I Can Really Fire a Map Cannon

Chapter 402: deceiving too much

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A similar situation also occurs in other divisions.

In the end, there were only three people who were willing to quit the military sequence and enter the administrative department, and two of them had been injured before. As a result, a large number of administrative cadres had to be selected from those who had not joined the army.

In addition, some indigenous peoples must be promoted.

They can't be made to think that they have no room for improvement. Even if it is the five major families, not all departments are their own people, and there are people with foreign surnames.

The establishment of the Travelers Alliance is still under preparation.

Zhou Ping, the hands-off shopkeeper, was at leisure, while Zheng Tian and the others were busy.

After the establishment of the Travelers Alliance, it is necessary to determine the method for the election of the chairman, as well as all the laws and regulations in the future. It can be said that the Travelers Alliance is an independent small kingdom.

But nominally, they did not break away from the city federation and were still a member of the city federation.

The cash currently used on the crossing camp is still issued by the Commonwealth Bank.

The Commonwealth Bank is in the hands of the five major families, but everyone believes that the Commonwealth Bank will definitely have a place in the crossing camp in the future.

There were more than 8,000 transmigrators rescued from the Ming family.

Most of these people were incorporated into the army sequence, and eventually became the tenth division, but the tenth division only had three regiments, which was not full.

In fact, according to Lan Wei's vision, a reorganizer should preferably have around 30,000 people.

Increase the brigade-level establishment. Each reorganization division has three brigades, each with 8,000 people, and has three regiments under its jurisdiction. The three brigades are all armored brigades and have strong mobile combat capabilities.

Each armored regiment has its own direct maintenance class to prevent the armored vehicle from being repaired when it breaks down.

In addition, the reorganization division has three directly affiliated regiments, namely the artillery regiment, the health regiment and the flying regiment.

In addition to these, there must be an engineer battalion, a cargo battalion and a reconnaissance battalion. Each division will set up its own special operations company, plus the division's direct guard company, communications company, political industry company, and so on.

In this way, a reorganizer would not be able to find more than 30,000 people.

Such divisions are fully qualified and capable of independent operations, and can be placed anywhere, both offensive and defensive.

It is a pity that there are not so many people in the crossing camp. At present, there is no such ability and no such force. To form such a huge division, in fact, it is a division, and it can be called an army.

Lan Wei had made such a proposal before, but it was not approved, mainly because of insufficient personnel, and it did not have the convenience of four regiments and one division.

However, Zhou Ping intends to form a reorganizer as Lan Wei said to prepare for the future.

There are almost 100,000 people in the crossing camp. If they are really formed, only three reorganization divisions can be formed.

There are now four cities, and three reorganizers will definitely not work. It is better to continue to maintain the existing organization, which is more convenient and flexible.

There is no plan to return in the near future. If you want to adapt, you can only adapt an editor first to do the experiment.

The newly adapted reorganizer happened to be stationed at the base camp.

The remaining seven divisions are scattered in the other three cities.

In the end, the 1st, 3rd and 7th divisions were reorganized, the three divisions were merged, and some professional arms were selected to form the first reorganization division of the crossing battalion.

The division commander was personally served by Lan Wei. Of the original three division commanders, two became deputy division commanders and one was the chief of staff.

The scale of the reorganization division is huge. Although it is a pilot, many people are crowding their heads and want to go inside. Everyone understands that once the reorganization division succeeds, it will be the ace of the crossing battalion.

You can tell by looking at their garrison, this is the troops that will be stationed in the base camp city.

The reorganization was completed very quickly, and Lan Wei also fulfilled one of his wishes. In addition, he also put forward a suggestion to implement the military rank system in the crossing battalion.

Now that there are a lot of people in the crossing camp, and there is no military rank, it is really inconvenient.

Especially on the battlefield, the rank system will be more flexible. If a military chief is injured, killed, or missing on the battlefield, a person with the highest rank and a similar position can be chosen to take his place.

This proposal was adopted after a meeting and discussion.

The crossing battalion with a scale of almost 100,000 people can indeed implement the military rank.

However, the military rank will be awarded after the Transmigrators Alliance is established, and Lan Wei, the commander of the reorganization division, has already decided on the military rank.

His rank was lieutenant general, and in the entire crossing camp, only Zhou Ping was a general, and there were only two lieutenant generals, Lan Wei and He Jie.

Sister Jing, the big housekeeper, can only be aggrieved to be a major general first.

The commanders of several divisions, the two deputy commanders of the provisional division, and the chief of staff were all major generals.

The three brigades of the temporary editors are major colonels. As for the heads of the regiments below, they are basically colonels, and they are in the lower row.

In this way, the number of generals is not large, and it can also give other people better incentives.

"Chief Lan, come to eat."

In the brigade cafeteria of the second brigade of the reorganization division, a master greeted a young man with a smile.

Lan Bin smiled and nodded: "Master Hu, two steamed buns, one dish, and one soup."

"Two buns are not enough, you are still growing, there are still buns, I will add two more buns for you"

Master Hu grinned and couldn't help but added two buns to Lan Bin. Lan Bin took the plate and went to eat at the table next to him.

In this adaptation, Lan Bin was promoted a little further, from regimental commander to brigade chief of staff.

Many people said that if Lan Bin was not too young, he could be the deputy brigade commander instead of the chief of staff. Today's Lan Bin is known as the rising star of the crossing camp.

Everyone believes that as long as Lan Bin can live well, the future will be brilliant.

The reason is very simple, he is too young.

According to the age of the earth, it is only a little over sixteen years old, and even if it is calculated as the actual age, it is only eighteen.

Eighteen is the Chief of Staff of the Brigade Headquarters. Can his future achievements be low?

It is said that there are many young girls in the crossing camp who all adore this handsome guy, but unfortunately the handsome guy has never been moved, and I don't know if those girls are not attractive enough or there are other reasons.

While eating, Lan Bin's thoughts seemed to return to the days before.

After the reorganization, Lan Wei, the teacher, talked to him in person.

Since Lan Bin joined the crossing camp, his performance has been remarkable. He is diligent, eager to learn, very hardworking, and has outstanding commanding ability. It performed very well, eliminated many enemies, and strongly supported the defense operation of No. 18.

When chasing, his regiment took the lead again, biting the enemy from behind, and finally the entire Ming family's army collapsed across the board.

It is not an exaggeration to be promoted to deputy brigade commander for his outstanding military exploits.

Just considering his age, Lan Wei still hopes that he can continue to polish for two years. First, he will be the chief of staff in the brigade headquarters, and later, he will be promoted to the brigade commander, or even the division commander of the reorganization division.

This conversation is equivalent to pointing out the future direction for Lan Bin.

As long as he continues to work hard, he will inevitably become one of the top figures in the crossing camp in the future, which makes Lan Bin very excited and more motivated to do things.

As for his own life events, he is not in a hurry. No matter how young he is now, he will wait a few years to fully wait.

"Chief Lan, can I sit here?"

While they were eating, a girl suddenly appeared across from her. She looked eighteen or nineteen and spoke to Lan Bin with a blushing face.

In fact, as an important commander of the brigade headquarters, Lan Bin can go to the cafeteria to eat, but from Lan Wei to the brigade commander and deputy brigade commander below, no one goes to the cafeteria. Small canteen.


Lan Bin smiled slightly, and the face of the girl opposite turned even redder.

This girl Lan Bin knew. She was a member of the communications platoon of the brigade headquarters, a girl who had only crossed over when she came back consecutively last time.

Lan Bin also knew that her family was from Yu City, a child from a big city.

The two ate face-to-face, and neither of them spoke.

After adding two more buns, Lan Bin still finished eating. After being arrested and the first to cross the camp, he never wastes food.

Only those who have experienced it will understand the value of food.

"I'm full, let's go first."

Lan Bin greeted politely, while the little girl watched Lan Bin leave in disappointment. Although they sat together to eat, they didn't say a word during the whole process.

This made the little girl secretly hate herself, so she kept her reserved, and she knew that she should talk more about it.

A rising star like Lan Bin, I don't know how many people are staring at him now. If it wasn't for Lan Bin being too young, I'm afraid more people would have a crush on him.

Returning to the brigade headquarters, Lan Bin quickly received a new task.

Their brigade is responsible for the security of the establishment meeting, and will be very busy for a while. As the chief of staff, he has to assist the brigade commander to formulate the most complete and safest security measures.

Although there are rumors that they are the most powerful people in the army, even the famous special operations battalion, together they are not the opponents of their brigade commander.

But the founding meeting of the Transmigrators Alliance is very important, and there must be no sloppiness.

For a week in a row, Lan Bin was working overtime, and finally made a perfect plan. After the plan was handed over to Lan Wei, he was praised by Lan Wei.

After that, it was passed by the commander.

City No. 18 will serve as the base camp for the crossing camp in the future, and the security of this city will be more important.

Of the ten Metal Storms captured last time, six remain here.

Of the thirty Metal Storms that are being produced, six of them will be brought over at that time. In this way, the entire No. 18 city will be guarded by fourteen Metal Storms.

Such a protective force, even if hundreds of armed aircraft come at the same time, it is difficult to fly over the city.

And Metal Storm is the only weapon that can intercept heavy missiles.

It's just that it is more difficult to intercept, and the trajectory of the heavy missile must be known in advance. The current crossing battalion still lacks this technology.

"Chairman, this is the list of all departments, please take a look."

Here in Zhou Ping, Zheng Tian took a document and gave it to Zhou Ping.

Although the chairman of the Transmigrator Union has to be elected, everyone knows that this election is just a process.

Except for Zhou Ping, no one is qualified for this position.

The names of the departments and the main persons in charge should also be determined in advance, and then a cutscene will be made to announce them.

Zhou Ping is the chairman and Zheng Tian is the vice-chairman.

The Travelers Alliance is divided into two major departments: the military department and the government affairs department. Lan Wei is the head of the military department, and Zheng Tian is the head of the government affairs department.

The Ministry of Government is divided into thirteen departments (to avoid taboos, the names are not listed one by one), each department needs a minister, two deputy ministers, and a number of staff.

These lists were made by Zheng Tian after investigation.

At present, the Ministry of Government is still auxiliary, and the most important thing is the Ministry of Military Affairs. However, in the future, Sister Jing will only be responsible for the logistics of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the Ministry of Government will no longer supervise it, which can relieve her a lot of pressure.

"Let me consider."

Zhou Ping nodded to Zheng Tian. Zheng Tian was still capable, but he was average in military affairs, but he was a good hand in government affairs.

With his help, Zhou Ping will be a lot easier in the future.

"Look first, I'll go out first."

Zheng Tian left Zhou Ping, and the founding meeting of the Travelers Alliance has been officially confirmed. A month later, they sent invitations to the five major families.

Regardless of whether the people from the Ming family will come, the Ming family has given them the same invitation.

This inaugural meeting made it clear that the Travelers Alliance is also a member of the city federation and has not seceded from the city federation, so it will abide by the federal constitution.

As for the Federal Constitution, it was formulated by the five major families before, and it was all in their favor.

However, the Federal Constitution needs some changes. The most important thing is to give the Travelers Alliance a legal status. In the future, all businessmen in the cities to which the Travelers Alliance belongs will still be able to communicate with other families as usual~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the inside There will be spies from other families, there is no doubt about this, there will definitely be.

But as long as the crossing camp does a good job, they will not be afraid of these spies, and they will not be able to detect any useful information.

Of course, the screening is still to be screened, and regular screening is still necessary. It is a pity that until now, no one has awakened the ability to detect polygraphs, and all screenings are still done by Zhou Ping alone.

"Too deceiving."

Ming family base camp, received the invitation letter from the crossing camp, Mingde directly tore the invitation letter to shreds.

And he immediately called the other four companies and asked them to refuse to attend the inaugural meeting of the Travelers Alliance, and even demanded that the Travelers Alliance be positioned as an illegal organization.

Don't underestimate this definition, if that's the case, the Transcendence Alliance will lose its righteousness.

The other four were all pushing the plug in Hanhu, neither agreeing nor refusing. Now the Crossover Camp has no direct interest in them, and they have no need to offend the Crossover Camp completely.

Until now, the four major families have not given up, pulling the crossing camp into their chariot.

If the Travelers Alliance really becomes a member of the city federation and becomes the sixth largest force in the city federation, then they have the responsibility and obligation to jointly deal with the enemy in the north.

This still makes the four families very excited.

Time passed slowly, and the walls of City No. 23 and City No. 30 were completely restored.

In these two cities, the crossing camp has completely established a firm foothold.

Except for those in power, ordinary people don't care too much about who will rule the city, they just want to make themselves a better life.

The city federation is a whole country, and they are not allegiance to the Ming family.

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