I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1313: 4 gods

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Before the war, there will be a link before the war.

This time, of course, it is no exception.

Meng Shentong also knew to mobilize his own people before the war, so he took a step first and his body disappeared on the flying boat.

In the sky above, a huge projection appeared, which was the face of the dream supernatural power.

The projection gradually expanded, and finally became as tall as the Infinite Emperor who was incarnate as a giant.

"Bold infinite emperor, you sent your minions to destroy the foundation of the immortal world. You are really a treacherous man. Today, with my dream magical powers and the elite sects of the immortal world, the elite of the two races of humans and monsters, you are bound to annihilate you..."

With the pre-war battle of Dream Supernatural Power, the morale of the monks and the monster race gradually improved, and the sentiment was exciting.

Suddenly, the power of the party occupying the devilish energy skyrocketed, even faintly overwhelming the party of infinite power.

"Hehehehe, if that's the case, then you are here. This emperor wants to see, how can you destroy this world?" Amidst the purple giant, the voice of the Infinite Emperor came out.

"Then as you wish, do it!" The projection of the incarnation of Dream Supernatural Power waved his hand directly.

Below, the demon monk headed by Wuxin Shenzong suddenly started to act.

Dozens of dragon-head cannons were erected on the black huge boat of Modao.

"Fire!" Yin Jitian stood in front of the giant boat group and waved to order.

The cultivators of the Demon Dao started to move, injecting energy into the dragon head cannon, and the muzzle suddenly gathered magic energy.

Bang bang bang!

The artillery roared one after another, and countless flames flickered like fireworks.

Mo Dao took the lead, and the shot was a cannon fire attack.

But the strange thing is that the speed and power of this round of attacks are not considered strong, not to mention the ten generals, even some advanced adaptors can easily avoid it.

The artillery fire landed quickly, but was avoided by the fitter.

Then a roar rang through the ground, and the ground below was covered by flames, and countless clusters of red smoke dispersed and swept around.


The purple giant suddenly lowered his head, and the Infinite Emperor inside the giant also noticed the abnormality.

He discovered that the scattered red smoke was actually high-purity magic energy.

As these demon qi dissipated, he and the infinite power of the fitter's body were being crazily squeezed and repelled.

"Er's attack is actually for this purpose!" Soon, Emperor Infinity discovered the intention of the magic way.

The opponent's attack is not to deal with them, but to change the density of magic energy and infinite power in their area.

Now, under rounds of artillery bombardment, the magic is overflowing, and the infinite power is gradually being squeezed out.

When the Infinite Emperor saw this, there was no way to stop it, even if he controlled the giant to block it, the shells would still explode.

And these shells are themselves made with high-purity magic energy, this is the unintentional Shenzong taking out all the magic energy accumulated in the sect for many years.

Seeing that the infinite emperor has nothing to do, the morale of the two realms of righteousness and devil has increased greatly.

After a long time, the artillery finally ceased.

At this moment, the northern continent of the human world was completely occupied by demonic energy, and the infinite power was completely squeezed out.

This move was exactly what Garuda used when the world of immortality was eroded by the infinite emperor, but at this moment it was actually imitated by the world of immortality.

Because of the existence of the devilish energy, the Infinite Emperor controlled the giant, brought the fitter and the kingdom of God, and retreated to the border of the northern continent.

However, the two sides are still confronting each other.

"Add another fire!" In the sky, Yin Jitian waved again and ordered.

Below, the demon cultivators took out the magical artifacts one after another, and then transmitted orders.

In the Demon Realm passage at the back, a series of huge roars sounded at the moment the order was sent.

This time it was an explosion again, but in the Demon Realm, but the power of the explosion could be felt by the Human Realm even across an interface.

And with the second round of explosions, countless cracks appeared at the intersection of the human world and the demon world.

It seems that the power of the explosion has directly broken through the space barriers.

As the contact area between the two realms increased, magic energy began to flood into the human realm.

Under the crazy injection of magic energy, the infinite power was squeezed again and retreated toward the central area of ​​the human world.

Naturally, the area where the cultivators move has increased again.

"This way, it should be enough!" Seeing this scene, Yin Jitian nodded in satisfaction.

Then he returned to the huge boat where the six people had been before, and gestured to the others one or two.

"All the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism, guard the original mind to prevent the devilish energy from corroding!" The Venerable Brahman immediately transmitted the voice to the Buddhists, Taoism and monks, asking them to keep their minds.

The massive infusion of magic energy has no effect on the magic path, but it is different for the monks who practice Zen.

Even people of the righteous way will be more or less affected by demonic energy. Even if they wear many evil spirits in advance, they must prevent demonic energy from eroding their minds.

Therefore, under the raging devil qi, both the Buddha Sect and the right path were temporarily unable to act, but the demon cultivators began to eagerly try.

Now, they are the strongest combatants.

"The demon generals, rush with me!"

In the end, Yin Jitian took the lead, led the side of the Demon Dao, and launched a direct charge.

The people of the Demon Dao were killed, and they didn't care if they would be used as gunmen by the right path. There was a fight to be fought at this moment, and of course they would not endure depression.

The huge black boats full of monks from the Demon Dao rushed to the side of the Infinite Emperor.

Facing the menacing magical way, the adaptors naturally have to fight back, but their actions are limited by infinite power, unable to make any resistance to the magical way that is engulfed in the magical energy.


Finally, the infinite emperor made a sound.

With a wave of the purple giant's big hand, the ground under his feet suddenly cracked.

The crack spread to the end of the earth, and the two huge dark red arms tore apart the soil layer, and then fell heavily to the ground.


These are two huge palms, and then the owner of the palm appears.

This was a giant made of black lava. He climbed up from the cracks in the earth. His huge body was as tall as the purple giant incarnation of the Infinite Emperor, even reminding him to be much larger and heavier.

With one step out, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the entire human world continent seemed to tremble.

On the giant's body, countless magma turned into blood vessels, densely interlaced, covering the giant's body.

The steaming heat wave hits the surroundings as the giant walks, and every step it takes will inevitably bring up a sea of ​​fire. After a few steps, there is already a sea of ​​fire behind him.

"One of the four gods, the lava demon is here to join the battle!" The giant came to the front of the Infinite Emperor, raised his arms high, and roared up to the sky.

After speaking, the four gods were like a gorilla, beating their chest frantically with both arms, making a muffled sound.

Seeing that a giant appeared again, the morale of the Demon Dao side slowed down, and the right Dao side at the back was even more silent.

They also did not expect that there would be such a fierce thug under the command of Emperor Infinite.

The opponent's aura had obviously reached the strength of the Saint Realm, and it was also a Saint Realm of inhuman and monster race.

"Go, meet these guys!" The purple giant waved and ordered.

Suddenly, the lava demon **** was like a chicken blood, and regardless of the devilish energy and infinite power below, he directly moved his legs and rushed to the fleet on the side of the magic road.

Although the black huge boat is huge, in front of this giant, it is only the size of the opponent's fingernail.

If the giant is killed, the Demon Dao's fleet may not be able to stop it.

"Hmph, let this sect master come and meet you!" Seeing the huge crowd slaying fiercely, Yin Jitian finally couldn't help it.

He screamed, his figure soaring into the sky, and quickly came to the front of the lava demon god.

Afterwards, he knotted his hands, and the endless demonic energy gathered in the void of his body, and countless **** runes also appeared all over his body.

"The realm is unfolding, Shura's killing world!"

Yin Jitian directly displayed the field.

The light of blood appeared in the sky, and the blood rushed into the sky, and a burst of red light enveloped the sky, and also enveloped the lava demon who rushed out of it.

In the next moment, both Yin Sutian and the lava demon disappeared in the center of the battle group.

The **** light still existed in the sky, and the crimson glow was looming in the clouds. It was obvious that the two parties within it had already fought against each other.

Neither Meng Shentong nor Infinite Emperor expected that Yin Jitian would directly use the realm, drawing a four gods into it.

However, doing so did not go beyond the expectations of the Dream Supernatural Power and the Infinite Emperor, and even neither of them took action to stop it.

"Emperor Infinity, your subordinates have been dragged by Yin Jitian, and obviously you can't stop the invasion of the devilish energy!" The projection of the dream magic power spoke again, lightly mocking.

"Hahaha, although the Lava Demon God was dragged, but who said I was the only one under him!" The Infinite Emperor in the purple giant also fought back.

"Before Garuda, I had four powerful subordinates known as the Four Gods. You have only met one of them just now!"

After he said it, there was another wave in the void behind him.

In the sky, a burst of eagles resounded across the sky, and the shadow of a huge bird galloped past, causing a burst of sonic booms.

This is a huge strange bird surrounded by clouds. It has three heads. Except for the bird's head in the middle, there is a dragon head on the left and the evil ghost face with blue fangs on the right.

This one is naturally the King of the Sky who fought against Lei Yi in the kingdom of God.

In addition to the fluctuations in the sky, there is also a huge breath in the surrounding sea.

Under the impact of the huge wave, a huge black shadow emerged from the sea. U U Reading www.udukanshu.com

What appeared this time was also a humanoid creature, but with a huge octopus head with countless tentacles growing on the edge, the body was plump and bloated, and covered with a layer of dense blue scales.

His limbs are sharp claws like lizards, but there are many fin-like sharp tissues on his back and arms, especially the fins on the back, which can be opened like wings.

A thick snake's tail flicked, causing countless vortices to form in the sea behind him, and huge waves of more than 100 meters hit the sea non-stop.

But this was not over yet. On the ground in front, countless vines broke out of the soil and rose into the sky, and then formed a huge human face.

Below this face, a large area of ​​soil rose into the sky, and then formed a plump body, which can be vaguely seen as a giantess.

The green face made of intertwined vines, and the gray-yellow body made of soil, it looks a bit ugly no matter what.

"They are the other three of the four gods, the king of the sky, the master of the storm, and the mother of birth. They represent the sky, the earth and the ocean in this realm respectively. I see how you can resist the three of them!"

In the purple giant, the Infinite Emperor spoke again.

At this moment, the four gods finally appeared!

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