I Can Pause Time

Chapter 933: Ray Yi vs Shadow

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Consciousness space.

The battle between the two began again.

"Heaven Dou White Snake Attack!"

Lei Yi slapped forward, and countless white snake phantoms rushed out.

Shadow's wings spread out and flicked forward.

The darkness behind him turned into two huge bat wings, completely enclosing his body.

The bat wings turned into a shield, and after blocking the front, the white snake phantom bombarded.


Amid the violent crackling sound, the bat wings were drowned in flames.

But Lei Yi knew that this trick was absolutely impossible to threaten the Shadow classmates.

The two of them are familiar with each other as much as they know themselves.

"Shadow classmates used to be too much stronger than me. It was because of the unique advantage of the Darkborn Demon Race, but now, this advantage has been caught up by me!"

When did the powerful enemies that Lei Yi couldn't deal with, it was Shadow to help deal with it.

But now, as long as Oh Shadow did not enter the Heaven and Human Realm, then he would not be afraid of the other party.

But if Shadow wanted to enter the realm of heaven and man, he had to go through the catastrophe, how could he not know.

Seeing that one blow is useless, Lei Yi's figure is like electricity, and while it is divided into nine, he soars into the sky.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Cruel Wolf Killing Array!"

His body and the clone were filled with evil spirits, and then turned into countless wolf shadows, rushing forward.

The huge bat wings opened again, and the figure of the shadow shot out from it.

"Dark Thunder!"

There were countless dark thunder and lightning around him, and while wrapping around him, his figure was also blessed by the thunder and lightning, and his speed suddenly increased.

The black thunder and lightning rushed into the wolves, killing a wolf shadow around them in an instant.

The pack of wolves collapsed, and the shadows rushed through the pack of wolves as if entering an uninhabited state.

Among them, Lei Yi's several clones were instantly defeated.

For Shadow, it was only a matter of time to find Lei Yi's body.

"It's so strong, Shadow classmate!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Yi curled his lips, his body rushed out of the wolf pack directly.

The wolf shadows all around collapsed and finally disappeared.

He knew that this trick was not a big threat to the shadow, at most it would only delay a little time.

After the body appeared, Shadow's figure accelerated again, turning into a black wind, and dashed in front of Lei Yi in a moment.

"Shadow classmate, have you forgotten that it is meaningless to compare speed with me?" Lei Yi murmured, a golden light glowed all over his body.

The golden barrier suddenly opened, covering a 20-meter radius.

In the golden enchantment, the speed of the shadow was greatly affected, and when it was less than 10 meters away from Lei Yi, it almost stopped in mid-air.

The power of time is Lei Yi's method of pressing the bottom of the box.

And Shadow is not himself, and has no resistance to the power of time.

Seeing that Shadow was restricted in speed, Lei Yi's eyes drenched, and then he raised his hand to make a move.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist is extremely profound, fierce Dao evil star!"

His figure was divided into ten, transformed into ten figures, from top and bottom, left and right, front and back, blocking the shadow's retreat in all directions.

The ten figures raised their hands at the same time, slammed a finger out, and attacked each other from ten directions.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Ten fingers pointed on Shadow's body, piercing blood holes.

But what makes Lei Yi strange is that he thought that even if the Shadow couldn't escape, he would choose to resist by other means.

But who knows, Shadow didn't actually act, letting this move of his own extremely righteous hit his body.

"What's going on?" Lei Yi was puzzled, but the other clones disappeared after the attack ended.

At the next moment, in front of him, the shadow suddenly let out a roar, and the shadow behind him squirmed, turning into two huge arms, grabbing Lei Yi's body.

"What!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was dumbfounded.

After being hit by his profound meaning, the other party can actually act.

But soon, he knew the reason.

Shadow's body directly turned into a pool of liquid, and then merged into the darkness behind.

"Dark fluid!" Lei Yi felt bitter in his heart.

He knew that the other party had this ability, but he was still hit.

The shadow's body has always been hidden in the darkness behind, and the one that rushed up just now was actually a dummy made of dark fluid.

He slapped Extreme Profound Righteousness on a fake body, no wonder Shadow didn't need to dodge, letting him make moves.

In the darkness behind, a figure rushed out, and this was the shadow's body.

"Dark thunder dance!" He roared wildly, and the dark thunder and lightning raged all over his body, and even the enchantment of Lei Yi Time Tyrant was dyed in pitch black.

The coverage of this trick is huge, and there are countless arcs jumping and galloping just outside the connection world, and lightning is inevitable.

"Oops!" He exclaimed, and then amid the raging black thunder and lightning, huge energy suddenly exploded.


The dark explosion shock wave exploded in the consciousness space and spread out to the surroundings.

The spread was close to dozens of miles, and the entire area oscillated violently.

Of course, this is Lei Yi's own conditioned reflex, his consciousness space will not collapse, but after being attacked, he feels some shock.

When the explosion subsided gradually, a golden figure rushed out of the exploding wind pressure, and then landed on the ground.

Among the golden figure, Lei Yi walked out slowly, and the golden figure was his soul.

"Ahem...The power of this trick...is powerful!" He felt the lingering tremor of his body.

At the last moment of the explosion, he had to sacrifice his soul and use it to protect himself.

Fortunately, the tenacity of the spirit was enough to cope with this explosion, even the final violent shock wave, it only caused some agitation in the spirit.

He looked at the soul behind him, even though his body was wounded and there were holes on the surface, he still maintained a high fighting spirit.

"Shadow classmate, I even sacrificed my soul, I don't know what you are going to do?" Lei Yi raised his head and looked into the midair as the wind pressure gradually subsided.

As a result, he saw that the shadow was standing in the air, and the dark thunder and lightning gathered in front of him, condensing a dark spear phantom.

"This trick is..." His pupils shrank slightly, and he said inwardly in his heart.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King's Fist is extremely righteous, Killing God Demon Spear!" The shadow body suddenly rushed out, and instantly rushed to him at a speed that Lei Yi could never react.

The dark gun shadow, carrying a condensed thunder and lightning, pierced Lei Yi's chest.

If this blow succeeds, Lei Yi's whole body will be penetrated.

"World!" At the critical moment, he could no longer take care of other things, and directly displayed his most pressing ability at the bottom of the box.

In an instant, the whole world became black and white, and time stagnated...

Shadow's figure was still in place, and the long spear condensed by the dark thunder and lightning also stopped less than two inches in front of Lei Yi.

Lei Yi's chest even felt the power of this trick, and his heartbeat was violently accelerating, reminding his body that he must react.

During the pause, he quickly moved his body to one side.

Afterwards, time resumed its flow...


A harsh and violent rubbing sound rang, and the dark shadow of the gun rubbed against his body, leaving an unpleasant burnt smell in the air.


In the rear area, a burst of explosion sounded, and the huge wind pressure spread, completely obstructing Lei Yi's vision.

"Huh—" He let out a breath, a fluke on his face.

If the time to use [World] is slow even for a ten-thousandth of a second, I have already been hit by this move.

And once he was recruited, he was equal to losing.

"Almost forgot, this trick is driven by dark thunder, so I can't perform it, but Shadow Classmate can do it. Moreover, when I first comprehended the Furious King Fist, I also participated in the comprehension with him, and Shadow Classmate will also be fierce. Huangquan is coming!"

Lei Yi's eyes became extremely solemn, because for him, Shadow, a knowledgeable opponent, was more difficult than any opponent he had encountered.

When the smoke dissipated, Shadow's figure also walked out slowly.

Lei Yi could see that the opponent's figure was a bit staggered. Obviously, the attack just now had a certain impact on him.

"Tian Dou Xiao Cutter!" Two curved blades appeared on Shadow's hands, and then his body turned into a flash of lightning, and he killed Lei Yi again.

"When did you learn this trick!" Lei Yi quickly dodged after seeing this scene.

His figure flew back, avoiding a cross cut.

The violent slash brushed his forehead, cutting off a bunch of hair.

But then, two dark red wolf shadows appeared on Lei Yi's arms, and after lying on the ground, he brazenly rushed out.

"Heaven Dou Evil Wolf Fist!"

He and Shadow fight together again, and their moves are all the basic moves of the Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist. Although the confrontation is not as violent as before, the frequency of attacks is obviously faster.

The two fought for nearly a thousand moves, and they were constantly attacking each other regardless of victory or defeat, but under each other's moves, no one could do anything.

However, a lot of wounds were added to both sides.

The shadow of the shadow retreated quickly, and then the darkness behind it squirmed, condensing a pair of huge wings.

"Heaven Dou Slash!"

The wings flapped, launching a surprise attack towards Lei Yi, and the pair of wings turned into sharp blades, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com slashed towards Lei Yi from the left and right sides.

"The moves of the Tiandou faction!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was speechless.

The Shadow classmate actually "stealed" so many fierce King Fist moves without his knowledge.

Fortunately, he thought the two knew each other, but he didn't expect to be slapped by reality immediately.

Lei Yi was directly slashed by his wings, his body as if he had been hit hard.

But the moment he was blasted out again, the five fingers of his right hand gripped the claw, and a cut was made in Shadow's chest.

Yin Hong's blood soared out, and Lei Yi also spurted several blood, the whole person flew out, and finally fell to the ground fiercely.


He fell and gave birth, and he was really embarrassed at the moment.

"Shadow classmate, you..." But he got up with difficulty and looked at his opponent.

At this moment, Shadow began to see steaming heat from the wound on his chest, and the blood in his body started to boil, but it couldn't stop it.

"The interception claw of Shenzong Wuxin, which was originally obtained in the secret hiding place of the fierce emperor, do you remember?" Lei Yi asked slowly while looking at the recruit.

It's a pity that even if the blood in Shadow's body started to boil, he didn't open his mouth to answer this question.

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