I Can Pause Time

Chapter 866: Keep going

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Kingdom of God, teleportation hall.

"Ah--" With a roar, the people in the nearby kingdom of God almost felt the anger in the screamer's heart.

"I'm going to kill you, bastard!"

"I must kill you, you **** bastard!"

This person who opened his mouth called curse was not someone else, but was given by Lei Tian, ​​the young master hall of the Kingdom of God.

After being repeatedly killed by Lei Yi several times, he was finally kicked out of the Tower of Time area by the mind body.

Not only that, before leaving, Lei Yi also gave him "a big gift."

In the distance, a figure flew over, bathed in green light, and full of emerald green vitality.

This is Mu Renli, one of the four heavenly kings of the Kingdom of God.

After His Majesty the Emperor traveled, and the Empress Mei also left, he happened to be in charge of the Kingdom of God.

"Young Master Hall, you are also back, where are your tribes, do they come back with you?" After arriving in the teleportation hall, he immediately asked.

But then he found that Lei Tianci's state was a bit wrong, especially that face was full of wrinkles, as if he was fifty or sixty years old.

Lei Tianci now has a rickety figure, withered, with clearly visible wrinkles all over his face.

Years turned into a sculptor and completed an incredible work on his face.

"I...what's wrong with me..." Lei Tianci shouted in a hoarse voice.

"Young Master Hall, like Yan Luo, you also met the guy named Lei Yi?" Mu Renli knew the situation, so asked.

In fact, this question is like asking for nothing, because only Lei Yi can cause this kind of "trauma".

Afterwards, a burst of light lit up again in the teleportation hall.

Lei Bingning and A Liang also appeared from it one after another. Obviously, they also had the teleportation charm of the kingdom of God on them, and they could reach this place directly.

"Miss, A Liang, you two!" When Mu Renli saw the incoming person, he asked.

But then he found that Lei Bingning and A Liang were also seriously injured, and A Liang's mouth was bleeding and his body staggered.

Lei Bingning was even more miserable. A pretty face was beaten and swollen, and his cheeks were swollen, so ugly and ugly.

"What's going on, the eldest lady and A Liang are so miserable, and the Young Master Hall and Yan Luo are even more so?" The Mu Ren could not calm down. The Emperor Ming Ming was all there, but they were all miserable.

"It's Lei Yi, he defeated the two of us, killed Xiao Yan Luo and the elders of the generals, God bestowed him..." Lei Bingning's mouth moved and said in a vague tone.

After speaking, she finally noticed Lei Tianci's breath, but when she turned her head around, she found that there was an old man beside her.

"God, how did you become like this!" Lei Bingning never expected that Lei Yi would have done such a thing to Lei Tianci.

"The situation in the Young Master Hall is the same as that of Yan Luo. Shou Yuan was forcibly deprived. Unless your majesty takes action, this change is irreversible!" Mu Renli shook his head with a melancholy expression.

Because now, the only person who can save the two is still in the time tower area at the moment, and I don't know how long it will take to return.

He was more worried about his daughter than he was worried about the Young Master Hall.

After all, for a beautiful girl, there is nothing more desperate than suddenly becoming an old woman.

"This ability is too exaggerated!" A Liang looked at Lei Tianci's appearance with lingering fears.

If Lei Yi used this ability to deal with him, it would be scary to think about it.

"That bastard, I won't let him go!" Lei Tianci turned into a dying old man at this moment, shouting in a hoarse tone.

After that, the spiteful color in his eyes gradually became stronger, he gasped and shouted: "No, I can't just let it go. I must let the mother take action and kill the bastard, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart!"

While talking, he took out a messenger talisman, said some very malicious words in a very low voice, and then activated the talisman.

But after doing this, he felt a burst of fatigue, and at the same time he was panting, his forehead was full of sweat.

His old body, even doing such a thing, made him very tired.

While Mu Renli arranged for A Liang, Lei Bingning and others to rest, he glanced at the Young Master's Hall and hurriedly called a few maids to take each other down.

"That young man named Lei Yi has actually grown to this point. It seems that unless he is suppressed by the Heavenly King level, he will sooner or later become a disaster for my kingdom of God!"

He looked into the distance, stunned, but serious but also a trace of ferocity appeared.

The other party not only is hostile to the kingdom of God, but also makes his daughter look like that, and this hatred has also been forged.

Now he can only hope that His Majesty the Emperor can deal with this kid, otherwise there will be no trouble.


At the same time, the Tower of Time area.

Empress Mei ended the communication with extremely cold eyes, and then abruptly crushed the messenger in his hand.

The chill that radiated from her body made the warriors who surrounded her scared.

They complained again and again, and some people had already backed away unconsciously.

Because they knew that the Queen of Charm was already on the verge of rage at this moment, no one dared to touch this brow.

"God gift, my **** gift, it is damned to be so bullied by that bastard!" Under the cold face of Mei Empress, she said incomparably bitter words.

"Everyone listens to the order, and follow me to kill the bastard!" Then, she waved her hand and ordered directly.

"Master Mei, your majesty has an order, our task is to find..." But at this moment, a war fighter suddenly spoke.

Although he knew that it was not appropriate to speak at this time, the emperor's order was not to ask the queen to seek revenge from someone.

"Dare to stop me from avenging Godsend, you **** it!" But the next moment, the charm of the queen's eyes swept away, and a cloud of white mist enveloped the person.

"No, empress, please forgive your subordinates..." The warlord was wrapped in white mist and let out a scream.

But the Empress did not stop, but let this person struggle and scream, and finally gradually lost her breath.

When the white mist dissipated, only a corpse with a frightened expression was left in place.

"Who else wants to prevent me from avenging Godsend, you can stand up!" She glanced around and asked in a cold voice.

At this moment, all the warriors dare not speak, because the man just ended up.

"Very well, let me go and kill that bastard!"

After the Queen’s order, she felt a little unsafe, and continued to order: “In addition, inform Danon and Shangge, and let them directly use the teleport charm given by your majesty to join me. I need them to work together to ensure that the **** must be killed !"

"Queen Empress, the teleportation talisman given by your majesty is a one-time charm. In order to obliterate the target, the two nine parties must use the teleportation opportunity. Isn't it a waste?"

"Yes, the subordinates and others are confident enough. As long as they are not facing the masters of the heavenly king, I will be able to cope with the others under my cooperation. Let Danong and Shangge come, is it a bit redundant?"

Hearing the words of these warlords, the coldness in Meihou's eyes was even worse than just now.

"Why, are you doing things after teaching this?" She asked with a cold face, word by word.

As soon as this statement was made, the audience was silent.

"Don't dare!"

"Subordinates and others will never dare!"

"Wait, the queen, I will inform Danon and Shangge, so that they dare to come together!"

At this moment, these warlords were completely panicked. Someone immediately responded, and some others had already picked up the talisman and began to send out the interrogation.

"set off!"

After everyone is ready, and the message is sent out, the queen directly ordered to take people to fly and fly in a certain direction.

What they are going to this time is the place where Lei Tianci was last attacked, the location of the Ice Castle.

In this time tower, there is no concept of space and time, so you must first reach the area where Lei Yi has appeared before you can continue tracking.


The ice castle area.

"Two dead dogs, two bad dogs, why did you come to rescue me after so long!"

"Do you know that that guy is so disgusting? It's really disgusting. It's the Hall of the Young Master of the Kingdom of God. I think it's just a rubbish, happy, sinister and despicable villain!"

"Ergou, Ergou, how many levels have you advanced? Even those difficult guys can be easily cleaned up!"

When Lei Yi rescued the bell of the night sky, the woman seemed to have opened the chatterbox, chattering non-stop.

"Oh, idiot, can you just wave it quietly, the hall is tired and want to rest!" On the other side, Lei Yi hadn't said anything, Dorothy was already dissatisfied.

"Hmph, you Bitch, you should let Ergou not save you and give you to that villain!"

"Come on, I still look down on that guy, but you are your imperial tool, they are 10,000 times better than him!"

With that said, Dorothy raised her eyebrows at Lei Yi as if to anger the bell of the night sky.

Under this action, Yekong Ling was really angry, her cheeks smashed, and her lips pouted and said: "Bi Chi, you are really uneasy and kind!"

"Warning, Ergou is the princess's imperial tool, so I won't let it go to you!"

After speaking, the female like proclaiming sovereignty grabbed Lei Yi's arm and held it tightly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"Okay, it's all right, the danger is gone, don't quarrel!" Lei Yi had a headache, and then said: "Besides, I have to hurry, don't waste time!"

"Hurry up, where are you going? Although this place is big, it feels like nothing?"

"Who said that here is not only a big place, but also a lot of good things, even I have seen races that I can't see in the ordinary day. You just didn't see the silly girl. If you see the Yigo, Maybe even more amazing!"

Lei Yi shook his head, indicating that the night sky bell had no idea.

"Don't waste time, hurry up."

Then he turned his head and asked the mind body, "Where is the tower of Garuna? I'm going to go quickly!"

"Are you sure you won't send your companion away, the next journey is a bit dangerous." The Mind Body pointed at Yekong Ling and Dorothy, and asked rhetorically.

"If it's dangerous, it's even more dangerous for them to go out. After all, they are all people from the kingdom of God, who knows if Lei Tianci has given any maddening orders after he returns!"

"If that's the case, then forget it, I'm only responsible for providing suggestions." The Mind Body said, pointing in a direction.

Lei Yi continued to set off to the tower of Garuna.

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