I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 731 【743】Breakthrough, Ming Valve (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

Three months later.

The drizzle finally stopped in the night.

On the mountain behind the palace.

Thousands of threads entwined.

In the restricted area where no one could enter, a strong wind suddenly arose.

The strong wind cut countless criss-crossing traces into the surrounding trees.

There was a sound of the shackles breaking.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the great river came from Pei Jinye's body.

Breakthrough to mid-satellite stage!

Pei Jinye took a long breath.

Three months of hard training.

The effect is quite fruitful!

According to the level of cultivation in the fragmented world, he has now crossed the meteor level. When he advanced to the ninth level, the power of the stars in his body had already been increased, and he successfully entered the early stage of the satellite.

Now three months later, all the supplies in the storage bag have been used up, but it has been fruitful.

Just thinking about how many months had passed in reality, but just over a month had passed here, the inconsistency in the flow of time made him a little dizzy.

"Yanzi, what happened to the time tassel?"

The Flame God coffin shook slightly.

The message came.

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows slightly: "You mean, because this world is powerful, you can't control the flow rate, so you can only intervene..."

The Flame God coffin shook.

Pei Jinye thought thoughtfully: "Then what is the maximum you can achieve?"

Yan Shen Coffin replied tirelessly.

"Is one-on-one already your limit? Yanzi, you have to work harder."

Yan Shen Coffin didn't seem to understand at all.

Suspended in place.

Pei Jinye stretched out his hand to take it into his body and fell into thought.

"Even if I could intervene, three months have already passed in reality... When I go back, I don't know how long has passed."

"It can't be explained anyway, so just don't interfere..."

When he thought of Pei's father and Pei's mother, Pei Jinye could only apologize.

"I already helped them cleanse their marrow last time we met. In addition, we still have some training resources at home, which will be enough for a while."

Calm down your mind.

Pei Jinye stood up.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound like a firecracker.

Glancing at the properties panel.

[Qi and blood]: 738,800;

[Stamina]: 738,900;

[Mental Power]: 738,600;


As soon as Kunard saw Pei Jinye appear, he immediately stepped forward and handed over the report in his hand.

"This is fruit picked from the plantation within two days... In addition, we held a tender, but only Xia State expressed its willingness, and other countries sneered."

"Replace it with ordinary fruit first." Pei Jinye said, not planning to reveal the existence of the spiritual fruit so soon.

Since they look just like the fruits outside, Pei Jinye didn't give these fruits any confusing names, so as to avoid being noticed by interested people.

Now the outside world probably thinks that Tanmu Country will start to become a big fruit country under his leadership, which is funny to say.

A generation of masters used the whole country to develop fruits.

Not to mention many officials of Tanmu Kingdom, even the intelligence agencies of the empire looked at a loss after hearing the news.

"You can just play whatever you want if you have the ability, right???"

After taking the report, Pei Jinye looked at it carefully.

There are 13 kinds of third-generation fruits in total.

Over one hundred and forty tons were harvested in three months.

Looked at a lot.

When it comes to actually taking it, it actually only lasts for a few months.

But the prerequisite is Pei Jinye's massive amount.

An average person would not be able to finish it in a year.

But Pei Jinye has now transformed his physique, and there is no room left after swallowing it like a whale.

After praising Kunard for a few words, the guy suddenly grinned, saying that he didn't dare to take credit, and secretly wanted Pei Jinye to give him some advice.

"I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I successfully entered the first level under your guidance and was invincible... Please, for the sake of my loyalty, can you give me some advice?"

Pei Jinye was amused by his cautious appearance, but he was not stingy at all.

Then he returns to reality, where he always needs someone to help him take care of things.

It didn't take long.

Pei Jinye taught the "Star-Lying Technique" to Kunard.

However, before teaching it, he made slight changes to the "Star Guiding Technique" and weakened the effect a bit. Otherwise, with this old boy's physical condition, he might really explode and die if he practiced it.

After giving instructions for a while, Cunard left with a smile that couldn't be concealed.

Pei Jinye ignored the old boy's urge to punch the nursing home. He ordered people to bring the Third Generation Spirit Fruit into the back mountain, and then began to practice in seclusion again.

at the same time.

Somewhere in Southeast Asia.

Several Kou figures gathered together.

"I found out that Sandalwood Country is indeed growing fruits and medicines... I just don't know what they want to do."

The man on the left said solemnly: "Can we get what they grow and send it back to China for research?"

Someone was surprised: "Didn't I get it from Yejin Kingdom and confirm that it is an ordinary fruit?"

The man on the left lowered his voice and said, "Some people in China doubt that Bitan's ability to become a master is inseparable from these fruits?"

"You can become a master by eating fruits?" Some people said they couldn't understand, but they ordered more fruits when ordering dinner at night.

"Don't steal their fruits from abroad. Steal fruits from Sandalwood Country as much as possible." The man whispered an idea.

However, he was rejected: "It's very difficult. Almost all the plantations in Sandalwood Country are now soldiers. To put it bluntly, Sandalwood Country and Molkin Country are currently considered the safest places in Southeast Asia. Even the empire's intelligence personnel After suffering a disaster, I think we’d better stay away from Bitan, otherwise we will only be the ones to suffer.”

Just saying.

Suddenly, the space disappeared.

Before anyone could see what was happening, the sword lotus exploded.

Dozens of sword rays killed the group on the spot.

"It's really troublesome."

Pei Jinye waved his hand, and the fire of karma fell, burning everything.

Kou Guo is not alone in this kind of thing.

That's why Pei Jinye successively put out some bait to make outsiders think that he really just wanted to develop agriculture.

"If you can fool me, do it first. If you can't fool me, do it..."

"When necessary, I can win over some powerful countries, so that even if I return to reality, my fundamentals will still be there."

Night falls.

When Pei Jinye passed by Mojin Kingdom, he went to the Golden Mother Sacred Tree again.

When they first met, the Golden Mother God Tree was a little shocked: [Your aura has become much stronger? Did I sleep for too long? 】

Pei Jinye didn't say much, just reminisced about old times with it: "The outside world is in turmoil, maybe Songzi will come to you in person, so be careful."

[No wonder, when I woke up last time, I felt someone snooping outside the door. 】

The Golden Mother God Tree did not lie.

Pei Jinye checked the memories of nearby mountain birds and found that a group of mysterious people did come quietly, but they did not enter. They just checked outside and left shortly after.

"It looks like...it's a bit like the Kou people's methods."

"By the way, I came to see you today for something else."

Pei Jinye took out the long sword with the power of the stars: "Can you still help me continue to evolve now?"

[Your sword...] The Golden Mother Divine Tree suddenly let out a startled cry.

Although it was just a fluctuation of thoughts, this somewhat unexpected emotion was still clearly captured by Pei Jinye.

"I unexpectedly got a little chance."

Not much was said.

The Golden Mother God Tree felt a little emotional. There were so many opportunities in the world, but it was a pity that it was a tree. Even if it escaped from here, it would be difficult to move around like humans anytime and anywhere.

The branches wrapped around the long sword, and cracks were immediately cut by the sharp blade. The Golden Mother God Tree was even more surprised.

[What a sharp blade, even beyond my level... Sorry, I can't evolve a weapon of this level right now. 】

Pei Jinye felt a little regretful.

Just listen to the Golden Mother God Tree murmuring to itself: [There is a power in this, it is very sharp, it gives me a feeling...]

"How does it feel?" Pei Jinye asked.

[Can’t tell, very familiar, but not specific...]

The Golden Mother God Tree talked a lot of nonsense.


Pei Jinye didn't know what to say when he saw this.

Let's just believe it.

Without staying too long, Pei Jinye asked for eight gold leaves from the Golden Mother God Tree, saying they were useful.

I originally wanted to order more, but unfortunately the Golden Mother Divine Tree was unwilling to give more. Eight pieces was already the limit.

It was already two o'clock in the morning when we returned to the mountain behind the Sandalwood King's Palace.

Pei Jinye suddenly took action.

A hidden surveillance poisonous bee in the jungle behind the mountain was taken back from him through the air.

Putting his hands on each other's electronic eyes, he joked with interest: "I'm afraid only a few big countries can have this kind of technology."

Pei Jinye scoffed.

In a flash, he hacked into the Venomous Bee chip and traced the route to a nearby stronghold.


Pei Jinye called the person over and threw a small piece of paper over.

"Kill everyone inside."

"Yes!" Kunard's face was full of joy.

After practicing the new technique, he has been suffering from no place to try his skills. This time he plans to go there in person to meet the so-called strong men of the empire.

Early the next morning.

Officials from the empire came to protest.

However, they were blocked by Pei Jinye, and a large-scale power outage occurred in the empire within two days, so they had no time to focus on the Tanmu Kingdom.

No more outside distractions.

Pei Jinye continued to immerse himself in practice.

Consecutive consumption of three generations of spiritual fruits also resulted in a significant increase in attribute values.

Now we are getting closer and closer to the threshold of one million attribute values, and we will be able to successfully break through in about a month or two.

At the moment, Pei Jinye is more concerned about opening the life valve.

A tingling sensation came from my left hand.

Pei Jinye was not panicked.

The life valve node on the right hand was opened before, and now all the nodes on the left hand are also opened.

But what surprised Pei Jinye.

The power of the stars in his body would actually help him accelerate the opening of his life valve at this moment.

"The world that can open the life valve must be a higher world. The magical use of the power of the stars seems to be more complicated than I imagined."

Pei Jinye looked slightly happy.

"With the power of the stars contained in the middle stage of my current satellite, it is still not enough, otherwise the life valve will be opened faster."

"The life valve is an important checkpoint in physical cultivation..."

"Coupled with the "Heaven, Earth, and Longevity"..."

"As long as I can survive, the future is limitless!"

There is another chapter, begging for monthly votes, recommendation support, and all data support

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