I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1251: Cecil came at the right time!

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The center of the dark continent.

As the center of the entire field, the power of darkness here is amazing.

A huge plant, standing here like a giant pillar, has a thick rhizome, and the root system spreading underneath is crisscrossed like a mountain peak.

Somewhere in this root system, countless monsters gathered together.

At this moment, the large troops of the ten major clans in northern Xinjiang are all assembled here.

Among them, the patriarchs of the major clans, as well as the children of the royal family they support, are gathering together to discuss something.

"You said, will the Human Race monk come over? He won't change his mind temporarily, or died in the middle of the road, right?" The speaker was a young demon race, dressed in Chinese clothes, and his tone was a little arrogant.

"His Royal Highness, I don't think that human race is like a short-lived person, so it shouldn't let us dove!" The patriarch who assisted him shook his head and said.

"It's better!" the young man murmured, still a little worried.

Although the opponent rescued himself and others, it was impossible for the monster race to be grateful to the human monks.

Although both races live in the realm of cultivating immortals, the contradiction between the human race and the demon race cannot be changed overnight.

If it weren't for being in the realm of the eternal realm, and the spellcaster in the realm made it clear that they would die, it would be absolutely impossible for the demon race and the human race to cooperate.

"Look, someone is coming over there!" At this moment, someone pointed and shouted somewhere in front.

A group of monsters looked intently, and then showed different expressions on their faces.

I saw a group of people coming, headed by a man in a white robe and a mask.

"True Spirit Immortal Cult!" A demon clan patriarch shouted out the identity of the person.

This party is not someone else, it is the party of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, the masked person headed by it is naturally a dream.

Unexpectedly, they finally agreed to join forces and came to the central area.

Meng Zhao and his party rushed to this place under the protection of the prohibition, and landed not far from most of the Yaozu.

"Hey, why didn't this group of monsters get the trick? I will have to use supernatural powers to block interference, but they can move freely?" The true spirit fairy cultivator also noticed the strangeness.

The monster race in front of them didn't seem to be disturbed by the domain, at least there was no abnormality.

"It should be the traitor's ability, he has a variety of laws and powers in his body, one of which is very similar to the attributes of this place!" Meng Zhao explained appropriately.

Before, he had felt it, otherwise he would not open his mouth to remind Lei Yi and tell him where the Feng Yu Lei Dian Four Guards are.

And now that they have arrived, there is only the principal who initiated the alliance.

After the True Spirit Immortal Sect's team arrived, they were separated from the Demon Race by a long distance, and neither of them had any plans to approach each other, so they were on guard against each other.

The atmosphere was a little silent, but at least both sides exercised restraint.

On the side of the demon clan, there may be a clan leader who had a feast with the True Spirit Immortal Sect. Looking at Jin Lingsheng and the others, there was a vague killing intent.

Similarly, Yun Guanhai and others on the side of True Spirit Immortal Sect were equally unkind when looking at the Yaozu.

But both sides held back, no matter how strong the killing intent was in their hearts, there was no plan to do anything.

They are all waiting for someone at the moment!

While both sides were anxiously waiting, there were a few more fleeing lights galloping from the horizon.

The four leading lights are extremely fast and powerful.

"It's Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Four Guards, that kid really found it!" Meng Zhao muttered unexpectedly among the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

Although he thought that Lei Yi could find him, he didn't expect that this kid would actually find all four of them.

But this was what he expected. Although he was a little surprised, the four guards of the storm and thunder and lightning could appear, and it would be more pros than cons for them to join forces.

On the side of the Yaozu, they all cheered and jumped for joy after seeing the four guards of Wind, Rain and Thunder.

After all, this is the face of their Northern Frontier Demon Race, a strong person second only to the Demon Emperor in the imperial court.

Behind Feng Yu Lei Dian, the same four escape lights followed, and Lei Yi was the leader of them.

After a long search in the depths of the pitch black sea, he finally found the four guards of the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, but unfortunately the four of them were also controlled by the domain and fell into a fight.

After spending a lot of effort, Lei Yi used his own ability to rescue all four of them.

After the rescue, he spent a lot of effort to persuade the four people to act together.

But what surprised Lei Yi was that the Four Guards of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning were much easier to talk than the True Spirit Immortal Cult.

Lei Yi originally thought that Lei Wei, who had a grudge against him, would completely refuse to communicate like Yun Guanhai.

As a result, he didn't expect that after the other party recognized the situation, he actually agreed to the matter of joining hands.

According to Lu Shaoyou, the Monster Race is more upright than the Human Race.

If you save them, they will remember your kindness, unlike the human race, even the beneficiaries have.

From this point of view, the Monster Race is better than the Human Race.

But these are not the key points. It would be better if the four guards of the storm and thunder and lightning could agree to join forces.

In this way, Lei Yi and Feng Yu Lei Dian Four Guards came quickly, and finally arrived here.

In this case, all the creatures in the realm are all assembled.

"With so many forces gathered together, it is not impossible to defeat Garuda!"

Seeing so many people gathered here, Lei Yi actually had the idea of ​​defeating Garuda.

But is this really the case?

"Master Lu, I'll be waiting for this moment!" Qian Erliang quickly leaned in on the monster clan's side.

"Boy, go up and say something!" Lu Shaoyou pushed Leiyi gently.

After all, you saved the monster clan, so I proposed a joint plan, which is more suitable for you to come forward at this moment.

"This..." Lei Yi said, I want to mobilize the Yaozu and the True Spirit Immortal Sect together, which is under great pressure.

Especially Yun Guanhai, I guess there was a fire in his heart, and the ghost knew how Mengzhao convinced the other party.

But now it is about to fight Garuda, and it is necessary to mobilize in advance.

"Ahem!" Lei Yi cleared his throat, flew up and came to the center of the two teams.

"Everyone, in Xia Lei Yi, you are the initiator of this joint venture, and at the same time..."


But just when he felt a headache and didn't know what to say, a dark storm in the sky suddenly formed, and the thunderous sound covered the audience, overwhelming his voice.

"What's the situation?" Lei Yi instinctively looked up at the sky, and saw a cloud of storm just appearing above his head.

In the storm, there was a figure wearing pitch black armor and holding a cross sword.

"Cecile!" Lei Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the visitor.

After all, he has a headache, but Cecil appeared at the right time.

"Lei Yi, I am here to kill you by the orders of Lord Garuda!" After Cecil appeared, he swooped down with the momentum of the storm and directly killed him.

"Okay, let us do a break today!" Lei Yi naturally flew up without fear of the other party and directly confronted him.

But in his heart, there was some surprise, why Cecil dared to appear here alone.

Didn't he see that there are so many monsters and human races nearby, and these people are free from Garuda's control?

Or does the other party have the means to ensure that the two will not be disturbed in their fight?

Just as Cecil sprinted, he didn't know when there was an extra black token in his hand. He crushed the token and countless runes lingered around him.

"This place is not the place where you and I meet, there is too much interference around, let's change a place!"

After he finished speaking, his body was full of life, and countless gray runes lit up, covering the whole body.

"This...this is!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was stunned.

The breath of the other party at the moment, is it necessary to...

"The realm, the dead world of the underworld!" Cecil held up the cross sword, and a gray light emerged, covering the whole body.

And Lei Yi was naturally the first target of the gray light, and his figure was quickly drawn into it.

"Fuck!" Just when he was about to be dragged into the realm, Lei Yi exploded directly.

He never expected that Cecil could still use the domain, and it seemed that the other party only planned to pull himself into it.

But at the last moment, Lei Yi suddenly shouted to the surroundings: "Everyone, this is Garuda's dog leg. After taking me to defeat him, I will go together to deal with the people behind him!"

After saying this, his body was drawn into it by death, and disappeared.

For a moment, the monster race and the true spirit immortal cult in the field all looked at each other.

They also did not expect that in the realm of the eternal realm, there is still someone who can use the realm.

"Did the aliens use some means to block the interference in the domain?" Meng Zhao thought of the scene just now.

Afterwards, his gaze looked at the high level of the huge plant, with a weird look on his face.

From the moment the domain appeared, he was a little strange.

Why did the practitioners in this field never show up from the beginning to the present, and even they have assembled a large army to prepare for a decisive battle with the opponent, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com opponent still did not appear, and even only sent one of his men to attack Leiyi.

Could it be that the other party was delayed by something?

But what can delay a saint realm powerhouse for so long?

In the dead world of Hades.

At this moment, Lei Yi and Cecil have entered a one-on-one situation.

"There is a saying from the human race, Shibie should look at him with admiration for three days, and he said it is really good!" Cecil said, looking at Lei Yi.

"To be honest, I also want to thank you!" And Lei Yi also spoke up.

"Thank me?"

"Yes, thank you for saving me once!" Lei Yi smiled, scratching his head and said: "Otherwise, I still have a headache. In front of so many people, I don't like to speak to others if I have to say something to mobilize! "

"You are about to die, and you still have the thought of joking!" Cecil waved the cross sword in his hand and opened his posture.

"Hahaha, death is coming, what your Excellency said is really strange, who said I will die today?"

The smile on Lei Yi's face quickly converged, and then he opened his posture as well, and said solemnly, "Even Garuda I am not afraid, let alone you!"

Between the two, the atmosphere gradually became serious, and the battle was on the verge!

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