In the first half of the Grand Route, on the merchant ship heading to Alabasta, Nuliang was lying quietly on a chair, drinking wine from time to time, enjoying his life... or should it be said now, enjoying the demon life?

At this moment, two years have passed since he solved Valpo and ruled the Drum Kingdom. During these two years, they have been developing with peace of mind. They also collected some Devil Fruits and conducted three summons in succession. But these three summons rewarded nothing but a little basic ability improvement.

And the hundreds of ghosts summoned, I have to say, made Nuliang feel that he wanted to leave the EU and join the African chieftains.

Both Natou Monk and Tiaotiao Brother were summoned, and the only one who was good and had a certain fighting ability was Mao Changqi, who happened to be a pair with Shuwu, which was not bad.

In two years, neither the Big Mom Pirates nor Doflamingo came to trouble him, and I don't know if they forgot about it or what happened.

It was because Kidomaru often couldn't help but go out and fight with others that the Hyakki Pirates gained a certain reputation in the first half of the Grand Line.

However, among the entire pirate group, only Nura, Kidomaru and Gyuki had bounties on them. Nura was inexplicably placed a bounty by the navy because he was the captain.

The current situation is basically that the captain of the Hyakki Pirates, Charlotte Nora, has a bounty of 33 million Baileys.

Kidomaru, a combatant of the Hyakki Pirates, has a bounty of 40 million beli.

Ushiuki Uwakamaru, a combatant of the Hyakki Pirates, has a bounty of 30 million beli.


Although it is not a very high number, it is still somewhat famous. However, Kidomaru's bounty is higher than himself, the Lord of Hyakki Yakou, and it is somewhat uncomfortable to think about it.

And I have to say, this bounty is a bit too low!

As for now, Nuliang has escaped secretly, and the subjects of the Ciggu Kingdom treat him like a treasure. If he takes a step away, the ministers are afraid that something unexpected will happen to him.

So now Nu Liang has slipped out and got mixed up with a merchant ship coming to the Cig Kingdom. If these merchants knew that they had taken away the king of the Cig Kingdom, I don’t know what they would think.

"General, is it too much for us to leave like this?"Shouwu walked up to Nuliang at this time and said with some worry.

As Nuliang's guard, he was also the only one who followed Nuliang out. Anyway, he had tried to dissuade him in every possible way, but the general insisted on going his own way, and he also There is no way

"Haha, there is nothing to worry about. The Drum Kingdom is managed by Bingli and Mao Changji, and with Kidomaru and Gyuuki guarding it, even if a big pirate wants to attack the Drum Kingdom, he has to think carefully."

Anyway, Nurao is not worried. In two years, all the Hyakki under his command have become successful in their Haki training. Now Kidomaru and Gyuuki have the combat power of quasi-generals, and they can fight even if they meet a general. One.

With the two of them...the two demons, the Drum Kingdom will definitely be safe and sound. Unless someone comes from the New World, there will be almost no pirates who can threaten the Drum in the first half of this great route. kingdom

"This has never been my worry... General, have you thought about how to face the furious Bingli after you go back this time?"Shoumu sighed. He was not worried about the strength of Gyuuki and Kidomaru at all. He was always worried about Hyouli.

After hearing this, the corner of Nurao's mouth twitched immediately. As the King of the Night of One Hundred Demons , the master of demons and monsters, he can control big monsters like Ushiki or Kidomaru.

Among the hundred ghosts under his command, the only exception is Bingli. Although Bingli is generally very considerate, she is very considerate. If you get angry, you are simply not a monster!

"Haha, hahaha……"

Nu Liang laughed twice, then closed his eyes directly:"Let's talk about those things when we go back. Now enjoy your life and don't think about those annoying things." It

's useless to think about it, just run away. Now, when I go back, I still have to face Bingli who is angry. It will be the same when I go back after I feel comfortable. So what are I going to think about?


Suddenly, a loud noise came out, and a huge sea king rushed out of the sea in front of him, and then hit the merchant ship directly.

"It’s over, there’s no way to avoid it!"

"How could we meet a Neptune type here?"

Screams came from the mouths of the merchant ship crew. For ordinary people like them, encountering a sea king when sailing is a disaster!

If there is no time to avoid it, the ship will be destroyed in all likelihood.

However, Nu Liang, who had just closed his eyes to take a rest, did not even bother to open his eyes again at this moment. He simply said:"Shou Wu, get rid of the one who disturbed my sleep.""

"I see!"

A ray of light flashed through Shuwu's eyes, and he rushed forward. In an instant, he jumped into the air and rushed into the air. With his hands waving, countless red ropes flew out at this moment, directly

The red string strengthened by the ghost is extremely tough and extremely sharp. Even if the rope is slightly brushed against the body, it will be injured.

"Kill with Thousand Silk Blades!"

A low shout came from Shuwu's mouth, and then he suddenly pulled the rope with both hands. In an instant, the body of the Sea King was directly cut into hundreds of pieces by the red line, and the blood was sprinkled like rain. The sea surface was dyed bright red.

Thousand Silk Blades was a new technique created by Sumu. It was the first time he used it against this type of sea king. It seemed to be effective if he added the armament Haki. The power of one move will be even more powerful.

Seeing this scene, the crew members on the merchant ship looked at Nu Liang and Su Mu with instinctive fear for the strong, especially the strong who did not understand them at all. Everyone will feel fear, even if Shuwu helps them deal with the Neptune class and saves their lives, but being able to save them means that Shuwu can take them away at any time.

However, Shuwu doesn't care at all about these looks. , not to mention, it is human nature to fear monsters

"Don't worry about us, you just need to continue sailing. I remember that your next stop is Alabasta, right? When we get there, we will leave, and if there is any trouble on the way, Shuwu will help you solve it."

After saying this, Nuliang closed his eyes and prepared to take a good rest before arriving at his destination.

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