I Can Pause Time

Chapter 870: Danon [Crimson Curse]

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"Hey hey, kid, fall for me..."

When Danon saw Lei Yi's move, the gloomy words sounded again, faint and miserable, echoing like ghost sounds.

"Your ability is not a toxin, so what..." Lei Yi held his chest, his face was painful, and finally fell down unwillingly.

The swarms of insects that had not exploded around gathered again, and then turned into a black-robed figure, it was Danon.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect to tidy it up so easily. It really surprised me." He walked to the fallen Lei Yi, letting out a weird laugh under his hood.

He squatted down and sneered towards Lei Yi: "Now, you are under my curse, and you are also a dying person. Don't know so much!"

With that said, he raised his right arm and was about to give Lei Yi the final blow.

But just as he was about to do it, the fallen "Lei Yi" turned into a black mist under his gaze, and then dissipated on the spot.

"What!" Seeing this scene, Danon was shocked and exclaimed, "Is this... the magical body technique?"

But then he vetoed it immediately: "Impossible, how could it be possible to deceive my eyes? How did this kid do it, and what methods did he use!"

Obviously, as the Nine Envoy of the Kingdom of God, he also knows the "Heaven Fighting Killing Fist", and naturally also knows the power of the magic body.

Although Danon did not practice this martial arts, it did not hinder his understanding of martial arts moves.

Danon's gaze was patrolling around, and finally he froze near a big tree in front of him.

There, a figure walked out from behind, not just Lei Yi.

"If it's the Nine-Ranked Empty Phase, it is true that you cannot make small movements under the eyelids of people of the same level, but the invisible is possible, and "Heaven Fighting Fist" does not have this advanced secret practice!"

After Lei Yi appeared, he didn't immediately shoot, but sneered and explained to the other party.

"Huh, what about it, pure martial arts practice is just a group of martial arts!" After hearing this, Danon only sneered, as if he was very disdainful of Lei Yi and other people who practiced martial arts.

Lei Yi set aside his posture and provocatively said, "Are you a pure martial artist? Why don't you have real skills to learn and teach!"

"Hehehe, kid, provocation is useless to me!" Danon sneered again, then his body twisted again, turning into a swarm of insects.

In front of Lei Yi, a huge and dense black insect swarm suddenly appeared, surrounding him.

"If you know, call you to the Nine Envoys of the Kingdom of God. If you don't know, you think you are a bug under the Lord of the Flies!" Lei Yi saw the other party's attack method in the same way, and spit out.

Manipulating insects, this is the method of Demon Realm Insect Domain, I didn't expect the Nine Fang Envoy to use it so diligently.

But then, Lei Yi was thinking about a question.

Why can Danon's body be transformed into a swarm of insects? Is this the other party's supernatural ability? But before his own clone disappears, what about the other party's curse?

Is Danon’s ability to transform into a bug, or to curse others through bugs, or both?

But now, what he needs to think about is how to get rid of the attack of the insect swarm, and to **** the clueless curse.

Thinking of this, Lei Yi's eyes condensed, and then his figure divided into nine.

Among them, eight of his figures killed the oncoming insect swarm, and another figure fled to the rear, obviously intending to avoid the battle.

But just when the figure smashed out not much distance, the mud under its feet suddenly exploded, and then hundreds of Fei Chong drilled out of it and killed it.

"Hehehe, since you know that I am familiar with "Heaven Dou Shaquan", do you think I will not be prepared for prevention?" At the moment this group of black flying insects appeared, Danon also made a gloomy mockery again.

This move naturally caught Lei Yi off guard.

In the blink of an eye, his body was wrapped in the insect swarm, and in the end the insects exploded confidently without even needing him to act.

Amid the bang, a large swath of dark green gas spread out, enveloping Lei Yi.

In the mist, a figure fell down, and after struggling and twisting for a few times, it lost its movement.

"Hey hey, kid, you finally...huh?!"

Danon wanted to make his winning speech, but he stopped at the next moment.

Because the figure wrapped in his insect swarm turned into a black mist after losing its vitality. This is obviously not the main body, but the clone created by the magic body method.

"What's the matter, since this is a clone, then the body is mixed in the crowd in front of you!" Danon thought of this, his tone changed, and he became a little angry.

He never expected that he was triumphant just now, but in a blink of an eye he was tricked by Lei Yi.

Now, didn't he become a clown?

In the front, among the eight silhouettes, seven of them gathered together and attacked the insect swarm.

But there was a figure in it, but it looked a little abnormal, and it didn't attack, but instead flew to the side to break through a small number of positions.

Obviously, this is Lei Yi's ontology.

The seven figures were quickly submerged by the swarm of insects. During the explosion, their entire bodies were invaded by dark green gas. After struggling for a few times, all of them fell to the ground, and their bodies collapsed into black mist.

"Boy, dare to fool me!" Seeing this, Danon couldn't help cursing finally.

"Hmph, you thought I didn't know that you were familiar with "Heaven Dou Shaquan". Just now, I used your inertial thinking. It feels uncomfortable to be tricked!" Lei Yi walked away at this moment, and did not forget to turn his head to mock at the same time. One sentence.

"Damn, you bastard, when I catch you, I want you to taste the most painful curse in the world!" As soon as this statement came out, Danon was really angry and couldn't help letting out a spiteful roar.

But Lei Yi didn't care about this. After rushing out of the insect swarm, he glanced at the night sky bell and Dorothy in the distance, and after a voice transmission to the second female, the person galloped in the opposite direction.

In the blink of an eye, he escaped into the primitive dense forest, without a trace.

"Let's go too, don't mess with the two dogs!" Seeing this, the night sky bell immediately controlled the flying carpet and fleeed away.

Although this woman has no long-distance teleportation ability, relying on the power of space and short-distance teleportation, she is not without the power to protect herself in this dense forest.

In addition, Dorothy and Mitilda are still here, so Lei Yi shouldn't worry about their survivability.

"Damn it, who do you want to chase?" Danon turned into a human form again, looked in two directions, and fell into hesitation.

"The two women are the young master hall, but now the goal of the queen master is that kid... the young master palace is now in the kingdom of God, and the queen is here, which is less important, naturally you have to get a share. clear!"

In the end, Danon's gaze was fixed in the direction where Lei Yi had escaped, and his body turned into a swarm of insects again, chasing him.

His goal is obviously Lei Yi, or the reward of the Queen of Enchantment.


In the dense forest, Lei Yi is at large.

In other words, he is not at large, but is strategically shifting his position, seeking to crack the secret of the opponent's ability.

"What kind of ability does this Danon have, and can't make Nan Li be so solemn by simply manipulating it?"

Lei Yi was galloping in the forest, his general attention was on the roadblocks that appeared along the way, but his general mind was focused on thinking about something.

At this moment, there was a dense croak of insects behind him.

"No, the insect swarms are coming again!" Lei Yi had a headache when he heard this voice.

Because of Danon's ability, he obviously restrained him very much.

This group of insects can't be killed and killed, and after the body is shattered, it will emit gas carrying a fatal curse. If his body is hit, it will not be better.

The most important thing is that from the time of the match, Danon has not shown his body, leaving Lei Yi unable to start.

"Wait, there is no reason. His breath is not like the Demon Race of the Insect Territory. Why can he control the insects like this? Is there anything special about that group of insects?"

Lei Yi thought about it, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was surrounded by insect swarms again.

"Hehehe, I finally caught up to you!" Just among the insect swarms, Danon's sullen laughter sounded again, which sounded quite harsh.

"Boy, die!" Under his order, the insect swarm rushed forward and surrounded Lei Yi Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan.

This time, Lei Yi didn't use the magic magic body technique, but simply punched his fists with his fists to resist the attack of the insect swarm.

But his offensive obviously couldn't offset the huge amount of bugs, and finally his face was cut open by an offensive, and a few drops of blood splashed out.

This was the first time he was hit by a flying insect.

"The bite force of these insects is so powerful, their body is slender, but they can break through my physical defenses!" Lei Yi touched the wound on his face, unexpectedly.

But what he didn't know was that the bug that cut his skin flew away with his blood.

The flying insect was so fast that it flew several kilometers away in just a few breaths, and then plunged into the soil all at once.

"Hehehe, finally, finally, the blood of this kid is collected, and now my [Scarlet Curse] can be activated!"

Here, Danon’s voice actually sounded, UU read www.uukanshu.com and the tone was no longer lonely and sad, but a bit more of the reality of ordinary people.

It's somewhere underground.

Danon's figure was actually curled up in the soil, and he was holding a drop of blood in both hands, and a pale cheek was exposed under his hood.

A treacherous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"My supernatural power is Crimson Curse, as long as I get the enemy's blood, then I am already standing in an invincible place!"

At this moment, Danon seemed to be holding the real winning ticket, his sickly face filled with confidence.

Afterwards, irregular blood-colored textures appeared on his arms and body.

He didn't hesitate either, holding the drop of blood directly in his palm, and began to chant an obscure mantra in his mouth.

And Lei Yi, who was a few kilometers away, didn’t know that he had been locked in by some kind of supernatural power.



[Identity] The Nine Envoys of the Kingdom of God, a force of the Kingdom of God who entered the Tower of Time, chasing the people of Lei Yi

【Ability】Crimson Curse

[Ability] Collect enemy blood as a medium, and can be operated remotely by launching a curse attack

[Six Dimensions] Strength E Spirit A Speed ​​C Coordination C Distance A Special A

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