I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 816 [828] How dare you! (Please give me a monthly ticket and subscribe)

Wang Shiwen really doesn't want to participate in any more banquets. She just wants to seize the time to practice.

But this time it was her father who spoke in person.

"I finally got the opportunity to attend this time. I will take you to have a long experience. If you don't want to communicate with them, just find a place to have something to eat. Your grandfather is now willing to let go. He has already stated that he is very interested in the principal. The dissatisfaction over there... This is our opportunity, and it is also my opportunity, but it is a pity that you are not a boy. By the way, isn't your master a ninth-level master? You can also invite me. This is my authority."

"Invite my master?"

Wang Shiwen only seemed a little hesitant when mentioning Pei Jinye.

"I don't know if he has time."

Wang Shiwen's father was not disappointed, and gave serious guidance: "Whether he has time or not, at least your attitude must be shown... He is not accepting you as a closed disciple, so you must remember to show off your performance."

"Master is different from those people outside." Wang Shiwen said in a dull voice.

But her father just smiled and said: "You are still too young. You have to understand the world and the ways of the world. This is your intention. Moreover, there are many strong people coming to such a high-level gathering. This is also a big problem for him. A good opportunity to get acquainted... Senior Lu Sui is also here, they know each other."

Wang Shiwen nodded when she heard this: "I'll try, but I'm not sure if I can succeed."

However, she did not expect that Pei Jinye actually agreed, which made Wang Shiwen a little surprised. She had the impression that Pei Jinye did not like this kind of activity.

What she didn't know was that Lu Sui also called, saying that he had something to ask for help, otherwise Pei Jinye would not participate in such an activity.

"Is your master here?"

At the door.

Wang Jianning looked at his daughter and asked in a low voice.

Wang Shiwen shook her head: "He hasn't come yet, but he said he will come."

Wang Jianning saw that more and more big shots were entering the venue, and became a little anxious. He whispered: "Then you wait here first. After you receive the people, you tell me that I will go say hello to those people inside first." , it’s not appropriate not to say hello.”

After watching his father leave.

Wang Shiwen stood alone at the door of the venue waiting.

It didn't take long.

Several luxury sports cars drove into the entrance of the venue.

"That person just now looked familiar." The curly-haired man in the passenger seat suddenly said.

"Who?" someone in the back row asked.

"As for the one from the Wang family, didn't Mr. Bai call her name last time... Zhao Man went to get her but was rejected."

"Oh, it's her, tsk, how dare a sideline reject Mr. Bai? Who is he trying to get behind?"

"Wait a minute, is she qualified to participate in today's banquet?" a girl next to her questioned.

"He must have climbed on someone."

"Let's go and ask?"

"Zhao Man is here, let her ask, does a collateral branch make you make such a fuss?" the girl sneered.

Seeing this, the others calmed down a bit.

"Zhao Man is here."

I don’t know who shouted.

Someone pressed down the car window and waved to Zhao Man. Zhao Man trotted over and said, "You are all here, Mr. Luo. I told you that I would go find you."

"Is that the girl you were talking about before?" The curly-haired man pointed at the figure at the door of the venue.

At first Zhao Man didn't see Wang Shiwen.

In her opinion, a banquet of this level requires their family to go to great lengths, and children like Wang Shiwen who are not well-known from the sidelines will naturally not be qualified.

Until the moment she saw Wang Shiwen, her expression became unnatural for a moment.


After all, she is also a direct descendant of the Zhao family. Although the Zhao family has not yet had the chance to take the table, in terms of status and means, Wang Shiwen is not at the same level as her.

And every time they get together, only she speaks, and Wang Shiwen is qualified to sit at the table of their small circle.

But now, she was able to bypass herself and appear here.

Zhao Man took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He looked at the senior executives of the small circle in front of him and said with a smile, "Did you ask her to come?"

The girl next to her frowned and said impatiently: "Are you stupid? I told you to identify her, so how could it be that we found her? Are you stupid?"

Zhao Man's smile was a little stiff.

Although she was angry, she did not dare to offend the third young lady from the Qin family.

Before Wang showed up, she was the weakest member of the small team.

Of course, everyone in this group of people who believe in the law of the jungle can step on her.

Until Wang Shiwen appeared.

She finally got rid of her identity as the weakest person...but it seems that there are some problems now.

Wang Shiwen's recent toughness made her feel strongly uneasy.

More resentment.

She didn't dare to break free from the control of these people back then, so why would you dare to say no as a collateral member.

【Why! 】

"Go and ask." The third lady of the Qin family said calmly.

Zhao Man came to his senses and quickly said yes.

She looked at Wang Shiwen without thinking much, and walked over as before. However, seeing what the Wang family was saying to her, she couldn't go directly.

He picked up his cell phone and called Wang Shiwen first, but what Zhao Man didn't expect was that his call was hung up.

"She... dared to hang up on me?"

Zhao Man's first reaction was that it was impossible.

But the reaction that followed was -

【How dare she! 】

Dial the number again.

Wang Shiwen waited for a while before answering: "What's the matter?"

The attitude was very cold.

Zhao Man's tone was also cold: "Why did you hang up on me?"

"I'm busy, what's the matter? If nothing happens, I'll hang up!"

Zhao Man almost lost his temper and said angrily: "I'm also at the venue, just to your left. Come here, Mr. Luo and Miss Qin are both here."

Wang Shiwen said indifferently: "I'm not free, is there anything else? I'll hang up if nothing happens."

Zhao Man was stunned.

Just when she was stunned, the call was hung up.

She suddenly felt her face burning.

She swore that she had been suppressed many times in her life, but she had never been so looked down upon by a transparent person from the sidelines.

She strode forward.

He immediately slapped Wang Shiwen's cell phone away with anger.

"I gave you face, didn't I?"


Wang Shiwen slapped him directly.

Here’s the same sentence!

"I'm giving you shame, aren't you? Pick up my phone!"

Zhao Man was stunned, covered his face and looked over.

But Wang Shiwen's eyes were full of calm coldness... This was definitely not that transparent one!

"Who...are you?" Zhao Man stammered.

Wang Shiwen slapped her again: "Pick it up, do you understand?"

Zhao Man subconsciously bent over, but when her fingertips touched the phone, the cold feeling brought her back to reality. She took her hand back forcefully and glared at Wang Shiwen fiercely.

"Don't think that just because you have a backer, you can go against us! In the end, you are all a branch of the Wang family. What are you going to do against us - bang!"

Wang Shiwen said expressionlessly: "If you keep talking nonsense, I won't mind continuing to slap you!"

Zhao Man burst into tears.

"How dare you...!"

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