I Can Pause Time

Chapter 930: Navigator's handwriting

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Overseas gathering places, ruins.

The blood stained the islands and the nearby waters.

Under the rushing waves, you can smell a strong pungent **** smell, as well as the stench of rotting corpses.

There has been a massacre here, and there is not a single living person left, but the infected body turned into the corpse, gathering and walking on the island.

Lei Yi's arrival naturally attracted the attention of the infected body, and a large number of corpse-changed people rushed towards him with their teeth and claws dancing.

Seeing these "living corpses" of humans, Lei Yi had no choice but to "send" them away.

He blasted out with a punch, and the large infected body was directly smashed into **** by the force of the fist. A small part of the infected body was not affected, but was also hit by a fireball, and his body was burned into ashes.

Although they were all humans before they were alive, they were also infected by infinite power after death and became enemies who were only loyal to the infinite emperor.

Lei Yi would naturally not be kind to the enemy, even if the opponent was once a human being.

"It's strange, I also have infinite power in my body. Why can't I order this group of infected bodies like the Ten Generals?"

Lei Yi has been thinking about this issue after setting foot on the islands where he gathers overseas.

He is stronger than this group of infected bodies, and there is infinite power in his body. In principle, the infected body should not treat himself as an enemy.

But the fact is that once he gets close to the infected body's perception range, the opponent will attack like crazy.

However, the ten generals with infinite power in the same body, including the group of adaptors in Infinite City, will not be the target of the infected body.

This had to make Lei Yi wonder whether that infinite emperor had done anything.

"Forget it, anyway, I don't plan to be loyal to Emperor Infinite, the enemy is the enemy!" Lei Yi was puzzled, so he didn't plan to delve into it.

He is now wandering around the archipelago where he gathers overseas. After scanning this area with his spiritual consciousness, he looks for places where books and documents may be placed.

Finally, he found a cluster of buildings on a fairly large island.

The buildings here still retain traces of human activities, so the number of infected bodies on the island is also quite large.

Not only that, the strength of this place is not weak before life, and there are even some powerhouses in the middle and high realm, even if they are attacked by infinite power, they also retain a lot of strength before life.

Lei Yi took a lot of hands and feet to clean them up.

After that, he finally stood in front of a three-story building like a library.

"Is it a library in an overseas gathering place?" Lei Yi sighed as he looked at the building in front of him.

There are a lot of documents in this building, but unfortunately no one has gone in and read it.

If he does not arrive here, these documents may be together with the archipelago, and will eventually be annihilated in the long river of history.

This is a great loss for the survivors in this world, and it is even more a disaster for human civilization.

Gathering place, inside the library.

Lei Yi found a lot of documents, most of which are animal skin papers. It can be seen that papermaking and printing have not been popularized at this time.

However, there is paper in Infinite City, and it should be the technology brought by Infinite Emperor.

"what is this?"

At this moment, Lei Yi was flipping through a document, and the things recorded in it aroused his interest.

"In 1247, the third princess was born, and the princess was born. Wang Daxi, named Garuna."

"In 1250, the old patriarch of the Augustus family died, and the post of prime minister was vacant, and the successor was the second son of the prime minister. In the same year, the third princess died. My king built a memorial tower to mourn the princess and the special person."

"In the year 1252 of the King's calendar, Princess Garuna was five years old, and the memorial tower was completed. The princess liked it very much. My king named this tower "The Tower of Garuna." "

"In the year 1257 of the King's calendar, my king went out and there was no news. The whole country was in panic, and all the ministers did not know the king's track."

"In 1260, when my king returned, his character changed drastically. The virtuous king, who has always been known for his benevolence, implemented a policy of iron and blood. Anyone who rebelled and disobeyed orders was killed, even the nobles."

"In the year 1261 of the King’s calendar, Princess Garuna disappeared, and the tower of Garuna disappeared at the same time. The ministers were at a loss, but the king didn’t care. In the same year, Wang Zhu killed the rebels in the north, massacred 10,000 people, built a new temple, and enshrined them. The **** of the "infinite emperor". "

"In the year of Wang Li 1262, all the ministers opposed the construction of the temple, the construction of the earth, and the labor of the people and money, but the opponents were all killed by the king. Anyone dared to question, the whole clan fell and no one survived."

"The temple was completed in 1263 in Wang's calendar. The king promoted the method of living sacrifice, offering sacrifices to the gods with living people. The cruelty of his behavior, even as the recorder, I can't stand it..."

"King Gardía, great virtuous king, what happened to you? Why did you become such a cruel person?"

In the end, what Lei Yi saw were the complaints and wailing of the recorder, as well as the brutal deeds performed by Garuda when he was king.

"It's a pity that this king calendar doesn't match the time point in history, and I can no longer travel through time and space. Otherwise, before Garuda meets the Infinite Emperor, if he kills him first, history can be changed. Up!"

Lei Yi regretted that he put down the documents in his hands. The recorder's final records were all doubts about Garudadia.

In fact, he died in the end, but before Garuda found out, he committed suicide because he couldn't stand the king's atrocities.

Lei Yi sighed in his heart, but could only continue to search for documents.

What he was looking for was not the ultra-ancient history of mankind, but clues about the immortal mountains overseas.

After a while, he finally found a self-reported travel note.

"I am Imbro, a great adventurer, and my adventurous spirit is well-known to everyone. Even King Garuda knows my great name. The clients in the brothel use my story every day to deceive women. The key is the group of bitches. I really want to eat this set. My heroic deeds spread all over the world, even in the barren sea, if you call my name to the dolphins, they will be excited to go round the sea..."

Lei Yi saw this and touched his nose.

The author of this book is really narcissistic!

This is the first page, and there are several pages after it, all of which are praised by the other side for his glorious deeds.

Lei Yi skipped it directly, and then started rummaging for the other party's adventure at sea.

"Overseas Fairy Mountain, this is the secret I decided to explore because of Bro. This secret has always been circulated in the sea, but no one has found the secret of Fairy Mountain. And I, the great navigator and adventurer, Imbro, will Lead my crew on a journey to find the fairy mountain."

"On the second day of going to sea, we encountered a storm, and the entire ship was broken. For this reason, we had to enter the gathering places of overseas aborigines to search for wood and repair the hull. By the way, this group of original famous is really barbaric. Yes, I actually attacked us with a spear. For this reason, I had to take up the blade and fight with the crew. I want these barbarians to see the heroes of the royal man!"

"On the 7th day of going to sea, we were attacked by a sea monster. It was a huge tentacle monster. The body was bigger than our ship. Every tentacle was as wide as Old Jack. Old Jack was my first mate. His beer belly is famous throughout Wisdom, and it is said that when prostitutes sleep with him, they feel as comfortable as lying on a waterbed."

"After days of fighting, we finally smashed the sea monster away, but the hull suffered heavy damage again, and water leaked in many places at the bottom, so that I had to separate people and let them plug the loopholes with their bodies."


"On the 27th day of going to sea, days of wandering and heavy rain made us confused between day and night. Many crew members were a little abnormal in their spirits. Old Jack often talked to myself to my parrot. Some young boys, even I have always heard women singing. I told them that it was all hallucinations in their hearts. It was loneliness that affected their perception, so auditory hallucinations appeared."

"On the 54th day of going to sea, only half of the people were left on the boat. The young guys couldn't bear to be alone. Many of them chose to jump on the boat halfway. They said they wanted to pursue the voice in their hearts, but there was no singing in the sea. Woman. Old Jack hasn't been forced to talk about it these days, but he has been in the bottom of the ship for a long time, why hasn't he returned to the deck after two days."

"Oh my God, old Jack actually committed suicide. His bloated body is so heavy that it took us a lot of effort to clean it up, but I know that old Jack will definitely not be the last to commit suicide."

"Sure enough, in the next few days, every day the crew disappeared, but I knew that they either committed suicide by throwing themselves into the sea, or they just found an unmanned corner and waited to die quietly. I was too lazy to search for their bodies from the boat. , Because I'm almost reaching the limit."

"The first time I went to sea... I can't remember how many days, but I know that I have been wandering alone for more than a year at sea, and I live alone every day. Even the parrot died in a storm, and I lost it. The last companion."

"Overseas fairy mountain, go to the **** overseas fairy mountain!"

"I, Imbro, I am the stupidest person in the world. I shouldn't have left Wiesport. If I don't listen to the legend of the fairy mountain, I should still be in a brothel, sleeping on a woman's belly. !"

"I seem to have come to the end of the world, and the sunset is right in front of me, as if I can hold my hand, but even here, there is no fairy mountain in UU reading www.uukanshu.com... Wait, what is that? ..."

"Oh, my god, what did I see? When the sun was about to sink into the sea, three mountains were actually reflected in the sea. They were not on the surface of the sea, but on the bottom of the sea. These three mountains actually appeared in the sea. under!"

"I rubbed my eyes and repeatedly confirmed that I was not mistaken. The three mountains actually only exist in the reflection. There is still nothing on the sea, but under the sea, the three mountains are shining."

"It's a pity. At this moment, I only have the power to lift a pen and write. I don't have any extra strength to jump off the boat. The three mountains disappeared very quickly. I just missed them like this. No, I must take these. Record everything, even if it’s my self-talk. If anyone sees my handwriting, please tell the world that you found the overseas fairy mountain after following the route of the great navigator Imbro. ..."

In the end, the narrative was over, but Lei Yi could feel how unwilling this navigator called Imbro was at the end of his life.

He actually found the overseas fairy mountain!

But it is a pity that the power of human beings is limited after all. When he found the fairy mountain, he was already exhausted.

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