I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1296: The war is coming again? (Happy weekend!)

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The three heads of the empty king all showed different levels of astonishment at this moment.

Because in their estimation, Lei Yi is absolutely impossible to break away from this round of attacks.

This is his estimation of his own strength, and it is also because Lei Yi has not touched the Saint Realm.

But even so, he really couldn't think of what kind of method the other party used to defeat his aurora.

Below, the central area of ​​the cloud group.

Lei Yi's body was completely shrouded in golden light, and his whole person was going to be turned into light.

In his body, it is the power of endless time, but at the same time, there is another power that is also rising.

Among the golden light, a silver rune appeared.

This rune is obviously a rune of the law of power, but it is more complicated and mysterious.

The space around the rune couldn't even bear this force, and it began to turbulent, close to collapse.

"Sure enough, is this the power of the sky-breaking power?" Looking at this rune, Lei Yi looked overjoyed.

That's right, relying on the blessing of the law of time, he actually urged the power to break the sky.

The power of breaking the sky is the strongest supernatural power that can only be mastered after the cultivation of the "True Heaven Breaking Technique", and it is also the integrated supernatural power of the law of power.

The law of power summoned by the power of breaking the sky has surpassed the power of the general law of heaven and reached the level of rules.

And the magical powers displayed with such runes can even break the sky. This is also the origin of the name of breaking the sky.

Of course, with Lei Yi's strength in the late stage of the Heaven and Human Realm, theoretically, it is impossible to display this power.

But as long as there is no absoluteness, he once relied on the infinite power of the dream supernatural power, and he briefly understood the power of breaking the sky.

Of that opportunity, he naturally grasped it firmly, and even used his body to remember the subtlety of the power of the sky.

And in the so many years of retreat in Tianwaitian, he also tried to cultivate the power of breaking the sky, but because of the limitation of the realm, all of them failed.

But when Lei Yi almost gave up, he thought of a way.

Use the power of the law of time to temporarily communicate with the future, improve one's own temporary realm, and meet the requirements of being able to display groundbreaking power.

This is a method that only a cultivator with the power of the law of time can come up with, and Lei Yi has really tried it.

But the so-called future of communication is extremely difficult to operate, and there are many uncertainties in the future of communication.

After many years of experimentation, Lei Yi barely grasped the possibility of the future.

It was precisely by relying on this possibility that he finally completed the use of this trick.

With the help of the power of the future, let him be able to display the power of breaking the sky!

"The light of my future hasn't been extinguished. Now I, although my realm has not yet reached the realm of saints, I already have the capital to challenge them!"

Lei Yi looked at the law of high-level power emerging in front of him, and after pinching it, his figure rose into the sky.

Now he, carrying an overwhelming force like mountains, almost unstoppable, directly rushed through the blockade of clouds.

"What!" The king of the sky above, seeing this scene, all three heads were stunned.

"Little devil!" The bird in the middle made a scream, and then controlled its body to dive down.

The face on the right opened his mouth and spit out two lightning bolts.

The dragon on the left opened his mouth and sucked, and the two lightnings were dragged and fell on the claws of the king of the sky.

The lightning turned into two golden spears, which were held in their hands and swung like weapons.

With the blessing of thunder and lightning, the runes on the back of the king of the sky flickered, and his figure disappeared in place again.

But this time, in Lei Yi's eyes, the power of the law of time emerged.

He saw it!

Saw the scene of the future.

Lei Yi's figure suddenly changed direction and rushed forward to the right.

And at this position, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared, it was the King of the Sky.

"What, you actually knew I would show up?"

"Impossible, my speed is no one can match, how did you do it?"

"It's just unreasonable, little devil!"

The three heads reacted to Lei Yi's movements at the same time, controlling the two claws, waving thunder and lightning spears, and bombarding the past.

"There is only one chance, we must seize it!" Lei Yisi didn't stun the opponent, and slammed his fist.

Facing the king of the sky who had been killed, he waved his right fist and let out a loud shout.

"The ape shakes the sky!"

The phantom of a golden great ape appeared. Although his figure was less than one-tenth of the king of the sky, his aura was not weaker than the opponent at all, and even slightly surpassed it.

The giant ape also shook his right fist, blasting out with one blow, shaking in the void.

At the place of his fist, a silver rune suddenly exploded with an extremely powerful aura.

The attack of the Sora King meets the fist of the Great Ape...


At the center of the attack, the void instantly distorted, and then the power of non-forging and supernatural powers exploded one after another, a wave that was almost no weaker than the previous explosion, instantly engulfing the space.

Sky King and Lei Yi, under this huge force, were blasted out one after another, shooting thousands of miles backwards.

The central space shattered one after another, and large cracks spread out, swallowing everything around.

The attacks of the Sky King and Lei Yi actually created a huge black hole.

This movement continued for more than ten breaths before the black hole began to shrink, and the power of the surrounding space was added one after another to fill the gap.

At this moment, both sides of the struggle were completely silent and disappeared.

Until I don't know how long, a huge black cloud flew over the sky.

Among the black clouds, Garuda stood on top of the dark sun god, hurried back with a gloomy expression.

When he saw the kingdom of God that fell to the ground and was still burning, his face was completely darkened.

"King of Sora, where are you?" He suppressed the anger in his heart and shouted around.

But no one responded for a long time, and the king of the sky was obviously missing.

"Damn it!" Garuda gritted her teeth and looked back again.

I saw the horizon, a five-color glow emerged.

In the light, a wave of the power of the five elements can be sensed.

Obviously, this is Yun Guanhai chasing over.

"King of the Sky, where are you?" Garuda yelled again when the chaser appeared.

"That kid..." In the ground below, an extremely cold voice sounded.

Then, I saw a huge black shadow breaking through the soil, and his figure rose to the sky. It was the King of the Sky.

But at the moment he looked quite miserable. Not only was one claw shattered and bloody, even the wings on his back were twisted under the impact just now.

But this injury is not a fatal injury to the strong of the Saint Realm, and it can be recovered in a short time.

The King of Sora hurriedly mobilized the infinite power of his body, gathered in his body, and began to repair his injuries.

But at this moment, Garuda discovered something was wrong.

Because with the crash of the Kingdom of God, the density of the infinite force in the atmosphere is rapidly diminishing.

"Oops, the lost kingdom of God, we can't transform this area, and even the infinite power has been diluted in reverse!"

Afterwards, Garuda looked to the east, where countless auras appeared, apparently from the realm of cultivating immortals.

He finally knew what the Xiuxian Realm was going to do this time.

They will take the opportunity of the kingdom of God to be destroyed and counterattack.

"Where are the ten generals?" In the end, Garuda could only call the ten generals.

Near the kingdom of God, the Six Paths of Escape quickly rose into the sky and came to him.

"Apart from Docot, aren't Atlans, Gairo and Valen here?" Seeing that there were only six ten generals left in front of him, Garuda was stunned.

He left for a while. Not only was the kingdom of God destroyed, but the King of Sora was seriously injured, and even the ten generals lost three?

"Who did it on earth?" He gritted his teeth and asked every word.

"It's Ray Yi, he did it alone!" Finally, Cecil said.

"That kid!" Hearing this familiar name, a haze appeared in Garudia's eyes.

The other party made such a big movement with just one person. This is something that even the Saint Realm can't do, but he can do it alone.


"Destroy the Kingdom of God!"

"Get rid of that bunch of strangers!"

But at this moment, a scream of killing came.

Garaudia and the others all looked to the east, where countless rays of light appeared. This was the death of the people from the world of cultivation.

At the forefront of this group of people, the cultivator of the saint realm headed by the dream supernatural power rushed to the front line.

Yunguanhai merged with dream magical powers, and the six saints immediately joined forces, and even the clouds in the sky could only evade the powerful aura.

"Unexpectedly, the gift from the adults will be used so soon!"

In Garudia's hand, there were five more purple light clusters, shining with monsters of light.

He looked at the flying dream supernatural power, Yun Guanhai and the others, his expression stunned, and his figure rushed towards each other.

At the moment when the two sides were about to confront each other, Garuda threw all the five groups of purple light in his hand.

The purple light flourished in the air, and then it flew out as if locked on the target.

Meng Shentong, Lu Jianxin and others, their expressions changed drastically when they saw the flying light group.

But they still reacted, all kinds of magical power attacks were launched, trying to block the approach of the purple light. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"It's useless, this is the means of that adult, and you can't stop it!" Garuda laughed slyly when he saw this.

The next moment, Ziguang passed through the magical powers and attacks, flew in front of Lu Jianxin and the others, and then exploded.

Purple cages appeared in the air, and Lu Jianxin and others were all gone.

But when Garuda looked towards a certain direction, he was surprised.

Because one of his goals is the magical dream power, but the opponent is still standing in the void intact.

On the contrary, his strength was even weaker, and Yun Guanhai, who had not been targeted by him, was now locked in an infinite cage.

But at this moment, with the exception of the Saint Realm, most of the power of the Immortal Cultivation Realm has been killed.

Garuda could only shout to the rear: "Ten generals and all those who fit in are obedient, ready to meet the enemy!"

Afterwards, under his command, the Ten Generals rushed towards the team of the immortal world, carrying the fitter and a large number of synthetic beasts.

On the other side, Meng Shentong also mobilized: "Everyone, whether I can restore the glory of the past, it depends on today!"

The mighty immortal cultivator immediately killed him with the ten generals and others.

In the sky, the war broke out completely.

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