I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 710 【722】Eighth level? (5K thanks to I would like to call you the strongest reward support)

"The most difficult of the three realms of martial arts is the upper three realms. I have successfully cultivated the furnace, and the next steps are the Manifestation Saint realm and the Martial Saint realm."

"Don't think about it now, Martial Saint, but Xian Sheng... I have gained a lot of experience now, and I think about it very quickly."

Pei Jinye fell into thinking.

"You can continue to take the Beast Origin Pill. It currently has a great bonus on my attributes... If I can gather the ingredients needed for the Yuanshen Pill, maybe... this is my chance."

"In martial arts, a person's own quality is the foundation. The stronger the foundation, the more unlimited my potential will be!"

"But which one comes first, opening the valve of destiny, or entering the Martial Saint realm?"

Pei Jinye was also a little suspicious.

The origin of the Ming Valve was mentioned by the terrifying starry sky creature in the world of Flame God Coffin. It must belong to a higher level of cultivation.

As for the Martial Saint Realm...

Looking at the current history of the Federation, there are only a handful of warriors in the Furnace Realm, let alone the legendary Martial Saint Realm.

There are even some people saying that the Martial Saint Realm is a fictitious realm, and this kind of statement continues to gain more and more support.

In a sense, the three upper realms of martial arts already belong to the old arts, and now only the combination of extraordinary arts is a new technique with a bright future.

As Pei Jinye learned more, Caiyue realized that the battle between the old and the new in martial arts had already quietly begun.

But for Pei Jinye.

It doesn't matter.

He possesses talents that others cannot possess, and this is his advantage.

not to mention.

In just a few months, he has grown from an ordinary high school student with no strength to a martial artist in the upper three realms.

In just a few months, many people have completed their journey in this life, and even reached a high level that some strong physical and art masters can only hope to surpass in their lifetime.

What he relies on is his golden finger.

The clearer he is about his own advantages, the less likely Pei Jinye will be so quick to confront Xinghuan.

"Iron bones!"

In the mountains, Pei Jinye used his limit-breaking physical skills, showing off his will, as if he bumped out at will.

But the lethality unleashed by the terrifying physical energy almost instantly knocked the huge beast in front of him into a ball of blood mist.

Pei Jinye looked at his masterpiece with some satisfaction.

"Simply hitting it with your physical body, you can't resist it at the sixth level."

"Very good, my physical strength is getting stronger, which means I have chosen the right direction."


Pei Jinye was thoughtful, thinking about his next plan.

"The materials brought from Sandalwood Kingdom have now begun to be consumed, which is of great benefit to the improvement of attribute values. In addition, there is now an additional beast source pill, which is equivalent to another channel for attribute improvement."

"After the second-generation spiritual objects are harvested in the plantation, we will continue to plant the third-generation spiritual objects. With the third-generation spiritual objects, according to the current volume, it can bring an increase of 250,000 to 300,000 attribute values, with an average of Qi, blood, physical strength or mental strength, each item can be improved by nearly 100,000 points."


"Now it is only a second-generation spiritual object, and it can only gain a total of 100,000 attribute points..."

In the past, Pei Jinye was very happy, but it was only at this stage.

Especially after three generations of spiritual objects in Sandalwood Kingdom, Pei Jinye could no longer satisfy this increase in attribute values.

"Harvesting will begin in three months, and replacement with third-generation spiritual objects will begin at that time."

"It would be great if we could refine a sealed object that speeds up planting..."

"It's not a fantasy."

"Accelerated sealed objects, which means that space theory needs to be used..."

Pei Jinye fell into thinking.

His current extraordinary level of weapon refining is only LV4, and his understanding of weapon refining is not yet advanced.

"But you can give it a try. Large accelerators cannot be made, but you can try small accelerators."


"Now we just need some materials to try."

If he starts planting third-generation spiritual objects three months later, this means that he can only wait until the end of the year to get the harvest of third-generation spiritual objects.

The time cost is a bit high.

But once the accelerator can be refined, it will be fast.


Pei Jinye fell into thinking and collected the memories in his mind.

He had hunted down members of the Heavy Weapon Association back then, so he knew some secrets about weapon refining.

"It requires space-based items. This is the main material. Secondly, we need to add a stabilizer. Refining the stabilizer is also a bit troublesome, but with my ability, I have a chance."

"I have space-based items, so the next step is the stabilizer."

After some inquiries, there was no relevant material among the families he controlled.

The Federation has extremely strict control over sealed objects.

Even for those shops that can make sealed items, whenever Pei Jinye goes to buy them, they will be traced back to the source, which is also a troublesome matter.

He simply changed his identity.

Secretly purchase some available materials.

It still cost more than two million.

This was not a small amount of money before.


Feel the tail behind you.

Pei Jinye sneered.

"It seems that Lu Fu will indeed be targeted."

His body shape changed.

Turn into the alley.

Then the whole person rushed into the forest and disappeared.


"Bang!" "Bang!"

The two figures flew backwards, their faces full of panic. Before they even landed, they were directly grabbed by two invisible hands and dragged into the forest.

A moment of dead silence.

The remaining two people looked at each other in confusion. Before their brains could even react, their companion was already dead.


Their expressions changed suddenly.

open mouth……

But before the two of them could even make a cry for help, Pei Jinye's hands were already on their faces.

Endless darkness descends.

[New Extraordinary Gene 1: Spirit·Weapon Holding]

[New Extraordinary Gene 2: Spirit and Weapon Refining]

"Just as I was preparing to refine the weapon, another chaofan who refined the weapon came to my door. I really don't know how to live or die."

After Pei Jinye searched the storage bags on the corpses, he threw the two corpses away.

The moment they were thrown away, the karmic fire burned the two corpses completely, leaving no residue at all.

He turned his head and looked.

Sensing someone approaching.

Eyebrows raised and eyebrows raised.

Angrily, his Dantian roared with all his might.


Immediately, the people who were chasing after him to find out what happened stopped and looked horrified.

"Eighth level?"

"Oh my God, he is actually an eighth-level expert!"


The expressions of a group of people changed wildly, and they dispersed one after another.

Pei Jinye looked away, ignored these guys, and continued to leave.

Walked for half an hour.

He suddenly stopped and said loudly: "My friend has followed me all the way, but you still don't want to give up?"

The surrounding streets were deserted.

Pei Jinye narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, the surrounding space was distorted, and countless blood-red iron chains stretched out from all directions, covering all of Pei Jinye's limbs and neck, trying to tie him up.

Pei Jinye snorted coldly and patted his waist.

There was a "buzz" sound.

A long and long dragon's roar suddenly sounded from his hand.

It was like a thunder suddenly exploding in the sky above this open space.

The visitor suddenly let out a startled cry, his voice a bit rough and unexpected.

"You are an interesting person. No wonder you were able to kill that boy from the Yu family."

Pei Jinye narrowed his eyes.

Are you here for that boy from the Yu family?


When he killed Yu Hongfa, he obviously changed his identity.

Even Lin Xiuxian couldn't tell his identity at all, but how did these people know it?

Definitely not from the tribunal!

Pei Jinye was sure.

Because he had devoured the memories of the senior officials of the Judgment Institute and already knew how these guys tracked down the murderer, Pei Jinye naturally knew how to avoid being tracked by them.

But these people...

The light and shadow suddenly seemed like radiant meteors surging out of the void along with these blood-red iron chains.

This space seemed to be torn apart, and an explosion sound like the roar of dragons and tigers came from the strong wind.

The collision with the fierce wind seemed extremely thrilling.

Pei Jinye didn't panic at all.

The sword light surged away in front of him.

Light and shadow collided in mid-air and from all directions.

Turn around sharply.

A burly man rushed over, lashing out his hands in front of him one after another, and a lot of light and shadow came out.

In the southeast corner, a mysterious woman wearing a long black dress raised her hands. The blood-red bracelets were extremely obvious, and she waved every time.

Those blood-red iron chains will continue to pour in from all directions.

The angle is extremely tricky.

The churning air flow kept exploding among the people.

Even the sword glow around Pei Jinye. It also started to get messy.


Pei Jinye narrowed his eyes.

Now he has entered this woman's territory.

And on the opposite side.

The burly man fighting in close combat also released his domain.

His strongest attacks are on his two hands.

Like Pei Jinye, he also wears black armor-like gloves.

Cooperate with your own unique body skills.

Whether attacking or resisting, it can explode with amazing power.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sounds of fighting came to mind one after another.

The burly man laughed wildly in mid-air.

The fingers of both hands bloom like lotus flowers.

Press it instantly.

The crisp impact sounds suddenly became one.

At this moment, both the fist light and the sword light shot up ten meters into the sky like fireworks.

"The idea is a bit tricky."

The burly man took two steps back, his expression a little ugly.

"Can you do it?" The woman in the black dress was a little dissatisfied. "Hurry and cut off his head. The people from the Federation will be here soon."

"I know. Damn this guy is hard to kill."

The burly man stared at Pei Jinye fiercely.

At this time, Pei Jinye turned sideways, drew his sword to force away the iron chains around him, moved his feet quickly sideways, and rushed over quickly.

A sword slashed at the burly man.

"I'm looking for death, I'll give you face, right?" The burly man laughed ferociously, and punched him hard with his fists bursting with iron.

But suddenly his expression changed.

"Your power!"

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Pei Jinye.

"You know it's a little late!" Pei Jinye pressed down the sword in his hand.


On the spot, the ground beneath the burly man's feet exploded instantly.

His knees couldn't help but bend.

Even before the woman in the black dress could pull out the iron chain in her hand, Pei Jinye's tall demon-like figure had already risen.

With weapons in hand, combat effectiveness surges wildly!

The chop fell hard on the chest of the burly man!


The heart-wrenching sound of bone cracking was heard.

The burly man spurted blood and flew backwards.

The woman in the black dress who saw this scene from a distance was stunned on the spot.

"Wu Shan!"

"Run--" Only the burly man was left in the ruins. He tried his best to express his last words, shouted loudly, and rushed over.

He must use his last strength to die with Pei Jinye.

Even if he couldn't be killed, he could still give the woman a chance.

But it's a pity——

The devastating power came directly from Pei Jinye's body.

The burly man didn't even have a chance to resist. His whole body was shot directly into the ground like a nail.

Only half of the body is exposed.


The woman in the black dress finally came to her senses, turned around and ran away.

However, a palm suddenly formed in mid-air and was photographed from a distance.

The face of the woman in the black dress changed wildly, and she hurriedly waved her hands, manifesting more chains, trying to block the giant palm.

It's just that this giant palm is coming with great force.

This is the unique skill of Bi Tan, the king of Sandalwood Kingdom.

After being trained by Pei Jinye, he also added extraordinary particles, not to mention the surge of power under his weapon, which this woman could not resist in a hurry.

The crushing giant palm crushed the chains to pieces and slapped them down towards the woman.


Bones exploded and blood spurted out.

"You are the eighth level!!!" The woman in the black dress looked back at Pei Jinye in horror. Her orifices were bleeding, and the clothes on her body had been torn into strips.

However, Pei Jinye had no intention of taking a look at the beauty she revealed at this moment.

Reach out.

Drag and rise.

Under the acceleration of space, the woman's body suddenly fell to the ground like a cannonball.


The earth trembled and the mountains shook, and smoke and dust billowed up.

Pei Jinye flashed, grabbed the two people covered in blood, and quickly left the place.

Almost less than three seconds.

There was a sound of cracking in the sky above this street.

Several figures wearing federal uniforms blocked the street with cold expressions.

"The energy fluctuation test showed that there are three domain powers... However, according to the traces that broke out at the scene, one of them has suspected eighth-level combat power."

"If you dare to ignore federal laws, no matter whether they are level 8 or not, use all your electronic eyes to check for me!"


In the distance, inside a hotel.

Pei Jinye threw out thousands of threads to control the surrounding areas, and then threw out sealed objects to close them to ensure that the movement here would not be disturbed by the outside world.

Then he began to examine the memories he had just obtained from the two bounty hunters.

The burly man is called Wu Shan, a native of Nanzhou. He became a wanted criminal for killing people from the Federation in his early years. Later, by chance, he became a seventh-level awakened person.

The woman in the black dress was a Taoist monk he met on the way. The two worked together and killed many people.

As for finding myself...

"Yu family!"

Pei Jinye narrowed his eyes.

People from the Yu family were able to find themselves.

"Wraith Technique?"

"The woman's memory seems to mention this. The Yu family actually has such a method. When I killed Yu Hongfa, I was already under the ghost spell."

Pei Jinye immediately calmed down and felt.

I had been practicing for so long before but didn't even notice it.

Now he crushed a mental power bead and found a trace of black ghost like hair inside.


Pei Jinye tried to eradicate it, but found that it could not be solved.

"Even with my mental power, I can't destroy it."

"So, as long as I carry this ghost soul with me every day, everyone in the Yu family can find me?"

"What a shame!"

"The only good news is that they only recognize my disguised face and don't know my true identity."

Pei Jinye sighed.

He is now carrying a GPS. No matter where he escapes, the Yu family will be able to find him.

"Don't go back to the school and Jon Angli for the time being..."

"After I refine these furnaces of beast source pills, I will go to Yu's house for a visit."

"Forget it, let's wait for the eighth level."

"After all, there is a ninth-level ancestor in the Yu family..."

"It's better to be safe."

"If his Yu family dares to send people, I will come and kill them all! A ready-made extraordinary gene bank."

I thought about it for a while.

Pei Jinye used the burly man's mobile phone to send a message to the Yu family: [That guy is a bit difficult to deal with. If you send more people, I can charge less money. 】

The Yu family members immediately cursed after receiving the news.


"You said you could kill the opponent with just one finger, and this is the result?"

"Waste! What a waste!"

After the middle-aged man finished cursing, he said coldly: "Go, let Yu Dahai go there. He is at the seventh level... Forget it, let his younger brother go there too. If there is another sixth level, he will be more confident."


Night falls.

Pei Jinye suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the alchemy furnace.

The fragrance came immediately.

"Eight more beast source pills!"

But what surprised Pei Jinye was that this time they were all good elixirs!

"My talent is incredible! I'm really becoming more and more proficient!"


There was a "click".

Pei Jinye's expression changed slightly, and he saw that the alchemy furnace in front of him exploded, with several cracks appearing.

His expression changed.

"No, it's broken????"

"Inferior alchemy furnace! This is it!"

Fortunately, all the inner elixirs in his hand had been used up, otherwise Pei Jin would have been even more uncomfortable.

"Is it because this Beast Origin Pill is too powerful?"

Pei Jinye had some guesses.

After all, based on his previous experience, refining elixirs would not cause such a thing.

This is the first time.

Not too worried.

If the alchemy furnace explodes, it will explode. Just buy another one later.

If that doesn't work, just make one yourself!

Sit cross-legged.

Pieces of beast origin pills were stuffed into his mouth one after another.

He watched as the aura on Pei Jinye began to soar.

The three attribute values ​​have skyrocketed.

It didn't take long.

Pei Jinye pulled out the attribute panel.

[Qi and blood: 282,100]

[Stamina: 281,700]

[Mental power: 279,900]

"We are still one step away from the 300,000 yuan for the eighth level!"

At this time, Pei Jinye felt an extremely full feeling in his body.

It feels like you've eaten too much in one bite and haven't fully digested it yet.

But he wasn't worried.

Under the operation of the internal exercises, this feeling can completely disappear in just two days.


That's when.

The burly man's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

[I heard that there was a fight in Heide City today. Is it you who did it? You are a bit too brave, even the tribunal has been alarmed! 】

Pei Jinye looked at it with scorn.

"This is what the Yu family has achieved."

Send a message: [Has the person I want arrived? 】

[Arrived, arriving at the airport at 10:55 pm. 】

The corner of Pei Jinye's mouth curled up in a cold arc.

"It's time to have some midnight snack!"

There are nearly 9,000 updates today, and there are still five updates left this month. I beg for support~~~

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