I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 99: Eat well and drink well

Chapter 99 Eat well and drink well

 The most lacking thing in Sanhe is population!

Although there are a lot of refugees in front of us, they are very prepared. The entire Sanhe, sandwiched between Ayu Kingdom and Nanzhou, is like a vacuum zone!

 He hopes to attract immigrants through free ports.

 Without population, there is no domestic demand, no economic potential, and no development.

Those pretty girls will not come to Sanhe.

His dream of life and death will be impossible to achieve.

Qi Peng smiled and said, "Your Majesty is very wise."

Lin Yi said, "If you have nothing to do, just stay at Bird Island.

The river water is dirty and you can’t go down, so just swim in the sea water and exercise your body well so that you have enough energy to prevent ulcers. "

Qi Peng said, "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. The common people have arranged for people to dig a pond at the foot of Baiyun Mountain and divert spring water."

 “You can think of a way,”

Lin Yi nodded and stopped talking to him. He looked at Wen Qian and said, "You have to take care of the navy's affairs, and you have to keep an eye on the ship's affairs.

Anyone who dares to take money from my pocket is my enemy, do you understand? "

Wen Qian said, "The common people understand!"

 In a few days, he will be a serious Navy Commander Qian!

The second pirate master suddenly changed his identity and became an official.

  Thinking about it, I’m still looking forward to it!


Du Yinniang hosted a banquet.

After Lin Yi got on the boat, he looked up and down and felt that it was different from other boats. He dug into the wood of the boat twice with his fingers and said with a smile, "There is nothing more suitable for building a boat than guaiac wood.

But they are too precious. We in Sanhe do not produce these trees. "

Du Yinniang smiled and said, "This tree is abundant in the Nanyang islands, and it is indeed very suitable for shipbuilding."

The spacious ship was magnificently decorated. Lin Yi was not unfamiliar with the world, but he still couldn't help but be speechless when he suddenly walked in.

 The tables and chairs are actually made of the thousand-year-old dragon blood tree!

If it weren't for the fact that he was an online article author and read a lot of messy books, gossip information, and movies, he might not be able to recognize it.

“Your Majesty has good eyesight, it’s the thousand-year-old dragon’s blood tree!”

Du Yinniang leaned forward and said, "The women of the people admire me."

“Hey, it’s not easy to make this thing so big. It’s not necessary to cut it down and make it into tables and chairs.”

Lin Yi touched the wood grain with his hand and sighed that these two men could sit through the bottom of a prison in modern society.

 This is a world-class rare species!

 “Your Majesty is very compassionate.”

Du Yinniang straightened her body, raised her hand and said, "Please sit down."

Lin Yi looked away from her bulging breasts, sat down, crossed his legs, hugged the tea cup, and said with a smile, "With so much food, aren't you afraid of wasting it?"

 If you rely on the mountains, you will eat the mountains; if you rely on the sea, you will eat the sea.

 Most of the food on the table is seafood.

The tiger crab is bigger than the head, the abalone is bigger than the face, the gooseneck barnacle is bigger than the palm, and the most exaggerated thing is the ivory clam, which is as long as an arm, but it is not even sliced.

These are things that he had no money to eat in his previous life and had no chance to eat in this life.

  After all, the most common items in the palace are sea cucumbers, shark fins, bird's nests, scallops, fish lips, fish roes and the like.

Occasionally, the chilled food tastes off when eaten.

 Including the emperor, I was treated in this way.

“There is plenty in these seas, so the prince can eat as much as he likes.”

Du Yinniang watched in surprise as Lin Yi grabbed a ferocious-looking "sea monster" with his hands.

Even local fishermen dare not eat it casually.

 It looks scary after all.

 I saw him skillfully opening the sea monster's shell with both hands, removing the heart and gills, and sucking it in bite by bite.

 Looks like she eats it often.

Lin Yi said while eating, "Hermit crabs are also crabs, so they still have to be steamed. If they are boiled, they won't have the same flavor.

 At the same time, there must be seasonings, such as soy sauce, onions, garlic, etc. This is the minimum. "

Du Yinniang clapped her hands and said, "Come here, bring the sauce."

 “That’s excellent,”

When the seasoning came up, Lin Yi took a bite and said with a smile, "This tastes just right."

Du Yinniang smiled and said, "The prince is indeed a man of this way."

Lin Yi smiled and said nothing, just eating. He had no place to buy such a big tiger crab even if he had money.

 Waiting until the people in the room dispersed, and they were the only ones left.

After all, Du Yinniang couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, the Navy has just been built, and my father will follow your Majesty's lead from now on!

Your Majesty, if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions! "

 “Isn’t it supposed to be like this?”

Lin Yi pursed his lips. How could he be selling favors to him for such a trivial matter?

 Think he is stupid!

 He is not the kind of person who can be easily fooled by beauty!

 Inadvertently swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued to lower his head to deal with the seafood on the table.

ˆ “”

Du Yinniang was stunned for a while and then said, "That's what the prince said."

“The good Lord stepped forward to offer relief, but he himself also took the risk,”

Lin Yi took a sip of tea and smashed it in his mouth, feeling very dissatisfied.

This tea is indeed a bit bad.

"This old gentleman is not a good person. To be promoted to a navy officer, he must be from another family."

 He is usually carefree and indifferent, but he is not careless enough to put the barrel of a gun into other people's hands.

 Not to mention a bunch of pirates!

So, if nothing unexpected happens, the position where the navy should be promoted should be Zhang Mian, the commander-in-chief of the Army and Horses Division at the south gate of Ankang City.

As for why Zhang Mian came here, it is said that he offended the Minister of Civil Affairs for some reason.

 The reason is probably only known to the old guy Shanqi.

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Du Yinniang seemed to have expected this.

Lin Yi continued, "Let me calm down and stop thinking about things all day long.

 Even if all the eggs in Daliang are put together, they may not be able to break a stone. "

 “What do you mean, Your Majesty?”

Du Yinniang’s face gradually changed.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Between me and dignity, of course I recommend choosing dignity.

 But I don’t know if I can get a good price next time, don’t you think so? "

Lin Yi looked directly at her.

If the love between two people lasts for a long time, it is quite romantic to stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"I think the prince must have misunderstood my father."

Du Yinniang smiled after all.

 “Eat well and drink well, live forever,”

Lin Yi was full of wine and food, patted his belly, and gained a lot of weight.

However, fortunately, he was once thin.

According to my mother, when I was the thinnest, I weighed seven pounds and one tael.

Yawned and stood up and said, "Okay, thank you for your hospitality. I have to go to bed. I will definitely bring my words to you."

These pirates, if they don't fight for a day, they will go to the house to uncover the tiles.

It would be great if they can recruit people, but they still want to control the navy?

Du Yinniang clapped her hands again, and naturally a maid took Lin Yi down to rest.

The ship was stuffy and the air was sticky, so Lin Yi couldn't sleep no matter what.

 Just take the home-brewed wine and sit on the bow of the boat to look at the stars in the sky.

Hong Ying took a shawl, put it on Lin Yi, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the sea is windy."

Lin Yidao, "Would you like to have a drink with me?"

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

 He filled his own cup and poured it down his throat.

  Probably too hastily, I choked all of a sudden, my face turned red, and I kept coughing.

Lin Yi laughed and said to him, "What kind of drinker do you have?"

 “Small incompetence.”

Hong Ying kept coughing while talking.

Mingyue and Shen Chu looked at each other with strange expressions.

 Grandmaster still gets choked when drinking alcohol?

 It is simply unheard of and unseen.

 After entering the fifth level, the alcoholic odor can be forced out of the body along with the true energy, and you will not get drunk after a thousand cups!

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "In the future, you still need to train more, and you will get used to it as you drink.

 Do you still want it? "

 “Try again with a small one,”

Hong Ying took the wine glass again and gently pushed it down his throat. He slowly tried it little by little. After a long while, he said, "It's still a little sweet."

Lin Yi said, "If you are not drunk with wine, drink more."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Hong Ying boldly drank the last bit of wine at the bottom of the glass in one gulp.

ps: Ah, the number of recommended votes has almost reached twenty!

 The bosses are mighty, kneel down!

 (End of this chapter)

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