I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 496 On the way back

When Chen Chu was wandering in the mountains, he passed by the cliff of the back mountain and saw Lin Fengjiao sitting alone on the bluestone on the edge of the cliff...

Look at the frustrated look on his face.

Chen Chu secretly said something bad, and with a flick of his hand, Meng Jie's sponge turned into countless silk threads in the air and wrapped around him, dragging him over from the edge of the cliff dangerously and dangerously. He said earnestly: "Fellow Daoist Lin, God has the virtue of a good life. The ants are still trying to survive, why would you give up on yourself..."

Lin Fengjiao's forehead had veins popping out, and her face was so swollen that blood was dripping from it.

He was dragged like this and felt the wound on his abdomen being pulled. It hurt like hell...

Senior Brother Zhaixing came over from Maoshan with two disciples to apologize. Senior Brother Zhaixing has always been concerned about face and pomp, so it was so embarrassing to be assigned to such a thing.

Lin Fengjiao was also a face-saving person, and he simply couldn't imagine what kind of situation Senior Brother Zhaixing was in now.

He propped up his body: "Thank you Daoyou Chen for your kindness. I just don't dare to face Senior Brother Maoshan and just enjoy the breeze here..."

Chen Chu suddenly realized that this was the case. He had just thought that Lin Fengjiao was going to jump off the cliff. This task had not been completed yet. If he died, would he have to stay in this world to practice immortality and wait for Lin Fengjiao to be reincarnated?

He asked: "You still can't let go of your apprentice? If you think about it carefully, although Wen Cai's soul is gone, Qiu Sheng's soul is still there. As long as he has suffered enough punishment in hell, he can be reincarnated."

Lin Fengjiao looked at the moonlight in the sky and said with a wry smile: "I have thought about a lot of things in the past few days. I really have no talent in teaching my disciples. I can't teach them moral character well, nor can I teach them well. I just raised two troublemakers. Qiu Sheng is a literary talent. The matter is over now, even if I am reincarnated in Qiusheng, I will not live that long...

The relationship between master and disciple in this life ends here, ends here..."

Under the moonlight, Lin Fengjiao's hair seemed to be much whiter, as if she had aged several years in an instant, but her whole person's aura also became thicker.

Zhaixing left, taking Lin Fengjiao away from Longhu Mountain as quickly as possible.

Zhang Tianshi and the elders "fighted" for a lot of good things. Maoshan will ask people to deliver them later, but the names of the items are all written on the list.

Chen Chu took a curious look and found that he didn't recognize the names of many of the things on it. He only recognized century-old ginseng and human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum. After Zhang Tianshi introduced him, he learned that these materials are basically used to treat injuries to the body and soul. It is used by a small number of people for auxiliary practice.

The medicine for treatment is certainly precious, but the medicine for cultivation is even more precious!

Chen Chu still had the warm Yang Ping Zhidu Gong Seal in his pocket. Of course, he couldn't accept them all. He said that he would go to more worlds in the future and there would be no shortage of materials. Besides, he didn't know how to make elixirs, so he couldn't take them all. Use these ingredients as vegetable leaves to make porridge.

Zhang Tianshi and the elders naturally knew Chen Chu's good intentions, and felt warm in their hearts, but they could not really take a big part of the materials that the future disciple had exchanged with his arms. After declining back and forth, they finally decided to keep half of Longhu Mountain and Chen Chu would take the rest. Walk!

Lin Fengjiao has given up her obsession with Qiu Sheng's literary talents, and Chen Chu's mission has been completed.

Under the statue of Zhang Daoling in the Tianshi Mansion, Chen Chu was sitting cross-legged on a futon. Directly opposite Zhang Tianshi was sitting, surrounded by a circle of elders. This scene had the feeling of being taught martial arts skills in a martial arts novel...

Naturally, Master Zhang Tianshi and the elders did not want to teach Chen Chu the skills.

In the world of "Qi Men Dun Jia", the old Celestial Master knows how to practice law, but the Celestial Master Zhang in "Zombie Supreme" cannot.

They were simply curious about how Chen Chu traveled through time. Watching and watching would open their eyes, and maybe they could understand something...

Zhang Tianshi was lucky, but the elders were a little outrageous. In order to see more clearly, they opened their eyes in various ways, and even set up an altar in advance to observe.

After being reminded of the completion of the Pewter Stone task, Chen Chu still had half an hour. It was almost time. He put one hand on the ground and kowtowed heavily to the Heavenly Master and said: "Disciples dare not forget the care of the Heavenly Master and the elders." , if there is a chance, the disciple will come to see the elders again..."

Zhang Tianshi knew that Chen Chu's time had come, so he hurriedly made a gesture of silence: "Let me watch more carefully..."

Under the gaze of so many eyes, Chen Chu felt that he suddenly changed from the one who was about to be taught the skills to the one who was about to become immortal and ascend on the spot.

A circle of milky-white characters unique to ash stone appeared on the ground, and there was a faint white light. The breeze blew slowly on the scene, and Chen Chuchu disappeared without a trace in the breeze with a bang.

The Heavenly Master and the elders seemed to be stuck for a long time.

This time travel...how should I put it, is different from what they imagined. How can I put it, the void will be shattered, the whole body will be covered with golden light, the color of the sky and the earth will change, and it will rise to the sky with great momentum...

It suddenly disappeared. What's the matter? If I hadn't known about it in advance, I would have thought that the person had exploded.

Chen Chu closed his eyes habitually to relieve the dizziness caused by traveling through time. He had already reached the realm of refining energy and becoming a god, but he still couldn't bear the motion sickness...

There was silence around my ears, unlike usual times. When I closed my eyes and opened them again, I returned to the ash stone space.

His body is suspended in the ultimate dark world, exuding a milky white shimmer, which is not too conspicuous.

An invisible hand slowly stretched out in the darkness, trying to touch Chen Chu, but the weak white light seemed to be the scariest thing in the world. If it touched even a little bit, the invisible hand began to rot and disappear into nothingness...

More and more invisible hands are reaching out, even accompanied by various sounds.

"Initial...initial...look at me, am I beautiful?" This was the voice of a little girl. Chen Chu remembered it. It was the voice of his deskmate in junior high school. She always came over to ask Chen with different hair tied up every day. The initial bleaching is not pretty.

"Chen Chu, stop studying and come hang out with me." This is the voice of a high school friend who likes to play games very much.

"Chen Chu...Chen Chu...open your eyes quickly!"

They are the voices of parents, masters and uncles, and the people in the mission world that I have come into contact with so far, including friends, enemies, and even the voices of gods...

Chen Chu felt as if his eyelids were being opened by an invisible will.

He bit the tip of his tongue, blood spread in his mouth, and his whole body suddenly became energetic. The pain was really a good medicine!

In the darkness, Chen Chu was wrapped by countless invisible hands. Those who came into contact with the white light were melting. There was a steady stream of new ones joining the surroundings, which seemed to be getting bigger and bigger like a snowball...

Chen Chu felt that his body was heavy and tired, and every step in the darkness was so strenuous that he even had the idea of ​​sleeping here.


The white light cut through the big snowball like a sharp sword and exploded. Chen Chu's curled up body, wrapped in the strong white light, flew into the distance like a meteor and disappeared...

The invisible hands that had just exploded gathered together again and murmured. It was not in any language and could not be understood. It was just that the voice was getting louder and louder...

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