This is the moment.

For the technicians of the steam platform, it is a complete nightmare existence.

They didn’t know what was going on, and in just an hour, the server went down.

It stands to reason that the peak of the server is not now, but the night.

And I haven’t heard of any big manufacturers releasing games lately.

How the server suddenly crashed without warning really frightened the staff.

“What’s going on!! Why did the server crash all of a sudden! ”

The person in charge of the steam platform pointed to the group of technicians and began to question.

“Leader, we don’t know what’s going on.”

“It was fine just now, but suddenly it crashed, and we suspected that it was some unknown computer virus, which caused the server to be overwhelmed.”

“Then don’t hurry up and disinfect me!!”


The technician began to go into the background to view the data with their own advanced permissions.

But this look doesn’t matter, I see that something is wrong!!

Because, in this short hour, countless users poured into the platform.

The technicians checked, and the IPs of these personnel are real and reliable, not Trojan horse viruses.

This shows that their vapor platform really suddenly poured in so many people in this short hour!!


These people are buying the same game almost at the same time!

World of Ninja – The End and the Beginning!

This game is officially released at 12 noon!

This shocked all the technicians present!

What kind of game is this, and why is it so attractive!?

And during this time of suspension, the Internet has already scolded.

They are not scolding games, but steam platforms!!

“Nima’s, what’s the situation, why did the server suddenly crash, what are you doing on the steam platform, can you still do it!?”

“Lean! Labor and management just wanted to place an order and pay, and it was successful in 1 second, but the server crashed like this!! ”

“There are four people in the dormitory, none of them have successfully placed an order, they are all stuck on the payment interface, if you can’t do it, you can quit by yourself!”

“I’ve never seen a game that blew up Platform 13’s servers, and today it’s an insight.”

“TM’s is outrageous! World of Ninja – The End and the Beginning is a game that has not been advertised, how did you know. ”

“Hehe, our eyes are not blind, yesterday’s promotional video for this game just topped various video platforms!”

“Blanch! It seems that there is such a thing!! ”

“Hurry up, how long will it take for the server to be repaired, don’t force me to go to your place and blow up your headquarters!”


The sound of cursing on the Internet that the vapor platform is not powerful has become very much at this moment.

This puts the person in charge of the steam platform under great pressure!

“To the three of you… No, in an hour, make sure to fix the server for me. ”

The person in charge has already given a death order to the technician at this moment!!

The technicians had to start the restoration work with their lives.

Fortunately, the steam platform itself has a backup plan, and they temporarily tilted the resources in the platform to the side of “Ninja World – End and Beginning”.

So that the purchase channel of this game is bigger than other games.

But this tilt repair also takes an hour.

And in that short hour.

Unlike Chen Mo’s calmness, Du Xiaomei was already jumping up and down in a hurry.

But fortunately, an hour passed quickly.

At this point, the data in the background is finally displayed.

After viewing the data, the little girl became motionless, her eyes widened, and her mouth directly showed an O-shape!!

“This… Is this really fake!? ”

“A hundred million, a hundred thousand…”

Du Xiaomei stretched out her little white hand, broke her fingers and began to count.

“Just 100,000.” Chen Mo smiled and gave the answer directly.

“What!? Lakh! ”

“Our price is 99 yuan, so doesn’t that mean we have 10 million directly?”

“That’s less than an hour!!”

Du Xiaomei looked at Chen Mo, her face full of incredulity.

She never thought that a game could make so much money, earning 10 million an hour.

Chen Mo nodded with a smile: “Yes, not only that. ”

“This ten million is still the data after the platform is divided, we only need to pay the tax.”

That’s what makes this world gaming platform different.

This world platform presents the divided data to game makers.

“And it’s just the beginning.”

“In the time to come, the quality of the game will definitely grow geometrically.”

Chen Mo has such self-confidence.

After all!

The currently released Ninja World – End and Beginning is only the content of the first half of Naruto.

The whole wonderful thing in the Hokage still belongs to Shippuden!!

The appearance of the Sho Organization, the capture of Ichiichi to the Nine-Tails human pillar force, Sasuke’s path of revenge, Uchiha Obito’s conspiracy, Jiraiya’s death and Payne’s attack on Konoha…

These things are all things in Shippuden.

Shippuden is the highlight of this game!!

At present, “Ninja World – End and Beginning” has achieved such good results, which makes Du Xiaomei happy.

She immediately threw herself into Chen Mo’s arms.

Unexpectedly, in just one hour, she herself became a little rich woman.

Moreover, she also believed what Chen Mo said.

World of Ninja – The End and the Beginning is a game that will definitely sell more and more in the future!!

In the heart of the little sister, she will marry Chen Mo sooner or later.

His own things are Chen Mo’s things, and Chen Mo’s things are his own.

At this time, Chen Mo was thinking about something else.

The popularity of “World of Ninja – End and Beginning” was more or less beyond his expectations.

After all, the game was not specifically promoted in terms of release, only the players spontaneously edited and made videos.

The reputation of the game has not fermented before this, and I didn’t expect to achieve such good results with this promotional video alone!

One hundred thousand sales an hour, which has never happened in this blue star’s game circle.

However, it is not surprising that you think about it.

After all, all the games in this world are not good in Chen Mo’s eyes.

And the quality of the game in World of Ninja – Endings and Beginnings is much higher than theirs!

All TM’s relying on peers!!

Who let them do such rubbish!?

Chen Mo knew very well that when the little girl entered the game and handed it to the Land of Waves, Kakashi and Zaibu fought a big battle.

The popularity of this game will rise to a level again!!


After the server was repaired, everyone who bought the game entered the game as soon as possible.

After everyone entered the game, they were shocked by the CG of the Nine-Tails attacking Konoha in the opening scene.

“Groove! Nima’s, watching the live broadcast and playing is really completely different from your own experience, the details of this game are handled too well, and the labor and management can even see the orange fluff blown by the wind on the Nine Tails!! ”

“I have to say that the 70-meter-tall nine-tailed demon fox really gives people a sense of oppression!”

“Here I have to admire the Hokage called the fourth generation, such a powerful nine-tailed demon fox can be sealed by him, the shadow-level powerhouse is really terrifying!!”

There are public channels in the game.

In public channels, all players can speak freely and without restrictions.

After the opening CG is played.

Once the players have created their characters, they start choosing a faction.

The official version is different from the demo version.

In the official version, all the gray places of love light up.


Fire Nation (Konoha) (optional)

Wind Country (Shinobu) (optional)

Earth Country (Iwain) (optional) (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Land of Thunder (Yunyin) (optional)

Water Country (Mist Hide) (Optional)]

Faced with the choice of these five camps, players are a little difficult!!

“Five camps, brothers, where are you all going to go!?”

“I’m definitely going to Konoha, after all, we are the most familiar to Konoha, and maybe you can meet an old woman in Konoha, hahahaha.”

“What is there to go to Konoha, there is no meaning at all, if I want to go, I will go to Yunyin, the country of thunder feels very powerful when I hear this name!”

“The country of earth is also good, the area of the country of earth is so large, I believe there must be many adventures there.”

“No one is going to the Land of Wind, and I see that the conditions over there are not bad!”

“The conditions are not bad, to say that the entire Sand Ninja Village is just built on a desert, and there is dust everywhere, what is the meaning of this!?”

“That is, there is also that country of water, not to mention the smallest footprint, and the harsh living conditions can compete with it in the country of wind!!”

Currently in the player’s camp vote.

The Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder have the most votes!

The Land of Earth is second!

The least is the Land of Wind and the Land of Water!!

After choosing a faction, players entered the game one after another.

In addition to the players who chose Konoha Village, players from other countries began to complain.

“Groove! How is this country of thunder built on a towering mountain, Nima’s, labor and management have to jump from one mountain after another if they want to go somewhere else, right!? ”

“Hehe, you’re pretty good, don’t look at the country of wind here in me.

Boy! The Sand Ninja Village in this Land of Wind is really built on a loess sandy land! ”

“Compared to the Sand Ninja Village in the Land of Wind, then the Mist Ninja Village in my Water Country is quite good, except that it is filled with mist everywhere and cannot be seen, it is no different from other places.”

“Hahahaha, so my Tsuchinoku Iwahide Village is the most normal compared to Konoha, and there is nothing particularly strange about the village except that it is surrounded by rocky mountains.”

“But no matter which village it is, it is very real, after entering here, I once suspected that this is the real world, and the authenticity is really awesome!!”


Players have raved about World of Ninja – End and Beginning!!

On the side of the little sister, she is no exception.

Du Xiaomei used the dormant warehouse in Chen Mo’s bedroom to turn on the live broadcast.

Officially enter the game!!

After two days, Xiaomei stood on the street of Konoha again.

And this time, it made the stupid little girl feel that the difference from the trial version is very big!!

Because, at this time, there are gamers shouting everywhere on the streets of Konoha!

“Lower Ninja 1st order to form a team, will be able to use three body techniques, and the main one will take the path of ninjutsu and physical cultivation.”

“Moe Xin asked to graduate, and currently exists in the ninja trainee state, and I don’t know where to trigger the mission.”

“The cute girl shot with her own kunai and shuriken, and she wanted to pay the price.”

“Tonight, team up to steal the Book of Seals of the Three Generations of Hokage, and we want to team up at the speed of together!!”

“Adventure outside Konoha Village, the current team status is a lower ninja 1st order main to take the spiritual illusion route, one is still a ninja trainee, and there is a lack of a lower ninja 1 team member who majors in ninjutsu, come quickly!!”


The streets of Konoha are not lively.

Some players are working as merchants and selling things they don’t need.

Some players are teaming up and finding a few strong team members to go on an expedition with.

And some cute new players still don’t know how to play, and want to find a big guy to help them.

At this time, the level of the ninja rank of the little sister is the lower ninja level 2, and the ninja level is the highest.

Moreover, Du Xiaomei also has the A-level forbidden art of multiple shadow avatars, and the C-level ninjutsu has made a big breakthrough, and the basic abilities are not low.

It can be said that the stupid little girl who tried it in advance is the most powerful player among the players in Konoha Village at present.

With her current strength, she is confident of defeating a ninja of the first rank of middle ninja.

Of course, this is only if you go it alone.

After walking around the streets for a while, Xiaomei decided to go to the ninja shop to buy ninja tools first.

After all, in the battle before 567, Du Xiaomei even consumed Ku Wu and Shuriken.

There are 300 gold coins for mission rewards in the inventory, just in time to spend a wave!!

The little girl walked and came to a ninja shop.

In addition to buying 10 kunai and 10 shurikens, she also bought a wind demon shuriken that she had long cherished!!

【Name: Wind Demon Shuriken】

【Type: Weapon】

【Quality: Normal】

[Attack Power: Average]


[Special Effects: None]

[Note: Don’t see that it is just a little larger than ordinary shuriken, and applying certain ninjutsu or props to shuriken often has a different effect! ] 】

Du Xiaomei guessed that some of the props here should refer to the steel wire.

After all, when she was fighting Mizuki, she came back with a steel wire and surprised Mizuki.

Therefore, Du Xiaomei thought about it.

For this wind demon shuriken, she also bought the steel wire.

【Name:Steel wire】

【Type: Weapon】

【Quality: Normal】

[Attack: Weak]


[Special Effects: None]

[Note: Don’t look at it as just such a small one, but this kind of thing can often kill people invisibly. 】

The silly little girl put the steel wire on the handle of the storm shuriken.

Because the steel wire is very thin, the color is still very light.

Therefore, if others did not look carefully, they would not have noticed that there was still a steel wire tied to the wind demon shuriken.

The owner of the ninja shop saw that the dumb little girl bought the wind demon shuriken, and specially gave her a storage scroll for the convenience of carrying.

On the scrolls are densely written symbols.


The wind demon shuriken turned into a white smoke and entered the scroll.

When Du Xiaomei wants to use the wind demon shuriken, just take out this scroll.

This is very similar to the secret scroll that Du Xiaomei drew at the beginning.

In addition to the wind demon shuriken, there was another thing that caught the attention of the stupid little sister.

That’s the detonator!

Because, Du Xiaomei noticed that this explosive charm turned out to be a rare item, and the attack power was still very huge!!


【Type: Charm】

【Quality: Rare】

[Attack: Strong]


[Special effects: After detonation, it will explode after a certain period of time, which is very powerful, mainly used to set traps, and can also be used with Ku Wu. ] 】

[Note: Art, is explosion!] 】

The attack power of the detonation charm is very strong, the wind demon shuriken is only average, and the power of the detonation charm has reached a strong point.

However, the price of the detonator is also very expensive.

After Du Xiaomei purchased these things like the Wind Demon Shuriken, with the gold coins she currently had left, it was only enough to buy 3 detonation charms.

However, Du Xiaomei still bought it without hesitation.

At this moment, the overall strength of the little sister has been improved again!

Then it’s time to join Kakashi and them.


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