I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 198 197 Pre-war preparations

Chapter 198 197. Preparation before the War

Bai Ye heard the discussion behind him, but he didn't care. He just continued his actions.

As the temperature gradually rose, the fragrance became stronger, and the whole egg was shaking constantly. Obviously, the little demon snake inside had realized its danger.

Bai Ye rubbed his palms with an itch, staring at the demon snake egg with burning eyes.


Suddenly, a slight cracking sound came, and the textures on the eggshell gradually turned into cracks, and they became more and more dense. In a few seconds, it completely collapsed!

The moment the eggshell broke, the whole egg melted instantly like an ice cube thrown into boiling water, turning into a pool of red liquid.

Bai Ye was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and quickly used his mental power to separate the egg liquid from the surrounding grease to prevent the life breath from escaping.

The liquid was agitated in the pot, splashing tiny bubbles, as if there was an arc jumping in it, which was beautiful and strange.

He held his breath and waited for the life essence inside to completely blend.

Not long after, the egg liquid completely condensed into one, but the strange thing was that the mass of white substance actually began to wriggle like a living thing, as if it slowly gained life while the original Mogu Snake gradually lost its vitality.

"Still want to escape?" Bai Ye shouted coldly, and the whole pot was instantly filled with heat waves. The terrifying heat quickly destroyed the life of the mass of white substance, and completely strangled the life entity that had not yet condensed in the cradle, gradually becoming a relatively flat boiled egg, but unexpectedly crystal clear, as if it should not exist in this world at all.

Bai Ye's eyes instantly lit up like stars!

After Bai Ye's layers of refining, this is the essence of the vitality of the Mogu Snake!

You know, before Bai Ye captured it, the egg of the Mogu Snake was close to swallowing the vitality of the entire planet Miglit, and the huge life energy contained in it is probably the largest one Bai Ye has seen in all these years.

If it can be absorbed completely, Bai Ye will definitely be able to make up for the energy he lost these days! It is even possible to go a step further!

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's breathing became a little rapid.

He used his mental power to slowly lift it up. From a sensory point of view, the texture of the Mogu Snake Egg was very strange, like an extremely cold stone, but from time to time, the inside exuded a warm spirit, which was strange and had a few more contrasts.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and took the initiative to use his mental power to cut off one-third, and then swallowed the remaining two-thirds into his mouth.

The secret Mogu Snake Egg was warm and delicate when it entered the mouth, with a soft and long taste, and heat was constantly coming from its inside. The warm feeling in the mouth made Bai Ye particularly happy.


As Bai Ye bit it gently, he saw the egg body shatter with a bang, and the juice hidden inside quickly erupted. A wonderful feeling surged through Bai Ye's body, as if he was being bitten by countless small ants.

Bai Ye closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the huge life essence contained in the egg liquid.

The juice was extremely viscous, and the taste actually seemed to be not much different from that of ordinary eggs, but the moment it broke through the entrance of the egg body, it continued to emit life essence, and went straight to the limbs along the blood vessels, making Bai Ye's pores dilate, and every inch of skin was baptized by the life essence, and the whole body was full of power.

If you look closely, you can still see a faint light visible to the naked eye on the surface of Bai Ye's skin.

It didn't take long, as the life essence gradually emanated, the feeling of comfort and pleasure made him feel hot all over. This primitive throbbing made Bai Ye want to howl on the spot!

Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and two breathtaking lights burst out from the depths of his eyes, and a touch of comfort appeared on his cheeks.

Is this the life essence of an entire planet?

Although it has not been completely integrated and absorbed, it is enough to benefit Bai Ye a lot, and he can even clearly feel that his body is being gradually strengthened, gradually climbing to the peak that he has never reached!

Bai Ye stretched out his arms, feeling the strong power transmitted from his body.

The power in his body has obviously increased a lot. If he is given more time, he may be able to break through that barrier directly. By then, even Tartarus may not be able to get the upper hand from Bai Ye in a physical duel!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but clench his fists, and his mood was particularly surging.

When they meet again next time, he must give Tartarus a little surprise!


However, despite the comfortable experience, Bai Ye did not enjoy the remaining one-third of the egg.

According to Bai Ye's estimation, basically adding this one-third of the efficiency cannot support his direct breakthrough, so it is better to use it as a reward.

Besides, Bai Ye still has a Rugset crystal in his hand that he has not swallowed. The egg of the Moge snake is precious, but in Bai Ye's hands, it is really not a treasure that is too precious to be reluctant to give up.

He divided it into five again, turned around and gave it to his five subordinates.

That's right, even the weak Silbagon brothers and the newly joined Camilla Baiye did not hide anything, and were quite fair and just.

Baiye's five subordinates had never expected that there would be such a big prize, and they were only surprised when Baiye pushed it in front of them with his mental power.

Camilla, Durham, and Hitler looked at each other, all showing excitement.

Who wouldn’t love this kind of treasure that can increase their strength?

"Is this...really for us?"

Hitler, who had always been greedy and unbridled, looked like a little boy who had just received a happy birthday present, and his smile was innocent.

Dallam silently extended a thumb: "Master Baiye, cow!"

"Ouch!" Silbagon and Goldras howled in unison in the language of monsters. , with gratitude and excitement in his voice.

"Thank you, Lord Baiye!"

Even Camilla, who has always been aloof, was extremely overjoyed. She never expected that Bai Ye would actually share such a precious thing. She felt gratitude and doubt in her heart at the same time. She looked at Bai Ye with mixed feelings. .

"Stop saying those flattery words and work hard after eating is the last word."

Bai Ye replied calmly that he had already made his own arrangements: "You deserve these things, but if you don't pay attention to propriety, I can easily take them back!"

Not only will there be a lot of work for them to do in the future, but these three dark warriors may also appear in the next decisive battle with Tartarus and others. It is also necessary to enhance the strength of a few people.

What's more, Bai Ye and the Dark Trio had no friendship at all in the beginning. In addition to half-coercion at the beginning, Bai Ye also relied on various benefits and inducements to attract them to follow.

At this time, if we don’t give the soldiers something good to eat before the battle, we can’t wait until they turn against them, right?

The three Shilbagon people immediately expressed their stance and did not dare to slack off. The two Shilbagon beasts also nodded angrily and couldn't wait to eat. Waves of life essence quickly stirred up around them.

Bai Ye nodded and silently returned to his small room. He had already made plans in his heart and was going to prepare silently for a while.

Now that his strength has greatly improved, he has to slowly digest and succeed, and at the same time further explore more possibilities of the dark flame.

Time, now is what Bai Ye needs most.

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