In the first half of the Grand Line, on the merchant ship heading to Alabasta, Nura was lying quietly in a chair, drinking from time to time, enjoying his life... or should I say, enjoying his life as a demon?

At this moment, two years have passed since he solved Walpo and ruled the Drum Kingdom. During these two years, they have been developing at ease, and have also collected some devil fruits and summoned three times in a row. However, in these three summons, the rewards were nothing but a basic ability improvement.

And the summoned Hundred Demons, it must be said, made Nura feel that he had left Europe and joined the Africans.

Natto Xiaoseng and Tiaotiao brother were both summoned. The only good one with a certain fighting power was Mao Changji, who happened to be a pair with Shumu, which was not bad.

In the past two years, neither the Big Mom Pirates nor Doflamingo came to trouble him. I don’t know if they forgot about this matter or what.

It was because Kidomaru often couldn’t help going out to fight with others that the Hundred Demons Pirates had a certain reputation in the first half of the Grand Line.

However, in the entire pirate group, only Nura, Kidomaru, and Ushiki have bounties. Nura was inexplicably given a bounty by the navy because he was the captain. The current situation is basically that the captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Charlotte Nura, has a bounty of 33 million berries.

The fighter of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Kidomaru, has a bounty of 40 million berries.

The fighter of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Ushiki Umewamaru, has a bounty of 30 million berries.


Although it is not a very high number, it is still a bit famous. However, Kidomaru's bounty is higher than that of himself, the master of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. It is a bit uncomfortable to think about it.

And it must be said that this bounty is a bit too low!

As for now, Nura sneaked out. The subjects of the Drum Kingdom treat him like a treasure. If he leaves a little, those ministers are afraid that something will happen to him.

So, now Nura has slipped out and mixed in a merchant ship to the Drum Kingdom. If these merchants knew that they took the king of the Drum Kingdom away, I wonder what they would think.

"General, is it too much for us to leave like this?"Shouwu walked to Nura's side at this time and said with some concern.

As Nura's guard, he was also the only one who ran away with Nura. Anyway, he had tried every means to dissuade him, but the general insisted on having his own way, and there was nothing he could do.

"Haha, there's nothing to worry about. The Drum Kingdom is taken care of by Bingli and Maochangji, and is protected by Kidomaru and Ushiki. Even if a big pirate wants to attack the Drum Kingdom, he'll have to think carefully."Anyway, Nura is not worried. In the past two years, the hundreds of ghosts under his command have all cultivated their domineering abilities. Now Kidomaru and Ushiki are real quasi-admirals, and they can fight even against admirals.

With these two people... two monsters, the Drum Kingdom can definitely be safe. Unless someone comes from the New World, otherwise, in the first half of this Grand Line, there are almost no pirates who can threaten the Drum Kingdom.

"I have never been worried about this matter... General, have you thought about how to face the furious Bingli after you go back this time?"Shou Wu sighed. He was not worried about the strength of Niu Gui and Kidomaru at all. He was always worried about Bingli.

Hearing this, Nura's mouth twitched immediately. As the king of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons and the master of ghosts and monsters, he could calm down big monsters like Niu Gui and Kidomaru.

Among the hundreds of demons under his command, the only exception is Bingli. Although Bingli is very considerate under normal circumstances, when she gets angry, she is simply not a monster!

"Haha. Haha.……"

Nura laughed dryly twice, then closed his eyes directly:"Let's talk about those things when we go back. Now enjoy life and don't think about those annoying things." There is no point in thinking. He has already escaped. If he goes back now, he will face the angry Bingli. It will be the same if he goes back after having fun. So what is there to think about?


Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, and a huge sea king suddenly rushed out from the sea ahead, and then crashed straight into the merchant ship.

"It’s over, there’s no way to avoid it!"

"How could we encounter a sea king here!"

A scream came from the mouth of the merchant ship crew. For ordinary people like them, encountering a sea king while sailing is a disaster!

If they don't have time to avoid it, seven out of ten times they will end up with the ship destroyed and people killed.

However, Nura, who had just closed his eyes to take a rest, was too lazy to open his eyes again at this moment, and just simply said:"Shouwu, get rid of the one who disturbed my sleep."

"I understand!"

Shou Wu's eyes flashed with light, and he rushed forward. In an instant, he jumped up into the air. With his hands waving, countless red ropes flew out at this moment, directly binding the rushing sea king, making it unable to move forward.

The red line strengthened by the ghost was extremely tough and extremely sharp. Even if the rope slightly touched the body, it would be injured.

""Kill with the Thousand Threads Blade!"

A low shout came from Shouwu's mouth, and then he pulled the rope violently with both hands. In an instant, the body of the sea king was directly cut into hundreds of pieces by the red line, and blood fell like rain, dyeing the sea surface bright red.

The Thousand Threads Blade is a new trick created by Shouwu in this world. It is the first time to use it against the sea king. It seems to be effective. If the armed color domineering is added, the power of his trick will be even stronger.

Seeing this scene, the crew members on the merchant ship looked at Nura and Shouwu with instinctive fear.

People will feel fear for the strong, especially the strong who they don't know at all, even if Shouwu helped them solve the sea king and saved their lives. But being able to save means that Shouwu can take it away at any time. However, Shouwu didn't care about these looks at all, not to mention that it is human nature to fear monsters

"Don't worry about us, just keep sailing. I remember your next stop is Alabasta, right? Once there, we will leave, and if there are any troubles on the road, Shouwu will help you solve them."

After saying this, Nura closed his eyes, and he was going to have a good rest before reaching his destination.

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