I Can Pause Time

Chapter 854: I am not what I used to be

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The Tower of Time area.

In front of Lei Yi, the galaxy crowd headed by Susanna was caught in hesitation at this moment.

Without him, they were frightened by the time trap here, and they were terrified to take a step.

A good living person, just because he took a wrong step, he was gone if he said no.

And it's still the kind of dead body that turns to fly ash, you say it's not miserable.

Lei Yi looked at the enemy headed by Susanna, hesitated at this moment, and a smile was unconsciously raised at the corner of his mouth.

Once upon a time, these people were opponents he needed to avoid.

But now, these people have some difficulties even facing him.

"Why, I can't fight anymore, are you here?"

He made a provocative statement towards the opponent, and by the way, he hooked his finger and motioned for the opponent to come over.

"Youlittlescaly-facedbitch !!! (You dirty little bastard

Susanna naturally couldn't help being provoked by this kind of provocation, and she uttered a foul language.

"Why, say I'm mean?" Lei Yi smiled when he heard the other party's foul language. "You have so many people together, and you plan to bully fewer people. Isn't it more mean than me?"

Being taunted by Lei Yi made Susanna even more angry, and even her face became distorted with excitement.

"Fk, fkyou!" This woman even swears again.

"Since you can't come, let's change it!" Lei Yi mocked again, and then moved directly and shot.

He knew all about the time traps in this area and was naturally fearless. He turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Susanna and others.

Facing the galaxy crowd who wanted to kill him several times, he naturally wouldn't be merciful, and he shot just to kill the enemy.

"Block him!" Susanna hurriedly shouted when she saw this.

Several people rushed out immediately and killed Lei Yi.

"Weak, too weak!" Seeing this, Lei Yi shook his head secretly.

Because this group of galaxy members are all powerhouses above the grandmaster, but they are always divided into many layers, and they belong to the lowest level above the grandmaster.

As for Lei Yi, even the ninth-tier pinnacle powerhouse was not afraid of him. He had the power to fight under the heavens, and a bunch of scum masters would naturally not be put in his eyes.

Although these words may be despised by many people, the fact is the fact, and he has long surpassed this group of people.

"Heaven Dou Hundred Arms Instant Kill!" Lei Yi didn't even use the magic magic body technique, just raised his fist and shot a row of dense fist shadows forward.

In an instant, the fist hit the body of the group of people in front of him.

With the violent explosion, apart from Susanna who was standing behind, the galaxy crowd couldn't even stop his fist.

Bang bang bang!

With several violent explosions, a few clouds of blood mist suddenly appeared in the sky.

It only took Lei Yi a moment of effort to go from outrageously to killing anyone except Susanna.

This scene was naturally seen by Susanna.

"You, how could you..." The woman's expression suddenly became very exciting, and she stammered.

When Lei Yi was still a junior, she didn't pay attention to the other party, but the farther behind, Lei Yi's growth became more and more amazing.

Now, Lei Yi can actually crush her

Lei Yi stepped forward and appeared at Susanna's side, and then cut it off with a hitter.

"Snipe him!" But at this moment, Susanna suddenly yelled, and she yelled to the position behind her.


Behind, a blast sounded, and then a firelight tore the air and struck Lei Yi straight.

"Sniper, isn't it, is it a gun?" Lei Yi saw this scene, scenes of memories filled his mind.

This opponent, he has played against each other, even if it is still fresh in his memory.

The golden light flashed in Lei Yi's eyes, and then his head was slightly tilted a few inches away, and a gold bullet grazed his cheek.

"I remember, this guy's supernatural ability is called death shooting. When he was in the national competition in famous schools, he took part in killing many of our students?" Lei Yi looked at Susanna in front of him and asked indifferently," Am I right?"

"Hmph, then I should kill you regardless of the cost!" Susanna was also angry when seeing Lei Yi so calm.

But she was more angry in her heart, why didn't she kill Lei Yi in the first place, but the other party has grown to this point.

"He was defeated, and he dared to show up. It's just looking for death!" Lei Yi glanced at the sniper's position, and then moved and appeared in front of Susanna.

A fist hit the woman's waist and abdomen, and the fist was directly twisted into the opponent's body, shaking all the organs in it.

"Ah!" Susanna let out a scream, her mouth and stomach juices tumbling, her body arched like dried shrimps, she fell directly to the ground, twitching, almost losing consciousness.

"Leave your life first, and ask the details of the kingdom of God!" Lei Yi didn't even look at her, and walked directly towards the sniper in the distance.

"But this opponent, I won't leave his life!"

far away.

A man with a black mask on his face was holding a sniper rifle, lying prone on a dirt slope, aiming at Lei Yi.

But then, in his line of sight, Lei Yi's speed suddenly accelerated and rushed towards him.

"Damn, why is this kid growing up so fast, my sniping can't keep up with him!" The man saw this scene, his pupils shrunk slightly, his tone of voice was shocked.

To be honest, he was a little excited when he saw Lei Yi this time.

Because he can avenge his disfigurement.

But what he never expected was that Lei Yi could actually kill them in the galaxy, of course, including himself.

A sniper shot that I thought would be inevitable, but the other party underplayed it and avoided it.

"No, if this continues, I will be close by this kid!" Finally, the man chose to transfer the land.

After all, the sniper is a long-range attacker, and being close by a warrior is not looking for death.

But when he just stood up, Lei Yi in the distance suddenly turned into a black mist and disappeared in place.

"Are you looking for me?" And behind the man, an indifferent voice sounded.

"How is it possible, when are you..."

"I found you a long time ago. The one who just leaned in was just a temporary avatar used to paralyze you." Lei Yi explained indifferently, and then punched out.


The fist hit the man's cheek, and his disfigured head exploded. After a few convulsions, the headless corpse fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.

"That's it?" Lei Yi glanced at the corpse and shook his head.

Then he remembered that one of the abilities in his body could observe the memory of the enemy, of course, the premise is that the enemy is a superpower.

He put his hand on the opponent's corpse, and then ran the Modo blood curse to swallow the opponent's blood.

In an instant, a puff of blood poured into his body, accompanied by part of the man's memory.

But just as Lei Yi observed this memory and the scenes emerged, an unknown power suddenly burst out of the man's body.

After a "bang" explosion, the man's body turned into a cloud of blood, and at the same time the scene in Lei Yi's mind was completely interrupted.

"Countermeasures?" Lei Yi was rather indifferent, because he had seen many such methods.

However, he also saw some notes before the person's body was blown up.

"Fortunately, I still left a living, I can ask a lot of things!" Lei Yi then looked at Susanna's location, showing a hint of luck.

A few minutes later, Susanna had to face a problem.

She became a hostage, and Lei Yi was forced to ask the secrets of the Milky Way and even the Kingdom of God.

In the past, she was tied to others for interrogation, but now she is actually tied backhand by Lei Yi.

"Say, how many people have you come this time, and what plans does the Kingdom of God have?"

"I don't know!" Susanna's answer was simple, pretending not to know.

In fact, it is true, she is just a liaison of the Galaxy organization, not even the leader.

And the kingdom of God belongs to the immediate superior of Yinhe, how could a little contact person know about the things above.

Lei Yi did know this, so he did not use "unconventional means" to question Susanna.

This method is only useful for some people who have information, but it is very useful. Susanna is obviously an unknowing person, even if it is useless to make the other party yield.

"How is this all right?" Lei Yi sighed, looking at the mental body on the side.

"Don't look at me, I'm just a dying afterimage, not the deity of the infinite emperor." The latter shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no way.

"Who are you talking to!" Susanna was surprised. There were only her and Lei Yi, and the other seemed to be talking to herself.

"Could it be that this kid has already cultivated to the miasma because he broke through the realm too fast?"

Susanna just remembered one thing, many people in their galaxy also have mental illness or mental illness.

After all, they are all people who lick blood on the edge of the knife, and they are in the killer business. Some people are mentally abnormal and normal.

And Lei Yi was clearly classified by this woman.

"Can't you see him?" Lei Yi was also a little weird, pointing to the mind body beside him, and then asked.

"See what, what are you talking about?"

"I really can't see it!" Lei Yi understood, only he could see the mental body.

"They are not the selected people, so naturally they can't see me." The mind body also explained appropriately, and then said: "This woman has a teleportation charm on her body, which was used when UU Reading www.uukanshu.com appeared before. This is also the method, so she naturally has other props on her body too, maybe it can help you."

Lei Yi heard that this was really the case, God’s country was great and had a lot of good things in his hands.

Susanna is also the liaison of the Galaxy Organization, even if she is not strong, she must have a lot of good things.

Then Lei Yi pulled down the space props in Susanna's hand, and after forcibly erased the mental brand, he went straight to search.

Soon, he found some signal symbols.

"Can these spells send a signal to the closest galaxy people or the people of the kingdom of God? Doesn't that mean that they can be fooled?"

Lei Yi held a few spells in his hands, his face became weird.

"Impossible, you are looking for death. Once these spells are activated, people from the Kingdom of God will continue to come. Among the people who come this time, there are several Nine Envoys. It’s up to you..."

"You woman is really weird, do you think I was the boy back then?" Lei Yi laughed when she heard Susanna's mockery.

"I am not what I used to be. There are just a few nine envoys, I don't care about it!"

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