Although everyone passed the first exam.

Still, there are doubts about it.

“Since this last question is the key, what is the point of the questions we took before!?”

The woman in the Shinobi Village who was a companion with Airo directly confronted Ibiki.

“How could it not make sense!?”

“The previous nine questions all tested your ability to obtain intelligence as a ninja.”

When it comes to intelligence, Ibiki has more words.

“In order to survive in the ninja world, obtaining intelligence is a very important thing!”

“Once ninjas have information about the enemy, they are often able to develop a strategy of restraint!”

“And once your own intelligence is mastered by the enemy, you will always be in a passive situation!!”

Ibiki said as he untied the bald head wrapped in a black turban on his head!

When everyone saw the situation under Ibiki’s black turban, everyone was frightened!

Because Ibiki’s big bald head is full of holes!!

It was covered with burns, drills, knife wounds, and so on.

No skin is intact!!

These scars were apparently left by 013 during the torture.

It’s hard to imagine!

What a cruel torture Ibiki suffered!!

“Groove! What kind of treatment has this guy suffered from Ibiki, not a single piece of skin on his head is good. ”

“It’s too miserable, it’s too miserable, he’s also too miserable!”

“Ibiki, this is the cost of his own body to tell us the importance of intelligence!”

“I have to say that the ninja profession is still quite dangerous, and a person who infiltrates accidentally will be caught by someone from an enemy country.

If you are caught by the enemy, you are likely to end up the same as Ibiki! ”

“Fortunately, this is just a game, not reality!!”


The water friends in the live broadcast room are deeply sympathetic to Ibiki’s experience!

And Ibiki’s side.

Even if he had so many scars on his head and suffered so many serious injuries.

But Ibiki still smiled, as if none of the injuries were his own.

“Sometimes intelligence is more important than our lives!”

“Therefore, when performing missions or on the battlefield, we often need to risk our lives to obtain intelligence!”

Ibiki’s words, combined with the wound on his head, made his words much more persuasive.

And after listening to Ibiki’s words, everyone unconsciously swallowed a few more saliva times.

It can also be regarded as agreeing with Ibiki’s words.


Ibiki also gave the reason for this tenth question!

“Sometimes, some tasks can be very difficult and very dangerous!”

“However, no matter how dangerous the task is entrusted to you, it must be completed.”

Speaking of this, Ibiki’s face was much more serious.

“Dangerous missions mean a much higher probability of facing a desperate situation!”

“And in the face of desperate situations to make the right choice, and give courage to your companions!”

“This is exactly the qualification that Naka-ninja needs to have as a captain!”

“I don’t want to pin my hopes on the next one, and the next time the person becomes a middle Shinobi.”

“Because! These people simply do not deserve to be Zhongnin! ”

Ibiki’s words answered everyone’s doubts.

In fact!

And that’s true!

Ninjas face much higher dangers and desperate situations than ordinary people.

And human beings often lose hope in the face of desperate situations, if the leader does not bring hope to everyone at this time.

Then these people will surely die!


The first session of this ninja exam is nothing more than a test for ninjas when they encounter various difficulties in the future.

Are you choosing to give up!?

Or do you have the courage to face difficulties and overcome them!!

But anyway, everyone present still passed the first exam!

It’s a good thing!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But everyone hadn’t had time to be happy for long.

“Bang!” With a bang! (bdeg)

The window next to it shattered, and a figure followed suit.

A large black cloth unfolded.

On this big black cloth, it is clearly written [Second Exam Chief Examiner, Mitarashi Red Beans], these big words!!

Everyone saw that the person who came was a woman with a very bold personality!

“It’s too early for you guys to rejoice!!”

“I’m the chief examiner of your second exam—Mitarai Azuki Bean!”

“The next exam is waiting for you!!”

Mitarai red beans appeared very domineeringly and announced the news.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room were also amused by her situation!

“Groove! How is this woman’s personality so similar to Naruto, the same recklessness, the same straight!! ”

“Hahaha, yes! This person named Mitarashi Azuki is obviously the kind of person with a very bold personality! ”

“But this is too fast, not long after the first exam is over, the second exam is about to be held!? Don’t give others a break!! ”

“yes! Hello also makes people drink saliva and gasp! ”


And Mitarashi Azuki saw that there were so many ninjas left on the scene, and also complained to Ibiki that he had taken the test too easily.

There are too many people left.

In this regard, Ibiki said that the strength of the candidates this time is very strong.

And Mitarashi Azuki didn’t believe his set of nonsense.

She directly said that in the next second exam, she would remove half of the remaining number!!

Hearing the words of Mitarashi red beans, everyone was surprised!

What kind of exam elimination rate is so high!

However, let everyone ask Mitarai red beans.

She didn’t plan to reveal information about the second exam right now.

She only said that the specific requirements could not be said until the examination room.

To this!

Du Xiaomei herself also made some guesses.

The second exam with such a high elimination rate is likely to be a ninja battle, or a ninja snatching the same object!

Only by fighting can the vast majority of people be eliminated.

Following in the footsteps of Mitarashi red beans, everyone began to move from the first examination room to the second examination room.

But when everyone really pulled to the second examination room, they were extremely shocked!!

Because what they saw was a huge forest.

The trees in the forest are very tall and very thick!!

And outside this forest is fenced,

On the top of this fence is also written [No Entry], these four big words!


In this forest, there is something very scary.

Seeing everyone’s surprised expressions, Mitarai Red Bean smiled happily:

“This is the test center of the second exam, the 44th practice!”

“Also known as [Forest of Death]!”

These four words of Death Forest couldn’t help but make the faces of the exams present nervous!!


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