The others also took out their cold weapons and joined the battle. Every time Telsi’s hammer was swung out, a walking corpse was smashed into its head!

  Mikeon’s knife is even more fierce. With a single blow, all the walking corpses in front of him can be severed!

In this way, the number of walking corpses in front of the grocery store gradually disappeared, and the door of the grocery store was suddenly opened. Five men and women in ragged clothes rushed out with all kinds of weapons in their hands, and there were even people. Holding an engineer shovel.

   They started cleaning the walking corpses from the rear, but the efficiency of the few people was much lower than that of the Mor few people, and they looked like they were very tired.

In any case, with the participation of five people, the speed of cleaning up the walking corpses was even faster. After about ten minutes, these walking corpses were all solved by a few people. During the period, they also solved a lot of walking around. corpse.

Moore put away his machete, took out his pistol and pointed it at the other five people, and said vigilantly: "Ah~Ah~Ah! Don't move! Saving you doesn't mean we know! Who is taking the lead? Is there anyone else in the house? people?"

   Glenn and the others also raised their guns and pointed them at the five strangers in front of them.

A black man in a khaki jacket among the five raised his hands and slowly took two steps forward. He looked at the Morris and said in a kind tone: "Hello! My name is Bob. Famous military doctor! For the time being the captain of this team, there are still a few elderly and children in the shop. We are not malicious, but the food near the settlement has been exhausted. I want to take advantage of the walking corpses outside to find a new settlement, no Thought of being trapped here!"

  Moore squinted at several people, and finally his eyes fell on the person named Bob: "Call out the people in the room, and I will confirm if what you said is true!"

   Bob nodded, and said to a woman behind him: "Nicole! Go call them out!"

   then turned to look at Moore and said, "Wait a minute, I will let Nicole call them. It's better not to yell here."

  Moore nodded noncommitantly, and gestured the woman to go.

   After a while, six people walked out of the grocery store again. In addition to Nicole, there were three elderly people and two children.

The old man is probably more than 60 years old. It should be an old couple. There is also an old man who looks like more than 60 years old. Two children are about five or six years old, a boy and a girl. At this moment, they Be nice to stay beside the lone old man.

  Telsey approached Moore and whispered, "Moore, they didn't lie, and where can the survivor team with old people and children in the last days go badly?"

  Moore's face remained unchanged, he just glanced at Telsi, did not speak, and then shook his head at Darryl.

  Darryl knows, put the crossbow away and walked forward and searched the men. Moore raised his chin at Miqion, and Miqion also went forward to check the women.

   Collected all the opponent's weapons, Darryl also found a pistol on Bob, but there were no more bullets.

   Ten people were very cooperative and handed over the weapon. The woman named Nicole also drew a dagger from her boots and handed it to Miqion.

  Moore finally put away the gun in his hand, and said to a few people: "I'm sorry! No one can believe this world too much, otherwise we won't live now!"

Bob also nodded with deep understanding, and then tentatively asked: "Thank you for your life-saving grace. We have nothing to return. There is still some food in this grocery store. Let's give it to you. Are we leaving?"

  Miqion had put away the samurai sword at this moment. She looked at the two children and said with a bit of irritation, "Moore! How about taking them to meet Lu?"

  Moore finally showed a smile on his face, but the big yellow teeth in that mouth made Bob feel a little confused.

"You have a chance. I will take you to meet someone. If you can pass the assessment of this person, you will get unexpected benefits. You can even enter the settlement, safe and worry-free. Of course, you can also choose to leave. I It won't stop you, you can choose by yourself."

   Bob said without hesitation: "Let's go with you!"

  Moore nodded when all the people had no objections, but still said, "Then you wait here, we are going to search the shops here."


   greeted everyone to search in the store, including several other stores. The delivery was not bad. I found some canned food and some fast food, all of which are vacuum packed, and some have not even passed the expiration date.

On the other hand, Darryl found two boxes of cigarettes from the counter. This thing is considered a luxury item in the end times. After all, things like wine can only be found in certain stores. Cigarettes are even less smoked. One.

  Daryl couldn't wait to open a box, but found embarrassingly that he didn't even have a lighter, he picked up the cigarette case in disappointment, and followed the crowd towards the way he came.

Lu Jiayi is busy making the bed board. The tools in his hand are constantly beating and beating on the materials. Norton next to him is also learning to help Lu Jiayi process the materials, but he hears Maggie coming from the door. the sound of.

   "Lu! Come out, some survivors are here!"

   Lu Jiayi put down the tools in his hand, and as soon as he walked out of the house, he saw more than a dozen people walk into the refitting factory. Among them, a black man wearing a khaki coat instantly attracted his attention!

  Bob? Lu Jiayi must have read it right! This guy is Bob, the Bob who was bitten by a walking dead and eaten his thigh.

   He walked up to the leader Moore without showing his face, looked at these ten people and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? It's not long before you have been out, right?"

Moore simply told Lu Jiayi about the After listening to Moore’s introduction, Lu Jiayi was even more sure that this person was Bob, and this team should be Bob’s last survivor team. , If it weren’t for Morr’s rescue, it is estimated that they would destroy the group soon, and then Bob would become a lonely man, and then Darryl would find him and take him back to prison.

   He pretended not to know each other, and walked in front of a few people, and Moore on the side introduced the other party: "This is our captain."

   Standing in the front, Bob quickly stretched out his hand, and then thought that the other party didn't know him, and that it seemed inappropriate to shake hands in this situation. He was about to withdraw his hand, but he did not expect the other party to reach out and shook his hand.

Seeing that the captain showed a friendly smile, Bob hurriedly returned a smile to the opponent, and then said nervously: "Excuse me, the captain's team members are really strong, if it weren't for them, the ten of us would probably explain here today. NS."

Lu Jiayi released his hand, patted Bob on the shoulder, and said to him, "Bob, right? Just call me Lu. I've heard Moore tell me. Several people can protect you in this world. With several old people and children, this is enough to prove that you are not bad guys!"

   After hearing Lu Jiayi's words, the expressions on the faces of several people all relaxed a little. It seemed that the other party should be not hostile to them, or even with some kindness, but Lu Jiayi's conversation changed.

   "But, our team has very strict screening methods, so everyone will cooperate with our team's administrator Catherine and give you a simple questionnaire."

   When he heard But, Bob's heart sank, but Lu Jiayi's next words made his heart fall.

   The survey was completed soon, and Lu Jiayi also picked up the questionnaires from several people and looked at it seriously.

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