I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1266: Time difference, space, field?

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In the cave.

Garuna had originally obtained enough infinite power from Lei Yi's body and was preparing to practice in her own way.

But just after sitting down, a unique breath came from the next room, and she had to stand up again.

Soon, this woman returned to Lei Yi's side and saw Lei Yi who had become a "little golden man".

"Cough cough, what? I feel a little uncomfortable now, do whatever you want, don't worry about me..."

But soon, she was sent away by Lei Yi casually.

"Always feel... his breath... becomes like the Infinite Emperor..."

But when she walked back, Garuna nodded her head and muttered in a low voice.

It's a pity that Lei Yi didn't hear this sentence, otherwise he must ask Garuna where he is like the Emperor Infinite.

Now, he is dealing with changes in his body.

At this moment, Lei Yi, not only had his skin turned golden, but even half of his face had changed.

His facial features gradually disappeared, and the skin on his face began to lighten, transforming into the void.

Within a few breaths, Lei Yi's face completely turned into a void, with golden spots of light flickering in it, which looked like a night sky.

Although he had lost his eyes, Lei Yi's vision was not affected, and even a lot of things appeared in his vision instead.

It is countless golden runes, scattered in the void, flowing in the same direction.

In the depths of the void, a golden avenue was flowing slowly, with no end in sight, and more than just the starting point.

"That is, the Avenue of Time..." The starry sky on Lei Yi's face flickered, and he made an extremely surprised voice.

Before he could see the passage of time in the void, but he needed to inject the power of time into his eyes to do it.

But now, he didn't even use the power of time in his body, he could not see the passage of time, and even sensed the existence of the Avenue of Time.

Enlightenment Dao, this is something that can only be done at the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm.

And once you touch the avenue, it means that you have crossed the barriers and reached the strength of the Saint Realm.

Lei Yi couldn't reach it temporarily. After all, the realm limit lies here. When he can get through the 108 divine orifices in his body, he can try it.

But now, he can try something else.

Lei Yi closed his eyes, provided that he still had his eyes, he began to feel one or two more carefully.

As his body changed, part of the knowledge about the Yigo tribe also poured into his mind.

This is like instinct, as long as you are from Yigo, you must know things.

In his memory, there is a lot of knowledge, part of which is about the Yigo tribe, and part of it is about the power of time.

This comprehension took another few months.

This time, the knowledge conveyed to his mind almost reached the point of massive amounts.

If it is a low-level cultivator, even a celestial cultivator who does not understand the law of time, it is estimated that he will not be able to receive this knowledge, and even under the impact of this torrent of knowledge, the sea of ​​knowledge will be injured and even mentally broken.

But Lei Yi, relying on strong perseverance and understanding of the power of time, abruptly digested this knowledge.

"This memory that has flooded my mind has so many profound things. I am so lucky. If I didn't understand the law of time, then I would be a fool now!"

He waved his hand gently, and a layer of golden ripples appeared in the void all over his body.

Gold runes floated across the void, being gently pinched by them.

The moment this rune started, the space on his side suddenly stopped.

When Lei Yi released the rune, the space on that side began to flow again.

"So that's it, hahaha..." Lei Yi suddenly smiled after seeing this scene carefully.

He discovered that the Yigo tribe is a natural time race, and does not even need to invoke the power of the laws in the body. Only the touch of the body can affect the time in the surrounding void.

You only need to grasp the time rune between heaven and earth a little bit, and you can even easily change the time flow rate in an area.

Under this situation, time difference and space are not impossible, and even for the Yigo people, this cannot be called a problem at all.

"Well, let me take a look. The concept of time difference and space taught by Meng Shiqi seems to be wrong from the beginning. He wants to change the time flow in a certain area, but he has not thought about separating the affected area from the non-accelerating area. , The cycle of time has not been completely twisted, so it will always fail. To complete the time difference space, you need to create an area that completely isolates the passage of time, and then speed up the flow of time in this area to reach the time difference space. concept…"

At this moment, Lei Yi had countless thoughts in his mind, and his understanding of time difference and space even surpassed Meng Shiqi's head teacher.

He thought in his heart how to create a space isolated from the outside world, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"Yes, domain!" He knocked his hand, and suddenly an idea came up.

Isn’t his time tyrant just a form of changing the flow of time?

The time tyrant is a different ability of the domain system, so the same time domain is not more reliable.

Moreover, once the domain is deployed, it can completely isolate from the outside world, which is definitely the most reliable means of isolation.

However, there is also a problem with using domains to create time difference space, that is, it cannot be maintained for a long time.

After all, the domain is a means of confronting the enemy, requiring the operator to expend a huge amount of energy to maintain it. If it is used for cultivation, it seems a bit redundant.

Therefore, Lei Yi intends to use the domain as an experiment, and once it succeeds, he will start to study how to create a time gap without using the domain.

He did this because he was too greedy.

Since entering the Celestial and Human Realm, others have cultivated out of the domain, and he is the only one who is still fighting others with his fists.

Seeing the opponents of the same rank, after displaying the domain, it is impossible to rely on supernatural powers to suppress oneself, saying that it is impossible to say that he is not envious.

"It's decided, now I give priority to practicing the field of time law, and then study the time difference space, if I don't succeed, I won't leave the sky!"

After Lei Yi decided on his goal, he began to study in retreat here.

This time, he quickly reached the first step with the knowledge of the Yigo tribe.

A few days later.

Within the cave house.

Lei Yi sat on the ground, golden light lingering all over his body, countless time runes flowing in the void.

But at this moment, Lei Yi's figure suddenly moved, and the time runes around his body, as if being pulled, gathered in his body.

Soon, an area of ​​absolute vacuum was completed.

In his whole body, he could not feel the flow of time, and he was in absolute stillness.

Lei Yi picked up a stone from the ground and threw it out.

The stone paused in the air, and remained absolutely still, without falling to the ground for a while.

"The effect is good!" Lei Yi nodded, and then cancelled the domain.

The stone flew again and hit the side of the rock wall.

"Next, it's time difference space!"

Lei Yi picked up two stones again, and a figure walked out slowly behind him.

This is a clone, possessing part of the body's abilities.

After Lei Yi handed a stone to the avatar, he controlled the avatar to walk more than ten steps away, and then the body and the avatar together, threw the stone in his hand at the same angle with the same strength.

"The domain is unfolding!" Lei Yi's heart moved, and the power of the law of time and time emerged from his body again, pouring into his body.

Soon, a field took shape, completely sealing him down.

In the field, the stone has landed steadily.

After Lei Yi confirmed, he cancelled the domain and immediately looked at the clone's position.


After about two blinks of an eye, the clone threw a stone before it fell to the ground.

"Sure enough, this is the space of time difference!" At this moment, Lei Yi was very excited, because the research on the space of time difference was finally successful.

He allowed the time in his domain to move faster than the outside world, resulting in the result that two stones were abandoned at the same time, but landed at different times.

But this is only a small step. What he really needs is the long-term maintenance of the time difference space, so that he can make his cultivation speed open.

He focused his gaze on his side, where a broken golden container was lying on the ground.

This container was used to confine Mitilda. After Lei Yi gained knowledge of the Yigo tribe, he knew that this container was made of a material called "time grain."

And this kind of crystal grain itself is a high-purity time law concentrate, and only materials with the same time attribute can confine the Yigo tribe.

Time grains can not only be used to make containers, but also have many incredible magical uses. Only the Time Race Yago can know the true use of these materials.

To produce such time grains, it takes exactly the "time" material.

"Use time to make time grains, and then use time grains to accelerate time, create time difference space, collect time within the time difference space, and continue to make time grains."

Lei Yi whispered as if thinking of something funny.

But soon, he raised his hand and touched his face.

At this moment, his face, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still in the "cosmic starry sky" appearance, not only can't see the facial features, but even reveals a little weirdness.

"Although I am no longer a human being, this state is not good. Let's imagine how to change it back. Otherwise, if I see Miss Lu next time, I might be scared to death!"

Lei Yi uttered a grievance, and it started to run.

In his body, the blood of the Yigo tribe was suppressed by its convergence, and at the same time the body was also changing.

One of his face changed back to the original human appearance, the golden light spots and the deep starry sky all disappeared.

He recovered his five senses again and had a face.

However, as his body recovered, his sense of the power of time also disappeared.

Lei Yi used the power of time in his body to regain his sense of the law of time, but compared to when he became an Yigo clan, he was not as fluent as the opponent.

The Yigo tribe is a natural time race, but the human body is not.

Lei Yi shook his head secretly, it seems that everything is pros and cons.

"Okay, next I should imagine how the time difference space will be created..."

"By the way, I have to think about it. What should be the name of my field, at least I have to be a little aggressive and domineering!"

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