiled, obviously not wanting to be the next patriarch of Qingluan.

At this moment, Lei Yi also smiled, very satisfied with the result.

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