43Kaido: Do you have a grudge against me? [more support]


At that, Whitebeard’s eyes lit up.

As a pirate, although this world is very exciting and painful, but ultimately prefer the sea.

He would undoubtedly be more excited to be on the ocean.

“Hahahaha, I’ll go over there, when I’m in this world, I’ll also be a pirate and conquer the sea!”

“Of course, you can go and see, but the sea is not calm, those sea monsters can easily kill you.”

Ye Xuan kindly reminded.

This is no joke.

Those fierce beasts in the sea are much more terrifying than on land.

“Hahahaha, the waves of the sea is interesting to conquer, if it is too calm old man will not have that interest.”

Whitebeard left with a big smile.

After leaving the village.

Whitebeard then headed west.

Go this way and you will soon be out of the mountain range area.


A fierce beast roared and charged towards Whitebeard.

“Hmph, death!”

Whitebeard sneered and blasted out with a fist, directly killing this level 13 ferocious beast with a single blow.

Marco: “Pops bully!!!”

Jozy: “Handsome, Pops!!!’

Ace: “The old has to wait for me, I’ll be right there, after I take care of all the things I have to take care of.”

Whitebeard laughed. “Hahahaha, no need to follow the old man, you kid into this world or go kill monsters first to upgrade it.”

After about three hours of walking, Whitebeard finally saw the coastline and the golden sandy beach in front of him.

The sea is endless and the sea breeze welcomes you.

“Finally, this is the sea of this world? It’s really rippling, hahahahaha.”

Whitebeard looked at the ocean and laughed out loud with excitement.

The waves on the surface of the sea lifted, with tens of meters high, extremely frightening.

The waves alone gave Whitebeard the idea of driving a large ship and conquering the sea, and his eyes became even hotter.

“A sea like this is fun to conquer.”

Whitebeard mouth hooked up, stepping on the soft sand to the shallow sea, laughing. ” New World and Grand Line many places I have been, are not interesting, but this sea, for the old man is completely new.”

“Strange islands, strange treasures, strange legends and even strange sea monsters, wait for it sea, I’m about to conquer you, gulalalalalalala!


It seems to have heard Whitebeard’s words.

On the surface of the sea, a loud noise erupted violently.

Immediately after, an incomparably thick tentacle violently rushed out from the deep sea slapped on the surface, an instant will shoot out hundreds of meters of waves, the horror of the wave almost let Whitebeard eyes are looking straight.

But when Whitebeard looked at the tentacle, it was directly stunned.

[Deep Sea Badge: ????][Caution: For you at this stage, it is a god and cannot be defeated].

“Damn, what kind of monster is this Fuck?”

Whitebeard Fuck people are dumb.

I just took a dream vow, didn’t I? This is not yet conquered, you fucking come out of a monster so terrifying?

This is not more horrible than the Kun Peng before?

A tentacle has hundreds of meters long, but this is not the most important, the most important is that the following tips.



What kind of monster is this.

It’s just a tentacle.

You can’t even see the real face.

Whitebeard mouth twitch, see the tentacles are still in the sea again, Whitebeard suddenly shivered, and hurriedly run to shore.

Slipped up slipped up.

I can’t afford to mess with it.

Today is not a good day for pretending.

It’s better to wait until this monster is gone.

Jack: “Hahahahahaha, @ Kaido, boss look Whitebeard this sand carving, still want to pretend, hahahaha, give me a fucking laugh, how that tentacle did not slap him to death.”

Marco: “…”

Joz: “…”

Whitebeard just wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, after seeing the pop-up screen, his face directly blacked out the next moment.

At the same time.

In the mountains.

Kaido grabbed Jack’s head and frantically slammed it into the ground frame by frame.

” Laozi told you to say this kind of words directly to Laozi in private chat, private chat, private chat!

“Do you fucking know what a private chat is? Ah!!!”

“Do you think Laozi has an axe to grind with you? Why the hell do you want to harm Laozi, why?

Saw the message from Jack.

Kaido people are numb.

Not long ago was beaten up, you fucking go to mess with people again.

Are you sick?


“Boss don’t smash don’t smash, I’m wrong, I wanted to send a private chat, didn’t pay attention ah.”

Jack was smashed while screaming for mercy.

Are you wrong?


I see that you don’t feel wrong at all.

It doesn’t matter if you’re wrong.

Labor has not been relieved.

It is because of you this stupid, I damn tang New World Four Emperors one of the Kaido of the Beasts, but now the nose and face, are embarrassed to go out to meet people.



Kaido stopped moving.

Seems to feel something and look seriously at the ground under his feet.


The ground seems to be trembling.

The next moment, Kaido snapped his head up to look ahead.

Only to see that in front, four figures in a mad dash toward this side, extremely fast.

Of course, Kaido wondered why these four figures ran and fell at the same time, then got up and continued to run and fall.

Performing acrobatics?

Kaido rubbed his chin and thought.

That this performance strength is quite TM hard, are falling full of blood, still falling.

Without being open more smashed, Jack got up from the ground, looking at the four rushed over as a wind-like figure, immediately frowned and shouted. “Who are the people coming?”

“Come on Fuck, run!!!”

“Idiot, can’t you see what’s behind us? And still put here to drag the words?”

Xiao Yan and Tony two people pale curses up.

Then without saying a word, directly around the two people continue to flee madly.

Hearing their words, Kaido and Jack looked behind them with a puzzled look.

It doesn’t seem to be much, right?

Not true.

The ground is shaking more and more.

Why is this?

Kaido frowned, as if sensing that something was not simple.

“Lao, boss…”

Jack suddenly tugged at Kaido’s shirt carefully.

“What for?”

Kaido bowed his head and asked in no uncertain terms.


Jack swallowed his saliva and said tremulously. “How about, how about we run too?”

“For what?”

“You see there…”

Kaido looked up in the direction Jack was pointing.

At once, he was dumbfounded.

Then without hesitation, he turned around and ran, cursing under his breath as he ran. “My Gan Liniang, which idiot lured this thing here? FUCK!!!”


I would like to ask for data, collection, flowers and evaluation votes.

This chapter is an extra chapter. *

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