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Sameimaru Bun really came, Nura would definitely hold a big banquet to celebrate for three days and three nights, because with the help of Sameimaru Bun, he could directly defeat Wanguo. As for Big Mom's situation, does it matter?

Not to mention that her life and death are unknown now, even if she was in her prime, Sameimaru Bun could deal with her!

What's more, now in addition to Shuten Douji, there is also a great Tengu with extremely powerful combat power. Even without Sameimaru Bun, dealing with Wanguo is not a problem.

Having that is called icing on the cake...

But if Sameimaru Bun really comes, then Nura can only say that he really poked the Tengu's nest!

"Start random summoning!"

"Ding, summoning successful!"


At this moment, a force no weaker than that of Daitengu and Shuten-doji appeared in the study room. However, her force was relatively gentle and did not cause as much noise as when the other two guys appeared.

However, her restricted power was much stronger than before.���There are many more of them than Daitengu and Shuten-doji!

Peach-colored hair, blue clothes, perfect figure and face, even the beauty of a country cannot describe her existence.

Nura thought that she would be summoned out of his Hundred Demons, after all, she is one of the three great monsters, but he did not expect that she would be summoned.

The prompt sound given by the system is...

Summoning character, Nine-tailed Fox Tamamonomae (Fate version)!

If the general Tamamonomae is just a powerful big monster, then this form of Tamamonomae is not just a monster, she should actually be a god!

It's just that she needs enough tails to reach that powerful and terrifying level. As of now, her strength is about the same as Shuten-doji and Daitengu, because now she has only two tails behind her, and there is still a distance from the third tail.

It's a good thing that there are only two tails. If there are more tails summoned, Nura doubts whether she can tear herself...

No, tear the system apart with her hands!

Tamamonomae in her prime state is estimated to have no problem tearing the world apart!

"Wow, the general commander! It seems that becoming the general commander is a wise choice. No matter in appearance or soul, the general commander is a handsome guy!"

Tamamonomae looked at Nura who was sitting in front of her, with a smile on her face and a little surprise in her eyes, and said:"By the way, I am Tamamonomae. If you need me, just call me and I will be here! I am a fox priestess worthy of your trust!"

After saying this, Tamamonomae didn't care about the demon wine or not, and flew directly into Nura's arms, rubbing her head on his chest, and her two tails were still moving. If Bingli saw this scene, she would definitely fight with Tamamonomae. But... poor Bingli would never be Tamamonomae's opponent. Even if Tamamonomae only had one tail, she would definitely beat Bingli in strength.

"That... Tamamonomae?"Nura had no way to deal with this guy who was hugging her directly. Her old face turned red and she said softly.

Hearing Nura's figure, Tamamonomae raised her head and moved her ears. The two faces were now about ten centimeters apart, very close.

"You can just call me Tama. Of course, if the general commander is willing, you can call me sweetheart. However, this title is only for the general commander."

Tamamonomae looked at Nura's eyes, and then leaned forward, as if to tell Nura that she wanted to be patted on the head.

After a bitter smile, Nura reached out and touched her head, and Tamamonomae naturally looked very happy.

"That Tama... Tama, why do you have such a good impression of me?" Nura was a little puzzled by this. The system only gave the Hundred Demons loyalty and basic goodwill, but they would not pounce on him directly like Tamamonomae.

For example, Yuuka Kazami would never make such a move towards him.

Hearing this question, Tamamonomae smiled, and then said slowly:"Because of my instinct, I have no resistance to handsome souls, and the soul of the general admiral is very handsome!"

"Is it that simple?"

Soul is handsome or something, Nura has no idea how to understand it, but this reason is really simple and very direct.

"It's that simple, right? As for the rest?……"

Tamamonomae thought for a moment, then said nonchalantly:"The rest is up to you. The general commander is a handsome general commander no matter what. What I need to do is to support you from the side. This is my duty as a good wife."

The moment she opened her mouth, she became a good wife. Nura had already imagined what kind of expression Bingli would show after knowing about Tamamonomae.

If this is not handled well, it will definitely be a Shura field!

".Um, I see. Then can Xiaoyu be the leader of the spirit ghost team among the hundred ghosts?"Nura immediately thought of this and asked

"Hmm? What is the leader of the Ghost Group? Is there anything I need to do?"After all, Tamamonomae has just come to this world and doesn't know anything about these things.

"It is to manage the members of a group. When our territory becomes larger, we should go out to guard an island, just like the several big monsters guarding other islands now. And Xiaoyu's strength is enough to..."

"I don't want it!"

Before Nura could finish her words, Tamamonomae directly refused, then looked at Nura seriously and explained:"I just want to stay by the general's side, and I cook delicious food. I will do everything a good wife should do. As for fighting... If the general needs it, I can still help (for money), but I can't accept leaving the general to guard somewhere."

Hearing this, Nura's eyes showed some helplessness, but since Tamamonomae didn't want to, he didn't force it.


The air suddenly became quiet, and Nura was extremely embarrassed. He had just talked about cooking, but his stomach was growling. However, he was really hungry.

"Hehe, I'll go cook for the general now, wait for me to taste my cooking skills!"Tamamonomae chuckled twice and immediately ran out to find the kitchen.

At this time, Nura thought of the reward the system had given him just now. To be honest, this reward was quite incredible.

"The host's hundreds of ghosts gathered together with the three monsters, rewarding the host's ability to upgrade, mirror flower water moon five senses (control five senses primary)!"_

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