I Can Pause Time

Chapter 843: Huangsha Ancient Country

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The human world, the yellow sand continent.

This place is located in the southern part of the Western World of Human Realm. It belongs to two different continents, facing each other across the sea.

However, compared to China and the Western world, there is no concept of a country in the Huangsha Continent, and there are only small tribes among the native natives.

The development of these small tribes is severely restricted, and with the ravages of exotic animals, the people in the tribe can only move in a small area.

A large area on the Yellow Sand Continent is still a habitat for strange animals, which is inaccessible.

But because of this, the land on this continent is rich and fertile, making it the most ideal colony in the Western world.

Before the Cataclysm, the Caesar Empire turned a part of the Yellow Sand Continent into its own territory by opening up navigation routes.

But after the cataclysm, these territories were "sent" to the alien beasts, until the power of the Caesar Empire was restored, and under the leadership of the royal family and the eight pillars of the empire, the territories occupied by the alien beasts were gradually recovered.

On the Huangsha continent, apart from the colonies of the Western world, the most famous is the remains of the ancient Huangsha country.

According to legend, the ancient country of Huangsha is the origin of mankind, and many ancient monuments can be found here.

Before the cataclysm, there was a period of archaeological fever.

Many scholars in the Western world and China like to come to Huangsha Continent to explore the clues of the ancient Huangsha country and the origin of human beings.

The site of Huangsha Ancient Country is one of the largest relics.

However, since a few days ago, this area has been shrouded by a white light curtain, and the entire site of the ancient Huangsha country has become a sealed area.

Some expeditions in the Western world are also blocked by light curtains and cannot enter.

Soon after, they all received news from some sources, and they avoided this area for fear of some kind of threat.

At this moment, the ancient ruins of Huangsha.

Among the yellow sand in the sky, there is an area covered with countless huge tents, which even looks like a military base.

Susanna, the person in charge of Galaxy, is now in the most central area and is making overall planning.

Her job is to disperse the nearby expedition team and ensure that no one can disturb the actions of the big figures above the entire Huangsha Ancient Country Site.

"The person in charge, the patrols reported that there are no expeditions in the vicinity, and we have cleared out all the indigenous people who are active in the local area!" A subordinate reported to Susannah.

"Very well, keep it up, let all of your subordinates cheer up. The big names are coming these few days!" Susanna nodded, solemnly.

After passing away a ticket to her subordinates, she walked out of the tent and looked ahead.

In front of this strategic location is an endless desert area, and in the desert, you can vaguely see the outlines of some pyramids and ruined walls.

"The ruins of Huangsha Ancient Country are here. I really don't understand. Why are the big people above interested in this area?"

Susanna doesn't understand, because the ancient country of Huangsha has always been a place where expeditions from all over the world "go out and punch."

From hundreds of years before the cataclysm, expeditions from all over the world have been here.

When it comes to looking for something, they have all been dug up long ago, maybe the treasures are all placed in the showrooms of museums in various countries.

She was also very helpless, and the upper hand suddenly issued a task to clear the scene of the Galaxy Organization in this area, and they had no choice but to do so.

"The above not only dispatched us, but also dispatched all the superpowers under his hands. What are you going to do?"

Susanna is a little puzzled, this time their galaxy dispatched manpower and material resources can destroy a small country.

"Hey, why has the sky darkened?" As she muttered to herself, the sky suddenly became dark.

She looked down at her watch and realized that it was not yet time for darkness.

"No, it's not dark, but completely dark!" As the sky darkened, she finally realized something was wrong.

Looking up at the sky, the sun has disappeared somehow, and replaced by a dark sky.

The sky is full of black and sizzling, but it is not a prelude to the formation of a storm. There is no wind at all around it, and it is calm and scary.

In the tent, many people noticed the same and walked out.

In the end, like Susanna, they can only look up at the sky, and the whole process is dumbfounded.

Many people unconsciously turn on the lighting equipment, and various light source flares rise into the sky, illuminating the rest of the neighborhood.

"Look, what is that? There is something underground!" At this moment, a person saw a black shadow wriggling at the end of the earth with sharp eyes.

"No, it's not a thing, it's a shadow!" Then, some people noticed the abnormality.

At the end of the earth, a tide of darkness flooded and submerged the ground.

Everyone here saw this, but they were powerless, because the scene was too shocking.

Darkness spread quickly, affecting all the temporary bases where Susanna and others were located.

Later, they found that many of the lighting equipment in the base failed and the lights did not turn on.

The temporary base is now completely plunged into darkness.

Accompanied by the darkness, there is a burst of confusion, wandering, and fear.

In the boundless darkness, the shadows under the ground squirmed, and then a group of figures rose up.

"This is..." Seeing those figures, Susanna was finally moved.

The dark armor stomach, the tall body, the hideous appearance, and the bloodthirsty and cruel breath.

Those who appeared in front of them were definitely not human beings, but demons from the devil world!

From the dark shadows on the ground, it was the demons of the Darkborn that appeared.

However, only the sergeants appeared this time. The Dark Emperor, several kings, and the princes and princes did not appear near the temporary base.

"We are the dark descendants, come here by the order of the dark emperor!" a demon general headed by him spoke in a fairly proficient Western language.

Afterwards, this team of demonic sergeants once again merged into the underground shadows and disappeared.

From their mysterious appearance to their disappearance, it only took a few breaths of effort.

But the appearance of these demons had a huge impact on the people in the base.

Some people have never seen the demons in their entire lives, and they are frightened when they come so suddenly.

Among the crowd, Susanna was the first one to come back to her senses. After all, as the person in charge of the galaxy, she had also seen the Shadow Assassin Legion.

But at that time she saw not many demons, and the number of sergeants who appeared just now was a few thousand, and the aura of each was extremely powerful, and the demon generals who spoke were even more terrifying.

"Darkborn Demon Race, Dark Sovereign, did they invite the forces of the Demon Realm to participate!" Susanna looked at the ground where the Demon Race disappeared, stunned.

However, she finally knew why she, a master, could only guard the periphery.

It turned out that his strength was too weak and he was not qualified to participate in the internal affairs.

Afterwards, her gaze turned to the rear, where the big figures gathered.


Ruins of Huangsha Ancient Country.

Under the boundless darkness, a giant python raised its head.

With his mouth open, like a bottomless pit, a group of demon sergeants wearing jet black stomachs came out.

And surrounded by the sergeants, it was Dark Emperor Daknis.

"Hmph, I also specially sent people to inform the emperor of the time, but I didn't expect that the first one arrived, it was me!" The Dark Emperor glanced around and finally said impatiently.

Nothing makes him more irritable than having arrived by himself but not by others.

In the team, Lei Yi also looked around.

After carefully comprehending one or two with his mind, he can be sure that he has indeed returned to the human world.

"Darkwing boss, you don't have to mention me. Being carried like a chicken like you, I'm so shameless!" Then he said quickly, wanting someone to put himself down.

"Huh, what kind of face does the prisoner have!" Dark Wing King sneered, but still let go of his hand.

After the restoration operation, Lei Yi also looked around, but unfortunately he saw nothing except a desert, a few lonely pyramids, and the ruined buildings.

Don't talk about people, there are no animals, and those who don't know thought they were back in the secret hiding place of the fierce emperor.

The princes and princes of the Dark Emperor all looked around, wanting to see the difference between the human world and the devil world.

But after a little bit of insight, they showed disdain, sarcasm, and even unabashed contempt.

Because the vitality here is too thin, let alone supply them for cultivation, it is estimated that even certain magical powers cannot be used.

"Is this the human world, it's really a barren land!" The demons sneered.

Lei Yi sounded very uncomfortable. After all, the Human World was his "hometown", and he sounded uncomfortable when he was so slandered by these demons.

"Hey, there is movement, this breath is somewhat familiar!" But at this moment, UU read www.uukanshu. As if he had sensed something, he suddenly looked towards a certain direction.

In that position, a strange sound of insects sounded first, and then countless flying insects emerged from the gravel, turned into a black cloud, and flew towards the dark emperor.

"Jie Jie Jie, Daknis, who said you were the first to arrive, I would have been here long ago!" In the dark cloud of worms, there was a sharp and weird voice.

This voice, as if someone was pinching his throat to speak, sounded very uncomfortable, and got goose bumps all over.

"Beelzebu!" After hearing this voice, the Dark Sovereign remained indifferent and called out the name of the opponent.

Lord of the Flies, Bessib!

Hearing that name, Lei Yi knew who came, and he was the one with the worst reputation among the Seven Emperors of the Devil Realm.

When they acted together with Dorothy, they had all dealt with the shameless Seven Emperors.

Didn't the Dark Emperor call out Beelzebub's name, did all the demons in his team look disgusted?

Especially the two emperors Ye Zhi and Ying Shan, looked at the insects with a strong dislike.

Sure enough, women hate bugs, no accident.

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