Gaya Island.

For Nuliang, this is a boring island, but there are also interesting people.

Of course, this interesting person does not refer to Bellamy who has admired Doflamingo since he was a child. Even Nu Liang does not know whether Bellamy appeared on Gaya Island during this time.

If it does appear, then Bellamy is really weak. It took him so many years to get a bounty of only 55 million Baileys, and then he was knocked out by Luffy in one punch.

The person who really makes Nu Liang feel interesting is actually Wen Bran Kulik, the rhombus-shaped uncle with a chestnut on his head, Wen Bran Noland, the protagonist of the story"The Big Liar Roland", who lived 400 years apart. descendants.

In order to prove the existence of the Golden Land and break the curse of the Montblanc family, a man who bets his whole life to fight against fate.

Just such tenacity is enough to be admired.

But in the eyes of others, he is just a fool who believes in the lies of his ancestors.

If there was a chance, he could help Kulik confirm the existence of the Sky Island Golden Land, but obviously not now. In the future plot, the method used by Luffy and the others is too risky. If it were not for the blessing of the protagonist's aura, the Straw Hats would have died long ago.

He didn't think he was so lucky that he could reach Sky Island by riding the rising tide. To put it another way, even if you rely on the upwelling current to get to the empty island, how will you get back down?

Therefore, regarding the matter of Sky Island, it is better to wait until the monsters of the Tengu clan are summoned later, and then think about it.

"General, we have heard the news. We are really lucky. Tomorrow morning, there will be a merchant ship heading directly to the Chambord Islands. At that time, we can take that merchant ship and go directly to the Chambord Islands."Shouwu rushed into the tavern and said to Nuliang who was drinking.

"That's really good luck. It's a pity that when I passed by Gaya Island, I didn't have the opportunity to go to Sky Island. I still have some new interest in the guy above who calls himself a god."Nuliang said with a little pity after taking a sip of wine.

The guy on the sky island is naturally the God of Thunder Enel. Like the Sand Crocodile, he is also a poor man defeated by the protagonist's halo. As the strongest natural type, The user with the ability of the Thunder Fruit also has a heart network that can cover the entire sky island, which is a powerful sight and color Haki. He was beaten down by Luffy who couldn't even know the second gear at the time, if it weren't for the protagonist's aura of Buddha's light. , who believes it!

"Hahaha, it’s so ridiculous. Apart from that idiot chestnut head, are there any idiots like you on this island? How can there be an island in the sky? Guys like you should go back and play house with your children, idiot!"A pirate who was drinking, heard Nura's words just now, and laughed and taunted him.

And his taunt directly made the expressions of Shoumu, Kurodabo and Qingtianbo change.

However, Nuliang doesn't care much, because no matter what time period it is, there will always be idiots who think they are stupid and use their ignorance to laugh at others.

"There is no need to deal with these guys, find a place to have a good rest for a day, and it is time to set off tomorrow."Nuliang stood up and planned to walk outside. The most powerful pirate here is estimated to have a bounty of about 30 million, so he was not even interested in taking action.

Just when Nuliang was stepping outside , the pirate who made the mocking comment just now, maybe because he had a brain cramp or drank too much wine, he picked up the wine bottle and smashed it directly towards Nu Liang's head.



The sound of the broken wine bottle sounded together with the screams, but the bottle did not fall on Nuliang's head.

After all, Su Wu and the others were all here.

If such a bastard met his general, they and the Hundred Ghosts would probably He was so ashamed that at that moment, Qingtianfang stood up, reached out and grabbed the pirate's wrist, and crushed his bones with a slight force.

The severe pain made it impossible for the pirate to hold it.

Holding the wine bottle, while screaming, the wine bottle also fell to the ground.

"Damn it! Come on, kill these idiots!"The pirate's eyes immediately became fierce, and then he shouted. Dozens of people stood up in the entire tavern, drew their swords and guns, and immediately attacked Sumu and the others.

However, no matter how many minions there were, It's just me, what can it do?

"It's a pity that the general has no plans to take action against you bastards, but the monk can't just sit idly by and watch!"

A strange smile appeared on Kurodabo's face, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and as soon as his body moved, thousands of blades stretched out. As for Sumu, he had no intention of taking action at this time, because he knew very well that Kuroda If Tianfang takes action, none of these miscellaneous soldiers who are attacking them with swords will survive.


At this time, Qingtianfang snorted coldly, and punched the pirate's chest hard. The pirate hit by his punch flew out like a cannonball, and the pirate's body flew out like a cannonball. The wall of the tavern was smashed through.

With such a huge force, there was no need to look at the fate of that pirate to know that he was dead!

And in the very short time when Qingtianfang punched, just now The pirates who took out their swords and guns all fell into a pool of blood, and Kurodabo also retracted his thousands of blades, his expression became extremely dull, as if he had slaughtered dozens of pirates in one go. It's not like him at all.

At this time, a pirate who was still sitting in the tavern looked at Nura and the others who turned away with trembling hands, and slowly said in a trembling voice:"Hundred...Hundred...Hundred Ghost Pirates" group! They are members of the Hyakki Pirates! That guy with weird hair is a big pirate with a bounty of 140 million!"

It's a pity that the dead pirates couldn't hear what he said. If he had said this earlier, he would have lent some courage to those pirates, and they would not dare to attack Nuliang and others. Showing their weapons. With a bounty of more than 100 million, even if they were promoted due to massacre of civilians and many evil deeds, they were not someone they could provoke.……

"These pirates are so weak, but as far as humans are concerned, they're actually pretty good."Kurotianfang followed Nuliang and said slowly.

But Shuwu, who came to this world earlier, shook his head and said:"Don't underestimate the strong people in this world. These are just ants at the bottom. Those who are really We may not be able to compete with powerful people. Just like the guy with eyes like an eagle who fought against Niu Gui a year ago……"

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