The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

A round table, twelve people, all monsters.

A coin from another world appeared in Qin Leng's hand, "I won't say anything more. Do you have a clear understanding of the situation in the world?"

He pointed to the screen beside him, and a picture of a coastal area in North America was instantly cut out on the screen.

The buildings in the picture were ruined, countless fishmen were surging, and there was a huge and blurry black shadow.

"The sea is full of monsters like this. Let's divide the ocean map first. I've dealt with these monsters called Deep Divers a long time ago."

"The first one I came into contact with was No. 002, a crying fishman."

"But that was on land."

"Now I can tell you clearly that the ocean has a master. It is not clear what the specific monster is."

"But he must be extremely large. The missing 007 Siren is also likely to be in this camp."

"This is the ocean camp."

"Next, let's look at the land. Asia, the 001 imitator who can imitate any creature, is currently missing."

"Asia, the invisible man who can be invisible, No. 003, is currently missing."

"These two are currently It is a monster that does not involve a camp. "

"Asia, 004, a woman named Queen Bee, she occupied the original Nine-Tailed Fox, which is our base."

"She kidnapped all the scientific researchers in the original base. So far, we have obtained an incredible result."

"004 Queen Bee, the scale of her subordinates is comparable to that of the real Nine-Tailed Fox, and it can even be said that they have a more complete containment system than ours."

"Because those people are stronger than us, stronger than humans."

"Then there is 005, a person who can travel freely through the gold and stone walls. The last time he appeared was in Hong Kong."

"After talking about Asia, let's look outside."

"In Europe, an organization called the Serpent's Hand has risen rapidly, controlling a considerable number of Huge ancient relics, but so far, there is no trace of them. "

"They rose silently and hid silently, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark."

"To North America, 008 has been taken in by us, but the blood clan he left behind still exists. If the blood clan is not exhausted, the poison will last for thousands of years."

"There is another one, also in North America, an angel that has not yet been numbered."

"At present, the number of monsters in Asia is undoubtedly the largest and most complex, and the snake in Europe has not made any movement for the time being."

"The ocean is almost monopolized by one side, and North America is the latest focus of attention."

"The things in the sea are marching towards North America, but this attack should be just a test, and this test, the broken Bad power, so far no monster can do it!"

"The strength of the ocean camp is undoubtedly the strongest now, no one else."

"This is not the same level of opponent as the blood clan we faced before!"

"And the last time, the thing in the sea turned around and stopped halfway in North America."

"There are images to prove that it was the angel who stopped him."

"So we can know that the angel and the monster in the sea had a conflict, but the two sides did not fight to the end. It is possible that they were both testing each other, or that neither of them could take down the other."

The insect looked at Qin Leng, "Then what does this have to do with us, dear Chief Qin, please tell me the point directly."

Qin Leng controlled the screen and brought up a world map on the screen.

"If my guess is correct, the creatures in the sea want to start a war and occupy the continent. If they are bolder, they want to destroy mankind and rule the world."

"They caused a flood before, destroying most of North America."

"The flood came from the sky, washing over the land, and almost instantly wiped out most of the buildings on the ground."

"Factories, farmland, airports, ports, military bases, all were destroyed by the waves."

"What was destroyed was not just a pile of buildings, but production, food, transportation, economy, and armed forces."

"Once these things are broken, it will be very difficult to recover in the short term."

"The creatures in the sea are very smart. They destroyed all the production lines of hot weapons in North America. If I tell you that after that disaster, North America couldn't even produce artillery shells, what would you think?"

"Let me analyze it briefly.

"The monsters in the sea, his primary enemy is not other monsters, but humans."

"He is trying his best to destroy the only armed forces of mankind."

"If this is true, then the seven continents will become his targets."

"It is not impossible for the flood to submerge Asia."

"When the flood comes, who can stay out of it?"

Hearing Qin Leng's words, everyone's eyes were fixed.

"This is just your hypothesis."

At this moment, a data face suddenly appeared on the screen, "This is not a hypothesis, this is the result of my deduction and calculation, and the probability is as high as 89.94%. "

The computer's words are authoritative enough, which made several people change their minds.

"In other words, no matter which side we stand on, we can't stay out of it. The only way to stay safe is to repel the monster in the deep sea."

"Or, get rid of it before it launches the second flood."

"... Doesn't that mean we have to go to the sea? "

"I don't think it's good. The ocean is not our home ground. It's too disadvantageous for us."

"Once Qianhou and his men arrive at the sea, they will have no place to use their strength and will not be able to play any role."

Seeing that everyone began to discuss how to deal with the monsters in the ocean.

Chongzhi suddenly sneered, "I think we don't have to think of any solution so hard. Commander Qin asked us to come here, so he must have had a solution long ago."

Qin Leng was about to say something when he heard it, and at this moment, a message came from the communicator on his ear.

"The ancient relics are gone?"

"Yes, and there is one more thing. We... we saw a dragon!"


Qin Leng narrowed his eyes, and he immediately turned his chair to look behind him.

"Project the picture on the screen in the conference room. "

After the words fell, the screen in front of him turned into a blue sky with white clouds.

Somehow there was a large fog in the sky, and in the fog, a dragon-shaped creature could be vaguely seen puffing out clouds and spitting out fog!

Qin Leng was immediately upset when he saw this.

Is this a new monster?

Nairasokin also stood up, "In many stories I have read, dragons are symbols of mystery and supernatural power."

"Generally, the death of a dragon represents the end of a mysterious era, and conversely, the appearance of a dragon represents the beginning of a mysterious era."

"After the monsters in the sea appeared, those ancient marine relics began to surface."

"Chief, don't you think there is some connection between these things?"

Qin Leng fell into deep thought, "Maybe... we can go ask the dragon."

"Ask the dragon?"

"Who will go?"

"I'll go. "Qin Leng said.

Hearing Qin Leng's words, Nairasokin said quickly: "How can this be done? It's too dangerous. What if something unexpected happens..."

Qin Leng nodded, "Well, what you said makes sense. Then go ahead. This task is up to you, Nairasokin."


Wait for me here!


The group leader exploded in the past two days. The reason is unknown. No new group has been created for the time being.

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