I Can Pause Time

Chapter 916: 6 Winged Angel Garuna

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The giant raged in the sandstorm.

His body is thousands of feet tall, covering the sky and the sun, and he feels full of oppression.

The figure of Mephisto, the giant of the earth, was several times larger than what Lei Yi had seen in the area of ​​the Tower of Time.

Not only that, but his abilities made Lei Yi familiar.

Because this is the ability to manipulate gravity, someone said that he was too familiar with it.

Lei Yi is now on the edge of the sandstorm, hiding carefully, not daring to approach the central area of ​​the battle.

He is surrounded by the overseas group of people.

After feeling the aftermath of the battle, a few people looked very ugly.

Steel bones and gerbils are even more outrageous. The former frowned, and the latter even got half of his body into the sand, looking like he would run away at any time if the situation was not right.



The giant's arm beat the ground, bursting out a violent tremor like the shaking of the mountain.

Even at such a distance, they could feel the power of that blow.

If this blow hits them, it is estimated that they will all be crushed into powder, and there may not even be a drop of blood left.

"The giant of the earth is the fourth-ranked existence among the ten generals. Can your sage do it?" Lei Yi asked curiously, lying on the ground.

"Sage-sama's strength is absolutely no problem, don't treat him with your eyes!" Ogu warned in a cold voice when seeing Lei Yi like this.

Obviously, he was a little unhappy when he heard Lei Yi teasing the old sage.

"Yes, the sage is the backbone of our overseas gathering places. If he goes out, there is absolutely no problem. Even if he is the number one in the ten generals, he can't help it!" Helen on the side also agreed.

The others also spoke up one after another, saying something that sounded like flattery to Lei Yi.

"That's okay, I didn't expect you to be a group of licking dogs!" He muttered in his heart, but on the surface he stopped speaking.

Talking to a bunch of licking dogs about their idols is tantamount to suffering, so it's better to talk less.

Just after Lei Yi didn't speak, the battle group in front finally changed.

Lei Yi felt that the gravity blessed on his body suddenly weakened several times, and it was obvious that the giant of the earth had cancelled the ability of the range.

But then, huge energy burst out at the center of the battle group.

Lei Yi saw that a huge black shadow formed in the center, and finally formed a pitch-black sphere.

"Black hole!" Seeing this scene, he was naturally very familiar with it, and even directly called out the name of the sphere.

He still remembers that A Liang used this trick to beat himself at the beginning, but fortunately the other party was not proficient, otherwise he might not be standing here today.

"Sure enough, anyone who can manipulate gravity will put black holes!" He murmured, but he also began to worry about the old sage.

There is also the Seraphim, although the opponent's ability can break through the space, but under the black hole, even the space will be swallowed.

I don't know what the Seraphim looks like. With wings on his back, he still counts as a human being.

Just when he was thinking about it, the black hole finally accumulated enough energy, and finally exploded.

Silently, the black hole exploded, and a huge energy quickly converged toward the center, and then spread to the surroundings.


A few breaths after the black hole burst, an amazing energy exploded completely.

Amid the earth-shaking roar, a cloud of mushrooms covering a huge area rose slowly.

"All the staff are lying down, open their defensive means!" In the team, I don't know who shouted, and all of them fell on the ground.

The next moment, an astonishing energy, engulfed in huge smoke and dust, struck, and flooded their area.

Lei Yi fell on the ground as soon as the energy struck, and then his body flew backwards as if being violently hit by a mountain.

Fortunately, his physical strength is strong enough to resist the impact of a mountain.

But he can block it, which doesn't mean that others can.

He heard a few screams, and then several figures flew past him.

Bang bang bang!

Among these silhouettes, some people bumped into others, and some people smashed into the sand, which sounded very miserable.

When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the huge shock wave-like power began to fade, Lei Yi was the first to stand up from the ground.

He scanned the surroundings and found that everyone, including Ogu, was lying on the ground, and some were bleeding all over, obviously suffering from serious injuries.

The worst was the steel bones. His ability gave him a relatively strong physique, but the overall strength was too weak, so that he was now smashed into the bunker, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and dying.

On the contrary, it was his companion gerbil, who had burrowed into the ground long before the impact, relying on the sandy ground to block the impact, weakened the impact, and in the end was not injured.

"Just the aftermath of the explosion, does it have this power?" Lei Yi's gaze turned to the battle group just now, only to find that the giant of the earth had lost its trace.

He couldn't help but worry a little about the old sage and the Seraphim.

They are so far away, so in the middle of the battle group, how will they be affected?

Soon, a white rainbow rushed in the distance, it was the figure of the old sage.

The speed of the old sage is very fast, and the distance of tens of miles is instantaneous.

He saw the terrible situation on the ground, and immediately rushed to the side of the steel frame, put his hand on the other side's wound, muttered a word in his mouth, and a white light appeared in his palm.

"Spell, or healing spell?" Lei Yi didn't expect that he actually saw the curse of the Western world.

The old sage casts the same spells as those cast in the Western world, including Ingolite.

However, the effect of the old sage's spell is obviously very powerful, and the wound on the steel bone has been healed in just a few breaths.

Now he is just a little pale, this is a normal phenomenon after he has recovered from a major injury.

"Thank you Lord Sage!" After the steel frame was restored, he quickly thanked him.

"It doesn't matter, everyone is a companion and should support each other!" The old sage waved his hand, and then said: "Actually, I am sorry that I did not control the explosion just now and hurt you."

"Master Sage, you are too polite. We all blame us for being too weak. We can't even stop the aftermath of the explosion!"

"Yes, we shame you!"

After the old sage said "repentance", all overseas people began to reflect on themselves.

Lei Yi saw a moment of speechlessness, but then raised his brows, as if feeling a little.

A breaking wind sounded, accompanied by a piercing scream, a purple light flashed in front of them, and then stood in the area behind the crowd.

Everyone turned their heads almost subconsciously and saw a slender figure.

"By the way, I would like to introduce you to everyone. This is the new companion I just recruited, the famous Seraphim!" The old sage also looked at the incoming person and introduced with a smile.

Seraphim appeared and joined their team.

Lei Yi saw it clearly. The other party was a young woman with long flowing purple hair. Her whole body was wrapped in a purple tights. Only some white skin was exposed at the neckline.

This woman's figure is very good, curvy, and uneven, so that Lei Yi glanced more subconsciously.

But this set of clothes is very strange. There are countless purple lines on the surface, shining with faint light. With this woman's breathing, the light in these textures is also flashing at the same time, very regular.

And on the woman's back, there are six diamond-shaped purple crystals suspended like wings on both sides of the woman's back, presenting the appearance of an angel with wings spread out.

Lei Yi could vaguely see that there were countless tiny purple light spots condensing and injected into the atmosphere.

"What kind of power is this, do I feel so familiar with me?" He stared at the floating crystals on the back of the opponent, vaguely strange.

The woman seemed to feel something, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Lei Yi.

A pair of bright and clear eyes swept across Lei Yi's body.

Lei Yi also saw the true face of Seraphim, and had to say that this woman was still very pretty.

Of course, if you don't have the weird purple clothes that look like skin, but wear the clothes of a normal woman, then the charm of the other person is probably going to be upgraded.

But now, this woman is full of weirdness and a sense of mystery.

"Hello, thank you for saving me!"

But the courtesy is still necessary. When the other party saved him, Lei Yi must thank him.

The woman opened her mouth as if to talk.

After a while, she seemed to remember how to speak, and said in a quiet, low, magnetic, and not unpleasant voice: "You...very strange..."

Lei Yi: "..."

He didn't bother to complain, because compared to himself, the other side's appearance was really strange.

"Everyone will be companions in the future, let's get to know each other, I am the leader of the team, you can call me a sage!" The old sage smiled, showing his unique affinity. UU reading www. uukānshu.com

"My name is Lei Yi, I joined the team temporarily!" Lei Yi also nodded and reported his name.

"My name..." The woman heard the words, thought about it, and then said: "My name is... Jia... Garuna..."

When the old sage heard this, his brows suddenly frowned, but then he stretched out, smiled and said, "Garuna? A very good name."

Others in the team were also a little surprised, obviously they didn't expect this woman to have such a name.

But what they don't know at the moment is that the surprise in someone's heart has become extremely exaggerated.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Lying in a big trough!

Lei Yi let out three foul words in his heart, which stopped the consternation in his heart.

He never expected that this is the legendary Garuna.

Garuna is the only one who can own an independent building in the Tower of Time area.

In other words, even for the Infinite Emperor, Garuna is a more important existence.

And now, such a character actually appeared in front of him alive like this.

This makes Lei Yi not surprised.

But now Garuna, it seems that he doesn't even know who the Infinite Emperor is.

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