I Cut Down the Troubled World Alone

Chapter 135: Are you worthy of our trust?

Sunshine District.


"Has such a large area been cleared?"


Gu Hang looked at the map that Lin Fan took out. The circles drawn were the areas to be cleaned up. He knew that Lin Fan had always been out to clean up zombies.


I didn't ask much.


Now that I see the points marked on the map, I am really shocked.




For Lin Fan, seeing the scope of the cleanup keep expanding every day, don't say anything about the satisfaction, it's really cool, okay?


Gu Hang was silent, then looked at Lin Fan silently.


"You really want to clean up all the zombies in the Yellow Market."


"Of course, it has been said before."


"It must be very tired."


"No, it's just like going to work. Going to work on time and leaving work on time. As a working worker, I have long been used to it."


Gu Hang: ...


Well, such a reason is indeed valid.


at this time.


Lin Fan's ears moved slightly, and he heard the voice of the satellite phone.


"Brother Hang, I have something to do."


After speaking, he returned home with a map.


The satellite phone placed there was ringing.






With a friendly greeting, this is the process of making a phone call.




Professor Xia's excited voice came from the other end of the phone. This is a kind of success for mankind to fight against the apocalypse. Although this kind of success is still a long way from the real victory, the distance is often gradually narrowing.


"Success is good, I know Professor Xia's ability." Lin Fan said sincerely and happily.


Professor Xia explained the research situation to Lin Fan one by one. The professional words made Lin Fan very confused, just like listening to a book from heaven.


However, Lin Fan still kept his composure, pretending to understand, and still listening well.


Whether you can understand or not is not important, but being able to feel the joy brought by this matter is very important.


Professor Xia expressed his sincere thanks, "Thank you for your help. If it wasn't for your help, we would be just headless flies, just bumping around."


"Seriously, when will this antibody serum be produced?" Lin Fan asked.


Professor Xia said solemnly: "It's a bit difficult to produce. Our base doesn't have a production line for serum yet. I think we need to clean up a pharmaceutical factory and build a production line."


"Professor Xia, have you ever thought about being in Huangshi? I know a pharmaceutical factory, Tenghuang Pharmaceutical Company is very suitable, and he has a research base underground. I met people there some time ago. They belong to foreign forces and are subject to I sent it to the police station, which is now idle and can be used to produce serum."


Lin Fan still cares about Tenghuang Pharmaceutical Company. Those foreign and foreign forces are actually hiding in the Yellow Market, constantly deceiving the survivors and taking the poor survivors as experimental subjects.


Fortunately, he was discovered early, otherwise, how many people would suffer?


"Tenghuang pharmaceutical company? Underground research base?" Professor Xia was very surprised. He didn't expect such a thing to be hidden in the Yellow Market. "Okay, that's really great, so that the serum can be produced on a large scale."


He agreed without thinking.


The yellow market is safe.


If there is any danger where Lin Fan is, even if he encounters danger, he can solve it as soon as possible.


"Okay, then I'll be waiting for you in the Yellow Market." Lin Fan replied.


call ended.


Lin Fan put down the satellite phone and was excited. In his opinion, Professor Xia is really powerful. As long as he finds the right way, he believes that the experts will never be wrong.


He came downstairs with excitement.


He told Gu Hang the news that Gu Hang, who had already researched the serum, was also excited. For anyone, as long as they were not with zombies, who could not be excited and not excited.


Push aside the clouds to see the sun.


Gu Hang clenched his fists tightly and said: "Xiaofan, as I said, when there is a problem, then all problems will be solved, without the invasion of zombies, as long as humans have a safe living environment, they can slowly reproduce."


Listening to these words, Lin Fan just smiled. Some things are not as simple as they think. Brother Hang is a soldier, so he should be better able to understand the special situation of zombies in the apocalypse. It is not caused by a simple virus. of.


Sure enough, who can maintain himself in such an environment, Brother Hang's mentality is more stable than anyone else, but he is also a little breathless under the pressure of the apocalypse, so he thinks that he can end the apocalypse early and live an ordinary life.


"Yes, I believe that day will come soon." Lin Fan said softly.


Gu Hang also smiled, maybe since the end of the world broke out to the present, this is the best news he has heard rarely.


at this time.


Lin Fan was walking around the store, greeting the survivors around him, nodding his head friendly, over the iron fence, Guan Hao was sitting there, registering several survivors, he walked quietly past.


I heard that Yang Cheng was writing popular science to the survivors he just brought.


"You see, you still don't believe me, I can be that kind of Scorpio Lone Star, I secretly brought you here because I felt that you were suitable, and now those guys see me as if they saw a ghost, But they don't know that you are safe and can live happily ever after."


Yang Cheng is already well-known among the survivors of the Lucky deck.


Most survivors know that there is a ruthless character called Yang Cheng. Anyone who goes out with him will die. From the beginning to the present, there are no exceptions. Many people avoid it. Even if they starve to death, they will not follow Yang Cheng out. .


This time, following Yang Cheng back, there are a total of four survivors, three men and one woman, looking very embarrassed, exhausted, and exuding a beggar-like temperament.


When they saw the situation around them, they opened their mouths instantly, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. They were shocked by the atmosphere of life here. They never thought that there would be such a good shelter.


Sunshine District...


They remembered that a man with a sword on his back came to Lucky, and he took him to the Sunshine Community.


At the beginning, some people were afraid and worried that they would not be able to guarantee their safety when they came to the Sunshine Community. They just wanted to live in the lucky number. Now that they came to the Sunshine Community, they were shocked by everything around them, and they regretted it in their hearts. If they came earlier How good, why suffer so many sins.


Guan Hao took a pen and paper, and asked while registering.


"What is your name?"


"Friend Lu."






"Well, it's a very good career. What our Sunshine Community lacks are professionals. You are welcome to the Sunshine Community Shelter. Later, you go to Kai brother, who is the one. He will arrange things for you, don't be too nervous, just Just live as usual."


Guan Hao is very proficient in this area.


Just when he raised his head and wanted to point to Wang Kai who was working in the distance, he saw Lin Fan standing there at a glance, and immediately got up with a look of joy on his face.


"Big brother."


"How busy?" Lin Fan smiled, feeling more and more that Guan Hao was very good, and he was serious about his work. If everyone could find what they should do here, it would be a good start.


Guan Hao said: "Well, Yang Cheng brings some survivors back, I will register them, and then ask them to find Brother Kai, who will arrange jobs according to occupation."


Afterwards, he hurriedly said to the survivors, "This is Brother Lin, my eldest brother is also the protector of our Sunshine Community. It's the eldest brother's credit for the Sunshine Community to be free from zombies."


The survivors looked at Lin Fan cautiously, they had seen him, and they had seen how powerful he was.


"Hello, big brother."


They called it very nervously, this was in someone else's territory, and they just wanted to survive and live in a safe environment, so they were very humble.


"You don't have to be so nervous, just come here and live as usual. I am also a member of the Sunshine Community, the same as everyone else. You can call me by my real name or Xiaofan."


He observed the group of survivors, and saw restraint and nervousness in their eyes, just like coming to an unfamiliar place, daring not to be presumptuous.


So he hopes to use a gentle voice to soothe their hearts.


Let them understand that everyone is equal here, we are all people who are surviving in the last days, and there is no need to act like a relationship between upper and lower classes.


Sure enough, as Lin Fan's words softened, the effect was there, making the survivors who had just come here to relax a little, and there was a rare smile on his face.


"Let's live here well, you won't go hungry, you won't encounter danger here, you can sleep sweetly at night, and dream at ease. Let's work together and move forward well into the future."


Lin Fan raised his hand towards them and clenched his fist, expressing his determination.


They didn't expect this person who made He Qingdu to be so fearful to be so easy to talk about. Just now, their fearful hearts were comforted, and they were gradually full of hope for their future life.


"Come on, goodbye." Lin Fan left, he was going to Tenghuang Pharmaceutical Company.


Looking at the back of Lin Fan's departure, and then seeing the other person jump up gently, they jumped over the high iron bars, and they opened their mouths in shock, unable to return to their senses for a long time.


Guan Hao looked at him in admiration, recovered his thoughts, and said with a smile, "See, that's my eldest brother, who is very nice. You really have to thank Yang Cheng. He brought you here, so you don't have to worry about it in the future."


They looked at Yang Cheng with grateful eyes.


Yang Cheng smiled. He had a sense of satisfaction when he did these things. He was able to get great satisfaction from everyone's eyes. Different people have different points of satisfaction, and that's what his point of satisfaction is.




Tenghuang Pharmaceutical Company.


It has been abandoned for a long time, and the grass on the ground has broken through the floor tiles and has covered the ground. This is normal. With no trace of human activities, the city will be covered with green plants in the future.


"anyone there?"


He walked into the gate and shouted to the front of the empty space, knowing that there would be no survivors here, but he was used to it, even thinking that if there were zombies, it would be fine.


After he shouted.


The surroundings fell into silence again.


When he walked into the pharmaceutical company, the messy environment, the coagulated blood, and the rotting corpse kept telling people that extremely terrifying things had happened here.


"Professor Xia and the others will send people here to produce serum in batches. The environment is very important. Huangshi belongs to my hometown, so the first impression is very important."


He wants to clean up the environment of Tenghuang Pharmaceutical Company.


This is very heavy work.


But even so, he still didn't change his mind.


Roll up his sleeves and get to work.


Under the sun, that figure cleaned up the rotting corpses and transported the corpses into the trash can. All he could do was let him produce medicines. Don't even think about it. He is someone who doesn't understand anything.


Combined city.


in a dark building.




Zombie Wang Zixuan is sitting there with a group of zombies standing in front of him. After this period of development, he has been able to control two evolutionary zombies, one is the power-type zombie and the other is the speed-type zombie, and there are also fifty ordinary zombies.


"Ho ho"


This group of controlled zombies stood on the spot and roared.


Wang Zixuan looked at the group of zombies, and thought of the tyrant who once brought him humiliation, got up and let out a low roar like a 'Gaga Witch' at the group of zombies.


In an instant, the army of zombies followed behind him and left the dim building.


Tyrant's place.


Wang Zixuan looked down at the tyrant who was in the zombie swarm. The tyrant in front of him was injured, with a missing piece in his arm, abdomen, and leg.


These are the masterpieces of his time.


When he recovered, he came to harass him. He has his own reason and consciousness, and it is definitely not good to be **** the front, so he often hides and controls zombies to carry out corpse sea tactics against tyrants.


at this time.


The tyrant stayed in the zombie group and roared at the zombies around him. The injuries on his body did not make him feel pain. Without pain, he naturally didn't know how much he suffered, unless his legs were broken or his hands were broken, which would affect him. When I act, I will wake up and realize that I was injured.


Wang Zixuan controlled two evolved zombies and fifty ordinary zombies, mixed in the zombie group, and quietly leaned towards the tyrant.


He knows the horror of tyrants.


The combat power was simply amazing.


The tyrant saw a similar approaching towards it and roared, as if he felt provocative. It was the most domineering existence among the group of corpses, enjoying the worship of ordinary zombies like an emperor.


And now there are zombies approaching it, which makes it seem to think about what happened during this time.


The same kind will boldly attack it.


"Ho ho"


The tyrant roared, wielded the flesh sickle, and slashed at the innocent zombies around him. Those ordinary zombies that were not controlled by Wang Zixuan had no reason. When the tyrant started killing, they would only look at the tyrant in confusion, as if Thinking about it, what are you doing to cut us all the way?


We are your most loyal zombie brothers.


Wang Zixuan watched quietly, the controlled zombies stopped, and did not continue to approach the tyrant. In his eyes, the tyrant was really scary, not only ferocious, but also ruthless to the same kind.


The tyrant looked at the group of zombies and roared a few times, but did not continue to slash at the zombies.


Instead, he still stood there, like a heroic general, proudly there, accepting the worship of the corpses.


Wang Zixuan continued to control the zombies, let the zombies scatter, interspersed among the group of corpses, and slowly moved closer to the tyrant. After dispersing, it was difficult to attract attention by acting alone.


As you approach.


Wang Zixuan instantly controlled the power-type zombie to rush towards the tyrant. The power-type zombie imprisoned the tyrant with both arms. In addition, the ordinary zombie roared, opened its **** mouth, and bit the tyrant's leg fiercely. The height of the ordinary zombie is In this way, if he could be as high as a tyrant, he would have been biting his neck long ago.


What happened suddenly, the frightened tyrant was furious and struggled, breaking the prison of the power-type zombie, and slammed the power-type zombie to the ground.


Power-type zombies are good at power, but compared with tyrants, there is still a huge gap.


"Ho ho"


Not far away, the speed-type zombies ran on all fours, instantly soared into the air, pounced on the tyrant, opened their **** mouth, and bit the tyrant's neck with a puff, the sound of flesh being torn apart.


Wang Zixuan stared at the scene, manipulating the zombies to constantly eat the tyrant. Although ordinary zombies were constantly being torn into pieces by the tyrant, there were more and more wounds on the tyrant's body. This was a good start.


If Wang Zixuan could speak.


Absolutely akimbo, proudly, see no, this is the fate of my zombie emperor Wang Zixuan, as long as I want to get it, there is no crystal that I can't get.


After a long time.


The tyrant fell to the ground with a bang, and his body was damaged beyond his face.


Fifty ordinary zombies were torn into pieces by the tyrant, and the speed-type zombies were cut into two pieces by the tyrant. The only ones alive were the power-type zombies, but again, they lacked an arm, their chest was pierced, and a blood hole was opened.


Controlling power-type zombies, breaking the tyrant's head, finding the crystal, and leaving the corpse group.


Wang Zixuan is well aware of low-key and wretched development, but he can no longer satisfy ordinary evolutionary zombies, and instead stares at tyrants who are stronger than ordinary evolutionary zombies.


With the return of power zombies.


Wang Zixuan took the crystal, his body was black, opened his mouth, and chewed. In an instant, he felt that his strength was improved and his spirit became stronger.


He thought about becoming the king of zombies, controlling an endless army of zombies, and who else could stop him.


Wang Zixuan came to the power zombies.


under his control.


Like a puppet, the power-type zombie slowly raised his hand, pierced his head directly, and fell to the ground with a bang.


Wang Zixuan holds the crystal of a power zombie.




For him, if it is of no use, there is no need to keep it. Just use your crystals to enhance the strength of the zombie king.


Wang Zixuan walked to the window and looked at the entire Heshi. This is a city that has been occupied by zombies, and he is the king of this city.


As if thinking of something.


Wang Zixuan roared into the distance.






In dusk.


Lin Fan wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the cleaned up environment, and showed a satisfied smile. In order to impress others, he had to work hard to clean up.


"go home."


Looking at Tenghuang Pharmaceutical Enterprise, he turned around and left with his sword on his back. A day without cleaning up the zombies made the zombies get stunned for a while.


When I returned to the Sunshine Community, I saw Yan Nini chatting with a group of female survivors.


"Brother Lin."


Yan Nini happily greeted Lin Fan.


Xia Ya and the others also smiled at Lin Fan. For them, their life today is really satisfying. Although it can't be compared with peacetime, it is really good to have such a life in the end times. Lucky for any survivor.


"Hello." Lin Fan smiled.


Yan Nini thought about it and said, "Brother Lin, can I tell you something?"


Lin Fan walked up to them, "Tell me, what's the matter?"


"Xiaoxiao, why don't you tell me?" Yan Nini looked at Su Xiaoxiao next to her.


Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly waved her hand, "I won't tell."


Lin Fan was a little confused and puzzled by them. What was the matter? Could it be that something very important could not be accomplished?


"Okay, then I'll say it." Yan Nini was helpless, "Brother Lin, we are all women, it's very troublesome to come to my aunt every month, there are too few sanitary napkins here, I just want to ask Brother Lin, If you are free tomorrow, help us wholesale some, there are more and more women in our shelter."


"Oh, this, no problem, I'll buy some for you tomorrow." Lin Fan thought it was something, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter. Thinking about women in the apocalypse is indeed a bit inconvenient. After all, this is bloodless. The situation is beyond their control.


A typical sanitary napkin has a shelf life of three years.


For Yan Nini and the others, what should they do in the future?


Thinking a bit far, but this kind of thing really needs to be thought about.


"Thank you Brother Lin." Yan Nini said happily.


Lin Fan said, "I didn't think about it. If you need anything in the future, just tell me, don't feel embarrassed."


"Oh, I see."


Lin Fan didn't interrupt their chat and said goodbye to them and left.


Then he heard them chatting and chatting, laughing from time to time. He still liked to see such a scene.


Su Xiaoxiao said to her sisters, "When I first started, I was really frightened by Brother Lin, always appearing in front of my shop, staring straight at me, I thought I was encountering a pervert. ."


Don't look at Lin Fan walking far away, but his ears are very sharp. When he heard Su Xiaoxiao's words, he touched his face and was very puzzled. Did I really look like a pervert at that time?


The next day.


Early morning.


As usual, Lin Fan greeted everyone and left the shelter. What he has to do today is to clean up zombies and buy sanitary napkins.


He had to speed up the cleanup. After a while, a zombie appeared in front of him, and he stepped forward with light footsteps. In an instant, it turned into a streamer and appeared among the zombies.


Waving Frostmourne, he hunted at great speed.


Whether it is an evolutionary zombie or an ordinary zombie, it is the fate of killing with one sword. During this period of time, when he returned, he sent the evolutionary zombie to Officer Huang.


If the last wave did not encounter evolutionary zombies, there would be no way.


He saw the situation of Officer Huang and Dongdong in his eyes. Under the nourishment of the Awakened's blood, they had formed a kind of evolution. For him, he still needed to observe slowly.


After cleaning up this wave of zombies, he looked back at the street full of corpses and shook his head. All he could do was hunt, but these corpses were really troublesome.


move on.


At this time, somewhere in the city.


A survivor walked down the street calmly.


A miraculous scene happened.


He was ignored by the zombies.


Li Qun was smoking a cigarette and banging the gong as he walked. Even if he was surrounded by zombies, he was not afraid at all. He didn't know why these zombies didn't attack him. Anyway, when the apocalypse broke out, he was like this.


At first, I was very frightened and uneasy, feeling that I would be bitten to pieces by zombies in the end times.


Who would have thought that when the zombies saw him, they completely regarded him as air and didn't even look at him. From that moment on, his whole body trembled with excitement, and his blood was boiling.


There is only one idea in my mind.


In the apocalypse, I, Li Qun, may have a big haircut.


He doesn't know what hunger is, what is fear, and he can go wherever he wants. He has gone to high-end restaurants that he could not afford to go to, and hotels that he could not afford to live in. He even does whatever he wants.


The Yellow City has landmark buildings.


There is a hotel there, and the rooms cost tens of thousands a night. He couldn't afford it before. Later, he slept there for a good night. He felt really comfortable, and he could deeply understand the happiness of the rich.


He is like a **** walking in the last days.


At the beginning, he met a survivor hiding at home, a girl who looked very good, and he immediately had an idea, but because it was the early days of the apocalypse, the family had more or less a lot of food.


He told the girl very bluntly... Play a poker with me, and I will send you supplies.


She was ruthlessly insulted by the girl.


He didn't panic at all. Seven days later, he appeared in front of her again. Seeing her desperate appearance, he wanted to laugh. Then he asked her to play poker again.


In the case of lack of materials, the girl agreed.


Since this first successful case, he has completely released himself and his confidence has skyrocketed. He really feels that the whole world belongs to him, and he can go wherever he wants.




Li Qun attracted a large wave of zombies and walked forward. Not long after, he came to a building.


In the building, there is a group of women, there are fifteen people in total.


They are beautiful, ugly, tall and short, but at this time, everyone's faces were pale, and they were hiding and observing the situation on the street.


"Sister Xin, this guy is here again." The person who spoke had pigtails, and the situation on the street made her a little nervous.


The woman called Sister Xin was in her thirties, with a very solemn expression.


At the beginning, when she saw that there were survivors who could ignore the zombies, she was really excited. After all, from the end of the world to the present, she had never seen anyone who could do this.


Therefore, she put Li Qun in, hoping to jointly resist the end of the world.


At the beginning, the other party was really normal and could cooperate with them to go out to find supplies, but it didn't take long for the other party's animal nature to be exposed. People used force, and even threatened.


'Wang Han, you don't want me to help you drive away the zombies. ’


Wang Han was only a teenage girl, and was so frightened by Li Qun that she shivered and didn't know what to do. Fortunately, when she saw Chen Xin, she gave him a hard lesson and drove him out of here.


But since then, Li Qun has attracted a large number of zombies every now and then.


At this moment, Li Qun held his head high, "Chen Xin, I know you can hear it. Let me tell you, I, Li Qun, are not easy to provoke."


When Li Qun came to this shelter, he was very excited when he saw a group of girls. He thought of Riman, a man who became a group of women, just like an ancient emperor. He drooled at the thought of the picture.


But who the **** would have thought that these women would be so tough.


He couldn't swallow this breath.


Inside the building, Chen Xin clenched her fists and really wanted to teach this guy a good lesson. She really didn't know what this man was thinking about those things.


She knows how terrifying zombies are, but whenever she makes a sound to let the group of zombies know that someone is inside, she will definitely think of a way to rush in.


"Chen Xin, I know I'm afraid now, but it's too late. It's your blessing that I, Li Qun, can see you. Do you know that I, Li Qun, was chosen by destiny, and only I have this ability in the whole apocalypse. If you were obedient before, I'll guarantee that you eat and drink spicy food, and you don't need to care about those things at all."


"It's a pity...you made the wrong choice."


Li Qun didn't care about the zombies around him at all, but unscrupulously roared and filial piety to the building. The zombies who heard the sound but didn't see the flesh and blood also kept hohohoho.


The dense sound of zombies made the slightly timid people in the shelter tremble.


"I'll give you the last three days. It's better to send Wang Han to me, otherwise I'll let the zombies in, haha..."


Li Qun laughed and left with a gong. As for this group of zombies, he never thought of taking them away, so he stayed here to scare them.


He likes to see the despair of these girls.


Then people had to be sent out.




"Strange, what about the zombies around?"


Lin Fan carried his sword on his back and looked around. He hadn't cleaned this place, but who would have thought that there wasn't even a ghost. Could it be that there were other survivors who wiped out all the zombies?


It's just that there are no corpses around, so destroying them should be impossible.


Maybe some survivor led the zombies away.




He looked around, and it was still empty. This situation made him a little uncomfortable. Wherever he went, he could see staggering zombies, but now he was really uncomfortable.


walking towards the front.




A male survivor approached.


Li Qun lowered his head, still thinking about three days later, if the girls didn't agree, would he really want to let zombies kill them? To be honest, he was a little reluctant.


There are few women in the last days.


And in that group, there are a few good looking people.


Suddenly, he raised his head and saw Lin Fan. When he saw it for the first time, he was shocked. Under what circumstances, there was a survivor who was so arrogant and walked like him on foot.


It's not that he hasn't seen the survivors, but the group of survivors are all driving cars, very embarrassed, and they have no ability to resist in the face of zombies.


Li Qun stared blankly, the opponent was very young, carrying a sword, that sword was Frostmourne, a weapon in the game, but why did the opponent dare to appear here so boldly?


Are there any other survivors around?


Or is it really just passing by.




Lin Fan greeted and stared at the survivor, but in Lin Fan's eyes, there was something wrong with the survivor, and his mind was not good.


As Lin Fan opened his mouth, Li Qun was like a frightened cat. He retreated far away. It was good that he could ignore the zombies, but he was still an ordinary person.


At the same time, he was a little nervous. Could it be that he was too arrogant recently, and some of the survivors knew about his speciality?


Lin Fan stood there, staring at Li Qun all the time, staring at Li Qun with chills all over his body, tightly holding the gong in his hand, he couldn't help but quicken his pace, then trot, ran fast, towards the distance. go.


"His situation is very wrong, a strange survivor, he should not be a good person."


He trusted his vision.


Often nothing is wrong.


He wanted to follow the other party to see what happened to this guy, but then, he heard the sound of 'hoho' coming from the front, and he was a little surprised.


The survivor just now came from there, why didn't the zombies follow him?


He doesn't believe that zombies are blind, or that they are too full to eat, and have no interest in other survivors.


He quickened his pace and walked towards the source of the sound.


At a glance, I saw a group of zombies piled up there, ho-ho ho-ho aimlessly.


The group of female survivors in the building always looked out nervously, and when Lin Fan appeared, they were slightly taken aback.


"Sister Xin, someone appeared, why didn't he run?"


Chen Xin was taken aback when she saw Lin Fan's figure. At least it seemed impossible that there were no survivors who didn't know about the horror of zombies. In her sight, the survivor appeared there calmly, with no clue. Fear the existence of zombies.


She saw that the survivor actually slowly drew the sword behind her.


"What is he going to do?"




She stared at the scene before her in disbelief. The survivor, who seemed strange to her, even rushed into the zombie group and cleaned up the zombies at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.


"Is he still human?"


Not only was Chen Xin dumbfounded, but other people were equally dumbfounded.


No one would believe this if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.


They boldly walked to the window and looked at the situation downstairs. The building with only a few floors was not high. It was very real, and they were swallowing saliva.


Seeing that Li Qun could avoid being bitten by zombies, they felt incredible, and what was in front of them was even more incredible. It was a scene that was even more shocking than Li Qun.


A very brief moment.


The zombies that made them terrified were completely cleaned up, and the shattered corpses severely impacted their hearts.


Lin Fan, who was standing there, looked towards the building, he knew that there were survivors inside.


"Sister Xin, what should we do now?" a survivor asked.


Chen Xin was silent, looking at them, "Are men in the end times still worthy of trust?"


Everyone was silent.


A very real problem, without the constraints of the law, many men are just like Teddy, unscrupulous, do whatever they want, and even the survivors who can live to the present have a different mentality and have been affected by the end of the world.


Distorted, perverted, hideous.


"Sister Xin, but Li Qun..."


When it came to Li Qun, everyone's expressions changed. That guy was a lunatic. A guy who was already possessed by Teddy.


For them, it's really a dilemma, it's really not easy to be able to persist until now in the end times.




Lin Fan still didn't move. He knew that there were survivors inside. From the window glass, it seemed that the survivors were all women.


This reminded him of the situation where he met Su Xiaoxiao.


He is also hiding, he is wary of the outside world, and even once regarded him as a neurotic.


At this time, he wanted to smile, but remembered that Su Xiaoxiao had said earlier that Brother Lin was standing outside my shop and looked at me with a smile.


So he didn't laugh, he waved at the same time and greeted each other.


"Hello, my name is Lin Fan, a survivor of the Sunshine Community, do you need any help?"


He said, hoping that the other party would believe him.


Of course, he can also understand the vigilance of the other party.


After all, it is really dangerous now.


The trust between people has long been offset by the end of the world.


Except for those who live in the sunshine community, they can still see the light of hope, always have hope and trust in the people around them, and it is really hard to say outside.


in the building.


"Sister Xin, he's greeting us, Sunshine Community, there is a shelter, should we choose to trust him?"


"He looks more trustworthy than Li Qun, and doesn't look like a sinister and despicable person."


"If we ignore each other, Li Qun will come to us three days later, and he will bring in the zombies."


As the sisters discussed, Chen Xin looked very solemn, thinking, thinking.


"Sisters, you stay here, I'll give it a try."


Chen Xin said slowly.


She decided to take a risk. After thinking about it, it was okay to ignore the other party, but Li Qun three days later was even more terrifying. Opportunities were often fleeting.


"Sister Xin, is there any danger?"


Everyone is worried.


Chen Xin said, "Even if it's dangerous, you have to give it a try."


"Sister Xin, let's go together."


"Yeah, if there is really a problem, there are so many of us, one of us can give him a paw, and scratching can even scratch a little blood."


Listening to what the sisters said, Chen Xin looked at everyone, "Okay, let's go together."


From the beginning to the present, they have always been united. Some partners at the beginning have died, and new partners have joined. They have always worked hard to live. Although women can only be vassals in troubled times, they are always proving that they are capable. living.




Lin Fan looked at the group of female survivors and was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that there was not even a single male, and it was really amazing that they could survive until now.




Lin Fan smiled.


Having met at close range, a smile is inevitable, and a smile is the best way to say hello.




Chen Xin and the others looked at Lin Fan with a bit of vigilance. Of course, the first impression was good, and for them, they hadn't heard the word 'hello' for a long time.


"My name is Lin Fan. I live in the Sunshine Community. The situation outside is a bit dangerous. You live here, and I don't feel safe. If there are too many zombies, they may break through the fence of your shelter~www.readwn.com~Lin Not where it feels like they are staying.


Security is too low.


As long as someone is plotting badly and wants to occupy this place, it is relatively simple. Let's talk about the building's wall, which is about two meters at most, and you can jump over it with a casual jump.


"There are already many survivors in our Sunshine Community. I wonder if you are interested in visiting the Sunshine Community?"


He looked at this group of female survivors. In addition to seeing their vigilance in their eyes, they were more determined to be strong and fight against the apocalypse.


Chen Xin didn't expect the other party to speak so straightforwardly. She looked at everyone, she was not alone here, she wanted to see everyone's opinions.


"Sister Xin, you decide, we believe in your decision."






They had witnessed Lin Fan's strength. If it was true to what the other party said, it would be a really good place for them.


"Sword Comes"


Chen Xin felt a lot of pressure.


Everyone let her decide.


Then her choice is related to everyone's life and future.


"Are you worthy of our trust?"




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