I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 790 【802】Do you really think I have no temper if I don’t get angry? (Ask for the monthly pas

At dawn.

When Pei Jinye changed his appearance and went to the market to buy the last batch of supplies, he accidentally heard some customers talking about the big event last night.

"What happened to Lu Tianhe? Why did he suddenly start a fight with the Zhou family?"

"It's said that Lu Tianhe sold fake goods."

"Hiss... Lu Tianhe is the boss of Tianbao Pavilion. He sells fakes. Doesn't that mean there are fakes in Tianbao Pavilion?"

"Ten out of ten are fake and nine are genuine... That's the truth. I'm afraid only Tianshen International's trading firm only sells genuine products."

"Where is Lu Tianhe now?"

"The person who injured the Zhou family is currently wanted... Anyway, he will lose his skin if he doesn't die."

"What a shame."

Pei Jinye looked away and said to the stall owner in front of him: "The few items I just selected will be packed directly."


After taking his things, Pei Jinye turned around and left the store.

This time he came to Fangshi and bought seven or eight items on the list. There were still some things that Xizhou didn't have, so he had to try his luck elsewhere.

These are the materials used to descend into another world.

The quality must pass.

This is about his life.

A failed shuttle would cause unknown damage to his body.

Of course he didn't want this behavior to cause him much trouble.

During this period in Xizhou, more than three million yuan was spent on purchasing alone.

I thought that I had already changed my face, but I didn't think about changing it every day... In such a big city, it is nothing to spend such a small amount of money.



Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows.

Has a tail...

Suddenly I was speechless.

He felt that he had been very careful and didn't use his true appearance.

But I didn't expect... people would still notice him.

Okay, okay, I just said it was safe here, so you slapped me in the face, right?

He didn't even wait for Pei Jinye to enter the alley.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of him.

The window rolls down.

A dark man with a ponytail said solemnly: "Mr. Sun, we don't mean any harm, we just want to ask you to come."

"Who is your boss?" Pei Jinye asked casually.

But Ponytail didn't say anything.

Pei Jinye sighed: "Hey, it's really..."

"You ungrateful animal."

The car in front of him suddenly exploded.

Ponytail looked horrified and said hurriedly: "Senior Sun, our boss is..."

The words are not finished yet.

A hand was placed directly on his face.

Pei Jinye said calmly: "Don't be a bitch again in your next life."

After the speed of dream swallowing has been shortened, the process can be ignored when dealing with these ignorant rookies.

"I owe Zhong Wanhao my life. If this person is really the murderer of Wanhao, he must stay in Xizhou."

"at all costs!"

"Teng" sound.

The flames soared and burned the corpses in front of them completely.

From the moment he took action until everything disappeared... everything happened in such a blink of an eye that even the passers-by didn't even react.

When the screams came, the last sporadic firelight disappeared... along with Pei Jinye's figure.

"You want to take action for Zhong Wanhao, right?"

"At any cost?"

"Then I'll make it happen for you!"

Three minutes later.

A mountainside in Xizhou suddenly exploded.

"you wanna die!!!"

Chang Shanhe, vice president of the Xizhou Martial Arts Alliance, roared.

But in an instant, a pure and extremely frightening sword intent was suppressed directly from mid-air!

This day.

The entire Xizhou lost its voice.

Before Chang Shanhe died, several ninth-level figures rushed towards him, and someone shouted: "Senior, please show mercy!"


"Anyone who dares to interfere in personal grudges will be killed without mercy!"

The terrifying sword intent stopped everyone on the spot.

There is nothing more shocking than watching a starry sky-level martial artist being crushed!

Everyone who saw this scene felt cold all over.

Even if Pei Jinye left, no one would dare to stop him.

Because of this sword...

It was so powerful that it was difficult for them to muster the courage to fight.

It wasn't until the smoke cleared that someone dared to come forward and get closer.

The sword intent that lingered on the spot made people's bones sting.

"There are actually such strong swordsmen in this world..."

"I remembered that three months ago, the wormhole in Dongzhou opened. Finally, a mysterious strong man stood in front of him, using this kind of overbearing sword intent... As expected, the man from back then That’s the senior from just now.”

"It's him!"

"Chang Shanhe...why would you offend such a strong man?"

In mourning.

No one is willing to stand up for Chang Shanhe.

A strong man who can fight alone at the entrance of the wormhole for the sake of the common people... No one wants to offend such a person.

What's more, Pei Jinye's sword is too strong.

So strong that they dare not offend.

The third hour when things unfolded.

Far away in Dongzhou, Mu Yaoqing, who had just finished her training, was talking to her mother when she suddenly saw the news from Xizhou on her browser.

He was so shocked that he sat up from the sofa.

"What's wrong?" Her mother was startled, thinking that something had happened to her daughter, so she quickly got up and went over.

"It's him!"

Mu Yaoqing murmured to herself: "This figure from behind is him!"

But after finishing speaking, she hesitated.

"Isn't it possible?"

"It should be him!"

"He is actually in Xizhou..."

The woman patted her daughter on the shoulder, with caution and worry in her eyes: "Xiao Qing?"

Mu Yaoqing came back to her senses and smiled at her mother: "I'm fine, but buy me a ticket to Xizhou as soon as possible."

"Why do you want to go to Xizhou all of a sudden?" the woman asked subconsciously.

Mu Yaoqing just looked at her mother. When the woman saw this, she thought of the agreement between herself and her daughter... Without asking any more words, she nodded and bought two tickets for departure in two hours.

By the time Pei Jinye came back from Xizhou, Mu Yaoqing had already taken her mother to Xizhou.

The two sides just passed each other.

Pei Jinye didn't know that Mu Yaoqing went to Xizhou to find him. After returning to his residence, he saw Mu Yaoqing's messages in the past few days.

There is something very interesting written on the note.

[Sir, I need more courage in my life... Before I met you, I always hoped that courage would come from others, but now I understand that courage comes from myself. 】

Second note...

[Sir, you are not at home. 】

[The last time I saw you, you didn’t seem to like that one, so I bought new tea leaves... Unfortunately, you are still not here. 】

[I'm going out for a trip and I'll be back soon! 】

I wrote a note almost every day.

Pei Jinye shook his head.

Put away all slips of paper.

Then thousands of threads and [closed] were laid to seal off the villa.

Then he took out the materials purchased from Xizhou and started a new round of weapon refining.

Three days later.

Pei Jinye came out of seclusion.

The water purification beads were re-refined by him, breaking through the initial limitations. Coupled with the [Fairy Rain Technique], the planting speed of the fourth generation spiritual objects was naturally increased.

This is also the day.

Mu Yaoqing's mother appeared and said that her daughter had sent tea specially.

"She's still out there?"

"I said I was looking for a friend in Xizhou. If there hadn't been something wrong with the company here, I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving her there alone."

"Xizhou? The scenery in Xizhou is good."

Pei Jinye nodded and said nothing more.

"...It's been a bit chaotic outside recently. Sir, you must be careful." The woman hesitated for a moment, then remembered her daughter's explanation and added.

"Thank you."

Pei Jinye nodded, not sure whether he heard it or not.

I don't know why, but the woman was afraid of him from the bottom of her heart and left in a hurry.

Countdown to the arrival of the fragmented world: six days! (End of chapter)

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