I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 859 [871] Kneel down [Thanks to the boss with the tail number 7804 for the reward and suppor

"What happened? Where is the elixir?"

"You were clearly here just now, why did everything disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Many practitioners were shocked and confused.

Everyone yelled and killed for a long time, but in the blink of an eye, the three seven-star spiritual grass growing on the mountain wall disappeared.

"Damn it, who is it?"

"Chase him, he won't be able to run far!"

Everyone rushed out immediately.

Yu Long also encountered this scene and froze on the spot: "What the hell, are you so disrespectful of martial ethics?"

He looked at Lin Xiawei blankly.

Lin Xiawei frowned. Just now she sensed a force appearing out of thin air: "It's a blood dragon."

"Blood dragon?"

Yu Long was stunned: "This guy is not dead yet?"

Suddenly he reacted.

"It seems that so many people who died before have something to do with it. But why did it steal my spiritual grass? Blanch it."

Lin Xiawei thoughtfully said: "Back then, it was always said that the Nine Ice Masters left behind something dangerous to protect the True Ice Tower. Maybe it was it..."

"This beast killed someone back then. How could he have survived if he hadn't begged Master Jiu Bing for his life... I'm afraid this thing will never change its nature. But without Master Jiu Bing, who can control it?"

Yu Long said worriedly.

Lin Xiawei was suddenly stunned.

I saw the code on the wall that was familiar to the investigation team.

Who else in this world can use this string of codes besides Pei Jinye!

"Let's go." Lin Xiawei said decisively.

"Where are you going?" Yu Long scratched his head. His hair had been burned away by the woman in the black dress before, but now it has grown some.

"Just follow me."

Lin Xiawei didn't explain, Yu Long followed angrily, but believed it unconditionally.

"A total of 18 spiritual herbs."

The blood dragon pushed the spiritual grass that emitted different lights to the door, and "Wei Donglai" could only come out to get it in person.

"Only eighteen plants?"

"Wei Donglai" said with some embarrassment in his tone, "Senior Blood Dragon, it's not that I mean to make things difficult for you. Even if I take these spiritual herbs, they are too small. It would be better to provide more than 20 thousand-year-old elixirs. I will I am sure that the refining will be successful within five days!”

"Five days? Seriously?" The blood dragon was a little unhappy at first, but when he heard the sworn voice coming from the door, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Seriously, I can't refine it in five days, so I'll raise my head to see my senior!"

Hearing such powerful words, the blood dragon's tone became much lighter: "Isn't it just spiritual grass? Then I will arrange the weight carefully and I will definitely help you succeed."

Just over an hour.

The blood dragon appeared outside the attic door with 20 thousand-year-old spiritual grass.

I definitely don’t want to have one more plant.

But this time it consumed a lot of energy.

His voice became a little disjointed.

This time, no matter how "Wei Donglai" tried to induce him, he was unwilling to take action.

"Five days..." the blood dragon said meaningfully.

"Senior, please wait for the good news."

The third day passed.

The blood collected on the True Ice Talisman has been completely digested.

This also convinced the blood dragon that "Wei Donglai" could refine it in five days, and he began to wait quietly.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

The real ice treasure talisman suddenly vibrated.

The ice cubes throughout the room began to make a squeaking sound like they were breaking.

"Did you succeed?" The blood dragon's voice was suddenly full of surprise.

"Not yet, soon."

"Wei Donglai" finished speaking and formed a seal in his hand.

Immediately, the space in front of him exploded, turning into countless slender thunder and lightning, which headed towards the True Ice Talisman suspended in the air.

at the same time.

"Wei Donglai's" eyes also emitted strange light.

The left eye is as dark as the eye of a demon.

The golden purple color of the right eye is like the luster of divine thunder.

The two rays of light were entangled together, and when they were sucked in the direction of the True Ice Talisman, thousands of frosts instantly turned into countless mists and were absorbed into the body.


About half an hour passed.

There seemed to be the sound of some restraint cracking in the room.

"You really succeeded!"

The blood dragon was surprised.

The bloodline restriction that restricted its body shape actually disappeared.

The scarlet eyes in the darkness suddenly glowed even more brightly.

It couldn't care less and rushed forward.

Wrapped around "Wei Donglai", the giant dragon looked back with its head, staring down at "Wei Donglai".

"Human beings are indeed the stupidest creatures."

Laugh wildly.

A ray of its soul directly merged into the eyebrows of "Wei Donglai" and began to seize the body.

It only needs to seize the bloodline descendants of Nine Ice Masters, and it will be able to completely control the True Ice Tower from now on. From now on, it will come to the world and make a comeback!

It's ridiculous that the Nine Ice Masters actually thought that they would be obedient.

He also tried to let his descendants continue to be his masters.

Simply ridiculous!

I have been struggling for so many years, and even my flesh and blood body has been 90% destroyed by Jiu Bingshangren, otherwise I would not think about taking over my body.

Now, he is finally going to succeed!

However, the next second, the blood dragon was dumbfounded and let out an angry roar.

"You are not Wei Donglai at all!!!"

Within the spiritual world.

A blood demon seedling emits demonic flames.

Shoot away.

The blood dragon roared: "Seeking death!"

But what he didn't expect was that the mysterious man who replaced Wei Donglai actually used Wei Donglai's body as the formation's eye and set up a Yin Thunder Fire Formation specifically to restrain the soul!

The Nine Ice Masters had used this formation to punish it back then, so it looked very familiar to it.

These twists and turns made the blood dragon somewhat confused.

He thought he was the inheritor of the Nine Ice Masters, but he was killed by Li Daitao.

I thought that there was no way around it at this point, but I never expected that the other party would actually know the formation of the Nine Ice Masters.

"who are you?"

Under the Yin Thunder Fire Formation, the blood dragon's soul was completely trapped, and it was horrified again and again.

The memories that were almost forgotten suddenly came back like a tide. It was scared to death, but it clearly remembered that the person on Jiu Bing was dead.

Just die in front of it.

"No, you can't be him! It can't be him!"

A figure suddenly appeared in the room, and almost instantly, the ice power was revealed.

Point your fingers.

The blood dragon's body began to tremble.

Its soul was still in the formation set up by the Blood Demon Miao, trying to resist and return to its original mutilated body.

In fact, the blood dragon's idea is right.

Even if its current body is still incomplete, it is still its own body, and the power it has can certainly give it the ability to protect itself.

It will definitely not be like now, becoming a piece of fish on the chopping board and being slaughtered by others.

"Break it for me!"

The blood dragon roared.

The spiritual world of "Wei Donglai" suddenly burst into flames and was in ruins.

On the one hand, Pei Jinye stretched out his hand to suppress the body left behind by the blood dragon, and on the other hand, he stretched out his hand to take over the true ice talisman.

Master Jiubing left behind his legacy.

He did say that as long as he refined the True Ice Talisman, he would be recognized by the True Ice Tower.

Now the True Ice Talisman has been successfully refined.

But the blood dragon, as a weapon spirit, is desperately resisting.

"You are not a descendant of the Lord at all. Just because of this, it is impossible for you to gain my approval and become the master of the True Ice Tower!"


Pei Jinye sneered.

Reach out and press.

Wei Donglai's body glowed with light, and under the control of the Blood Demon Bar, the power of his bloodline emerged.

The blood dragon was horrified.


It has never seen such methods before, it is obviously beyond its cognition.

Pei Jinye had no intention of explaining at all.

After crushing a talisman bead, his mental power began to surge.

Instantly form a seal with both hands.

follow closely.

His soul left his body and merged into Wei Donglai's spiritual world, completely taking over. Like a god, he looked down at the blood dragon soul trapped in the Yin Thunder Fire Formation.

Every time he spoke a word, the divine thunder and sky fire struck hard on the blood dragon's soul.

"You bastard, why don't you kneel down!"

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