I Cut Down the Troubled World Alone

Chapter 290: guess where i am

Outside the service station.

Lin Fan met Gao Zhan's other companions.

Counting Gao Zhan, there are seven people in total, five men and two women, the age span is not too big, the youngest may be in his twenties, and the oldest is only in his forties.

They all carried instant noodles and used the service station as a temporary resting place to fill their stomachs with something to eat.

They knew that Gao Zhan went to the supermarket at the service station to get water for a long time, and then Song Yi went to check the situation, but they didn't expect two people to go there, and when they came back, there were three people.

When I saw the other party for the first time, I felt that the other party looked familiar, but when I looked closely, my God, isn't this the Lin Fan they saw in the "Zombie Atlas?"

Lin Fan from the Sunshine Sanctuary in Huangshi produced a very detailed book called Zombie Atlas, especially the types of zombies in it, which they had seen with their own eyes.

I also know how strong these zombies are.

So when I saw it was Lin Fan, I was really shocked.

"Hi there."

Lin Fan greeted them with a friendly smile.

It can be seen at a glance that they are people who have experienced in the last days. The number of zombies hunted and killed is definitely quite a lot, and they belong to the awakened ones who have grown up by themselves.

It is absolutely unimaginable for them to raise their awakening ability to this stage by themselves.



They warmly greeted Lin Fan.

After introducing myself.

Lin Fan knew their names, except for Gao Zhan, the others were Song Yi, Chi Shuai, Zhang Xuan, Feng Yi, Song Yuan, and Zhu Ying.

"Are you going to rush to the Yellow City?" Lin Fan asked.

"No." Gao Zhan shook his head and said, "We just look around and hunt zombies at the same time."

They originally wanted to go to Sunshine Sanctuary, after all, the end of the world is really difficult, but as their abilities improved, they gradually dispelled this idea.

It feels like the last days are not as scary as before.

Moreover, hunting zombies in the apocalypse can also obtain crystals to enhance one's own abilities. It feels great just thinking about it.

Lin Fan looked at them, and after a while, he slowly said: "Your abilities are all good, if you don't encounter those terrifying zombies, there is usually no major problem, but the dangers of the end times will always come quietly, and no one knows when they will come." There is danger, my suggestion is that you can consider the Sunshine Shelter in Huangshi."

"Of course, it's not forced, it's just my personal suggestion."

He knew that these people in front of him were all thoughtful people.

Often people with ideas will always stick to the ideas in their hearts, and will never be affected by external influences.

Gao Zhan exchanged glances with his companions.

"Thank you for your suggestion. We still want to make our way in the last days. I think there should be no big problem with our strength."

When he said these words, Gao Zhan looked very confident, which was a kind of confidence in his own strength.

He believed in his own ability, but also believed in the ability of his companions.

With good cooperation, most dangers can be dealt with.

"Okay, then I won't force you guys."

Lin Fan had nothing he could do about this situation, since they chose another path, let them continue walking in this direction.

Gao Zhan said: "Thank you for your understanding. We naturally know some things about the Sunshine Shelter in Huangshi, but for us, we have gradually gotten used to life in the last days."

Lin Fan took out a satellite phone from his pocket, "Here you are, if you encounter problems, you can call me."

He now habitually brings an extra satellite phone with him when he goes out.

He just thought that he might meet a survivor, and if the survivor didn't want to go back to the Sunshine Shelter with him, he would give him a satellite phone.

"Thank you." Gao Zhan took the call and naturally knew the usefulness of the satellite phone. This was a kind of guarantee given to them by the other party.

Lin Fan said: "You're welcome, as long as you are alive, as the end of the world comes, there are really fewer and fewer people alive."

I sighed in my heart.

He really wanted to make more efforts, but he was just a human being with very weak strength. Sometimes, he really felt powerless.

at this moment.

Gao Zhan hurriedly said: "The organization you mentioned in the album, we met a strange old man a long time ago, he kept talking about organizations, but he didn't know anything else .”

When Lin Fan heard it, his eyes lit up suddenly, "Where is he?"

"On the cliff of Wuyue Mountain, there is a simple house, and the other party lives there." Gao Zhan felt that it seemed a bit one-sided to say this, then found paper and pen, and drew on the paper, "This is a mountain, This is also a mountain, Wuyue Mountain has five mountains, and he stays on the cliff of this mountain."

The drawing is rough, but concise and clear.

"Thank you, this message is very important to me." Lin Fan thanked.

He felt that some old man might actually know something.

He has been looking for Mutant Organization and Qinling Group for a long time, but the world is so big, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, it is really difficult to find them.

Therefore, he will never let go of any opportunity.

Gao Zhan said: "You're welcome, that's what it should be. We've seen the introductions in the album. The behavior of those organizations is indeed cruel, and others would do the same, but I don't know if the organization the old man mentioned is really The organization recorded in the atlas."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether it is or not, as long as there is any opportunity, I will not let it go." Lin Fan said, and then bid them farewell, he couldn't wait to go there and have a look.

After Lin Fan left.

Gao Zhan and the others had already finished eating the instant noodles in their hands.

"Brother Gao, I feel so good to be strong." Song Yi watched Lin Fan's disappearing back, and couldn't help sighing, the way he left was really domineering, and he just jumped away.

Regardless of their current abilities, they seem to be okay.

The height of the jump is also not low, but it is absolutely impossible to do what the opponent is like.

"What's wrong?" Gao Zhan asked.

Song Yi said: "With strength, you can straighten your back when you speak, and don't take the end of the world seriously. The end of the world is a disaster for most people, but for the awakened, it is a kind of opportunity and danger. In the era of coexistence, civilization is regressing, we are evolving, and the future path can only be known by our own feet on the ground.”

Feng Yidao: "I agree with Song Yi's statement. In fact, if Brother Gao is willing to go to the Yellow Market just now, I don't think I will go. After living a comfortable life for decades, I have already lived enough. Now I have a chance to rise. won't give up."

What he said was recognized by everyone.

That's it.

No one can stop their steps.

Song Yuan said: "Actually, the Sunshine Shelter in Huangshi is really safe, and going there is the best choice."

Feng Yidao: "Then why didn't you say it just now, even if you were going, we wouldn't say anything?"

Song Yuan said: "You don't want to go, how can I go?"

If Lin Fan invited them to the shelter when the apocalypse broke out, they might have agreed without even thinking about it, but now that they have stood up, they naturally want to rely on their own abilities to survive the apocalypse , and at the same time enhance their own strength, so as to make themselves stronger.

Wuyue Mountain.

The scenery of the mountains and rivers is still beautiful, and has not been affected in any way by the arrival of the end of the world.

"On that mountain."

There are indeed five mountains. The person who named this place seems to be a bit random. Is it because of the five mountains that they are called Wuyue Mountain?

But it's also good.

It's easy to remember.

He landed at the foot of the mountain and walked up the mountain. After a while, he came to the mountain. From a distance, he saw a wooden house standing on the edge of the cliff. Next to the wooden house was a vegetable garden. A figure bent over was busy in the vegetable field.

"If you really have a big heart, aren't you afraid of being seen by zombies?"

Lin Fan was very surprised. Even simply setting up a fence can be regarded as a kind of respect for the last days, but the other party not only didn't build a fence, they didn't even have the slightest sense of defense.

As long as a zombie appears here, it will definitely be full for every meal.

He walked towards the wooden house. The old man straightened up after he was busy, wiped his sweat, and when he turned his head, he saw a figure walking towards him in the distance.

The old man's eyesight is not very good. He looked like a zombie. He ran into the house in a hurry. When he came out, he had an extra shotgun in his hand. He just set it up like this and didn't shoot. , as if waiting for the zombies in the distance to approach before shooting, after all, the hit rate will be much higher.

"Old man, I'm a human, not a zombie." Lin Fan waved his hand, and when he saw the old man coming out with a weapon, he knew there was a misunderstanding.

Hastily sounded a reminder.

After all, there is a cliff behind the house, and the elderly have many choices.

Following Lin Fan's reminder, the old man still did not put down the weapon in his hand. It seems that to the old man, in the last days, both zombies and people are very dangerous.

Lin Fan also agrees with this.

Indeed, the badness of zombies is very straightforward, while the badness of human beings is often buried in the heart, like a hunter in the dark, who will give you a fatal blow when you are most relaxed.

Gradually, when he was about to walk in front of the old man, with a distance of four or five meters, the old man made a low voice.

"Stop, don't move."

The old man stared at Lin Fan vigilantly, and his finger was already on the trigger. If Lin Fan dared to move, the old man would probably shoot without hesitation.

Lin Fan raised his hands to the level of his chest, and said in a low tone, "Old man, don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person."

"A bad guy won't say he is a bad guy, boy, your grandpa eats more rice than I eat salt, do you think I'm so easy to deceive?" the old man scolded.

Lin Fan said: "Old man, my name is Lin Fan. I came from the Sunshine Shelter in Huangshi. I really don't have any malicious intentions. I came here because Gao Zhan said you were here, and I came to see it."

"I don't know what is high or not." The old man still looked at Lin Fan vigilantly.

When Gao Zhan and the others came here, they didn't have much communication with the old man. In Gao Zhan's eyes, the old man seemed to be talking about something, so he left in a hurry.

So when Lin Fan mentioned Gao Zhan's name, the old man naturally didn't know it.

Lin Fan blinked. He didn't expect that the old man didn't know who Gao Zhan was. Could it be that Gao Zhan and the others hadn't had much communication with the old man when they came here, so he thought about how to make the old man let go of his vigilance.

Just when he was thinking.

The old man spoke.

"Throw the weapon behind you, three seconds, if you don't throw it, I will shoot."



Lin Fan didn't want the old man to be so excited all the time. After all, he was a bit old. If he kept this kind of mood all the time, he was very worried that the other person's body would not be able to bear it.

Therefore, he threw the weapon directly.

"Old man, slow down, I really mean nothing, this weapon is very heavy, you can't handle it." Lin Fan reminded.

While watching Lin Fan vigilantly, the old man walked slowly towards Frostmourne who fell on the ground, then stretched out his foot, trying to get the sword aside.

The toes touched the hilt of the sword.

But a strange thing happened, the sword that landed on the ground did not move at all.

The old man didn't care, but thought that his strength was a little weak, and while being wary of Lin Fan, he squatted down and stretched out his arms, trying to take Frostmourne into his hands.

Touching the hilt, for the elderly, the weight of a sword can be easily picked up.

"Hey young."

The old man frowned, groaned in pain, and sprained his waist.

He didn't expect that a seemingly ordinary sword could be so heavy.

"Old man, are you okay? You really can't hold this sword. This sword is very heavy with the blessing of crystals. Only I can hold it." Lin Fan said.

"Don't move, or I'm going to shoot you."

Seeing that Lin Fan wanted to get closer, the old man endured the pain and pointed the shotgun in his hand at Lin Fan.

"Old man, I really have no malice towards you. If I have any malice towards you, the shotgun in your hand really can't do any harm to me."

Lin Fan explained that he hoped that the other party could feel his kindness.

He always believes that he can walk into the heart of the old man, so as to solve the current misunderstanding.

After a while.

Outside the wooden house, the old man was sitting on a chair, while Lin Fan was standing behind him, squatting, gently rubbing the old man's lower back. After his sincere communication, the old man finally let go of his guard.

"Hey boy, what's the matter with you young man, tell me earlier, my old man sprained his waist."

Lin Fan rubbed the old man's waist and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, it's my problem. I didn't explain the situation clearly earlier, which caused your old man to twist his waist. It's my fault."

"Yes, it's here, it's much more comfortable." The old man said.

He knew that the young man who rubbed his waist was a good man, and he really misjudged him earlier, but he couldn't be blamed. In this last days, no one can see clearly whether it is a human or a ghost.

"It's good to be comfortable." Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Are you really from the Yellow Market?"

Mr. Guan was very surprised, even a little unbelievable, because the guy who rubbed his waist turned out to be Wuyue Mountain who came from Huangshi. It's really unbelievable.

The distance between Huangshi and Mount Wuyue is very far.

And judging from the situation, it seems that they came here specifically to find themselves.

"Yeah, I've been staying in the Yellow City. There's a shelter there, and many people live there." Lin Fan said.

He knew that Mr. Guan hadn't read the "Zombie Atlas". If he had read the atlas, there would be no misunderstanding just now.

"It's a shelter." Mr. Guan said to himself, as if he was thinking about something.

"Mr. Guan, I know the reason why you are here is that someone passed by here and met you. They told me that you have been talking about the organization or not. Can you tell me which organization it is?"

Lin Fan started to ask about key things.

He will never let go of any possibility.

If the location of the organization can really be found, it will be safer for survivors living in the last days.

As Lin Fan mentioned the word organization.

He could clearly feel the old man's body trembling slightly.

"What are you asking this for?"

Old Man Guan, who had his back to Lin Fan, showed fear on his face, as if recalling all kinds of terrible scenes. He didn't know why Lin Fan wanted to inquire about these.

Lin Fan said: "Because I want to go to that organization to see if it is an organization I know, because the organization I know has been hurting other survivors, and they are conducting various inhumane experiments on human bodies. .”

Following Lin Fan's words.

The old man's face became more and more ugly.

"I don't know, I don't know anything." Mr. Guan shook his head.

Lin Fan knew that Mr. Guan must have known it, because he felt a sense of fear from Mr. Guan. Did the things he mentioned made Mr. Guan think of some kind of terrible picture?

"Old man, I understand that you know it. Tell me. I don't want more survivors to be in danger. Zombies in the last days are dangerous enough. We can't let humans hurt humans. Just tell me." Fan said sincerely.

Mr. Guan said: "Don't ask, it's too scary, you can't beat them, even if you really let you find them, you are not their opponent."

He didn't want Lin Fan to die, after all, it was really dangerous there.

Mr. Guan is a biologist. He was hired by the Qin Group and has been researching it. Later, the end of the world broke out. At that time, he thought, could this be the spread of a virus, and the human beings who turned into zombies were actually sick? , if a drug can be developed, maybe it can be reversed.

It wasn't until the Qin Group captured a zombie for autopsy and saw the internal organs of the zombie that he realized that things were far more terrifying than he thought.

The internal organs of these organs are completely useless, not only mutated, but also lost all kinds of vitality.

No matter what medicine it is, it is impossible to reverse it.

Just when he was desperate for this, something even more desperate happened. The Qin Group captured many humans and even started to study the changes of the zombie virus in the human body.

This is research with living people.

He couldn't accept such an experiment, and the scene was once **** to the extreme. In the end, he escaped from the Qin Group by a chance, and finally came here.

"Old man, what do you see over there?" Lin Fan patted the old man's shoulder lightly, then pointed into the distance.

Mr. Guan looked into the distance, "Mountain, that's a mountain."

He was a little confused, not knowing what Lin Fan meant by pointing to the distance.

"You're watching now."

Lin Fan held Frostmourne, and swung his sword towards the distance.

Space exploded.

A silvery-white light appeared in the sky, and with a bang, the mountain in the distance was cut off in the middle, and countless broken stones crashed down.

"Ah..." Mr. Guan stared and opened his mouth, completely stupefied, "What's going on?"

"This is Jianmang."

Mr. Guan held his head up and stared at Lin Fan stupidly, his mind was full of question marks, so why not just let this mess with me?


The old man wanted to say a lot, but all the words were stuck in his throat. He could only utter the word 'this', and he couldn't utter any other words.

Lin Fan said: "Old man, the sword I swung was not intended to say that I was destroying the mountains and turning the former Wuyue Mountain into the current Siyue Mountain. I wanted to tell you that I am very strong, so you really don't have to worry."

Often the only way to make people believe that one's own strength is strong enough is to let the opponent see with their own eyes that the power of this sword is either his strongest sword, or just swung casually.

Mr. Guan's expression now shows that his method is effective, and the effect is very good.

Look, what a simple way to prove yourself.

Indeed, Mr. Guan was really intimidated by Lin Fan, this is something that humans can do.

"Well, the organization I used to be in was the Qin Group..."

"Qin Ling." Lin Fan couldn't help but said.

Mr. Guan was full of surprise, "You know?"

"I know, I've been looking for Qin Ling all this time. I've talked to him and asked him to tell me where he is, but the other party never told me, so I've been looking for him everywhere." Lin Fan gradually became excited. , it seems that Qinling can finally be found.

This guy should already have a big problem. People who study zombies will definitely become zombies in the end.

This is a proven result.

Mr. Guan nodded, and then told him where Qin Ling was, and at the same time told Lin Fan that the seemingly hidden organization was actually flawed, and there was another passage leading to the outside.

It should be because of the bad taste of the people who designed this place at the beginning, thinking that there must be no such thing as an impenetrable building, so I secretly left a dog lane, it seems that it is not too much.

And Mr. Guan was able to escape because he accidentally found the notes left by the designer, which recorded the situation here in detail.

"Old man, thank you so much, you really helped me a lot." Lin Fan said excitedly and gratefully.

Mr. Guan said: "You have to pay attention to your own safety."

Lin Fan said: "The old man will come back to Huangshi with me, it's safe there, you don't need to stay here."

Mr. Guan thought about it and agreed.

He thought that Mr. Guan was a highly educated person, so he should have a good chat with Professor Xia.

Return to the sun shelter.

Lin Fan handed over Mr. Guan to Guan Hao, both of whom were surnamed Guan, maybe they could still be from the same family before.

And he couldn't wait to meet Qin Ling.

Really looking forward to it.

I have been looking for it until now, and finally found it. Who can understand this kind of joy.

Just when he was about to leave, Gu Hang saw him, communicated briefly, and told him about finding Qin Ling's organization, Gu Hang's eyes were also bright.

He knew the two organizations that Lin Fan had been looking for, one of which was the Qin Group, and now that he had found one, the other one was obviously not far away.

After Lin Fan left.

Gu Hang sighed in his heart, the Qin Group is going to suffer, they have been researching with living people and caused so many deaths, so now it's time for them to pay the price.

"Wow, my God."

Professor Jin was stunned by the appearance of the boss in front of him. In his eyes, the previous boss was just a flesh and blood bun that was imprisoned, but who would have imagined that the boss would have undergone such a huge change after he evolved.

His shape has changed, and he has broken away from the flesh and blood bun and turned into a humanoid form that can move freely.

The boss in front of him was covered with hard and strong muscles, and his body was covered with black armor, which gave people a feeling of strength.

"Boss, you are too handsome. I think you are really developing towards the most perfect zombie form."

"You appeared in front of me, and you obviously didn't do anything, which made me feel a huge sense of oppression."

Professor Jin exclaimed, this is not flattery, what he said is true, he used to think that the boss's evolution direction was not good, and felt that it was a failed evolution direction, but now it seems that this is not a failure, it is simply too successful.

"Haha..." Qin Ling smiled, clenched his fists tightly, feeling that he was full of explosive power, this power was really enough to destroy the world, no one could be his opponent, not even Lin Fan.

Of course, this was just his idea, Qin Ling still knew that Lin Fan's strength was definitely stronger than he imagined, and definitely not something he could deal with now.

"Human beings are too fragile, and now this body is the most perfect body in my heart."

Qin Ling praised, "Look at this muscle line, it's the line you dream of.

Professor Jin said: "Boss's way of evolution is unprecedented. Even if Lin Fan in Huangshi can do it, Boss will definitely become the most perfect creature one day. I can witness it with my own eyes. I am so excited."

"Well, you are very good, behave well, I will not treat you badly~www.readwn.com~Qin Ling patted Professor Jin on the shoulder.

Professor Jin giggled, but the boss's pat was a bit heavy, it really hurt, but the pain is the pain, he definitely can't show this kind of pain on his face.

If the boss is upset, he will really beat himself to death.

The more perfect the boss, the more dangerous he is.

Because his own value is gradually decreasing, when there is no value, then there is really no meaning of existence.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, the phone that I hadn't thought of for a long time rang.

"It's really a good time to fight. Did you come to congratulate me knowing that my shape is so perfect?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Qin Ling's mouth, besides Lin Fan, who else could call him.

Line connected.

"Lin Fan, you know it, right, it really is the right time to fight."

"Hey... how do you know that I know, you are not following me, are you?"

Lin Fan was very surprised.

He also wanted to tell Qin Ling, can you guess where I am?

Unexpectedly, the other party said that he knew.

This made Lin Fan feel bad.

This guy can't run away.

"Tracking? What do you have to follow? Let me tell you that I have succeeded. Just now I have completed the evolution and have become a perfect form. One day in the future, you will see my horror with your own eyes. "Qin Ling said gloomyly.

After he said these words, the other end of the phone was visibly relieved.

"Scared me, I thought you knew something, it turned out to be this."

"What do you mean?" Qin Ling frowned.

"Now guess where I am."

"Where are you none of my business?"

"Guess, there are surprises."

Lin Fan just wanted Qin Ling to make a good guess, and he wanted the other party to be frightened.

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