I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 162 161 Night Attack Team Undercover Plan!

Chapter 162 161. Night Raid Team Undercover Plan!

"What, it's not her?"

Himeya Jun's tone of response was quite surprised, as if he had not expected Bai Ye to give a negative answer.

Bai Ye lowered his eyes, and felt that he could even hear a bit of regret in Himiya Jun's tone. What was going on?

He coughed twice and said seriously: "That's why I want you to get directly into the Night Raid Team to get information, and then force the mastermind to show up in advance."

"What did you say?"

Hakuno's bold plan made Ji Yajun a little confused, and he instinctively avoided it: "No, no, the people in the Night Raid Team still want my life, and I don't trust their organization."

"You also said that the real mastermind is in the Night Raid Team. What if it falls into the hands of the enemy?"

"Don't worry, I have certainly considered this and will not let you go to give yourself away."

Hakuno smiled slightly and continued: "At that time, I will place a clone to accompany you and always be aware of your movements."

"As long as you actively investigate in the Night Raid Team and force the mastermind to show up in advance, everything will be fine."

Hakuno's plan is quite clear. He stayed in Nexus, and of course it was impossible for him to fight the alien beasts one by one.

The villains in this world are not like Gatanjea who live in the ruins. One of them hides in the headquarters of the Night Raid Team, and the other comes and goes without a trace.

No matter what Hakuno says, it is impossible for him to attack the headquarters of the Night Raid Team on his own initiative, so this method is the only way.

As long as Hakuno gives a few more instructions and lets Junji Himeya reveal the true identity of a certain expert from the inside, there is no need to worry that this dark Zaki comrade will not defect.

Junji Himeya hesitated for a long time, still undecided, and whispered: "But... I heard that they want to use my body for experiments. Can you really guarantee that this will not happen?"

Junji Himeya's worries are not groundless. After all, some high-level people in this world have become perverted to the point of being crazy.

And his identity as a human body of Nexus is undoubtedly very tempting. Once he really breaks into the Night Raid Team without scruples, he is afraid that he will be dragged into the mouth of the tiger and his specific movements will be observed by physiological dissection one day.

In terms of the original plot alone, when TLT was seriously injured and unconscious in the middle and late stages, they still did nothing and took him back for autopsy.

The thoughts of the top leaders can be seen.

"You don't need to worry about this. Of course, I have already prepared. I will use my mental power to modify your face and implant a suitable identity for you."

"As for covering up the situation of being discovered, don't worry, with that guy here, it will never happen."

Hakuno had expected this a long time ago, but he still dared to make such a plan because he had sufficient reliance.

According to Hakuno's guess, a certain expert possessed by Dark Zaki will definitely see through Hakuno's disguise.

And seeing that Hakuno did not escape at all, but took the initiative to join the night attack team, he would definitely choose to secretly guide Xijo to blacken, and even protect Hakuno's identity to a certain extent.

Moreover, if something really happened, the clone left by Hakuno could also provide enough time for his original body to rush to rescue Hakuno.

Apart from anything else, Hakuno, who has the ability to teleport, is definitely the first in rushing!

Faced with Bai Ye's full disclosure of his plan, Ji Yajun thought for a long time and finally decided to do what Bai Ye said.

Although he was a little confused and scared in his heart, Ji Yajun knew that Bai Ye's words were definitely not alarmist. He was even more aware than Bai Ye that the mastermind was in the Night Raid Team.

Since there was a way to lure the snake out of its hole, Ji Yajun was willing to try.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and with a flash of white light, he actually lifted the transformation posture, and then expressed his sincerity to Bai Ye.

"That's great, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, hooked his finger, and a huge spiritual power surged directly to Ji Yajun's face.

But the outlined appearance was a little familiar.

Seeing this, Bai Ye nodded slightly, with a satisfied smile on his face.

In this way, everything should be smoother.

Two days later.

In the Night Raid Team.

This organization that inherited all the military power of mankind seemed particularly depressed at the moment, all because they had not completed the order issued by the visitor: intercept the mysterious monster and the dark warrior he brought with him.

"What are you doing? Get excited!"

The captain of Team A and Kura Eisuke took the initiative to mobilize the atmosphere of the team members as soon as they walked in: "Kumon, you should be the happiest."

"The superiors passed a unanimous resolution and finally decided to name all the giants and monsters that appeared recently as you proposed, called Ultraman and Hyper Jetton!"

As soon as these words were spoken, there was little applause in the entire team, only Hiraki Shiori and Ishihori Mitsuhiko applauded for Komon.

As Komon's combat training instructor, Shiori was quite supportive and came close to ask Komon: "Kumon, how did you come up with such a great name?"

The kind-hearted Komon Ikki was somewhat shy when he heard this: "I just happened to see such a name in my dream, and I thought it was very suitable, so I said it out."

Saijo suddenly interjected: "If you have the energy to dream, why not practice your shooting skills more, otherwise you will waste dozens of rounds of ammunition and fail to kill the dark giant!"

"The dark giant is agile and extremely fast. He just wants to avoid it. It's normal that Gumen missed." Hiragi Shiori was also a little unhappy when he saw this, and spoke for Gumen on the spot: "Furthermore, Speaking of which, Captain Saijo, didn’t you also hit?”


Saijo felt even more unhappy and was about to explode.

Seeing this, Captain Hecang quickly added: "Okay, okay, stop arguing now, there is a big happy event today!"

"What happy event?" Mitsuhiko Ishibori, who had been watching from the sidelines, seemed to instinctively sense that something was wrong.

Saijo on the side was also curious: "In these troubled times when the situation is serious, something that you, captain, can call a happy event must be important, right?"

Wakura was even more excited when he heard this, and shouted loudly: "From now on, our night attack team will have a new member!"


Hearing this, everyone was excited. They never expected that such a thing would happen.

"Come on! Team Dagu, let's show everyone!" Wakura clapped his hands again, took the initiative to open the door, and led out a man wearing the uniform of the Night Raid Team standing behind the door.

I saw that he was handsome, with a heroic spirit between his eyebrows, but his appearance was very similar to Da Gu in the world of Tiga!

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