I Can Pause Time

Chapter 812: Dark emperor himself?

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Devildom, somewhere out of reach of light.

In the dark and boundless city-state, only the bluish flames were beating, which played a role of lighting.

At the highest point of the city, within a huge dark palace.

In the vast space with pitch black and no light, there is no trace of impurities except darkness in sight.

Suddenly, a group of faint blue flames lit up in the hall, and then faintly illuminated the surroundings.

In the flickering firelight, a figure walked out of the darkness.

Wearing a flowing robe, full of black hair and no wind, he seems to be connected to the endless darkness behind him. Under his handsome and straight appearance, there are a group of deep and cold eyes.

This is a handsome man, although he looks very young, but judging from his temperament, he looks extremely vicissitudes of life.

"Huh, waste!" At this moment, the man standing in the hall snorted coldly, and a trace of unhappiness appeared between his eyebrows.

Then, in the palace, a dark light emerged, and a figure stumbled out of it.

With a plop, the figure fell to the ground, really embarrassed.

This figure is Yeyi, but at this moment, his nose and face are swollen, there is no half of the nobility of the third prince of Dark descendant.

"Father, Father, I..." Seeing the man at the front of the hall, Ye Yi was panicked, and his whole body was shaking.

Because he knew that he was unavoidable to let the person in front of him see his embarrassment, but the more terrifying thing was his position in the eyes of the father.

"Enough, don't talk too much waste!" The man interrupted Ye Yat's excuse, and then said coldly: "Since the prohibition is activated, it means that you are close to dying outside. It seems that you are still unable to cultivate at home. Also lost my face!"

"Father, please listen to my explanation, I..."

"Why, I told you to shut up, but are you still talking nonsense?" A coldness appeared in the man's eyes.

This scene caused Ye Yi's heart palpitations for a while, and the words that came to her lips also stopped abruptly.

"Since I lost someone outside, just stay for ten years in the dull city. After ten years, you will go out and take revenge." The man continued, speaking in a commanding tone.

"If you lose again then, the emperor will not have your son!"

Ye Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that she had been imprisoned for ten years.

After all, their demons have a long life span, only ten years, which is not a big deal.

But then he thought of Lei Yi and the problem that Lei Yi had before the fight, so he raised his head and looked at the man in the front again.

"Father, the child has no objection to the punishment, but there is one thing you must personally report to you!"

"What's the matter?" The man said lightly without lifting his eyelids.

"The one who defeated me, he, he asked me a question before fighting the boy, he wanted to know that, that..." Ye Yi said that, looked up at the man, and then seemed to make a decision. The determination was average, took a deep breath, and continued:

"...The whereabouts of that traitor!"

After speaking, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and his whole body was limp to the ground.

"Traitor, which traitor?" The man hadn't reacted yet, after all, there were more traitors in the Demon Realm.

"Father, who else can be a traitor, of course Aunt..."

"What, it's her!"

Ye Yi quickly explained, but the man's face changed slightly, and the blue fire in the hall flickered for a few times.

This time, the man was no longer calm and indifferent. Instead, he was a little strangely excited, and even two terrifying rays of light burst into his eyes.

Ye Yi was even shocked when he saw this, because this was the first time he had seen his father such a gaffe from his childhood.

"Who is the one who defeated you? What is your appearance? Tell all the information you know about him!" Then, the man looked at Ye Yi and ordered word by word.

"Father, the one who defeated me seems to be a foreigner, and I don’t know what race it is. However, I heard his companion call out his name, which seems to be Lei Yi. His body is very strange, unexpectedly. Can break free of my ability, even the dark thunder can't hurt him..." Ye Yi quickly recalled, and said all the information about the previous fight.

"Lei Yi, Lei Yi, Lei Yi... His surname is Lei, he is a young man who defeated you and is not afraid of dark thunder and shadows, could it be..." The man heard Ye Yi's words, and the expression between his brows gradually darkened.

"Enough, you go out!" After a while, the man waved to let Ye Yi leave.

"Father, the child retire!" Ye Yi naturally did not dare to stay, and after saluting, he withdrew from the hall in fear.

Now, there is only one man left in the temple.

"That bloodline is still alive..." The man's eyes flashed and his face was surprised, "How is it possible, he has obviously disappeared for three hundred years, during which I have sent several surveys and found no trace!"

"But since he has appeared in the Demon Realm and is in the fierce emperor's collar, then the emperor has to take him back whatever the emperor said, and let the **** who corrupted my clan's reputation look at it. This is the consequence of angering me!"

As the man said, his tone became extremely gloomy, his right hand clenched into a fist subconsciously, and his five fingers squeaked.

It can be seen that he was really angry.

"Although Dark Wing is also there, but that kid alone, the emperor wants to catch him personally!"

As he said, there was a huge snake shadow squirming behind the man, and a huge mouth that looked like an abyss opened silently, swallowing all his figure into it.

The snake shadow plunged into the dark shadow, as if submerged in the water, silently, no movement was heard in the entire hall.

In the ground, a huge black shadow was swimming, leaving the pitch-black hall, and even leaving the gloomy city-state, swimming towards the distance.


The fierce emperor collar, the northern boundary line.

As the northern border with the Dark Emperor, important checkpoints have been set up here to guard against the dark descendants of the North.

Moreover, most of the elites in the Beast God Mountain are stationed here to prevent accidents.

As the central area of ​​the demon world, the fierce emperor collar can be said to be a sweet pastry.

In addition, the fierce emperor has fallen and the dragons have no head. The entire fierce emperor is a piece of fat that everyone covets, and almost all other emperors want to intervene here.

If it weren't for the peaceful leap between Emperor Kong Kong and Emperor Yu, the entire Fierce Emperor would become a place of war.

But even so, there are people in the Demon Realm who don't short-sell the emperor's face, such as the dark emperor Daknis, who often sends troops to the fierce emperor to plunder resources.

Therefore, the northern boundary line is where the elite troops stationed in the fierce emperor’s domain are the most.

The northern boundary line, the main level.

On a whim today, the guard of the checkpoint went to inspect the city wall.

As a top demon general, he didn't need to be like this, even guards in other places like to send a deputy in the future instead of patrolling.

But this demon general likes to do it himself, so today he walked up the city wall and looked north.

"These **** dark descendants, I don't know how many people will be sent to attack the checkpoint this year!" The guard shook his head in a daze.

Every year, the dark descendants send troops to attack here, and they are used to it.


But at this moment, on an observatory above the level, a crack suddenly appeared on the surface of a purple crystal stone.

"What's the matter, what's wrong with observing the magic stone?" The guard immediately scolded when he saw this.

No wonder he would be nervous, because this observation magic stone is the most important means to defend against the dark descendants.

Darkborn people will hide all their figures in the shadows, and they can't even find each other by ordinary means. Only by relying on these observation magic stones can they detect the darkborn's traces.

Therefore, observing the magic stone is the top priority for exploring the whereabouts of the dark descendants, and there is no room for loss.




Just when the guard finished his question, the observation magic stones in other locations around them were all covered with cracks, as if the rubble was about to shatter.

"How is it possible that all the observation magic stones will explode, what's the matter?" The guard saw this scene, and the first reaction was the hands and feet of the dark descendants.

But then it felt impossible, because as soon as the dark descendant got close to the magic stone, he would be detected aura and had nowhere to hide.

"General, will it be the king of the dark descendants? I remember that once again, a king passed the checkpoint, causing the magic inside the magic stone to be overloaded!" A lieutenant seemed to remember something and said quickly.

"Impossible. The breath of the king was detected that time. It was just a few slight cracks on the surface of the observing magic stone, and the opponent was passing by and the distance was limited. Later, we strengthened the stability of the magic stone. It may reach this level!" The guard quickly denied.


But the next moment, an observation magic stone near his nearest location suddenly exploded, and countless fragments splashed up, and even a part of it splashed on his body.

But at this moment, his expression was stunned, and he looked into the distance in a daze. Even the other observation magic stones around him were all exploded, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

Because in that direction, a huge and boundless black shadow was coming over the sky, like a tide, flooding the ground at the end, and even all the areas within their sight.

The shadows concealed the earth, and finally flooded the castle they were in, flooded the sky, flooded everything, and darkness fell.

The boundless darkness filled their sight, they almost lost their eyesight, and they couldn't even see their close companions.

After a few breaths, darkness broke through here and light reappeared.

When the sun was seen again, all the defenders breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the depression gradually disappeared.

"General, the one just now..." A lieutenant asked in a horrified tone as he watched disappearing on the other side of the checkpoint, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the endless shadow at the end of the earth.

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, how is this possible..." The guard did not answer his question but repeated a paragraph, his expression terrified.

"But the observation magic stone after reinforcement can be exploded, and only that person, the appearance of that person will cause..." The demon general first denied it, and then figured it out, as if he knew who the person was.

Because he knew that it was definitely not the king, but the stronger existence that could cause the night to fall and make the observation magic stone explode after sensing the breath.

"Dark...dark emperor...dark emperor...dark emperor Daknis!" For a long time, the guard opened his mouth before murmured these words.

But all the demon defenders who heard these words trembled, and some of them were so scared that their legs were weak and they collapsed to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

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