
Di Ting must be very alert. Mortals always have inexplicable fantasy and fear about unknown things, and create terrible imaginary enemies for themselves. This kind of thing is the same for immortals and gods.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva looked towards the dojo and saw a young Taoist priest in his twenties with a small beard slowly approaching. Is this the person that Diting is particularly afraid of?

The wind was blowing slowly in the underworld, but when Chen Chu walked to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he could clearly feel a warmth spreading out. No wonder when he came over, he saw all the fierce ghosts from hell crowded at the border, trying desperately to get there. A little closer in this direction.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the little path is polite!" Although he has the same name as a different Bodhisattva, Chen Chu still fulfilled the etiquette, bowed respectfully and said: "The little path was cared for by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and the two Dharma protectors in front of him. I have saved my life many times. Therefore, I encountered the underworld on the way and came here to pay my respects to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva..."

Di Ting: "Huh???"

This person doesn't look evil either.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also a little confused. He is convinced that this is the first time he has met this Taoist priest, so how can he save his life? Moreover, he has no Dharma-protecting general to increase his losses...

He clasped his hands together and said, "This poor monk has never met fellow Taoist monks, so he dare not accept his life-saving favor."

Chen Chu turned his left hand over, and the divine card appeared in his palm. The golden light was so dazzling that even Di Ting, who was on guard next to him, subconsciously closed his eyelids.

He said: "The universe of space, the universe of time, thousands of worlds are all-encompassing, there are great ones, there are small ones, and each has its own parallel. These are the heavens. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva does not know the small way, but the small way knows Ksitigarbha. Buddha.

This magic tablet was cast by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the past. It was successively strengthened by Jiutian Xuannv, Taishang Laojun and Zhang Tianshi. It can store the memory of ghosts, gods and Buddhas. People with the same identity can share the memory and even magic power. The realms are superimposed. This card was originally in the hands of the Bodhisattva. Only the Bodhisattva needs to touch it and feel it to know everything. "

Di Ting said anxiously: "Bodhisattva, think twice!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stretched out his hand and brushed Tingting's head gently: "No need to worry..."

The first time Chen Chu appeared, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had opened his eyes of wisdom and scanned them up and down carefully, observing the cause and effect, feeling his karma, and revealing his sins...

Karma hits you like a wave.

Cause and effect, as long as there is a good or evil entanglement with people, will exist in the dark. Karma is the irresistible force of good and evil. No matter whether you do good or evil, there will be good and evil karma. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's vision was very blurry, and he could vaguely see that Chen Chu had killed many people, but for some reason he had no bad karma...

This divine tablet is said to have been cast by another Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the world of heavens.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva indeed sensed magic power similar to his own from above. He thought for a moment that instead of guessing here, he might as well give it a try, so he reached out and touched the sacred tablet.

In an instant, memories emerged from the divine card, and he was shocked at first and then relieved.

I see……

I see……

His eyes when looking at Chen Chu softened, and the memories merged. The Ksitigarbha memories of other worlds seemed to be the same as his own personal experience, but the world was different. There were no four continents there, and all mortals lived in a single planet. On the planet, the universe is barren. They are like a small boat on the boundless ocean. It seems safe and stable, but in fact, the undercurrent is surging and there is a danger of capsizing at any time.

When Ksitigarbha met Chen Chu, he was only in his twenties. He had neither power nor treasure. Faced with evil ghosts and Buddhas, he dared to break into the dragon's pond and tiger's den with only a meager exercise book and a small magic weapon...

What a small and fragile person he was back then.

I didn't expect it to have grown to this point.

Titing did not expect Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to change so much, so he quickly reminded him: "Bodhisattva, be careful of your mental control over your magical powers!"

Ksitigarbha smiled slightly, activated his magic power, communicated with the magic card, and recalled some memories into Di Ting's mind. The cause and effect immediately emerged. Di Ting was stunned for a while and slowly looked at Chen Chu. No wonder she couldn't hear his voice. It turned out to be from the outside world. people.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sighed softly. He was located very close to the hell. He sat on this stone platform all year round. There were no walls or fences. He only had to open his eyes to see the numerous and numerous evils in the hell. Evil ghost.

He forgot when he came to the underworld, and how many evil ghosts he had saved. He only knew that the number of evil ghosts in hell now seems to be the same as the number of evil ghosts hundreds of thousands of years ago...

Chen Chu did something very similar, but plunged into the "darkness" of evil spirits to save the common people.

The positions are different and the denominations are different, but the paths they take lead to the same goal unexpectedly.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva felt a trace of sadness in his heart for no reason. He stretched out his hand and said: "Come, come to this poor monk..."

Chen Chu felt the kindness of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. At this moment, his heart felt as if he had returned to the time when he was destitute, had nothing, and could only rely on help for everything. He went over and sat on the stone platform, leaning against her gently.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva reached out and gently touched Chen Chu's head.

In this world of the four major continents of heaven and earth, the thirty-sixth level of heaven, and the nine secluded underworlds, becoming an immortal is just becoming an immortal. There are even many talented human monsters who can reach immortality with a little practice.

But it was really not easy for Chen Chu to go through all the heavens to get here and finally achieve enlightenment and become an immortal...

He was like a child whom he watched grow up.

Ksitigarbha was silent for a long time, his eyes full of compassion: "There is still a long way to go, you will become stronger and stronger, and there will be a time when the darkness cannot suppress you."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in other worlds all know the existence of darkness. It is incredible that he is in this world of gods and Buddhas and does not know darkness. Lingshan Tathagata has spoken of darkness once, but it was only used to describe the dirty thoughts in the hearts of mortals. It is not this kind of thing. The dark place where reality truly exists...

Ksitigarbha went straight to the point and asked: "Initially, is there any mission in coming to this world this time?"

The God Card is no longer the original God Card. After many enhancements, even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva cannot forcibly change anything. All he can do is strengthen it with infinite matryoshka dolls.

Chen Chu said bluntly: "I have something that can collect the wishes of all the gods. If I accept the wish, I will fulfill it. Afterwards, the gods will reward me with rewards, such as magic weapons, exercises, skills and the like.

This wish entrustment was made by Sun Wukong who had already completed the journey to the West. After he became a Buddha, although he achieved enlightenment, he always felt that something was missing... The journey to the West brought many experiences to him and his master and brothers, but He also wanted to know what his situation would have been like and what kind of life he would have had if he had not chosen to complete the journey to the west. "

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva understood and said: "You want to persuade Sun Wukong to leave the group of Buddhist scriptures? This is very difficult. Although I am in the underworld, I also know that Tathagata Buddha wants to use the Buddhist scriptures to expand Buddhism from Nanfanbuzhou to Lingshan. Influence. After the Tripitaka Sutra was brought to the Tang Dynasty in Nanfangbuzhou, he took the name of Chen Xuanzang and became the head of the Buddha with merit among the monks. It spread to the surrounding areas and established a prosperous era of Buddhism!

The team for learning scriptures is not randomly selected. It is no accident that Sun Wukong becomes Chen Xuanzang’s disciple. He has the realm of Taiyi Sanxian and good fighting strength, but this is not the main reason. "

Chen Chu asked: "That is?"

Ksitigarbha Wan said: "The clever stone monkey is aware of changes, knows the time of the sky, knows the location, and can move stars and change battles. Its nature is out of the ordinary, and it coincides with each other, just like the ape in Chen Xuanzang's heart. There is also the white dragon that turns into a horse, The horses are secretly aligned with each other. The heads of the monkeys, monkeys, and horses join the Buddhist scripture-seeking team, which represents Chen Xuanzang’s heart and mind. It looks like a monkey with a band and a white horse with a saddle. In fact, it is for Chen Xuanzang to subdue his distractions and consolidate his will to learn scriptures. The entire team, people People of extraordinary origin, gathered in the Five Elements, want to persuade Sun Wukong to leave. Even if Sun Wukong agrees, Buddha will not agree..."

Chen Chu was silent for a moment and asked: "Bodhisattva, do you agree with me to persuade Sun Wukong to leave?"

Ksitigarbha glanced at the densely packed evil ghosts in hell, recited a Buddha's name, and said: "If taking the sutras can really save all living beings in the four continents and make the heaven and earth clear, I will not agree."

Chen Chu said: "The Tathagata said that among the four major continents, there are many killings and disputes in the southern continent, and there are many conflicts in the western continent. Although it is supremely true, everyone has a long life. Do you agree with this sentence?"

Ksitigarbha put his hands together and said softly: "My Buddha is compassionate, and my Buddha is in my heart. This Buddha is not anyone, nor does it refer to any realm. Buddha is a direction in the heart. When I first started practicing Buddhism, I longed for a pure land everywhere in this world. , no killing, no fighting, live and work in peace and contentment, this is the true realm of bliss. But the human heart desires, killing, sex, wealth, laziness and greed are all the time promoting sin and breeding evil spirits.

The Tathagata has repeatedly advised me to return to Lingshan Mountain and grant me the Buddha's throne...

But I refused, not because I was trapped by my ambition, but because there were more and more evil ghosts in hell, and one day they would break out. At that time, either the evil ghosts would overturn the underworld and rush to the world, or they would be suppressed by the thunder of the underworld, and countless souls would fly away...

All I can do is slowly eliminate the sins and karma of these evil ghosts, enlighten their minds and cleanse their minds. As long as there are more good people, there will naturally be fewer evil people. "

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva seemed to have said nothing, but he said everything. He rejected Tathagata's invitation and questioned staying in the edge of hell full of evil ghosts. He said that Buddha is not anyone, Buddha is just a direction... …

Chen Chu knew that he did not agree with Tathagata's words.

All things arise from the heart.

May my Buddha be merciful.

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