I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 118 The one who opens the hole will eventually be opened by others

Ganser looked at the tip of the knife that was very close at hand, and he seemed to be able to see the relief and comfort he felt after opening his chest and lungs.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the beating of his heart and the expansion and contraction of his lungs. He thought about how wide and deep the gap needed to be to open the most suitable wound for gas exchange... Well, let the blade penetrate three points first. Try it on one of the lung lobes to see the effect. If the effect is not good, continue a little deeper.

But you must not let the blade completely penetrate the lung lobes. Otherwise, if there are wounds on both sides of the lung lobes, the oxygen entering the lungs will have to go out from this side as soon as it enters... Wouldn't all your efforts be in vain?

He was still thinking about how to perfect his groundbreaking surgery, how to optimize the steps, and how to fill in the details of the hole.

And the tip of the knife is gradually approaching him, and Mr. Nero also has a surprised and shocked expression on his face... Hehe, you are surprised. You will be even more surprised when you see my results later. Both you and Mr. Winfrey will be shocked by my timeless idea! ! !

However, things never go as planned for Gunser. Just when his chest was about to hit the tip of a sharp knife, a nimble figure suddenly appeared from the side and suddenly raised his leg and kicked him. The pit of his heart kicked him violently, causing him to fly backwards and fall to the edge of the platform, almost falling into the abyss below.

The force of this direct kick was actually not very strong. It only worked when Ganser was not paying attention. His heart beat a little and the slight injury was resolved. But... I want to open the chest, not to Kick in the chest! ! !

He stood up angrily, stared at John Watson who kicked him away from the tip of the sharp blade with a malicious look, and said with gritted teeth:

"John, John, Wo, Sen! What are you doing?! Why are you hindering my research?!!!"

Facing his question, the guy opposite who had only joined for less than a week just tilted his head and sneered: "Research? What are you studying? How can you die without pain?"

"You mean, I'm seeking death?"

Gunser received John Watson's provocative words and smiled contemptuously. He is really a fool with a head full of muscles. He has no wisdom in his head and cannot understand my advanced ideas. It is simply impossible to argue with such a person. It was just a waste of my time and energy. It would be better to continue with my lung lobe surgery.

"I have nothing to say to a brainless guy like you. Stay away from me and don't hinder my research!"

Ganser just dropped this sentence coldly, and then rushed straight towards another sharp blade that had not had time to be completely covered with soil - he instinctively sensed that if he continued to try to pick up Mr. Nello's just pulled The sharp blade raised may be blocked by the opponent.

So he had to complete the chest opening surgery as quickly as possible before other laity with backward ideas rushed to stop him - only by letting them see the remarkable results of the surgery, would they be able to believe my idea!

Alas, it is too difficult to communicate with these ignorant mortals. Their poor brains cannot understand the ideas of geniuses like me... I am afraid that only the wise Mr. Winfrey can understand my ideas.

Seeing another knife tip approaching again, Ganser's face once again filled with a smile of success.

but! That figure flashed before his eyes again - it was that damn John Watson, and he actually came to hinder me again! ! ! Why can't you always listen to what I say and don't believe what I think? ! !

This time Gunser received a bottom-up uppercut, and his mandible cracked slightly. His mushy brain was bombarded by the force of the fist enhanced by the lever of the skull, causing the already weak mandible to crack. His thoughts became more and more confusing.

As he fell back and flew out, his heart began to beat violently. The magic power of his heart made his heart surge. He resolutely activated the enlightenment in his soul body and released the magic power of disintegration and separation, like a raging surge. All the waves were heading towards that hateful John Watson!

He saw that the brainless guy's reaction was also very sensitive. He seemed to be able to feel the invisible power of opening the hole. He twisted his body and tried to bear the blow with his back... Hahaha, although your reaction is very fast and sharp, in the end it is just A layman who has only recently come into contact with esoteric knowledge does not know that no matter whether you use your back or your chest, no matter which part of your body is used to receive Qi's magic power, the result will be the same! That is when the skin opens, the flesh and blood breaks apart, and opens like a door, revealing the bones hidden inside! ! !

Ganser witnessed as he wished, the clothes on one side of John Watson's back split open, and the skin on the opponent's shoulder blades also opened simultaneously, revealing bloody muscle fibers... Wait, something is wrong! I was obviously exerting a magical influence that opened left and right like a door, but why did the skin of John Watson's shoulder blade open like a page in a book? !

Although the scrolled watch was torn in half under the influence of my Qi Zhi's magic power... but the effect is wrong, shouldn't it be like this? !

Before Gunser had time to figure out the reason, he saw three fast silver lights coming towards him. The speed was so fast that he had no time to react. It was just a moment of thinking in his mind. The three cold silver lights were not the same. It has penetrated deeply into his throat and eyes.

His vision was completely dimmed, darkness, suffocation, and pain all rushed toward his brain along the nerves, just like the Mongol cavalry that swept across Europe, the painful arrows shot from the curved short bow pierced his mind like a merciless rainstorm.

Ganser wanted to scream out loudly, but his damaged vocal cords could not make any sound. Even if the mind power had immediately rushed to the wound, it could not heal the wound in such a short time.

He stumbled back a few steps, waving his arms in the air, feeling that the light in his skull seemed to be captured by some terrifying darkness, bitten by some monster that only existed in ancient times, and his reason and wisdom were lost silently... Since I can't scream in pain, let the fluctuations of the mind replace my voice! ! !

Gansel desperately squeezed the heart in the soul body, forcing it to pump out the mana like blood. He originally just wanted to let the heart beat to convey his words and call for help from other church members... But the heart seemed to feel his hatred for John Watson, and the emotional fluctuations that were originally just to convey information became full of dangers, which would cause the muscles of mortals to spasm uncontrollably, and the heart of mortals to beat at a high frequency, and even die of heart failure.

This was the last straw that broke Gansel's back. This indiscriminate attack made other church members lose trust in him... It was not the first time they saw church members who were out of control and crazy. Members who could not control themselves were no longer worthy of being our church members.

So everyone just stood by and watched, silently watching Watson, who was fighting back, stabbed the sharp knife into Gansel's chest, opening the door for direct communication between the body cavity and the world... Then the sharp blade easily crushed the huge heart.

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