I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1350: Yunguan Sea End (Happy weekend!)

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"Today, Lei Yi, I am going to slaughter you, an old man of Saint Realm, in order to avoid future troubles!"

When Lei Yi said this, it was full of killing intent.

But with that inhuman posture, there is an indescribable weirdness.

At least Yun Guanhai looked at Lei Yi's appearance, and apart from the previous anger, there was a touch of unusual suspicion between his expressions.

"This kid, do you really intend to kill me?"

But soon, he suppressed the anxiety in his heart.

Because the kid in front of him, no matter what changes, is still the culprit who killed his son.

"No matter what your status is, I will kill you and avenge the edict!"

After Yun Guanhai said, he held the claws with both hands and pushed forward, flicking with ten fingers, and issued instructions.

Under his control, the five true dragons and the five elements giant attacked at the same time.

The five true dragons were the first to slay in front of Lei Yi.

"It's still the same thing, it's so boring!"

Seeing that the other party's attack was still the same, Lei Yi's mood was very calm.

With a wave of his hand, a circle of golden ripples rippled, and then enveloped the bodies of five real dragons.

Under the influence of the ripples, the movements of the five true dragons were slightly stagnant, and then their magical powers spurted out of their mouths at a speed that was dozens of times slower.

Lei Yi took a few steps forward in a volley, and then a ray of supernatural power flashed behind him, but none of them could touch the corners of his clothes.

"What!" Seeing this scene, Yun Guanhai's brows were almost twisted together.

He never expected that Lei Yi would break his first round of supernatural powers under such understatement.

But soon, he controlled five real dragons again, flicked the dragon's tail, and launched a second round of attacks on Lei Yi.

Lei Yi waved his hand again, the golden ripples rippling in the void, the five true dragons were affected, and their movements slowed down dozens of times again.

In this way, the dragon's tail's attack, let alone drawing people, can avoid even a fly.

Lei Yi took a few steps, and then easily avoided all the attacks.

The move of let is to make Yun Guanhai completely angry, and quickly pinch the technique to make the five true dragons retreat, and then concentrate on controlling the five elements giant to launch an attack.

"I don't believe it, the power of time in your body is unlimited!"

Under his control, the giant gradually approached Lei Yi from five directions.

The giant raised his hand. Although the attack speed was slow, the attack area was very large.

Obviously, Yun Guanhai deliberately consumed the power of the law in Lei Yi's body, so he replaced it with a larger giant to attack.

But Lei Yi remained unmoved. He still walked a few steps forward, waving his hand at will, and the golden ripples rippling, enveloping the giant's big hand.

Subsequently, the giant's actions also slowed down dozens of times, almost stagnating in place.

And Lei Yi, after more than ten steps, the giant palms of these giants were able to fall, and the attack naturally failed.

Yun Guanhai was not at all annoyed, and shot again.

But at this moment, a golden light lit up in front of him, and it turned out that Lei Yi's figure suddenly accelerated and slammed in front of him.

"Smuggle, don't think about it..." He was about to say something, but an arm pierced through his chest.

Yun Guanhai's complexion remained the same, his body collapsed, transformed into the power of the five elements, and melted into the air.

Without his guidance, the real dragon and giant behind them all lost their movement.

At this moment, Lei Yi glanced around, and at the same time opened up all his induction power.

Then he turned and looked at a certain direction.

In that direction, the power of the five elements began to condense, and Yun Guanhai's figure walked out of it.

"You little bitch, even if you have this kind of power, you still can't hurt me!" He looked at Lei Yi below and sneered again.

"It's not necessarily!" But in his ears, Lei Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

"When are you..." Yun Guanhai was shocked, and turned his head to look to his side.

As a result, as soon as he moved, his chest was torn apart by an arm again, and his body was about to collapse because of such heavy damage.

But this time, Lei Yi didn't let him do what he wanted, golden light appeared in his palm, and the power of time filled his surroundings.

In the golden light, Yun Guanhai's fake body once again returned to the appearance before the injury.

"What are you doing?"

Because this was not Yun Guanhai's real body, he naturally knew that Lei Yi was helping to recover his body, so he questioned.

"You thought I was helping you, then you were wrong!" Lei Yi replied in a cold voice, and the golden light in his hand didn't mean to go out.

Under the golden light, Yun Guanhai found that his fake body seemed to be gradually decomposing.

No, this is not a decomposition, but a return to the power of the five elements, back to the appearance before the formation of the fake body.

"You are..." He yelled three words, and his figure "disintegrated" again.

But this time, the power of the five elements in his body began to spread in a certain direction.

Seeing this, Lei Yi instantly enveloped the audience with a powerful sense of God, especially the area where the power of the five elements had returned.

Under his strong induction, there was a trace of unnatural law fluctuations in that area.

"Sure enough, when you create a fake body, you need to cast the spell yourself!"

That area was instantly locked by Lei Yi, and then his figure disappeared in the golden light.

"Damn it!" A figure rushed out of this area, actually Yun Guanhai.

And this time, it was not a fake body, but his ontology.

Lei Yi traced the time of the fake body back to the body's position by tracing the steps of Yunguanhai's spelling.

"You can't escape this time!" At this moment, Yun Guanhai heard a stern shout above his head.

Now that Lei Yi found the target, he naturally relied on the power of time to kill him instantly.

In an instant, a force of time covered Yun Guanhai's body, causing his movement to pause, and then the flow of time outside his body slowed by dozens of times.

After all, Yun Guanhai is a cultivator of the Saint Realm. After feeling the changes in his body, he gritted his teeth, and a powerful force burst out in his body.


A shock wave spread, and actually pushed back the power of time a little, and bought him a little time.

Taking advantage of this effort, Yun Guanhai pinched the tactics with both hands, and in the sky behind, the shadow of five different rules and avenues appeared faintly.

After this avenue appeared, the power of the five elements continuously flew out from the avenue and merged into his body.

"Small miscellaneous, you can use the strength of the heaven and human realm to force out my great power, you are the first in all ages!"

At this moment, Yun Guanhai, who was under the avenue, gradually raised his breath, and soon came to a position that was as powerful as the heavens and the earth.

Under Dao's acceptance, even the power of time around him felt difficult to get close to his body.

Lei Yi naturally had some scruples, so when the power of the great road appeared, he stepped back a little.

"The power of the great avenue? This is the rule of heaven and earth. The saintly realm monk uses the power of the great avenue, which means that he has used the last resort!"

Lei Yi looked at Yun Guanhai, blessed by the power of the five great avenues, on his face turned into a starry sky, but there was a strange wave of fluctuations.

"Hahaha, now I am protected by the road, and even the law of time can't affect me. See what you can do to threaten me!"

As Yun Guanhai said, he began to absorb the power of rules from the main road behind him, and protect his whole body.

Obviously, he was extremely afraid of Lei Yi, so he did not hesitate to use the power of the great road to protect him.

"The power of the avenue is really tricky, but this is not the realm of cultivating immortals. The avenue you call is the avenue of the human world!"

Afterwards, Lei Yi made a weird remark. With a flash of figure, he actually rushed towards the sea of ​​clouds.

"You dare to take the initiative to approach me and the Five Elements Avenue, are you at a loss? Hahaha!" Yun Guanhai saw Lei Yi "seeking death" in such a way, and suddenly laughed up to the sky.

Under his control, the five avenues behind him injected the power of rules into his body at ten times the speed just now.

In this way, the five-color rays of light flowed through Yun Guanhai's body.

"This time, borrowing the power of the Great Dao, I am enough to perform this trick, and I will use this trick to kill you!"

He casts spells like a pinwheel with both hands, and the power of the rules in his body is concentrated in the center pubic area.

"The five elements are one, and the rules are protected!" Yun Guanhai roared, his facial features were a little distorted.

And the power of rules in his body, as if reaching a limit, was about to burst out, causing his body to be submerged by the five-color light.

But at the moment when the power of rules exploded, Lei Yi faced the resistance in front of him and approached the opponent step by step.

Finally, his palm reached Yun Guanhai's chest.

"The power of the world's origin, and the infinite power, plus my five elements of time, is enough to deal with you!"

In these faint words, Lei Yi's body, the original power and infinite power, all began to act.

Behind him, the ghosts of the five elements of time appeared one by one.

The spirit creature was surrounded by infinite power, and then, driven by Lei Yi, it rushed straight to the road behind Yunguanhai.

In an instant, the five spiritual things rushed into the avenue and merged into it.

In an instant, there was a change that Yun Guanhai could not foresee.

His connection with the Five Elements Avenue was cut off.

Without the protection of the avenue, the power of rules in his body gradually faded away, and the energy in his body naturally began to weaken.

"You...what did you do..."

This time, Yun Guanhai's expression changed extremely wonderfully.

"I don't need to reveal too much to a dying person!" But Lei Yi's words were extremely indifferent to answer him.

Facing Yun Guanhai's momentum, Lei Yi moved forward, holding on to the power of the avenue, and slammed close to the opponent. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Die to me!" He burst out, and his arm pierced out.


His arm really penetrated Yun Guanhai's chest.

In this attack, Lei Yi could feel the real feeling of the hit, and the flesh and blood in the opponent's body, under the blood curse of Modo, gradually poured into his body.

Yun Guanhai looked at Lei Yi in front of him, then turned his head with difficulty and looked at the Five Elements Avenue behind him.

In the Five Elements Avenue at this moment, the five spiritual objects began to madly devour the power of the rules, and even formed five gradually expanding vortexes in the Avenue.

When Yun Guanhai saw this scene, his pupils shrank for a while, and his expression became extremely shocked.

He opened his mouth, exhausted the last strength of his whole body, and asked Lei Yi, "What is that... actually able to swallow... the power of the great road... what is your origin..."

"I won't tell you!"

But Lei Yi only raised the corners of his mouth and responded with a sneer.

For a while, Yun Guanhai was so angry with this answer that he spouted a mouthful of old blood, and the last trace of strength to support his body was finally exhausted.

His head tilted, and a five-color soul inside his body slowly separated from his body and flew into the sky.

This also indicates that this saint realm cultivator has finally fallen.

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