I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1276: Encounter with Docot

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Western Region, south.

A group of monks flew across the sky, and the head of them was a demon elder from the Heartless Divine Sect.

And Lei Yi is also in the team, but not the principal.

Although his strength is the strongest among the monks in this team, but in terms of his familiarity with the Western Regions, he is still the most unintentional Shenzong.

Therefore, even if the elder of the Wuxin Shenzong surnamed Yin only had the strength in the middle of the Celestial Realm, he also became the leader of the team.

In addition to him and Lei Yi, there is also a senior of the Demon Dao Blood Evil Sect in the team, the strength of the Celestial and Human Realm, and the two early days of the Celestial and Human Realm, who have just joined the casual cultivator of the Wuxin Divine Sect.

Now the overall situation in the world of immortality is turbulent, and some casual cultivators have ended their retreats or lived in seclusion.

But Lei Yi could see that these two elders, who were in a lot of casual cultivators, actually had very poor combat effectiveness. Maybe he was able to compete with them when he was at the peak of the ninth rank.

Therefore, the only real immediate combat power in the team is him and the two mid-celestial realm demon cultivators.

But their mission is not difficult. It is said that they have found the traces of the ten generals, so they have to come to snipe them.

There are ten teams of the same size as Lei Yi. According to the situation on paper, the overall combat effectiveness of the team must exceed the ten generals.

Even if Cecil, ranked number one among the ten generals, came, Lei Yi had the confidence to defeat the opponent.

He didn't really care which ten generals he would meet next.

"Everyone, the area mentioned in the front is the area mentioned by the intelligence. According to the news I have learned, people who are suspected to be Ten Generals have come to the nearby area!" In the team, the elder Yin pointed to a mountain range in front of him and said.

"Isn't this the famous miasma forest in the south?" But the high-level blood evil sect, his face changed when he saw the mountains.

The so-called miasma forest is not a dangerous place, but refers to some warm climate areas in the southern part of the Western Region.

There are a large number of snakes, insects, rats and ants in this mine area, and poisonous weeds and miasma are rampant, naturally forming some swamp miasma. Ordinary monks dare not step into it when they come here.

Although the monks of the Celestial and Human Realm have supernatural powers to protect against the poisonous miasma, they may also be dangerous if they are exposed to them for a long time.

Once the ten generals haunt these areas, then they have to face more than just an enemy.

"Elder Yin, the leader of your team, how do you think we are going to act?" Seeing this, the blood evil sect cultivator asked.

"The task I'm waiting for is to snipe the ten generals. They enter the immortal world and they must be planning major events. If we can't complete the task, the consequences will be disastrous! So we can't back down, even if there is a miasma forest blocking, we must go down and investigate! "

Since he said so, he meant that he couldn't hold back.

After hearing this, the blood evil sect cultivator nodded, indicating that he had no opinion.

Lei Yi was naturally more unlikely to object. As for the other two in the team, no one asked their opinions.

A group of five people flew down, and soon a dark green poisonous miasma came into view.

"According to the intelligence, people who are suspected of being Ten Generals have appeared in the nearby area. It seems that we have to enter the poisonous miasma to find the clue!"

After thinking about it, Elder Yin took out a cloak and hung it on his body.

At first glance, this cloak is a kind of magic weapon of isolation, forming a fluorescent barrier on its body surface to block the erosion of the surrounding miasma.

The blood evil sect monk also took out a fiery red jade pendant, forming a layer of heat on the surface of the body, and the miasma along the way was evaporated by the heat, unable to get close to him.

The other two monks took out some pills and swallowed them, obviously intending to use the power of the medicine to neutralize the effects of the miasma.

On the contrary, it was Lei Yi, who walked into the miasma indifferently, using no means at all.

With his physical strength, these miasma can hardly hurt him, even breathing heavily in the miasma is fine.

After all five of them used their methods, they shuttled through the miasma forest, and their vision was blocked by the miasma along the way, but their spiritual consciousness could still be released.

After a while, the five stopped in the miasma and landed on the ground.

An unexpected scene happened to Lei Yi. There was a corpse lying on the ground, which looked like a piece of several monster beasts. Isn't this the synthetic beast he saw in Infinite City?

"This is a monster?" Elder Yin asked when he saw this.

"No, this is a synthetic beast, but how could it die here?" Lei Yi shook his head and looked around at the same time.

This is a miasma forest. Generally speaking, a place where poisonous miasma is rampant, only monsters such as poisonous insects exist, and there can be no powerful bloodthirsty monster race.

So how did this synthetic beast die here?

"There seems to be a wave of energy in the body of this synthetic beast?" In the team, the two monks who were born in casual cultivation, seemed to have noticed something, and cautiously leaned towards the synthetic beast.

"Wait..." At this moment, Lei Yi instinctively noticed something was wrong, and he wanted to stop the two of them.

But his action was obviously late, the original strange energy in the synthetic beast's body suddenly became violent and exploded in an instant.


The explosion sounded, the flames splashed, and a dark green poisonous fog spread.

"Do not-"

"Ah, my body!"

The first to be affected was naturally the two close to the Synthetic Beast. Their bodies were submerged by the poisonous mist, and the screams followed.

But the screams only lasted for less than half a breath, and stopped abruptly.

In Lei Yi's induction, the breath of the two disappeared, and they were obviously killed on the spot.

Lei Yi retreated to the side with Elder Yin and the Blood Fiend Sect cultivator, but fortunately they all avoided the poisonous fog.

But as soon as he acted, he lost two companions. As the team leader, Elder Yin's expression became very bad.

"It should be you to be able to use such a tricky method, Plague Docot!" Lei Yi said calmly, looking around his surroundings.

"Jie Jie Jie, the kid who ran away has actually appeared again!" In the poisonous mist, there was a cold laughter.

But Lei Yi and the others were unable to find the other party's spiritual consciousness, which was a bit strange.

"You should know that now I am not even afraid of Cecil, and you are even more unlikely to be my opponent, right?" Lei Yi spoke again, mocking the opponent.

"Jie Jie Jie, you can give it a try to see if I am really scared of you as a kid!" The other party also ridiculed him, but he was not afraid at all.

Lei Yi was surprised, who gave Plague Docot the courage to let him speak like this.

He immediately looked at the elder Yin and the blood evil sect cultivator, and asked questions in his eyes.

"No, no trace of this person can be found!" But the latter two shook their heads at the same time, obviously also having no clue.

Now, it's hard to do.

Plague Docot's combat effectiveness is not strong, but most of this person's methods are extremely vicious. If they are consumed with the opponent, the situation will be extremely unfavorable for them.

"If that's the case, you can only look for it separately!" After Lei Yi thought for a while, he rushed directly to the deepest part of the poisonous miasma.

Docot is a sinister villain. Since he knows how to take advantage of the location, he must hide in the most dangerous place.

Lei Yi has the strongest strength, so he chose the most dangerous place.

Elder Yin and the cultivator of the Blood Fiend Sect, after looking at each other, they also dispersed, moving towards the other two directions.

But just after the three of them had left, two figures faintly walked out of the poisonous fog.

These are the two monks who died just now. At this moment, they are all swollen and rickety, and the dark green poisonous mist is spraying in their noses, as if they have become two walking corpses.

In the poisonous mist, a pair of sharp claws stretched out, and after grabbing the two bodies, they chased out in the direction where Elder Yin had left.

However, Lei Yi hadn't noticed these.

He was speeding through the poisonous miasma now, searching for the trail of Dorcott.

"Plague Docot, the person at the bottom of the top ten generals, why did he come to the world of cultivating immortals?" He moved forward while thinking about the other party's purpose.

If the Infinite Emperor wants to fight decisively, he should send the four most powerful gods.

But why did you send ten generals but not the four gods? This is somewhat unreasonable.

Before the decisive battle, first send the weaker ones out to die. Isn't this giving the fairy world a chance to break it one by one?

"Unless the four gods are also dispatched!" Lei Yi soon understood that there must be a strong escort, otherwise they would not really dare to come to the immortal world to die.

Thinking of this, his expression became serious.

Dorcott dared to provoke himself, could it be because of the four gods covering him, so he had no fear.

But no matter what, he found no danger for the time being, indicating that there was only one person near Docot.

Lei Yi would not be afraid of each other when he was one-on-one.

His figure speeded up suddenly, swiftly shuttled among the poisonous miasma, and soon came to the deepest place.

In this area, the density of the poisonous miasma was so high that even his sight was affected.

In the center, Lei Yi finally found Docot's trace.

He knelt on the ground, holding a group of purple flames in his hands, and under his feet were circles of dense purple patterns.

"Doctor, what are you doing, are all infinite power in the purple flames?" Lei Yi asked coldly while looking at the other party.

But Dorcott didn't care about this. After planting the flame he was holding into the ground, he slowly got up, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com looked back at Lei Yi.

"Jie Jie Jie, the fire has been planted, and my task is complete!" He let out a smirk, dark and infiltrating.


Lei Yi looked towards the flames and saw that the purple lines were gradually spreading, and traces of infinite power spewed out from the flames, spreading the void.

"You are creating infinite power!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi finally understood.

Why did Docot want to enter the immortal world? They actually tried to change the environment of the nearby area and accelerate the spread of infinite power in the immortal world.

"Since you have discovered the fire, then you can't let you leave alive!" Docot also looked at Lei Yi, and his attitude changed at the same time.

On his left and right sides, poisonous fog surged up, two figures staggered out, it was the two monks who had died before.

"They are also infected" Lei Yi asked casually when he saw the two of them, but was not surprised at all.

"Yes, the two of them were infected by me, and it is a matter of time before the remaining two are infected. But I know that with your current strength, it won't be difficult to deal with them!"

Dorcott looked at Lei Yi and grinned: "But you don't know, my current strength is different from before!"

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