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The most intense battle in the entire cake castle was between Shuten Douji and the Four Emperors Big Mom. Both of them were monster-level powers. Every collision would cause a huge noise, and even give people a feeling that the space was about to crack.

However, the space was definitely not cracked, but the ground under the feet of the two guys had already appeared countless cracks, and the ground was still shaking, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

To be honest, even Shuten Douji couldn't help but be surprised by the strange power of the aunt in front of him. Although there were no monsters in this world itself, could humans be so perverted without monsters? And he could feel that the guy in front of him hadn't used his full strength yet, because there was a weird thundercloud and a wretched sun beside him.

He didn't think these two things were products of nature, they must be the abilities of the other party!

Of course, he himself did not use his full strength. Even though he had already fought to the point of heaven and earth collapsing, in fact, both Shuten Douji and Charlotte Linlin held back.

The former was because he could not tell the other party's narrative, and the latter was because she looked down on Shuten Douji!

Even though Shuten Douji had shown a very powerful force that could threaten the Four Emperors, Big Mom still looked down on him, just because Shuten Douji was an unknown person, while she was the Four Emperors who dominated the sea!


"Nura, is this the result you want? ~

At this time, Katakuri walked towards Nura step by step. He already had a lot of wounds on his body, which were undoubtedly left by Kidomaru, but Kidomaru's injuries were more serious than his.

Should I say that he is worthy of being my second brother, worthy of being the dessert star beast, worthy of being... a strong man who has tempered the observation Haki to the extreme?

"This is just the beginning, Katakuri-kun."

Nura looked directly at Katakuri who was coming towards him, and then said slowly:"As long as the root of the distortion of this country and this family is pulled out, everything can return to normal. But pulling it out is definitely not something I can do now. Today is just the beginning. In the future, the war between the Hundred Demons and the Bankoku will never stop unless she is defeated by me, or I am... killed by her!"

He also knew very well that with the current strength of the Hundred Demons, he might be able to compete with the Big Mom Pirates for a short time at this tea party, but once the world is prolonged, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

In particular, he has never underestimated the existence of the Four Emperors, so he knows very well that although Shuten Douji now has almost the strength to compete with the Four Emperors, if it is a life-and-death battle, his chances of winning will not be too high.

Because Shuten Douji's true power is restricted, he is temporarily unable to burst out that more powerful and terrifying power..For him and the ghost, the most advantageous battlefield is actually the sea. With the presence of Lord Arakawa, even the Four Emperors have to consider their own level on the sea.

Otherwise, they will be overturned by the stormy waves if they are not careful!

"Does it have to be this way, Nura? If you come back, as a general, everything will be better than before.……"

Before Katakuri finished speaking, Nura shook his head, then sighed and said softly:"In this regard, you are too naive, Katakuri. Even if I become a general star, I will not change much. You should know this very well. Well, let's not talk nonsense. Now do you plan to capture me and hand me over to that old woman, or let me just take a good look at the current situation?"

To be honest, Nura did not want to fight with Katakuri.

One reason is that Katakuri is indeed his recognized brother, and the other reason is...

I am really no match for Katakuri!

The two abilities of Nura are useless in front of Katakuri, but it would be a bit too much to use ghost entanglement...

Now most of the Hundred Ghosts are fighting their own battles, and the one who did not join the battle and was entangled with them is Yingcao and the other is Yu.

There is no significant improvement in combat effectiveness by ghost entanglement with Yingcao. At most, it can only help others to heal. If it was a ghost entanglement with the genie, then Nura would be a little worried about Katakuri, after all, the genie's poison was not something that ordinary people could resist. According to Nura's estimation, the genie's poison was no less than Magellan of the Impel Down.

If Hana used that kind of ghost entanglement to fight with her second brother, if something unexpected happened, there would be no way to save him!

"If necessary, I will take you down right now!" Katakuri looked at Nura, and although his tone was fierce, he had no intention of attacking immediately.

After all, in his heart, Nura was still his younger brother.

At this moment, Katakuri's face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously turned around to attack. At the same time, Nura rushed out holding the Mimi Kirimaru.……

"Katakuri-kun, although several of my abilities cannot escape your Observation Haki, in a head-on battle, I can still hold out for a while. What do you think?"........., コ0

Nura stood in front of Katakuri, and at this time, a smaller figure was running quickly in the mist, heading straight for Kidomaru.

The running little guy was Yingcao who had been standing behind Nura before, and the reason why Katakuri immediately launched an attack was because he saw that once Yingcao reached Kidomaru's side, the guy he defeated would stand up again!

"Do you want the situation to escalate further this time? Nura!"Katakuri looked at Nura standing in front of him, and his face instantly became gloomy. Moreover, through the future he just saw, he even had a feeling that the World War II was really defeated.

The little girl holding the large dandelion in her hand can make the hundreds of ghosts under Nura fight fearlessly. As long as they are not really dead, they will be rescued by Yingcao and restored to their peak combat power. If this kind of battle continues, it will never end!

"Ah, didn't you see this time, Katakuri? The situation has escalated, but it's not because Yingcao cured Kidomaru, but because that old woman went crazy!"

Nura put away his knife and took two steps back, then his eyes fell on Big Mom and said coldly.

At the moment Katakuri turned his head, the crazy roar spread in all directions.……

"Strawberry cream ice cream! I want to eat strawberry cream ice cream!" ps: There are more new things_Faloo reminds you: three things to do when reading - ∪ collection, recommendation, sharing!

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