I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1346: Watching the sea with the clouds

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Because Lei Yi scolded the storm to be the same as the salted fish.

This sentence completely angered him.

As the master of the ocean, one of the four gods under that adult was scolded as a salted fish by a small person who was not as strong as him.

This is something that no one can bear, not to mention that the kid in front of him is still an enemy, the goal of Infinite Emperor.

The master of the storm was about to take action immediately, and the huge water attribute vitality all over his body moved in response to the wind and gathered in front of him.

The sky was also covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, as if a downpour was brewing.

"Little man, you completely angered me, today..."

The master of the storm was about to roar to vent the anger in his heart, but his words suddenly stopped.

Then, his huge octopus head suddenly looked at a certain direction.

"Huh, there are still people approaching!"

In the same way, Lei Yi also noticed that a powerful aura appeared nearby, and followed the storm lord's sight and looked over.

As a result, from this look, Lei Yi's heart was cold.

Because the person here is not someone else, he is actually someone he knows very well, and the other person and himself are enemies!

Above the sea, a five-color fading light galloped in. The people in the fading light were haunted by killing intent, and the target was directed at Lei Yi.

This person is not someone else, it is Yun Guanhai!

"It's actually an intruder of the same level!" After the Storm Lord noticed the arrival of the breath, he temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, and then became alert.

Because in the eyes of the four gods, the incoming person belongs to the realm of cultivating immortals, and should be "in the same group" with Lei Yi.

But what he didn't know was that it was impossible for the person to join Lei Yi at all, and even as soon as the opponent appeared, he might kill Lei Yi.

All in all, the sea of ​​clouds has arrived.

He galloped all the way under the protection of the five-color escape light, and finally reached where Lei Yi was.

After arriving, he didn't care about the master of the storm, but went straight to Lei Yi.

When the escape light narrowed away, what was revealed was the gloomy Yun Guanhai.

"Where are the five exercisers!" After he stopped, he waved his hand immediately.

"I'm waiting!" behind him, five voices replied in unison.

Immediately there were five escape lights, flew out from behind, and then surrounded Lei Yi.

The five people who appeared here were Jin Lingsheng, Muying, Mo Ziling, Nangongzheng and Yueshan.

After the five appeared, the corners of Yun Guanhai's mouth raised slightly, his gaze was firmly locked on Lei Yi, and his killing intent was soaring: "Boy, after I summoned the five exercisers, I will rush to kill you all the time!"

"Fuck, this old boy is really lingering!" Lei Yi's mouth twitched, but he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

This Yun Guanhai doesn't look at the occasion, but the Storm Lord, one of the four gods, is here. You actually don't even care about the other party, just to kill yourself?

But obviously, Yun Guanhai is the kind of person who can abandon even the righteousness of the world of immortality for his own benefit.

At this moment, there is no storm ruler in his eyes, only Lei Yi, the enemy who killed his son.

On the other side, the master of the storm also noticed the anomaly.

After Yun Guanhai appeared, he actually didn't care about himself, but unabashedly locked the killing intent to Lei Yi, which was not quite right.

"Wait..." He said thunderously, trying to say something.

But at this moment, Yun Guanhai's attention was all on Lei Yi.

And Lei Yi also focused his attention on Yun Guanhai and his five doglegs.

They can't control the storm master.

For the first time, the master of the storm felt ignored. This feeling was very bad.

On his octopus head, the tentacles danced suddenly, and he immediately became angry.

"Hahaha, your Excellency, don't bother them, just let them fight on their own!"

But just as he was about to do it, there was another whistling sound above the sea in the distance.

It turned out that someone came again, and the person who came was also in the realm of saints.

I saw a black cloud drifting from the horizon, and soon came to the position above the storm dominator.

Then the black cloud converged, and the figure within it appeared.

The visitor was dressed in black, his face was stern, and his body was filled with evil spirits, but it was not that the Demon King was nihilistic.

After the appearance of Nothing Evil, the breath of the whole body also locked the master of the storm.

"Do you want to fight with me?" The Storm Lord naturally did not give up, and the whole body aura locked in the new powerful enemy in front of him.

"That kid is facing Yun Guanhai, Lu Jianxin and King Kong have also fought, naturally only us are left here!" Void Evil swept the audience, and then laughed.

This meaning is already obvious, he and the Storm Lord happen to have no rivals.

"Intruder, since you have the guts to provoke, come on!"

The master of the storm is naturally not afraid of nothingness and evil, and the huge body begins to move.

Waves emerged from under him, dragging his huge body towards the center of the sea.

Void Evil took a deep look at Lei Yi and Yun Guanhai, and then followed.

After a while, there were strong waves in the center of the sea, and it was obvious that the two had also started to fight.

At this moment, there are two saints in the realm, and they are fighting the four gods.

But at this moment, Lei Yi had to face not the four gods, but the sea of ​​clouds.

Although the appearance of Nothingness and Evil helped them take away the Lord of the Storm and avoided the ending of the chaotic war, I have to say that this result is not good for Lei Yi.

In a chaotic battle, he might still have a chance to fish in troubled waters, and facing the cloud and the sea head-on, his chances of winning are not great.

Fortunately, this is the realm of the Four Elements God, not the realm of Yunguanhai.

If he couldn't use the five-party magic power realm, Yun Guanhai's strength would naturally be greatly reduced.

But he thinks so, but it doesn't mean that this is really the case.

"I teach the traitor, today I will avenge my son's edict, and let you go to Huangquan Road and serve him as a cow!"

As Yun Guanhai said, a white light lit up in his palm, and then he was hit by him on his chest.

The white light suddenly fell into his chest, and a strange force began to flow all over his body.

"Promise power!" After feeling the breath of that power, Lei Yi was shocked and his expression became extremely jealous.

Good guys!

This infinite power is the backing of the dream supernatural power. It seems that Yun Guanhai is not only coming by himself, but also has the aftermath of the dream supernatural power.

Thinking of this, Lei Yi took a step forward and confronted the other party: "But this place is not your domain, even if you really want to do it, are you sure you can kill me?"

"Hmph, senior brother's ability, how can you traitor be able to guess!"

Yun Guanhai sneered, and the whole body was bright.

Then he raised his hand and issued an order: "Five exercisers, come to me!"

Jin Lingsheng and other five people instantly came to Yun Guanhai's side, and then the power of the Five Elements Rule around the five people gradually became stronger.

"With the power of Promise to protect, even in this world, I can still use the domain!"

Along with Yun Guanhai's roar, Bai Guang also enveloped the five people including Jin Lingsheng.

"No casting of golden peaks!"

"The sea of ​​sandalwood flowers!"

"The abyss!"

"I wish Rong Huoyu!"

"Five Sacred Prisons!"

In an instant, the five areas opened up, covering Lei Yi.

But this is not over yet, the domain also affects Yunguanhai, but he has a smirk on his face, and his hands are also quick to pinch the spell to cast spells.

The power of the five elements also instantly surged from the bodies of the five people including Jin Lingsheng to Yunguanhai.

He looked at Lei Yi and said coldly. "Today, I will use the power of the five exercisers to obliterate you with this most powerful field..."

"Five-party supernatural power world!"

It was another area that opened up, and even the areas where Jin Lingsheng and the other five people were displayed were all included in it.

A huge but full of the power of the five elements unfolded directly above the sea.

As for Lei Yi, naturally he didn't even have a chance to react, so he was dragged into it by the domain, and then his body completely disappeared.


Lu Jianxin, who had been fighting with the King of the Sky, suddenly felt his eyes and looked down.

"How come, Yun Guanhai obviously suffered such a serious injury before, but he recovered so quickly, and the area below is not his five-way magical power realm?"

Lu Jianxin looked at the King of Sky in front of him, and asked in a cold voice, "What's going on, isn't this your domain? Why can you use other domains?"

"Hehehe, I don't know this, but for me, it is a good thing that someone can take action for us and deal with that annoying kid?" The three heads of the King of Sora sneered at the same time. .

When Lu Jianxin heard this, his brows frowned, and then he sighed: "Yun Guanhai, you are still acting like this. Now that the enemy is now, you are acting against your own people for your own selfish desires, alas—"

"I don't know, that kid can survive this level!"

At this moment, Lei Yi was already in a realm, unable to sense everything from the outside world.

He is also familiar with this field, but it is not the five-party supernatural power realm of Yunguanhai.

Not only that, he felt that the five-party magical power world, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, was somewhat different from the previous few times.

"The power of the five elements is stronger than before, and the laws in the domain seem to be more active!" Lei Yi said after sensing the fluctuations in his body's aura.

"Hmph, it seems that you have also sensed it, yes, with Jin Lingsheng and the others helping me, the power of the five-party supernatural power realm can be compared to the previous few times, and it is not the same!"

Yun Guanhai let out a sneer, and then waved his hand and issued another order: "Five exercisers follow the order and help me obliterate this kid."

"Remember, don't kill him immediately, I will torture him little by little, and make him regret coming to this world!"

"I'll understand!" There were five loud and loud responses from all around the five-party supernatural power world.

For a time, the power of the Five Elements Law in the entire field was several times more active than before, and even some of the laws seemed to have come alive, jumping around.

"It's not good, Yun Guanhai itself is already very tricky, and coupled with his dog-legged five exercisers, the power of the five-party supernatural power world seems to have increased several times!"

At this moment, Lei Yi finally felt bad.

This time, the lingering Yun Guanhai was obviously prepared.

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