I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 154 Regret Douglas

The reason why Charlotte Holmes came to the Sailing Ship and Tobacco Tavern was not because she received a request from Scotland Yard for consultation. She came here on her own initiative.

She was not idle during this period. Although she was not able to crack the Tantric criminal gang again, she also solved several murder cases caused by out-of-control Tantric cultists. Although these small cases were not enough to advance the female detective's status in the Anti-Suppression Bureau. .

But Charlotte has strengthened her connections with the intelligence department, logistics department and cleanup department of the Anti-Suppression Bureau through these small cases.

Although in theory, the authority of the second-level special investigator is not enough to transfer other departments without mission, the female detective is obviously an exception, not only because of her outstanding talents, but also because of her extremely prominent family background— —Even though the reason why the Holmes family was granted the title of Duke is not recorded in clear historical documents.

Charlotte was also able to enjoy some of the intelligence privileges of a high-level special investigator.

So when she was flipping through this morning's daily newspaper of the Anti-Suppression Bureau, she discovered such a message.

[Two vicious homicides broke out in East London last night]

[Case No. 1 occurred at the Sailboat and Tobacco Tavern, and a total of thirteen members of the Burton Brotherhood were killed. According to preliminary investigation by the intelligence team, some of the deceased were struck by extremely sharp weapons, and there is a low probability that they were evil esoteric cultists. do. 】

[Case No. 2 occurred in Burton Harbor two blocks away, less than an hour apart from Case No. 1, and the victims were all members of the Burton Brotherhood. The murderer is most likely the same group of people - according to A preliminary investigation by the intelligence team revealed that three hexagonal warheads were left at the scene, and the suspected murder weapon was a Whitworth M1857 precision rifle. 】

[The possibility of Tantric cultists committing crimes: lower. ——Intelligence team member I421 remains. 】

At that time, Sherlock looked at the content about the suspected murder weapon in the daily newspaper, and couldn't help but recall that when Watson remotely sniped the broken zombies summoned by the Flash Blade Order, it seemed that he used this firearm... So these two cases Was Watson involved in the case?

The female detective has not forgotten her assistant who is working undercover at Cross Road Hospital. It has been almost three months since she lost contact with him. She had also considered whether Watson had betrayed him, but it was still some time before the agreed time between the two. day.

Although she holds the darkest and most malicious views on most things in the world, she is also willing to believe Watson - after all, he once risked his life to save her own life and blocked William McConaughey's severed finger for herself. attack.

Watson deserves his trust!

When Sherlock saw the appearance of the suspected Whitworth M1857 precision rifle, he immediately thought of Watson. Although this gun was produced in his own country, most of the production was actually sold to the Americas across the ocean. Not widely used.

Moreover, the time she had agreed with Watson was getting closer and closer. She had a hunch that maybe this familiar weapon was the mark left by Watson!

Watson must be trying to attract me there... Maybe there is a message from him hidden at the scene of the case.

As for whether Watson was involved in the two murder cases and whether he also committed murder... the female detective didn't care, she knew clearly what kind of scum the members of the Burton Brothers Gang were!

The Burton Brotherhood has been able to thrive into a behemoth that now occupies half of East London. In addition to the unknown source of funds behind the gang leader Ottavio Burton, it is also inseparable from the gang's competitive nature. .

According to the intelligence previously collected by the female detective, the Burton Brotherhood adheres to a wolfish culture, requiring gang members to be as ferocious as wolves, as hungry as wolves, and to be as united as wolves.

And any member who joins needs to provide a bloody proof - proving that you have at least one life on your hands. If not, then our gang will be happy to provide you with the corresponding target. When you succeed, we will naturally provide you with the corresponding target. reward!

So even if the murderer in these two cases is indeed Watson, she will not have any surprises or hostility - killing these scum of society is actually a good thing for London, and at worst, it won't happen until Watson returns. , she hired a good lawyer to litigate the case.

There is actually only one question that she is really concerned about right now, and that is - whether Watson has come into contact with the dangerous forbidden knowledge, whether he has also mastered the power that will cause people to go crazy, and whether he has also begun to sink into Si Chen. In the desire?

With this thought in mind, the female detective opened the side door of the carriage and saw a group of haggard-looking guys surrounding a police detective who looked young but had a mustache that pretended to be mature.

"Oh my God! It's Miss Detective Charlotte!!!" One of the guys who was arguing with the others shouted in a high-pitched voice.

The attention of everyone present immediately shifted to the female detective.

Sherlock felt the gazes of those who were surprised, surprised and disgusted - ever since Watson published the article "Shocked!" Another riot case comparable to the bombing of the Capitol was nipped in the bud! 》From now on, she will receive this kind of gaze wherever she travels, and she doesn't pay much attention to it.

X211 Alvitt, who came with the car, had already taken on the duties of an assistant. He was shouting for trouble to get out of the way, pushing aside this group of gamblers who were obviously regulars at the sailing ship and tobacco tavern, and clearing a path for the female detective.

Charlotte walked up to the detective with a pipe in his mouth, frowned slightly and said, "Didn't Grayson teach you not to smoke at crime scenes? This may very well destroy some of the things left by the murderer at the scene. trace!"

When Douglas heard the female detective's stern tone like a boss, he was not angry. Instead, he put out his pipe with a smile, "Yes, you are right."

As early as a few months ago, when Mr. Grayson was promoted to police inspector, he had already told their detectives: As long as Miss Charlotte Holmes needs it, even if it means temporarily putting down the work at hand, you must do your best. Cooperate with all your strength! What Miss Charlotte said is equivalent to what I said, do you understand? ! !

Moreover, he had heard rumors about the female detective and knew that she was not just a hype as those jealous private detectives said, but indeed had detective talents that were different from ordinary people.

Therefore, Douglas was convinced by the female detective's reprimand, and he took the initiative to report the information at the scene:

"The Sailboat and Tobacco Tavern were attacked around three o'clock last night. According to eyewitnesses, there were two murderers. They were both wearing dark clothes and masks. Their appearance was indistinguishable, but judging from their general body shape, they were both in their prime. male."

"The two murderers first shot and killed the four bartenders in the front hall, then extinguished the oil lamps in the hall, and then split up. One person was responsible for fending off the gang members who rushed in from the stairs and the street, while the other person was responsible for working in the back kitchen - against Yes, this tavern is actually owned by the Burton Brothers, but I guess you should also know this."

"After my preliminary investigation, there are two pieces of more suspicious information that can help identify the suspect."

"First, the deceased were shot very accurately. One of the murderers should be a marksman."

"Secondly, some of the deceased had their necks broken cleanly with a knife, which proves that the murderer had an extremely strong body and sophisticated weapons, and was quite accomplished in cold weapons. He may be a member of some famous military attack schools. ”

"As for footprints or other traces, I haven't found them yet. This proves that the murderer should have certain counter-reconnaissance capabilities. I guess that both murderers may have had military experience."

The author vaguely remembers that Sherlock Holmes in the original work seemed to have had the experience of letting criminals go, so it seems reasonable for Charlotte to think that Watson is not guilty of killing gangsters... right?

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